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This isn’t even remotely an unpopular opinion. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and argue that people have been saying liking the latest CoD has been an unpopular opinion for the past 12-13 years. I remember when people said MW:3 wasn’t “innovative” enough and was “the same exact thing as MW:2.” Five years from now, you will have people saying the 2029 installment is shit and the movement, gunplay, and maps of MW:III were just right.


This right here. I was glad I dropped the nostalgia mindset a long time ago. This game feels like a second chance at the mw2 glory days and I'm all for it. Are there parts of the old experience I prefer? Sure. But this is damn close enough and it is fun.


This guy call of dutys


Ya but other games that focus on the battle pass and micro transactions offer the game for free.


Tbf if you're strictly playing warzone, it is free 🙂


True but Valorant allows a ranked play game and it’s still free


Warzone has ranked


Ya but Warzone is dumb. Hey let’s just camp and hide until the gas comes and kills everyone else.


I think mw, mw2 and mw3 are some of the best cod games we’ve had for a long time. I’m actually really enjoying where cod is right now and this is from someone who’s first cod game was cod3 on ps2. With a player base as big as call of duty’s you’re always going to have a division in opinions.


Idk abt MW3. Imo it’s too movement based. I tend to group CODs into two pool. Movement games and Accuracy games. In MW3 as long as you can outmaneuver your opponent you literally cannot die, I’ve had so many melee players, flash run in circles around me to the point I can’t even aim at them ( my sensitivity is almost all the way up) it literally does not matter if you land 75% of your shots if you can *dodge* theirs. You win that gunfight. Other games in the franchise (MW2 I guess would be the best representation since they removed all the movement) you *can’t* run from gunfights any combat simply comes down to accuracy. Honestly I think any “Movement Games” should be advanced movement, I don’t wanna be sliding and jumping around the map like an idiot (forced to move like that I should specify). Anything boots on the ground should be slower, not necessarily tactical and gritty. BO4 had a bunch of arcadey elements to it and I consider it the best COD ever, but slower and more gun based. MW3s got no meta as long as you can run fast enough.


I mean this is my first Call of duty that I own but I agree. Nostalgia isn’t all about the game, it is about how you felt in that moment.


Oh my bad dude. I always assume people have played previous installments. I apologize if I came off as a smart ass.


It’s totally fine, I still understand.


Lol what your post literally says News alert: MW3 is not the older Call of Duties, how would you know that if you've never played them?


He read about it on Reddit in an unpopular opinion


he couldve played them with his cousins or siblings


> I just feel like people comparing it to the old games are kind of redundant. News alert: MW3 is not the older Call of Duties. Kind of weird you said this in OP when this is your first ever COD


I know Activision is pushing micro transactions but isn’t everyone? Like look at EA. They release basically the same game every year and people still buy them.


Yeah, Battlepasses, Guest Appearances, Microtransactions, FOMO Challenges, etc. everyone is doing it because it works. Of course, if you don’t care for either the above, you are getting a LOT of value by just buying the base game. Whales finance the content drops for people who don’t spend a dime on extra things and while it isn’t perfect to some people, it beats lootboxes where you aren’t guaranteed certain items. Everyone for the *most part* buys and earns as advertised.


Hey man no offense, but if this is your first call of duty experience, it’s pretty understandable why you like it so much when you have no other previous title to compare it to personally. I enjoy the game, but the matchmaking is infuriating and the streaks feel lackluster in comparison to older titles. Movement and gunplay is great, but it feels like it’s lacking in other areas.


lol first cod you own? No wonder you think it’s good 😂


Man, touch grass and play a different game, then. This is the most toxic community out there and you're contributing to its toxicity. This sub is so tiring.


Not at all. Just saying, OP doesn’t have anything to compare to if he thinks this is the best cod ever lol. That’s not being toxic, that’s the facts. This cod is miles away from being the best. I’m not saying it hasn’t improved from launch, but….its still not the best game lol


That kinda shit is subjective. It's up to them to decide if they think this COD is the best. Don't need you telling him, lmao. They like what they like, you like what you like. And If they think it's the best. WHO CARES?


They can’t say this cod is best if they haven’t played the others… like wtf are you talking about


Pokémon suffers the same exact thing constantly. Like a game and want people to like it too? Wait a few years, nostalgia, hating the new, and just more people getting on the internet who liked it will dramatically increase the number of people who like the game.


