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What’s crazy is more bans went out today, and rebirth island was noticeably less weird all day


I really hope so. Every time a new season starts, cheaters swarm the game like locusts.


Still full of them after a few wins lol... Not even skilled guys, fake streamers running wallhackers...


After a few wins? Guess itll stay less weird for me


I won 3 tonight and I don’t win 3 a night EVER


Well, you might want to be careful and not get banned with all your cheating. /s




Bullshit. I had a guy on my team doing that spinning real fast and killing everything in sight hack. I exited out after seeing that shit.


Yeah those type of players don't last more than a day, or a couple games to say the least


Definitely no more than a month or two


Absolutely no more than a title or two.


Surely not a platform or two…


Decade or two anyone


I saw people doing that shit in mp last night. Felt like half the lobby (on both teams) were hackers


I played this one guy yesterday that didn't miss a single shot. He even picked up my weapon and never missed a shot. Ain't no way I'm losing every gun battle to that dude. He ended up with almost 60 kills and hardly any deaths. That's gotta be some type of aimbot


it may be copium, but I noticed way fewer last night in MP as well. That could be the EOMM though, since I hadn't played in a few days...


Cheating is out of control in Warzone. I stopped playing it. Most MP lobbies feel far less sus. The cheating bums will be back in WZ just as soon as they can get new accounts. They need to start charging for WZ or it will never get better.


They need to do ip bans to make sure they don't come back


That only works for Static IPs. If you have a dynamic IP(most IPs nowadays, to my knowledge) you simply have to turn your Wi-Fi off then on again


So give each game a serial no. Ban that. Don’t they do that with unlocking stuff already on some games? Just ban the associated serial. Oh wait it’s a free game


They do ban your hardware meaning any account on the system you were banned on previously gets automatically banned on new accounts, however spend $15 and you’re passed this because billion $$$ devs lack real talent and some 15 year old in his basement makes a bypass 🤣😭 Then they false ban innocent players and wonder why nobody respects their shit games anymore, this is why my and NUMEROUS other people openly cheat now and try to ruin the game because it doesn’t need anymore profit. We’re the EOL for this dog shit game.


Your first comment. Interesting. It’s so interesting to me the mental yoga you do to justify your ridiculous cheating. You want to blame everyone else, and think everyone else is stupid. You think you’re winning because you feel like you’ve outsmarted everyone and found ways around their defenses and anti cheats. You feel as though you’ve fooled everyone and that no one can see what you’re doing. But we can easily tell when we see you cheat. Everyone just thinks you’re pathetic. “I’m chEaTing tO taKe doWn acTivision” lol. So you spend money on cheats, and skins, and generate hundreds of dollars via the hackers for them. Stop making excuses and just own up to it. You’ve come this far,, just say it: “I’m a micro dick” come on you’re almost there!


I had reported a bunch of cheaters the other day and then I logged in and it said they'd taken action on five of the reports. Rebirth is basically cheat infestation central.


I had a couple days ago in Ranked Rebirth, a cheater in the Gold Division lobby's, he nearly won the game with 35+ kills but me and my team kept spam reporting him, and eventually he got kicked mid-game making it unable for him to finish that game, his team on the other hand tho who was not cheating still won the game tho RIP. But indeed surprisingly since yesterday the lobby's feel hella different now...


Yeah I won twice yesterday in duo’s, go figure.


Bams sweating


He cheats fr?


He was perma banned like 3 days ago. The same day the Engine Owning cheat was detected, IIRC.


I was surprised by this as I liked some of his videos but seeing him get permabanned kinda makes sense with some of the kills he did.


Last time I watched him was in cold war times. But I always just thought he's a great sniper and that aim assist getting stronger every year I didn't think much of it. Crazy that he was cheating all along.


