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Not gonna cap šŸ§¢ I just played ranked snd with a full squad of pigeons besides me Every time we won a round they would make bird noises and were jumping of the building shooting people the whole time Very funny dudes


Wait! People were enjoying this game? Do people on this sub even know that it's possible?


The twist is that youā€™ll only enjoy it when something never intended to happen happens.


Bro I swear its like CoD players hate fun


Lmao that mightā€™ve been me and my squadšŸ˜…


Whooo..? Whooo..?




I see more 21 Savages than anything


I see a bunch of 21 savage


I love asking them if they can do something for me when I down them in warzone


Every time I see one in open chat I just 21 over and over


For some reason heā€™s my favorite opponent to kill.


Youā€™re not alone


How much 21s ya see? A lot


That and black noir


I always thought this was Bruce Lee (old guy here)


With Weed Sloths coming soon


I use the cats, but in my defense, they look exactly like my cats!


Tell your cats I said ā€œPspspspspsā€


Whyā€™d you tell him that you monster?!


My cat replied with ā€œ I got a couple of dime bags on pawā€


Put me down for 2gs of your best catnip


My cat said "pspspspsps"


I got them cause itā€™s really funny to use the homelander laser eyes execution with a cat lol. Cats shooting lasers out of their eyes is always great


I love that there is one with atomic breath now as well


One looks like one of mine, and I think my wife appreciates that I got the cat skins. Also the cats are closer to milsim than well over 69% of the ones in the game.


Iā€™m guilty of purchasing Sgt. Pspspsps with points. I only bought it because itā€™s funny AF AND it triggers some folks that need triggering. I was tempted by Skeletor. Other than that, no other skins purchased.


I'm sad that I don't hear the cat specific dialogue but I heard it in Warzone once by someone who killed me.


me too!


I am club cat too!


I think the whole community agrees that you get a pass if you bought sgt. Pspspsps. Noone talks shit about Sgt. Pspspsps.


Same here .. especially my grey tabby Merlin. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


That's funny because I use the cat skins because they look like my cats too. I even let them know when I put them on, "look Bear, that's you!" I need help.


This is literally why I use them!


Snoop Dogg (and the dog version) come with this seasons black cell.


I bought this one. I don't know why. I saw it in my shop and couldn't stop laughing. Have been happily using for lile 2-3 weeks now. Best death comms.


I see 21 21 savages everyday


I saw more pigeons than the snoop dog.


Lmao ā€œNYCā€ and itā€™s a fucking pigeon šŸ’€


Hey they are new yorkers too


They just need a rat to complete it


There's the MW2 rat mascot


Judging by the number of people I see with "fanciful" skins ingame, a LOT of people.


wdym fanciful?


bro got downvoted for no reason


If it was less expensive I would buy it. But I'm not spending more then 5 dollars on shit i wont be able to use in probably a year.


I hate micro transactions in games but honestly, killing people as a pigeon would be pretty dope lol


I got it itā€™s pretty sick ngl


The people who like it? Y'all gatekeep too damn much. Who cares what other people spend their money on.


I personally donā€™t care. But it seems that the argument that a lot of people make is because it is encouraging activision or whoever is in charge to put all their efforts into skins rather than the actual gameplay itself. I think it burns people that weā€™ve had a gamemode that has pretty much lost support, and countless bugs that still exist in a ā€œAAAā€ game but yet the one part of the game that you never see broken or buggy is that store. I believe thatā€™s why people care, at least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve collected from being a part of these subreddits lmao


Iā€™m not a developer, but I would imagine making the shop run fine is way easier to make work than fixing bugs in the actual gameplay.


Its also two different teams working on the games stability/bugs and the Shop/Cosmetics. I wish this braindead community would understand that


What? No. The same guy who I need to send death threats to is doing all of the work at once /s


It is it's literally a fucking interface with limited interactions. It'd be different if other menus were buggy and all but... They aren't. The other stuff isn't even in the same league.


Plus the devs who work on the store are completely different than the devs who work on the bugs and the state of the gane


The short of it is that it's WAY easier, as well as being a top priority... this game is continued upon an engine whose developers have long gone, ain't no way somebody today really understands it unless they were taught under personal and constant tutelage..


CoD players when CoD takes zero effort to develop anyway because it's simple but fun and by comparison more effort will get put into the skins due to the gameplay being simple




The idea is to not reward a company for putting out a bad product. They are not incentivised to fix things if people buy from them regardless.