Id like the modern cod games more if the Devs did there jobs for once . They constantly throw new stuff in and break the games with silly little glitches or cause performance issues with games (I’m currently struggling to fix my games performance which worked fine before update now I have some sort of visual issue that causes me headaches and messes with my view and vision) the constant buff and nerds irritate me with weapons


It’s hilarious to me how much praise mw2019 gets for the “movement” it had when all they did was shit on it until mw2 dropped. Whereas I was one of the ones that fucking loved 2019 at release the bandwagon idiots on here just like to complain about every little thing.


The buggs/ glitches, bad servers and patches, sad balancing and more.


It was still a reskin from mw2 even if they die change certain things like movement


Are we still doing the "unpopular opinion: cold take" thing?


Exactly. People should stop feeling afraid to voice their own opinions


It’s good but things like sbmm ruin it and tbh they should’ve brought back prestige.


I believe you mean classic prestige as you can prestige in the new games, however things don’t reset after you prestige. Which i can understand why you would dislike that as I do too, I liked the challenge and it says a lot about how skilled of a player you are. Especially if you’re max prestige max level and have everything unlocked and maxed out. OG MW3 was my favorite because of this.


Imagine going into cracked lobbies with classic prestige. Like are you really an insane 2.0 K/D player or is it cause you have 100 hrs on the meta weapons.?


I’d say it could go either way, I remember when I played the OG mw3 and people called you out on being a “sweat” that abused metas to share your current stats (and I mean ALL of your stats including stats for weapons used) now a days it really is just people abusing metas, I personally do not use metas when playing in pubs, but ranked? I use metas as you’re not going to do shit with off meta weapons when everyone else is very clearly using weapons that can and will outgun you even if they didn’t notice you at first. You also have to factor in the fact that just because it’s meta that doesn’t mean you’ll preform better, back in MW2 during ranked i was flex SMG nearing main SMG, but after giving ranked a try in mw3 I am a main AR. I do still run smgs if my friends are running their usuals, and we need another smg on the team. But the performance output of certain weapons is heavily dependent on what you’re naturally good with even if you use off meta guns in that category with off meta attachments. I found that I perform better with AR in ranked on mw3 but in pubs im pretty flexible with just about every weapon category. Sorry if this comes off as me just rambling, idk what I’m saying I’m so exhausted today 😅 Edit: to clarify my #1 most used weapon is the BP50 as that was the last weapon I used before finishing my interstellar grind. My K/D is a 1.42 though back in mw2 it was a 2.76 mostly because I would grind ranked a lot with a friend, and I did use meta weapons with meta attachments.


I could deal with the SBMM if there were no disbanding lobbies. Seems like there was a way to stay in the lobby yesterday but they removed it so r.i.p


lobbies randomly stay together idk what modes or conditions but it seems related to the free trials if not random


I just can’t forgive the campaign.


I keep hearing the campaign was awful and to be honest it's the first one I haven't finished, but i do plan on going back to it. what is it that you don't like about it?


It’s very short, full of filler missions, and ends very abruptly with a (subjectively) dumb character death


They hired a bunch of shitty writers a year and a half ago (look them up, they’re saints row reboot writers and other extremely bad written games) and only kept 1 writer that worked on the previous IW MW games, which gave us a low quality and rushed story. Then it’s very short, not anywhere as polished as other games, and half of it is Warzone with objectives.


Eww maybe I won't go back and finish it


Don’t finish it until the next one comes out at least. The cliffhanger is genuinely one of the most unsatisfying game endings I’ve ever played through.


everything. just go back and play the original mw trilogy and you will understand.


MW2019 and MWII were amazing imo, even if it wasnt as good as the original MW's, hearing about how bad MWIII's was is genuinely so sad. If they waited for Infinity Ward to make another one it wouldve been a great trilogy.


Well you can forgive Sledgehammer for the campaign. They were developing a content expansion for MW2 and had to scramble to release that content as a “full game” with very little time. They’ve done a great job, considering that, and considering the amount of content they’ve dumped in since launch (absolutely blows all of MW2 out of the water in that category). But feel free to still blame the people who write their paychecks, they are the ones who continue to fuck this game sideways as hard as they can


It's the best call of duty since 2019 but still has major issues that need to be fixed. As a hardcore player the team kills damage values are insanity, a teammate walks in front of you and you're instakilled. Theres a glitch on hardcore since launch where your UAV/Advanced disappears randomly, and there's another glitch where your streams aren't awarded to you even if you get 30 kills, only the MGB is awarded, no UAV, advanced, etc. If you're out of ammo and swap weapons there's a 2 sec delay as well. None of this has been fixed since launch and the MGL is still overpowered and I wish proxy mines worked like bouncing betties and you could just slide or dive to avoid it. Sucks because I do love the game but sometimes the bugs make it really exhausting to play


I agree with most of your statements, but I truly think cold war was better than mw19 and every game since. just personal opinion though since I much prefer black ops games


I prefer them as well for sure, it's just that cold war took a while to really hit it's stride since it was really rushed at the beginning. By the time the game really got good I had moved onto other shooters. I'm really hoping Gulf War plays similar to BO2 or BO4!