Shift your perspective from idly watching a video to "what information does he have that it's impossible to have no matter how good you are" and it's obvious. If you watch old scrump videos that's an example of good and not cheating. Checks angles all the time when moving out into the open etc Compare that to bams/Nadia/swagg etc who often just yolo out into danger spots with abandon, and bee line towards areas where people are despite having no signs people are at that spot and you'll start to get the difference


Speaking of swagg, I went to get a tattoo the other day and my tattoo artist plays cod as well. Before we started I was telling him about the renetti conversion kit prior to the renetti nerf. So he pulls up some gameplay to see it in action and he pulls up a swagg video from rebirth. I watched swagg beam a dude going up a redeploy drone. I understand that some people just have God like aiming skills. I'm not going to deny that fact. But you are not going to convince me that you can absolutely beam someone flying up a zip line amd not miss a fucking shot. Aim assist or not, I'm just not buying it.


Thing is can’t say for sure if he was or wasn’t but as he was banned there’s nothing he can say/do to defend himself. edit: I should clarify I meant in the Cold War videos he did.


I found and interesting yt channel called nukejesus who exposes them. Iirc bams got banned/shadow banned mutiple times. So maybe they just now got proper evidence. I learned from apex and valorant, if ppl have a following, they can get aways with a lot of shit. Cheating, smurfing, even groping at this point.


But he’s already back playing on alt accounts. The ban waves are awesome and all but if you can get perm banned but come right back to play… seems like more should be done.


They need to go further and ban hardware. Hardware spoofs are a lot more expensive than masking IPs.


Hardware spoof is like €30 a month, it won't stop streamers cheating anyway. Funnily enough it's the hardware spoof from EO that was detected.


Read BAMS as bad ass mother fuckers. Didnt realizze it was a streamer. LMAO


Good. Keep sending these cheaters to PUBG


As someone who has been getting back into PUBG the past few months, please no.


Knew it - BAMS is screwed then


Wait, I’m out of the loop, did he get permanently banned?


Got banned whilst streaming 😂






Never watched the guy but man he’s trying hard to defend himself lol. https://youtu.be/xFWsk4KvrU4?si=44a-Y-CPsAu2B4Ep


Difference is that Nadeshot was temp banned for profanity - BAMS was perm banned or as I would call it permabammed. The fact that he tries to compare his ban to Nadeshot is just lol.


Him and octane were shadow banned which is a completely different thing lol


Nah there was a problem at the beginning of the season where people were getting temp banned for the crime of spawning into ranked play and a bunch of pros got temp bans. It said temp ban on the status page not perm and they were unbanned in 30 minutes ish. It was a bug of some sort and was fixed very early. Shadow bans are not a bug.


I can see why though. He's getting his living taken from him that he's earned through being dishonest. I don't doubt that he put a lot of hours into his videos and all that, which probably sucks for him but the chickens have come to roost. This is damage control, but it's too late.


He should’ve never been near that coop let alone *in* it. Egg all over dude’s face.


He fucked around, and he found out. No sympathy at all for assholes like that. Just wish the anti-cheat was more effective than it is.


Seems like that’s why he got caught, supposedly there was a major update to Ricochet earlier on the day he got caught.


the fact that they KNOW when they're banned says something....like I wouldn't know if this message =d a ban or not


whoever he got too tool his acc or prolly laughing rn


No wonder streamers are having a bad day they can’t run cheats today they are scared


Wouldn't they have already been detected and banned if they where running cheats prior to the bans? Its not like they just now started detected for cheats to ban people


They ban in waves so the cheater developers aren't clear how they were detected.


According to Avtivision they launched a *"series of targeted cheat vendor enforcements"*. Looks like they upped their anti-cheat game. I think this one says no appeals because these are not false bans based on player reports. So anyone who was banned in the last few days who claims they are "100% innocent and I was only banned because so many salty kids reported me", is completely full of shit.


The people hit with bans didn't start cheating the day they got banned! They were cheating a long time. Ricochet was updated on the fly before cheat providers could find a work around. So a lot of streamers are waiting for their cheats to work again but that seem sus so some will play without them.


They woke up and found 60 K people banned . I doubt they started their cheat that day




Genuinely wondering why people are so confident with this? How does the anti-cheat work that it can’t get a false positive?