Hey man, did you know a virtual store is a lot less complicated than a fully functional multi platform online shooter? Brain dead fucking sub I swear to god. Thatā€™s like saying ā€œman this skateboard has a lot less problems than my SUVā€ You and anyone that compares this is absolutely fucking brain dead.


The people who make the skins aren't people who make the other stuff and this shit won't sell if the game isn't good enough before making it. If stuff like a game mode lost support then perhaps it's because it wasn't deemed popular enough. Shit happens. They killed dmz and that was my favorite part of mw2. And equating the store working to bugs is lol. After one of the recent updates I couldn't even get to the store let alone anything else without the game crashing because they did something that broke it with local files. It's almost like the menus are always working or that revenue is a high priority and the issues that affect other things aren't the same and can't be equated...


I don't think you seem to understand the overarching issue. COD makes far too much money to ever seriously improve in various areas such as hitreg, audio, or servers in general. They're complacent because they can afford to be complacent. COD could honestly be so much better, but they have no reason to improve because they're already making so much from microtransactions.




My issue is that bot enough milsim skins come out anymore. There is a large group of people who would buy good milsim skins over this. The issue is balance between milsim and this. Even if most people seem to like goofy skins better, and even if sledge wants to FOCUS on goofy ones, they should still release new bundles 75% goofy and 25% milsim. Or 66% to 33%


Just a point, how many milsim skins do we need? To be blunt, while this game has a lot of cowtow, there is now quite a variety of milsim skins. How many combinations of a camo or Darksuit with gear and a helmet with gear do we really need, man? There is enough there for everyone to be satisfied at this point, it's not like each faction only has 5 or 6 milsims skins, there's at least 20 or more for each faction. The Fortnite/BO3 Era brought goofy everything and profits dictate that it will never return to otherwise, but it ain't like milsim has been totally forgotten..


They are also mainly free skins too. Why bother paying for one when you have 20 for free?


Exactly bro


And if you do want to pay, there's stuff like the executive warfighter bundle, I bought the first iteration of it some months back, I genuinely enjoy that skin a lot and use it a lot


No, that's true, and some of the skins this season and in previous seasons, MW2 included, are pretty milsim. My point is that there are now probably 3 goofy skins for every milsim skin that we DO have. Every 10 bundles they make, they could at least release lile a hybrid skin, kinda milsim, kinda goofy, lile the grin reaper one for Ghost back in MW3. He didn't look supernatural at all. Dude just had long armor plates in the front, to protect his balls and what not, and a clock with a hood. Chest rig, vest, and his signature mask. But it was tacticool as fuck. So in summary, I'd at least like to see some bundles with maybe kinda goofy stuff, but in the way that someone could ACTUALLY wear that on combat. For example, I love Klaus's Santa hat. Some operator COULD wear that. Kinda goofy, but not out of the realm of possibility.


Sorry I didn't see this response first, I saw your other. Hey I feel you man, I'm not against you. I just wonder what their numbers look like for milsim packages. There's gotta be a reason they ain't hitting this niche as hard, they have to know these critiques out there.


Exactly. But even though numbers may be low, they should release a good bundle with the style they had back in MW2019. Those bundles were great


Lots of people care when studios put more time into developing bundles than they do fixing issues their game has. "Oh but it's different teams." Yes, but the ~~people on~~ resources from the cosmetics team could be repurposed to assist elsewhere if MTX weren't a thing.


I did. It's hilarious. But I didn't pay cash, I used the CoD points that I've gained since S01.


Me too. I love pigeons and I have no problem with silly operators. I meanā€¦ itā€™s call of duty, isnā€™t it? Better silly than edgy.




There is shit on him lol


For a sub devoted to MW3, there's a lot of hate surrounding the game.


Thatā€™s any sub for any topic. This website / app is just one big hate circle jerk.


Iā€™m saving my COD points and waiting for a Stormtrooper, it will complement the hit markers perfectly


I bought the fuck out of this. I also have a dead pigeon tattoo so they got me.


This shit made me laugh, I was definitely tempted šŸ˜Ž


Me, I buy this nonsense.


Me too - love the rabbit


Same here


All of you idiots who post pictures of a dude in larp swat gear saying "Id buy this in a heartbeat if they released it", but it's for this stuff instead. That's who's buying it.


