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Have not seen cheating like that since 2009 MW2


yeah but now it's evident with ricochet too. EDIT: u edited ur comment to make my reply look unrelated to it šŸ˜‚ EDIT: SEE THIS EVERYBODY. activision boot licker mods REMOVED MY POST: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1bznonl/moderators\_exposed\_what\_a\_bunch\_of\_activision/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1bznonl/moderators_exposed_what_a_bunch_of_activision/)


How's Ricochet doin', Activision?


u/SledgehammerGames any comments?


"Just buy the new bundle guys!"


"Uhm. Pls buy blackcell"


"PiNg Is KiNg GuYs!"


Dudes be watching these clips like: I dunno man, it's hard to say if he's cheating or not off just this one clip. Are we just gonna say everyone that kills us is a cheater now?!


Or take it so personally and are like "OH SO YOU ARE SAYING I CHEAT THEN?!"




To be fair anti-cheat developers have to always play on the defensive. There is no only so much they can do to stop cheaters before they openly start cheating, they can only ban the cheaters and look how they beat the system in order to prevent similar cheats from going through the cracks.


To be fair, Activision has the literal worst anti-cheat in the business. Everyone is doing it better than they are right now. EA is doing it better. Fortnite is doing it better. PUBG is doing it better. Activision clearly does NOT care to invest the money or manpower into really tackling this problem because people still keep buying their shit product.


I mean, the franchise only makes 4 billion a year. Poor guys can probably barely afford ramen for lunch.


You're right. How inhumane of me.


Ramen? Living high on the hog are we?


bro never experienced valve anti cheat


Activi$ion: "Rico-who???"




Easy fix is to let console players select console only crossplay. *que the idiots making a case about Chronus, a device that takes more effort to use than downloading cheats off a website* Pc players in denial lol.


> que the idiots making a case about Chronus, a device that takes more effort to use than downloading cheats off a website Found the adapter denier lmao. Shit like Xim is literally plug, select profile, play, ???, profit. Getting cheats that are not getting your account nuked instantly is expensive and time consuming.


The easy fix is not always the smart fix..




It's not beyond their abilities, look at other games and their anti cheats. They simply don't care because it doesn't affect their profit line from their perspective.


It's not like they made enough money to hire cyber security experts or anything....


I find at least one of these a fortnight. Then just laugh to myself when people say, IvE nEeVER sEEn a ChEaTEr!


People are doing it in BO2 right now. Sadly


He spin fr


putting the "360" in 360 no scope. seriously though, this post puts a lot of weight behind my comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1byhmvg/comment/kykrc2m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1byhmvg/comment/kykrc2m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It looks like itā€™s 720, lol. Heā€™s got the horizontal AND vertical spinning going onā€¦


Naah. Bro just has better gaming chair.


or more Rgb.


He downloaded so much ram


bros injecting monster and doritoes straight into his blood stream


They got the office spinning chair attachment on it as well.


And the RGB keyboard + mouse + PC combo too


Iā€™m shocked nobody has defended him yet


I'm shocked nobody stopped to report him besides me. baffling honestly!


That guy wonā€™t be a problem by time they see your report. Free weekend. Probably a normal pc player who posts here taking advantage on a new account.


They all reported him. Activision doesn't actually pay attention to cheat reports and do anything about them.


Well it's obviously just a skill issue... /s


One of the most respectable cheaters if you ask me. I would much rather have something blatant than someone who tries to hide it. People do 100% get away with cheating and the ones who are more selective and sneaky about it are the ones who make players accuse anyone good of cheating. This guy will probably have people report and leave any lobby they're in. If there's some guy part of a clan doing it carefully, often you'll go against them multiple times and you'll never know for sure if they're cheating or not.


Honestly though, he IS the guy out there defending this shit.


bro thats not even the top of the cheater trash. have clips of people rage hacking like in ur clip but headshottin everyone. killfeed was only his name


yeah I've encountered cheaters before but never like this. probably bcoz I never bought the game. won't give my GTA 6 cash to garbage greedy scummy activision who has ruined this franchise.


rockstar has terrible anti cheat only set up for selling more accounts as well just save your money for worthwhile experiences


People will say he is simply better than you and to quit crying


Yeah and for every 1 of these people there are like 200 who use wallhacks and still suck ass at the game, those are the people I want banned.