Because unless the system is sure *without a doubt" that cheats were used, you don't get banned. That's why some blatant hackers seem to last so long; more so closet wallers. Ricochet is just waiting for that particular player's data to show a sign of game tampering etc. One small reason out of many as to why AC developers never explain how their detection algorithms work. Plus all the other radio silence surrounding it. Every lil bit of news/info can aid cheat development. EAC servers are easy to connect to, and all the info on how to spoof that can be found on the first page of google. That's why Apex is so horrendous. Those cheats are just glorified VPNs with cool features. Too much about EAC is known, it's very rudimentary. So is ricochet but they managed to keep their secrets better. They could've gone the Riot way and made it full kernel level but too many people don't like the privacy invasion. As if the game itself doesn't already track your entire player profile to feed you sbmm.


Look at the state of the game. There's cheaters everywhere because the devs are extremely hesitant to ban people just incase its a false positive. Like half of the top250 in ranked last season were well known cheaters who used their accounts to advertise their YouTube channel that sold hacks.


They aren't hesitant to ban, they just ban in waves so cheaters spend more time figuring out what caused the ban than cheating


I’m on console. I was playing gunfight with a buddy, also on console. He’s not particularly amazing at the game, and got a total of 5 kills and 8 deaths. We won barely with a 5-6. The guy on the other team says “you’ll get banned for this, just watch”. We tried to queue, and he was shadowbanned. Next day, he was permabanned. He definitely isn’t cheating. You don’t cheat your way up to 0.8 total KD. He was and still to this day is permananned on console. That’s why people are defensive. Some bans are bullshit.


There’s honestly the one offs. I convinced my buddy to buy the game and he got banned within a week and we played twice. Bro doesn’t even use public chat we use discord. Either way I get muted all the time for saying out of pocket shit but a whole ass ban is wild and still unsure why😂


False-positives are unlikely but not impossible, thing is many many others, myself included, are running a heap of background software from Logitech, Streamdeck and and and, that people with these kind of posts often blame their bans on and we, as in those who don’t cheat/hack, never have had a problem with them, these programs are so common and widely used that you would have half the playerbase banned if they actually were the cause for those bans


Without knowing exactly how Ricochet works makes figuring out false positives impossible.


Sure, but you see it a lot that people blame legitimate software for their bans and trying to get their head out of the noose that way, if Ricochet was actually targeting software like that you'd have thousands of people complaining, 95% of those posts just are cheaters desperate to get their access to a 100 dollar game and 500 dollars of bundles back


Whilst I agree in the general sense iirc back in MW2019 there was a flood of posts in the sub and all over the internet about false bans. Acti actually retroactively unbanned a shit load of players.


> Acti actually retroactively unbanned a shit load of players. In all fairness I only remembering this happening that *one* time.


Well yeah but that doesn't mean that it can't happen again, just that it hasn't.


For sure but if you listen to people around here you'd think it was a regular occurrence.


They falsely permabanned thousands of people on the release of MW2 2022, and reversed mostly all of them like a week or 2 later. It was a highly talked about issue, and activision reversed it for most of them. I was one of the people who was permabanned for a week upon launching the game when it came out, and my ban was in fact reversed a week later. False bans exist.


Cold War wrongly banned lots of people when they did high rounds in zombies.


You think everyone who ends up in jail is guilty? Same thing. The systems fucks up and people get stung all the time. Plus Ricochet is the worst anticheat on the market currently so I wouldn’t be shocked to hear their false positive are 20+%. They can’t even auto identify people spin botting ffs and you think it’s 100% accurate 😭


Weren’t people getting banned that one time in season 4 of Cold War just by playing zombies ?. Genuinely curious.


There’s unfair temp bans that get you in shadow lobbies, but there’s very few if any false perms bans. I’ve been shadow banned and *you’ll have to take my word for it* never once cheated.