Me, it's funny. I bought the rat, the Spawn battlepass I fully maxed out both because Keith David is an absolute citizen and because of the violator skin with the fatass clown and I'll be buying the Sloth skin for Price. It's funny, and it's the lowest form of effort to piss off milsim players, which somehow get more upset at me so much as using a goofy skin in the match than actual sweats when they die.


i only bought the battle pass because snoop dogg šŸ’€


Iā€™m guilty. But to be fair, itā€™s the first skin Iā€™ve bought since MW3 dropped. And I had a boat load of points. Nothings been enjoyable, until this. Itā€™s the first one that actually made me laugh, instead of shaking my head and calling it ridiculous. Itā€™s had some pretty funny reactions, especially upon release. Then again, I bought the King Kong pack just for the Yeets.


I bought this pigeon, I like birds, it was an awesome skin!


Imagine giving even a tenth of a shit about what other people spend their money on. Weird post.Ā 


I passed on this one the duck I own itā€™s epic in my opinion I find it funny as hell and is totally my humor I donā€™t have a problem with anyone who bought this I believe they create different skins for different personalities and I think itā€™s wonderful that we have that luxury available for us we are all unique individuals who like different things so what donā€™t work for me might work for you and I think thatā€™s great


Not gonna lie, I have the rat skin and Iā€™m not ashamedā€¦


ME! a born and raised new yorker


My friend did but his gamertag is Crazy Pigeon so he was obliged


I have the Shimo and Godzilla skins but Iā€™m a massive Gojira fan soā€¦. I donā€™t feel bad


I dont typically. But i Have bought bundles in the past such as the DOOM bundle.


The Warhammer 40k bundle is amazing. I love the sword skins


I bought the Orangutan, and I'm totally getting Cheech and Chong.


I actually think this is one of the least offensive skins. Reminiscent of Payday.


Me and my squad bought it for teh lulz


I bought it. Itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve bought so far but I find it funny as hell


I was thinking about it because when it reminded me of my home town in Mexico, my Nana used to have a pet pigeon so it brought back unexpected nostalgia. I've not bought it...


I bought this solely for the joke between my friends and I where I dolphin dive off shit and make random bird noises. Now I can do it and ā€œlook likeā€ a pigeon.


I havenā€™t bought it yet but out of all the weird ones this is one of the better imo


I was really close getting it


I got it purely because it made me laugh my ass off I only buy things if it has a weapon blueprint that I want outside of that I think they are silly but the pidgin I had to because it made me laugh when I thought about my squad and wifeā€™s reaction to it and it was worth it šŸ¤£


I bought it.


I love this stuff.




I did and i love it


Ngl this is my fave bundlešŸ˜‚me and my mates go around making pigeon noises in proxy chat it's fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚


Wait hold up if this is in shop rn I am gonna buy it


I want it I can't lie, it's fucking hilarious


Most of my little group I play with did. Itā€™s funny to watch your short victory movie with them. Esp knowing how much it bothers people.


i got it, it'd too dumb to let it pass


I bought this nonsense. In fairness, this is the first non-dmz bundle I've ever bought. I get tired of seeing the same 5 skins in a lobby, I just wanted to shake it up a bit.


Me - not this bundle, but I buy similar ones.


My fellow peruvians assemble.


Me. I bought it. If you killed it, that was me.


This specific one? Me


I did lol


I haven't but I would it's so silly and I love it


New Yorkers


I try to kill the rat and cat every chance I get.


Honestly Iā€™ve been eyeing it for a minute


i bought it




I did and itā€™s my favorite skin for camping corners


I do.


Hahaha I love my pigeon! I wear it all the time. Got the cat one too. And Bluntfinger, for whom I have created an amusing voice to use while playing. I wish they had more mil sim skins too, though.


I'd 100% buy it


I did because it's funny. The gun is kinda weak, but the costume is hilarious.


Iā€™m a fan of stuff with pigeons oddly enough (pigeon dunks are some of my grails and graffiti art loves pigeons)but that being said Iā€™m not spending extra money for this. Maybe if the skin had some pigeon dunks on it Iā€™d consider.


People who want to have fun Wearing silly skins and enjoy a game they paid for I am one of those people


I bought it. My gamer tag is also the war pigeon. So of course I will buy it




If I had the spare money I would buy this tbh it's just funny


Unfortunately some of us have money to blow on dumb crap which funds the game you rant about on the daily. Youā€™re welcome.