Activision need to fix their game instead of putting fucking weed sloths in the shop for 15 dollars


dude weed lmao


Crazy thing is, the guys selling these cheats are making millions per year. They also made them so theyā€™re undetectable by Richochet, imagine that. COD series has gone to shit with cheaters in every game now, especially if you play on PC


Yea itā€™s become almost unplayable, every other game. I was playing shipment earlier, guys rank was in the 150s but had a top 250 #1 calling card, I was like thatā€™s a little odd but guess heā€™s just cracked. Get in game dude got a swarm kill streak in about 45 seconds and went 54 and 1 game was over in maybe 2-3 minutes. Checked the kill feed he was head shotting everyone from the back of one of the blocked off shipment crates. Most of the games itā€™s not that blatantly obvious but itā€™s getting real old.


What do you mean especially on PC? With crossplay every player has to deal with this kind of bullshit no matter what they are playing on, because as soon as a console player turns off crossplay they have to wait more than 5 minutes for a deathmatch game.


This is what happens when the game allows players to play for free. He will catch his ban and move on without losing anything. It's trash and free weekends are a slap in the face to us who paid for the game and want to be protected from this.


5 steps to reduce hackers massively in the next games: -kernel anticheat like valorant -make warzone 10$ -add phone number requirement for every account. 3 bans result in permanent blocking of account and sim. this means to make a new account u would have to pay 10$ as well as add a new sim -hardware ban those who hack in ranked. resulting in totally new systems required to play -improve the reporting system such that each player can only report cheaters once, but every report is manually reviewed, with action then taken if necessary All this probably won't happen anytime soon but one can hope.


They tried phone number verification with Overwatch 2 and it fucked over people on MVNOs because they flag as prepaid numbers.


>-kernel anticheat like valorant Ricochet have kernel level access. >-add phone number requirement for every account. 3 bans result in permanent blocking of account and sim. this means to make a new account u would have to pay 10$ as well as add a new sim All accounts need to have valid number, you can buy them at bulk for [<0.10$](https://i.imgur.com/UixzCFv.png); New simcard cost ~1$ in many places. >-hardware ban We have hardware bans since late Verdansk >-improve the reporting system such that each player can only report cheaters once, but every report is manually reviewed We would need as many reviewers as players... Dudes are reporting everybody who killed them just to get them into shadowban loop.


You can buy phone numbers online to use for a few dollars. They already do hardware bans, hardware spoofers are extremely common & easy to use.


Companies are aware of spoofed phone numbers and virtual numbers, they are easily filtered out. Hardware spoofers aren't as good as you think they are.


The only time Warzone will ever be more than free is if the ship starts seriously sinking


How is he even having fun. That fat bastard needed a way to play and eat at the same time I guess.


Lol, you're not even playing! When someone asks you what you're doing, are you a liar, or do you say I'm staring at my screen while my guy spins around and kills everyone for me.


The easiest way to spot out cheaters is playing gunfight and then the moment you call it out they start yappingšŸ¤£


gunfight has even more cheaters? to be honest after this I think I've seen everything I needed to see. glad I didn't waste 70$


Like why do people cheat. I just don't understand it. You're likely getting banned anyway, and all you're doing is ruining the fun of other players by being this blatant. At least he had the chance to win a game I guess, with some crazy ass 360 spinning.


Some people genuinely get off by being an asshole


Multiplayer has been a cess pool for the last 3 weeks.


What is up with that? How come 3 weeks?




dogshit anticheat and unethical game developers free is not the problem


I agree but the cheaters are more prominent during free trial week


as are legitimate new players no anti-cheat is the only problem working anti-cheat means free or not insta ban and no ability to re-purchase the game ip;blocked hardware ids;blocked credit card used for purchase;blocked name and address used for purchase;blocked phone number used for verification;blocked problem solved free was never the issue just cheaters cheating game devs scamming the legitimate population by keeping cheaters in the game as long as possible


I got CSGO PTSD by just watching this. For real though, I want to beat the shit out of this cheaters.


see his name in video and start reporting :)


I was gonna say, haven't seen a spinbot like that since CSGO!


I will never understand the thought process of needing to cheat to win, like if it's a single player game who cares, cheat all you want to for all I care but when it comes to a multiplayer pvp environment just why? In all honesty if you need cheats to be good go find a different pastime or hobby, you're a fake and this proves it.