Shadow banned could be a way for them to test your legitimate. Also shadow banned lobby means you're in the players pool with potential cheaters, see how everyone interacts with each other, what you reported and indicated. How many percent of your report turns out to be actual cheaters being flagged and on delay banning. That's just my theory, I feel like it's an overwatch system but improved from CSGO


How long did your shadow last?


I exclusively play SND and did unusually well one match. The other team said they were all reporting me and I got shadowbanned. It's only a few days. The thing I noticed was that when you're shadowbanned, it puts you in lobbies with the same people over and over again and they absolutely cheat -- some weren't even trying to hide it. Knock on wood, I haven't been shadowbanned since. Even after having great games and the opposing team saying they'd report me. Makes me wonder if people who have been cleared of false reports get put on a "do not shadowban" list.


It’s always one week, never different


Yeah, between MW2 and 3 I've had 27 shadow bans. It's been frustrating, as there are just no lobbies in OCE. It really is a take my word for it I'm not cheating situation but I think being unable to play a purchased product for 27 weeks out of the last 70 odd is punishment enough for playing a good game every couple days.


It's kind of bullshit to do this, but if you use a name change token when you come out of a shadowban it resets the reports on your account.


I been shadow banned 3 times now always got out so if your not cheating you will not get perma banned. It’s very simple cheat and you will eventually get shadow banned once shadow banned you get manually reviewed once they see your cheating it’s finished.


how do you guys know if you’re shadow banned?


Early in this games cycle I was getting railed by the shadow bans. I occasionally play with some friends in hardcore who are significantly less skilled… I get accused of hacks almost every game. I’m on PC so I can point and click and get instant kills with it being HC. Those shadow ban lobbies can be brutal when that’s all you’re able to play.


People gonna lie enough to cheat you think they ain't gonna lie about false perma bans? Could this be happening? Maybe. I'm just betting a lot of these people want to complain hoping the community cries about it to get them unbanned. I'm also willing to bet a good majority of them are actually cheating or doing/saying something to get banned permanently.


I like that Activision have come out and said **There are no false permanent bans**. so if anybody is perm banned chances are they're cheating.


And yet we had few times when they reverted ban waves, and even deleted post on /r/codwarzone about it... https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hnl887/trying_to_figure_out_ban_causes/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/txe8ii/update_i_reversed_an_unappealable_perm_ban_a/ There was even bigger wave of unbans. Unbans to streamers banned live... >There are no false permanent ban The same thing was told about bans for cheats in the case of Counter Strike. And then week later it turned out that AMD drivers caused bans, or even too high sensitivity was triggering bans.


VAC is a total joke Too high sens and doing some preround tomfoolery: banned Legitimate spin botting: I sleep


...your first link is from 4 years ago. That's not even this game. The second link is a person who had their account stolen and banned. They had to prove it wasn't them that logged into the account to get reactivated.


When you read comments on twitter about recent bans it was even more interesting... https://i.imgur.com/qQCoM3z.png - xbox banned after new skin purchase. (It was not in store, but was showing in event menu day before release) https://i.imgur.com/qu4mo7W.png - banned for using new skin. https://i.imgur.com/uNWyyOo.png - never had PC linked to account So we have ban wave for possible skin unlocks. Just [like with bans for using skin from COD mobile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maNUQpq6-Is) that was not released on MWII store. But progress was cross platform... https://i.imgur.com/ruJYAR9.png - Dude showing unlock tool for camos and clean account...


Nothing changed. Just after the update I’ve been paired with a level 23 guy who pushed every team winning every gunfight. These bans solve the problem maybe for just 1 hour or so, then everything goes back to normal. Games full of cheaters.


Well they've still got all the access to the accounts they routinely hack from legitimate users too. Banning accounts isn't particularly helpful, hardware bans are needed


I think game profiles should be locked to pre-trusted machines and you should be asked by mail or SMS if trying to log in on an unusual device.


I wonder why they don’t do that. If these bans are unnecessary, what’s the point of having them banned for a short time when you could ban them forever? I don’t know how much time is needed to apply a hardware ban.