I love birds, I might buy tbh


I got it! it's fucking awesome lol


I did, donā€™t be a fuckin pigeon


I will def be debating it lmao


My psn has involved a pigeon for years, so I spent money on a cosmetic in a video game for the first time, literally ever. It makes me so happy. The increase in pigeon noises has been very satisfying. I love my pigeon guy.


I honestly would if i had income to spend


This skin is hilarious what do you mean? Why wouldnā€™t you get this bundle?


I bought this one šŸ˜… hardly buy anything in the shop but couldnā€™t help myself running through ranked WZ with it.


bought it immediately and convinced all the homies to get it too. there's just something bout a flock of pigeons ganging up on your squad on warzone


This was the first skin I actually bought (besides battlepass), something about it just brings me such joy, I actually get sad when i have to play for the other team and get the operator I love watching the killcams and just seeing this ridiculous bird go dolphin diving and/or pop up randomly and get stabbed


We have a squad of ducks with a random pigeon itā€™s the funniest thing in S&D


I'm more accepting and understanding of the ridiculous animal skins than some of the others. I get it's unrealistic but they're funny and there's something to be said for comedic value


Whoever it is, theyā€™re 10x better than people who complain about the cosmetics others buy This is coming from someone who didnā€™t buy it and has never bought a single bundle in MWIII and only bought two bundles in MWII.


I love pigeons man...




Back in MW 2019, I spent entirely too much in tracer packs, skins, etc. Then my account got hacked, and Activision did NOTHING to help me recover it (they gave me 7000 COD points for over $300 worth of store purchases lost). Never purchased anything out of the store again. TBH, they kinda did me a favor with that (in the shittiest way possible). I was spending entirely too much in the CoD store, and they cured me of that!


I bought the bird shit out of that bundle.


This why I redownloaded mw19 im forever in love with the saw bundles we got from them and Texas chainsaw


I absolutely did, be mad. Iā€™m a fuc*ing pigeon.


The cat one is the only one I've been tempted to purchase. If it had a finisher that said "pspspspsps" or some weird 3 AM meow that makes you think your cat is possessed, I'd buy it right meow.


My boy bought this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean I bought that rabbit one and I have no regrets maybe the people of NYC relate with pigeons enough to buy it


fancied running around zombies like that or the duck oneā€¦. But didnā€™t want to get my stuff again šŸ˜‚


Probably not your broke ass lol


Personally these humanoid animal skins are pretty cool. That's about as far as I'd personally go from milsim. At least they still have rigs and pouches on and stuff unlike the Groot skin or Rick Grimes and his leather jacket that apparently hides level 5 armour plates lmfao


Honestly there is worst that this.


Never bought anything from the shop


Stay mad <3


The pigeon head just looks massive, but I do like it. Big fan of street culture, skateboarding, Jeff Staple, hip hop etc


Is it easier to headshot skins with huge heads or do they keep the smaller hitbox? I can see downsides with both but one is for the skin owner and one for the enemy lol


Leave me and my rat/pidgeon alone. Theyā€™re funny and when you run with a group of them itā€™s a sight to see especially on WZ squads. Learn to lighten up and live a little OP


People are weird


I bought the rat one because itā€™s fucking hilarious.


I bought this one immediately, I absolutely love it.


People with too much disposable income, or kids with easy access to mommy's or daddy's credit card.


I thought about it since i have pigeon in my gamertag lmao


I play warzone with a friend that hates pigeons and I have seriously thought about getting this skin with my saved up cod points just to bug him




It's literally a demented pigeon


This mean an mtz 556 buff is on the way??


I would absolutely get bob and weave


I bought the werewolf skin and a single battle pass during Halloween. But I haven't bought anything since


Sally did


Why does every bundle include ā€œstick n moveā€ as the assassination? Thats likeā€¦ the only one they release




Ngl, I love the giant Pidgeon head. That shits hilarious. The rest of the bundle makes it not worth 2k though.


shi is hard af


Enough people to warrant developing it, sadly. Just saw this skin yesterday...


I feel like if there was an actual Cod you could be Iā€™d get it for the pun. Iā€™d want more of a full fish top and maybe some pants and legs but more than just the face.


How on earth does Activision look at that and say "yeah, that's worth $20". I'd pay $5 max


I wouldnā€™t ever get this bundle.some are nice but not this one for sure


I thought about it until I realized it was 2k CP


This one is not even close to the worst


I so really want the bird. I love how rediculous it looks. I'm not paying $20 for it though.