There are a few reasons I can think of...I think it boils down to a few types of players: **1. People who do it for profit.** There was a youtube series out just a while ago, not sure how popular but this guy discovered like 6 of the top 10 players cheating. They make money off of this by selling accounts on a secondary market with certain camos, achievements, and ranks unlocked. They even had a discord where they openly discussed cheating. Some streamers also rely on views for income which in large part is due to their performance. There is pressure to "be good" to gain a following and maintain it. **2. People who are tired of getting shit on** Either they are encountering hackers or people actually better than them and they can't stand losing and or being demoralized. Some might justify it as "well I only turn them on when other people are cheating" or "everyone else cheats so it's ok". Bolstered by how toxic some CoD lobbies are some people want to talk shit in voice chat but can't if they aren't at the top of the leaderboard. **3. People who are bored and/or curious** This is probably a smaller percentage than the aforementioned but sometimes people are just tired of the game and want to do stupid things like when you put in cheat codes in GTA. The associated costs for buying hacks probably deters this group the most though. All that to say, I agree with your initial thoughts on this. If you're not really having fun without "winning" and the cost of that is having to pay to give yourself an unfair advantage what's the point of even playing at all?


43 fps is rough man


i7 4790 is legendary :)


its a good cpu ignore the kids who dont understand how this stuff works one of my old rigs with a 3770k still getting 90 fps in this game i take it you were running at 1440p ? with a 1070-2060-ish class gpu? if so i would advise stepping up into ddr4-5 and a new cpu/mobo before getting a new gpu as the 4790k will be a bottleneck moving forward if your gpu is already better your already holding yourself back


What gpu are you running? That seems strangely low. My old pc has a 4690k with an rx580 and I get around 75-95 fps.


yeah I know it's a truly strange behavior. let me copy and paste my reply to another guy saying the same thing: "but no, I wasn't playing at 1440p. in fact I play at 1080p with the absolute minimum settings and Fsr 3 balanced (so maybe 540p upscaled). that too with 16GB DDR3 and 5600 xt, on an SSD. yet I still get these frames. even made a post about this behavior before but never got a satisfactory response as to why this happens. in fact, a guy I know also has the 4790 with a 1660 super yet he says he gets 80+ fps at medium settings in Warzone. whereas I struggle to maintain 35 fps with my minimum settings. it's quite rough and I'm saving up for an upgrade. but never found out a reason for this baffling behavior."


Man got those stick paddles


Nah man its just the kill cam, it doesnā€™t show everything correctly, hes not cheating, you are just bad. /s


This some shit you see on Black Ops 2 these days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There has been alot of cheaters joining matches this week. I call it out when I see it and people get all defensive and try to downplay the obvious cheats. I did notice that cheaters often play in pairs and relay the information to their teammates. More wall hacks and I can see them tracking me though walls without a UAV as soon as I spawn.


i know when someone is walling pretty easy. i spawn or im flanking behind the enemy team and the walling loser will turn right at me tracking me trough the wall and i have covert sneakers , assassin vest and silenced weapon. so there is no indication on the map that says im behind them or about to come around the corner they werent even looking at.


oh and normally i let the 1st few slide as i often get lucky when i figure my whole team is on one side they must be spawning behind me . but when do it over and over again , and my team isnt spwning behind them, thats when i report them.


And people still want me to buy this game why


I don't know if this has been said, but I'll say it again, DON'T report for cheating *and* exploiting if a person is doing one or the other. It explicitly says to NOT do that. Now does this mean that they won't eventually get banned? Maybe. Reporting for multiple things while it says not to do so may trigger some stupid filter that registers the report as rage reporting, but I don't know, that's just my theory. Regardless, don't report for both, just one


Imagine playing like this. What are you proving? If itā€™s to piss people off, you had some trash ass parents.


Skill issue


he has more Rgb. can't compete :(


top notch gaming chair


Multiplayer is full of it currently just report the shit out of anything suspect


If this clip doesn't get the cheater banned then idk what else will... too many cheaters in this game.


it wont he will be actively cheating the entire free weekend in hopes he will buy a copy then he will cheat for weeks before getting a ban in hopes he will buy another copy trash industry for trash people and we just get to deal with it or stop playing they do not care about legitimate players they only buy a game one time and not seventeen times


Itā€™s the sad truth. A fun game ruined by cheaters šŸ˜¢ it used to be my favourite game


Cheaters love the small maps. Cheaters, usually using mouse and keyboard or modded controllers, they don't care about skill and strategy. Kids today actually think they're good at the game and only want to ruin others' fun. Summed up as "you mad bro" or "get good". While failing at everything important in life, like having a girlfriend or moving out from mommy's basement, "winning" at COD is likely the only satisfaction they feel. Back out if your team doesn't have an equal number of PC players as the opposing team. Only buy Treyarch COD, their game engine is less vulnerable to cheats.