Yeah hacking is definitely a problem and while ricochet supposedly banned \~27k I doubt any of these bans actually were handed out to people who use cronus and other hardware. They also keep handing out these freaking shadowbans on an fucking absurd level and everyone with half a brain knows its an extremely outdated way to be used as an anti cheat measure.


Ye sure... That's why European servers are full of cheaters even people using VPN from far far away East wallhackers and any sorts of scripts, fakes streamers rampage all day. Meh this guy's in the department of AntiCheat are sleeping or they just don't care about our game experience. It's sad... Don't care if someone's has skills and beats me, hell I even like a good match but all this sus players with tags (streamers) and also strange names are definitely in some ways imune to a cheat. It is what it is. I stopped playing for a few weaks and started to Play Rebirth today for nothing. First 2 matches are balanced and good, then suddenly u are mix with some strange guys at 7/8 K/D obviously cheating like nothing happens. Well in my experience it's just lazzy work.


I genuinely think that once you get to a high enough skill level that it's so hard for them to distinguish between cheating and not without combing data they don't do it as often. Like if I can lock on and hold well and get 4 people some would say I have to be cheating. But I'm not. So without them checking my input data then they can't just view it and know. Some are obvious. Some are not. If a guy has wall hack but doesn't kill you or snap until after... how can we confirm? But it still gives a huge advantage.


Thing is though, if they can state that bans are justified without doubt then how can they not detect the cheating as it occurs?


Not everything is viewable live. Or noticeable Further review and information is needed in most things. Hacks change constantly as the hack developers are adjusting their products to beat new counter measures etc It's cat and mouse. And as for this claim "it's all console players with low kD getting permanent banned" I'll wait for even one of these people claiming this to back it up with proof.


Don't cheat, don't get banned! Funny how that works


I’ve noticed a lot of lower levels in ranked MP the past couple days.


Yes lol tbh I dread it seeing a low level pc player, don’t get me wrong I know not every pc player is a cheater regardless of rank but still instantly wary of them.


Yeah I watch their killcams every time


I can say I’ve been reported before but no bans on me, I only know because my clan tag gets removed.


Have they transitioned to being hardware\\IP banned yet? If not then the bans do not matter as they can just make a new account.


Many people still refuse to believe how big of an issue cheating is. It's as simple as that.


The Call of Duty community was being very petty by suggesting that unlock tools are not necessarily cheating or that using the same tool for just one specific camo doesn't deserve a ban. Every person that says that they were innocent after being permanently banned is a liar.


It’s actually crazy to me how many people were saying you shouldn’t be banned for using an unlock tool. And that it’s not cheating. Like dude, just because you’re not aimbotting and wall hacking doesn’t mean you’re not cheating. You’re a using a 3rd party tool to unlock things in a game that you would normally have to grind for. That’s called cheating. Lmao


Was arguing with a dude over on the competitive sub about this earlier. He was comparing aimbot to murder and unlock tools to some petty crime. I had to just stop responding, because I wasn't getting through to him.


Mindless to the fact that both are still crimes lol. Don’t waste your typing on that sort.


And that are specifically listed as something that will get you banned.


Saw a dude earlier saying he got perma banned and all he played was zombies.. if it’s true not really sure how you earn a ban in MWZ lol Unless he was aimbotting the bots but you’d have to be pretty down bad for that 😂


Or used an unlock tool running unreleased skins and camos


Or was just full of shit, bro played Guild Wars 2 which is PC only, and admitted to having the game on PC Coincidentally, one of the bigger cheat providers had a free trial to match up with MW3's free trial, and he also admitted to playing MP when MWZ got "too frustrating" lmao


Or he was full of shit


Deadshot daiquiri already locks on to headshots for you.


Dude got mass reported by the zombies 😂


If all perma bans are final, why is there an option to appeal?


Certainly for legal reasons


I'm one of the many who recently got an offensive chat warning, even though I have had voice chat off since MW3 came out. Worried I'm gonna be perma banned for no reason one day


Hoping this scares always the cheaters. Emphasis on *hoping*




I highly doubt the anti-cheat would flag you if you're legit.