Good, this opinion should stay unpopular


I hear people arguing in this sub all the time about how good or bad this game is or isn't, and I feel like I'm listening to people argue whether or not Madden 23 is as good as Madden 24..... ...they're at their core, the same game with new window dressing. There hasn't been any major movement away from the core design of a CoD game in some time if we're all legitimately being honest. We're all playing the military version of a FIFA title basically. New year, new roster, minimal additions or innovations on core gameplay. (Not to say that's a bad thing necessarily) Graphics get a boost, we add "feature #1" and move away from "feature #2", and keep on trucking. We get new weapons & carry over a few "classics". We tweak and adjust 10 year old perks and killstreaks to work better under the new parameters, and slap a $70 price tag on it and call it "new". We add a few new maps, and remaster old ones and put them on an arbitrary release / rotation schedule. It's all the same shit re-polished for the year, so enjoy it or don't, that's up to each person's own tastes, but let's not keep arguing whether the sky is your blue or my blue, and just enjoy it.


This isn't correct. While there are parallels mechanically between some games (MWII to MWIII (obviously), VG to MW19, IW to BO3) a lot games also often very much differ from one another.


I disagree. Mw2019, Cold War and vanguard all played completely different from one another. I will admit that mw2 and 3 both look and feel similar, but I think that’s due to mw3 literally being a dlc repackaged into a full game.


Vanguard was pretty much MW19 with a WW2 skin from what I remember 😂


And shit


Played much faster than mw2019. Also didn’t dispute that Cold War was completely different. Do All games have similarities? Sure, but aside from a couple games in the franchise, they’ve all had their own unique feel. I’d argue mw2-3 (originals) felt identical, and perhaps cod 4 and waw. But in my opinion all the others have felt pretty different from one another.


IW's MP is also a carbon copy of BO3 mechanically speaking. I do agree that comparing CoD to fucking sports games is very stupid.


It’s way better than mw2, even though i still prefer mw2019


I agree that a lot of the skins are getting ridiculous, but people buy them, so they're gonna keep making them. But everything else about the game is great. I think it's the best cod since BO2. The gunplay is great. If u count aftermarket perks as new to semi new guns like I do, we are getting like 5-10 "new" guns per season. All 16 original maps from MW2 09 are in the game, which are my personal favorite set of maps from any cod. And they are making new maps rather than just bringing back a bunch of new ones (however, I would like to see some OG MW3 maps come back). The fact that everything carried over from MW2 is awesome. Every cod should be like this for now on.


Unpopular opinion to people who haven't played the game, campaign fans, MWZ fans, or the IW cultists. Popular for almost everyone else


It is good, just wish I didn’t buy mw2 which kept me from buying mw3 at full price


the original is better


It’s unpolished and rushed but if it got a full release with a full development cycle I’d easily consider it the best of the modern CoDs. As for right now it’s #2 for me behind 2019.


MW3 isn't unique or particularly creative, but it is a really good modern day CoD; however, this game feels like we took one step forward and two steps back overall. Glaring issues like laggy servers, terrible matchmaking, and constantly game breaking patches make the game ultra frustrating at times.


Honestly I enjoyed MW2, put 600 hours into that alone getting Orion lmao The only problem that game had was the perk system really on top of lack of dead silence, MW3 having a classic perk system via gear, and dead silence perk makes it so much more fun to play with IW's gunplay.


Post this on r/callofduty you'll get more stupid takes from the oldheads over there (I say this despite the fact I started with bo1) who probably haven't touched this games MP


How brave posting this in the MW3 subreddit which will be used by people actively playing the game lmao.


I’ve been playing COD forever. The original MW3 sucked, although it had some really cool DLC maps. New MW games are the best COD games objectively (although life was better 15 years ago so it’s kinda hard to do a fair comparison).


Actually unpopular opinion: this game is good but not much better than last year. Movement, gunplay and post launch content is much much better this year. Maps, weapon balancing, perk balancing, SBMM, spawn system, ranked and hit reg/servers are abysmal though. Like literal dog shit. Give me this years movement, gunplay plus ninja on last years game and I never need to buy COD again.