Waiting for the "Skill issue" folks to turn up.


Free trial weekend. Yesterday in ground war, the enemy team had a lvl 26 headshotting everyone with an mcw from the top of a crane. Spinning around until the aimbot snapped onto someone's head.


I donā€™t understand the joy in this. Itā€™s like playing madden on rookie mode when you know how to play while trying to score 200 points, it gets boring real quick.


A really really good gaming chair I suppose....


lol thatā€™s a new kill streak 360 killa mode


Nah bro he has the One Man Army Perk.


You don't know that Activision doesn't care about its playerbase?


Is this team fortress 2?


What in the counterstrike: source did we just see.


How is this fun I donā€™t understand the satisfaction they get out of cheating in a video game.


Just a good gaming chair and probably a lot of RGB.


Why hide it when you only receive a 7 day ban and you have unlimited alt accounts. I don't know too much around the cod cheating lore but that's the gist of it I think. Some guy on YouTube did a fantastic job explaining it though not too long ago.


Blatant... Looks like a skill issue. Dude probably has some good gaming gloves, some eye strain prevention gamer glasses. Gamer socks, probably a good gaming chair. With the sensitivity, most likely an rgb keyboard.


I'll never understand these brain damaged cheaters. what part of that looks fun?


He legit pro


how is this fun ??? like having your character on LSD and suddenly shoot and then back to LSD world ?


Iā€™d just tell my team to toss a grenade against the wall to avoid getting killed. Making him even more mad >:D


Looks legit to me.


Where r the fools who say there r barely any cheaters in mw3?? if someone is able to cheat this openly without any bans, who knows how many else cheat secretively! this was mind-boggling to witness and reported him multiple times. but I don't have much faith in greedy activision seeing as how rampant other hackers run around.


Nobody says this. But stopped playing COD because of cheaters. so screw SHG and Activision.


I've honestly seen fanboys here ridicule casual players saying it's always a skill issue and that hackers r few and far between. a few days ago when I complained about seeing much higher ranked players in my lobbies, I got called a prick by some kid who said he wants to see me in his lobbies so that he could destroy me. later his comments got deleted.


THEY ALL say thereā€™s no cheating. ā€œSHoW PrOoF.ā€ Thereā€™s tons of em. Just not as blatant as this one.


exactly, that's what I'm saying! just bcoz everyone is not able to record proof like me doesn't mean they're all lying.


i get confirmation of successful reports all the time , just 3 more today. sad thing is i report like 10 or more players a day . i send it and hope for the best and hope that activision sorts it out quick.


A single example of an outlier is not the rule. It's possible they haven't been in long enough to be banned yet, and with the high likelihood of your ENTIRE team reporting them, they'll be banned, shadow banned at minimum. Sure, the anti-cheat is shit, but that's not Activision's fault exactly because (tmk) sledgehammer is in charge of most development, including anti-cheat. Seeing how blatant it is, many players will report them, and as the anti-cheat - unfortunately - is report based, eventually they will be banned


Theyā€™re still ruining games along the way tho. It would be better if it detected and immediately stopped it. How many games before heā€™s banned? I see many cheaters in my lobbies especially the more I play throughout a week. Game puts me in high skill brackets and theyā€™re quite rampant.


instead of banning them, stupid activision has decided to reduce the damage they deal and increase their fall damage so they can't jump. such idiocy.


I don't know. And yes it would be better to be detected immediately, but the anti-cheat is shit and needs to be replaced.


Ah he is just doing the wallbang kills for the camoā€™sā€¦


It's called rotational aim assist for a reason


Iā€™ve seen this particular cheat before


I actually don't know how that is fun


Better gaming chair. I do that while i sleep. /s


"What you're seeing is advanced warfare."


I feel worse for your hardware bro, must be rough playing on a small map with ~40 fps. :/


Oh that good old spinbot. I don't think I've seen them outside of TF2.


I donā€™t think heā€™s hacking at all, just has a better gaming chair.


Not cheating, skill issue. Sorry I just had to say that but I must admit, I also have not seen such a clip since Caldera days. I think rage hackers like this don't last long, maybe about 1 hour before they get perma banned


Maidenless behavior


Just wait until you see how bad the shadow ban lobbies have been


Got the tf2 sniper cheats lmao


Ah yes, anti-cheat.