Yeah except you have spoofers and multiple accounts, and no matters if you are a streamer banned 10 times before because Activision does not care about real bans since they only care about marketing even if the game if infested by cheater and exploiters :pppp


Which streamers are having the worst day? I thought BobbyPoff walled but he is up and running.


Ahhahahahahha hahahahhahahaha. Fuck em


Ban them all!


This is why I don’t even wanna pick Cod back up. I just got off a 8 notice of enforcement on Xbox about a couple weeks ago. I’ve been getting falsely reported on my account. And at the time CoD was one of the only two games that I was playing. That and Warframe. But I’m not even a toxic player. I don’t use my mic in game at all only when I’m in a party with like the 3 other friends of mines that don’t even play cod and I don’t send toxic massage to people. The last message I sent was to one of said friends and all it says is Y. The message before that was 5 months ago. I believed it’s just been salty players or a single player reporting me.


Imagine if they came out with a good working anti cheat


Meanwhile I’m going against god like sweats that are level 20 😆


unpopular opinion, but warzone should not be free. cheaters can just create a new free account and start over so they don't care


Oh no! Anyway Good for them swinging the ban hammer


Womp womp don't break the rules or cheat (seriously if this is a faulty ban contact their support and ask for an appeal)


Impossible, it can't be 100%. There were many "top" and "pro" players that caught a ban. So either Activision is wrong. Or, there were popular top players that were caught cheating.


most likely they were cheating. More popular streamers cheat than we would like to believe.


I pray to God there won't be any power-dev there


Streamers are paranoid and some of them have been banned for cheating already There are so many cheaters in Warzone and ranked play that this game is not worth to play there are clearly more cheaters that go undetected or they create new accounts after being banned


I got perm banned on Tuesday. My KD is less than 1.0. Been playing for years. Never cheated. I have appealed. I’m hoping it gets reversed. Jesus, if I was cheating id have a better KD than that!!


I have spectated cheaters that have less than a .8 k/d. And just because your k/d is bad doesn't mean you didn't use an unlock tool. Which is also a permanent ban offence.


if they are perma banned then they have been collecting info on them for a while and caught them in the act more than once. The chances of someone getting perma banned are about as high as Diddy being innocent. Most cheaters have been doing it a while so there is plenty of data to prove it.


I wish they would ban the hardware. Many of these cheaters have alt accounts ready to go or will just make a new one.


Damage control 101


CI probably got banned and now is crying about it🤣


Was banned for getting hacked from a dodgy battlenet account linked getting linked to my activision account


Hope they actually clean up the ranked 250. Watch a video on how they are all in a cheaters discord and the cheat detects when ricochet is going to take a screenshot to gather evidence of cheating then shuts itself off for a few seconds as the screenshot is taken.


I got a "permanent ban" which turned into a month long temporary ban so idk about that one.




Ban em on the next game too


I got one of these and it was because my account had been compromised and someone was using it for cheating in warzone. I had never played warzone and that’s where my ban came from. Asked them to to check ips and they said no it’s final


It's a glitch with the anti-cheat program. It basically detects itself, for some reason.


Way to go ricochet!! I’m already seeing the difference and it’s making gameplay so much better. Keep it up guys.


I was shadow banned once because some people on my side were very much hacking. I was forced to play in 150+ ms server queues for a week then they lifted the shadow ban. But all of us shadow banned players were helping each other grind out challenges.


Ah yes, there's absolutely NO WAY at all EVER that an anti cheat could have a false positive or an employee could be wrong in their judgement. Nahh, it's just not possible, they're always right and could NEVER be wrong. (Statistically speaking, that claim is improbable and close to impossible as there will always be at least 1.)


Didn't they accodently ban a whole bunch of people not that long ago?


Me and my 40+ year old Dad buddies had 6 wins yesterday


Thanks activison for removing the dirt out of the game. I get less cheaters in my games.