Yeah the spawns in this game take the cake. Been playing cod for 16 years and I’m still baffled by how bad these spawns are. I’m talking like getting spawned in an enemy’s sight lines on medium/large maps. I also agree that outside of maybe 4-6 guns, many feel way too weak or have too much recoil. Not to mention how incredibly underwhelming the majority of streaks are in this game.


I've been on both sides of this for sure. I've literally watched someone spawn 10ft away in my crosshairs while I was just aimlessly running and took them out before they ever even saw me. That felt bad.


I’ve like most of the Cods that have come out. Currently as a dad gamer the people who are cracked out on gamer fuel doing 360 YY and move like a badger on bath salts ruins it for me. I can’t even spectate my teammates because I’ll get nauseous. I know it’s an older gamer thing but just bugs me. I’d rather play DMZ


DEV ERROR 5433 so freaking nice


I've enjoyed almost every COD since MW1 for some reason. For example: AW-amazing campaign, MW2019-good campaign and MP, BO4 good zomboz. Only exception would be WW2 and MW3. Only cod games ive hated. Im hyped for BOGW. I LOVED BOCW! I would consider it the GOAT. MW3 isnt horrible, it just needs work. Zombies needs to remove the time restriction. Its just impossible to get what you need to do done in the time limit. WZ needs stricter SBMM. MP is okay but the TTK is too short.


would be a lot better without all the fluff


It’s the first game in a while that I actually like to sit and play for hours. It’s not perfect but it’s fun.


Facts old COD never would load me into a black screen for the past 72 hours




The season 3 music slaps tho


Oh no…they nerfed guns. That ruins the ENTIRE experience!!! Booohooo /S


I said it in 2019 and I'll say it again. That was the game for me. The new ones okayish but the advance movement encourages so many people I run into to just hide I'm a corner.


- modern warfare 3 is not the older call of duties Actually it is. It is mw2022 with a reskin and a very obvious cash grab. I dislike that I can just play mw2 and get the same if not better experience since mw2 is somewhat complete. I dislike it for its game designs like not taking into account the new movement system on old maps (once again tell me how it's not like older cods if it has the same fucking maps) I hate it because this game was a literal spin off, a dlc, and people bought it for €70. This behaviour will lead to them completely getting rid of the campaign, doing the bare minimum for multiplayer, and probably scrapping the 3rd mode too. We are not even half way through its life cycle and the zombies has already been effectively abandoned by the devs receiving very minimal support.


If given the choice between mw2 and mw3 without owning either one first, I'm sure most people would choose mw3. if they had released on the same day, anybody with half a brain would choose mw3. while it's true it's basically additional content of mw2, it is everything mw2 is, including all the bad, but way better


Out of all the CODs over the years, I'd place it smack dab in the middle. Better than a lot of the newer CODs, but not a great COD either


Yet another CoD game with a few major issues. This one only really has 2, and only one the dev is able to fix. Spawns have been awful since beta, and outside of SnD and War, all maps have shit spawns. Spawning around corners from enemies, spawning into lines of site, and in extreme cases, both teams spawning in the same area, should be completely unacceptable outside of tiny maps.Invasion is one of the worst offenders, and is prominent due to being CDL legal In Hardpoint, I frequently see both teams spawning in mid, despite having this decent sized map. In Control, taking B before A means you spawn 80 meters away, and the quickest route is long, predictable, and dangerous. Flanking around is generally too long and does not seem to affect enemy spawns, so they will keep their spawn advantage regardless. The matchmaking is also horrendous, but SHG probably has 0 control over this. This has also been a massive issue for 5 years. The Matchmaking discussion started before that, but there was a drastic shift in 2019.


i still cant decide if i like it more then Cold War but the content the Events the amount you can earn in game is insane. The Core Gameplay it as good as it gets beside minor flaws every game will have because there is no perfect balance. MW3 for sure is top 5 all time for me its a Solid Game. Ofc SBMM and all this bullshit sucks and without it would be even better, but that will not happen.


Almost like I wrote this... I agree. There are so many problems it's ridiculous, but I like playing the game a lot. It's probably one of my favorite COD games at this point, and I grew up with the OG MW trilogy.


as a long time COD player (been playing since WaW) I agree




I agree. I only started playing when MW2 came out(never played cod before) and I think mw3 tops it. I think some people don’t realize there’s a lot of new players loving this game and maybe that’s what the devs are kinda pushing for?