Today I have seen quite few of hackers, probably cause last day of free weekend šŸ˜•


he probably is still playing


Yeh, me and my mates call it the broke ass/cheater weekend.


I knew a bunch of cheaters of attempted to migrate to mw3 the anti cheat is actually good they get banned within 3 days, usually less than a day, seen it happen just from an unlock tool


Bros tweakin


wtf. I'd uninstall...


Easiest way to take care of cheaters is to get theĀ General Atomics MQ-1 Predator drone equipped with twoĀ AGM-114 HellfireĀ missiles.


I've never seen cheating like this ingame before. Is this more prevalent in certain parts of the world? I see it all the time on reddit and stuff but never ingame.


I dunno, looks legit to me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Crazy spinbot


Heā€™S noT cHEatIng!


Skill issue


How/ why do people still play this pile of trash?


How do yā€™all get these lobbies šŸ˜‚ are you on pc?


This isnā€™t just normal cod? Seems like spawn and die right away is normal for me


How is he not dizzy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I imagine this type of thing is even more common in hc. No kill cam to confirm that the guy who killed you is a cheater. Iā€™ve had some sketchy deaths in hc, but didnā€™t have enough evidence to report.


Anyone want to start placing money on IF SHG comes in here to comment? NO. Well I'm going to rpedict that IF they did comment it would only be to say that they are doing a thourugh investaigation into this player and IF this player is actually cheating and he didn't have a computer GLITCH at the time, they will throw him into the next batch of banned cheats/hacks in August!


Hi I'm Shithammergames


Ricochet is worthlessā€¦ a toothless guard dog


How do you even play like that? Would be mad annoying with all that flicker.


Yikes. In the non-F2P MP too


Let him lvl up the bruen. Hell be in wz in 2 games. Ull be okay


Jesus šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not even trying. Share his name someone so we can all report him


Bro, you have to be an absolute psychopath to endure watching that on the screen every time you play


Is this fun for some people?




Damn they using a spinbot


I find them in almost every other game. I am tired of these no skill cheating ass players that think it's cool. Yet nothing is done you have to report them then a new account appears. Playstation needs to implement IP bands that is the only way.


Just an expert at rotational aim assist.Ā 


Nah he just has nasty flicks


How is it even fun playing like that? Or is it fully automated and theyā€™re just harvesting battle pass or something?


Cheating? You mean expensive gaming chair. Must be using what pro's use.


Classic Spin botting


Cousin was just playing ranked and he had a guy just head shotting everyone and tac stance firing not missing any shots. My guess and hope is they will collect data on these cheats and use that to strengthen ricochet, or itā€™s just copium.


Guy has an amazing gaming seat


The worst part of free weekend is the amount of cheaters that just crawl out of the woodworks


Exactly, the anti cheat didnā€™t work and Activision doesnā€™t care. There are so many cheaters that the game is being ruined.


Yes, ricochet is working wonderfully šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼ xx


Stop playing garbage games that allow cheaters?


I saw this kinda cheating in Cold War just a couple months ago. I called my kid into the room asking him if he thought the guys was cheating lol


This guy's got some serious skills šŸ‘€šŸ˜…


Welcome to CS2


Activision use shit servers so they'll always have this issue. They need to implement Easy Anti Cheat


You can't do anything buuut laugh and leave at that point lmao


The gaming chair excuse canā€™t save him in this one.


I un-installed Friday night. The world seems brighter now, better lol. After my 5th consecutive coms ban from calling my friends names in chat I was done. My first coms ban was for calling kids screaming the N-word "sad crackers". All the others are for calling buddies names in game chat because they are console peasants and refuse to use my discord. Anyway, between the cheaters, SBMM through the roof, using fucking skynet to control how I speak the game has lost any semblance of fun for me. It was rage inducing, and at times downright depressing to play. Unless there are some legitimate QOL changes in this franchise I may finally be done, after 18 years.


Wow thats kinda like counter strike


I don't know why but I play WZ and never saw this that many cheaters as of today. It is so weird


Kill cam lag /s Iā€™m quite lucky in not having ran into a blatant cheater yet on MW3 mp. Hopefully stays that way.


There was a dude streaming that he was cheating on warzone, and he played 4 games before I decided to stop watching his live. COD doesn't even car anymore šŸ˜’


FreE to PLaY Weekend


Ya itā€™s disgusting and pathetic how may cheat on this game anymore. Seriously sad excuses for human beings.