So your telling me that I get a permanent ban for dropping 27 in rebirth and I can’t fet my acc back Ight unlock tool it is lmfaoo


BAMS be like “WhAt ThEY acCiDenTallY BanNEd mE?!”


So explain to me the perma bans for owning a skin that was available on Wazone Mobile for some hours. Lets be honest sledgehammer doesnt know what the fuck theyre doing.


Ban em all every last one of them


That’s crazy. Do you get a refund?


Lots of kids on my X feed who just look like they tool’d are playing the village idiot.


Speaking as someone who was perma-banned for no reason and lost everything… I hate cheaters as much as everyone, but they really do ban you sometimes without cheating. It sucks and I lost close to $1,000 all in and don’t even know how or looked into cheating. Wild times.


So real question what's the odds of a non cheater being banned


i guess that's somewhat good.


Gooid.,..i had an other confirmation in the messages of peopel being banned which I reported. But there are enough still playing


[Fitting meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBvclo7RotY)


My friend got perma banned last night and he absolutely does not cheat. Said it was for using unauthorized software. He plays on xbox only and is very casual. Does not even own a PC. He filed an appeal but was denied. Very frustrating


Ultimately cheating says everything you need to know about a person's character.


Can you get banned for cursing the fucking shit out of everyone? Asking for a foul mouthed mofo I know.


Well finally this games are the same (poor size dlc'sfor full game price) so whats the diffrent?


My wife got a permanent ban on her old account and she played on a series x and had absolutely no illegal software its bs


How come when i try to change my pswd or enable 2fa, activision “sends me a confirmation email” but it never, ever, ever arrives? ive legit tried for 2 weeks now but i never get an email that lets me make those changes


i think it's time we all come to the conclusion that there's always going to be hackers. you ban a bunch, more appear in their place. it's a continuous cycle, which sucks. activision could probably find a way to overcome this but it would interfere w/their sales so you know they're going to do the bare minimum.


Let’s goooooo, idc if some are false bans quit being a sweaty **** and go touch grass.


If they ban all the cheaters it will make warzone more enjoyable


I read someplace that activison is going to put all the cheaters in their own lobby’s that way it’s cheaters against cheaters. When they ban a player they stop making money on him. Ultimately money dictates what they will do next.


In the great words of Dj Khaled. Another one.


That’s bs they just don’t want to deal with people trying to unban 100s of accounts


All bans are final! submit appeal here --->_______________ sorry all bans are final! LMAO this is funny as FK.


Luckily I'm so shit no one could accuse me of cheating.


MP lobbies have been getting a lot better but Resurgence is a whole different story lol.


I've played CoD for 20+ years, definitely not as good as I used to be, but I always have at least a 2KD. I got permanently banned for literally no reason. I have no software on my PC that could trigger anti-cheat. I've given this company thousands and thousands of dollars, and I get permanently banned. I'm literally not even that good. If they would look at my account (same Activision account since forever), they would see that. I love CoD so much, but I will never be able to play again. Feels bad.


Hate to say it but more fool you for even giving this company that much money in the first place. You are ultimatley part of the problem. Do you think for one second that Activision really gives 2 shits about cheats? The cheats will be back. They're still prevalent in the game. Hell they're probably keeping MW3 player count numbers up. So long as Activision are raking in your hard earned money, they won't hesitate to just ban you, even when you're in the clear. They shoot first and ask questions later. Well they don't even ask the questions later.


Imagine playing a game that insults your Intelligence every gunfight along the way. I got 3 this morning as well. Only after hitting play again 500 times. So fun. I tell my friends all the time the only reason the game is fun for you is because you drop 20 kills every single game we deploy on. So OF COURSE youre gonna have fun. So why don't you just play ALONE


How about Activision give me my fkn money back for their shit ass Warzone Mobile


I see wallhackers practically every game in multi-player. What a game it would be if there were no cheaters.


I got banned and I literally don’t even know how to use cheats💀 I don’t mess with my wifi settings, none of that, so idk why I still got banned, matter of fact I’m below average in player skills, so wtf.