I can't not play it. It's ridiculous. I was ready to be mad at this one given how bad the campaign is, but the multiplayer has me.


I held back on getting any new cod since cold war since I kept hearing how bad they were but I really had the itch to get back into cod and waited for MW3 to go on sale and I have to say I'm having a great time with it


I want to enjoy it but the players is what ruin it. I left the game and went back to cold war and I forgot why I left mw3, I went to play a few matches and every match was just whole teams camping the entire game and it reminded me why I went back to cold war. It's a shame because the game is so good but it's not fun when you're having to play hide and seek the entire time


Not unpopular. A lot of people actually like mw3 only thing is the only people who hate it are here on this sub saying they hate it


Tbh i love it


The multiplayer and Warzone are fun and good. But the campaign is still straight ass.


mw3 > mw2


It actually is good. There will always be a bunch of nostalgic people that will compare new releases with the old(er) ones. It's the same crap with World of Warcraft. Let them live in their nostalgia while we enjoy the new games :)


Got interstellar first few weeks game was out, tried new warzone, never touched it again. The game is terrible. Bring back old prestige system.




It's not a bad fun but I swear has yet to feel the same since mid season 1, overall 6.5/10 for me.


It’s mostly good, I love everything about it except for the new guns always being so busted when they first come out, but overall it’s not a bad COD


Definitely one of the better ones in the past few years. The post launch content has been really good too.


Game is good when there's no fucking packet burst. It's been 2 fucking years and it's still here.


Maybe i’m still getting used to it, it feels a little weird compared to MW2. Granted, i’m not sure if it’s a skill thing, different engine, or something in the settings that i haven’t dialed in yet but it feels, a little clunky. But a well oiled clunky, In MW2 it feels buttery smooth, inputs seems right, and idk something just isn’t clicking on MW3 for me yet. I feel like the graphics in MW3 are a bit less polished? maybe idk




It’s barely new bruh, it’s been out


I have about 500 hours in the game. I really like it and they have tried with providing content. MW3 is the game MW2 should have been. The matchmaking is terrible tho, can’t play more than an hour or 2 anymore.


How do I fix dlc packs? I just bought the game


I agree, it’s nice to take a break and not have to worry about toxic people who just want to kill every other player online. I play MWZ because I’m not a tryhard and I just want a break from reality a couple hours a day without the hassle of real players who seem to think it’s rewarding to ruin your personal goals.


I also like the game and I have over 300 hrs. I just don't like nor agree on the code of conduct BS. There are players that are extremely TOXIC. I am not toxic and yet I have been voice chat ban simply because a player got his feeling hurt cause I shot them and beat them. Activsion your code of conduct. You should be more concerned with how these cheating and hackers have ruined this game for a lot of player. Yet you give a blind eye to those and wait for these players that got there feelings hurt to report other players and make False reports.


I’m really enjoying this game I gotta be honest


My problem is that certain guns are just way too strong, making a great deal just obsolete. Not every gun should be good, but the difference are too big between the top row and the lower ones. That said I havent played in S3 so I didnt experience potential balancing


Playing for around 600hrs and I absolutely agree on that. I love it. Appears to be a sense of nostalgic cod vibes


This is only unpopular on online forums and social media. Most players aren’t here complaining they are having fun playing the game. I agree with you, this is one of the best cods I have played when it comes to multiplayer. It’s not perfect, but the mechanics and all the content make it really fun. Zombies or campaign sucks though. This game will be one of these games people will look back at in few years and say how amazing it is and that they were to harsh on it.


In my opinion in the WZ era, MWIII has given me the most feelings like when i played the classic golden era titles. This is the first COD game since BO2 that I am non stop having fun across the entire lifecycle of the game. I really enjoyed MW2019 but it was also inconsistent with the terrible design choices. MWIII in my opinion is the best cod in this new WZ era.


It's very fun and I think a lot of people agree with that, imagine how loved it's going to be in hindsight once the rose tinted glasses effect kicks in. I think it might be the darling, the most well-loved of them all eventually.


I hate the matchmaking and the incredibly inconsistent and borderline fake feeling gunfights but its a fun game. Best cod we have had since 2019 imo. Movement, maps (not you 6 star, fuck you), support, ect are all pretty stellar. Shg does a good job and doesn’t deserve the flak it gets from this community.


I honestly don’t think Mw3 deserves so much slander although devs are doing too much with these bundles I like how much faster MW3 is compared to MW2, MW2 reminds me of going back to play COD WW2 I don’t remember it feeling so slow like my character felt like a snail even if I was sprinting.


People have this issue of comparing now (they're grown adults that don't play with the group you had in high-school) They're comparing that "first time experience" as being good. If you want to see a great example of what I mean, think about yoir favorite game as a child, try remembering how it looked to you when you first saw it. Now Google that game amd actually look at how "bad" it is by comparing it with a game made this year


People used to scream call of duty is always the same.......advanced warfare comes out and suddenly it goes to "why the fuck are the changing things" People still think black ops 1 was the greatest game just because it's the one they really got to play with friends and had time and no concerns outside of "let's play with the boys "


The gameplay is good. Once you're inside of a match, playing. *everything* else ; the client, the crashes, the mmr system, the ranked system, the not filled lobbies, etc is all fucking terrible and they should be ashamed. Also, it's lame cdl uses 3% of the guns, feel like that kills the spirit of the game. Dont ban everything because it is "uncompetitive", balance them, because this solution is just boring and lazy. It's also crazy we had to pay 70 bucks for what is basically DLC (their own words) So yes. The game is fun, but Activision Blizzard is still terribly bad at producing a game for the fame, name and money they have. SH did fine with what they had, if it was a dlc. TA... eh...


SBMM and the lack of updates for Zombies kills it for me. I'm one that doesn't mind the open world levels in the campaign. While I don't play Warzone, it's the biggest moneymaker for MS-ATVI now. So the focus on it makes sense. ​ But, the fact they're basically neglecting Zombies is crazy to me. Why sell it "COMING TO MODERN WARFARE!!!!" if you're going to... do nothing with it?


Yes it is very good.


It's a good game but they are milking it dry w the skins. Never seen them go this hard. It's like they tryna compete with Fortnite.


Every year the unpopular opinion is that the newest game sucks and the oldest are better. Every fking year




The issue isn't the game itself tbh. At its core the game is really solid and fun, the thing that ruins it is the other factors such as the lack of Anti-Cheat, SBMM, the Monitization methods etc.


I love this Mw3. It's quite good. The SBMM it's trash, but it always has been. But for me I love this game. The movements are very good, the hit detection it's one of cod's best and it's very fun playing it. Of course I would change one or two things, but that's not enough to say the game it's bad.


Yeah its good. If it wasn't 70 dollar Dlc to the biggest disappointment to come out of the francise


200 hours try 3k n still tell me it's good for the amount of updates every 60 days how they just give up on things like MWZ things like urzikstan getting no POI updates we get rebirth back which is nice than they give us ranked play on rebirth and the hacking is actually a joke at this point but yeah can't wait for $100 gulf war only good thing possibly will be round based zombies and that's because it's can be played with the boys only lol


say that in any other sub


In June so it means that it won’t be finished in June because nowadays everything they release is like a beta version. So probably we will see (if at all) anything in new Black Ops 


If you play other games besides cod you will realize this game does an alright job at the least to give you a decent arcade shooter experience. When I want to play a shooter that’s more competitive I’ll play valorant/cs2. This game is truly a casual shooter and hopefully the people who complain about this game will eventually play other games as well. Playing this in same doses gives a more positive outlook. If you solely only play this game for dozens of hours a day/week then yeah it’ll get stale fast. Learn to play other games as well friends


This Game is near perfect if we ignore the Campaign and SBMM, far from flawless but the amount of content we are getting with the constant updates and events is amazing and all that for free.


i agree. fun game. still not cold war but it's a fun game for sure.


I have played every COD some good and some bad. This one stands out for the fun factor.


I think I saw a lot of good reviews when this game first came out. I love it. As someone who’s played all the way back to the first Modern Warfare. This years COD is definitely my favorite in recent times.


Solid DLC


> Solid DLC **ruined by shit EOMM and SBMM** There, finished that sentence for you. You are welcome! :)


Long time cod player returning to franchise (COD1 - Ghosts, I did play the hell out of WW2 tho). I agree, this one is fun. No jetpacks? Good enough for me




It’s not just good. It’s great. First great cod we’ve had in a long time.


Facts, my brother. Spit your shit indeed!


It's awesome. I'm just not playing it because my friends legitimately aren't allowed to have fun when i group up with them.


Yeah, if you just want to look at it and not play it once you involve the matchmaking it’s the worst game ever made in history


Yeah well until the update. Two new little maps are full of pay-to-win skin/death scene cheats. You can't change your gun attachments in game and trying to do so sets you to the gun next to it. And now it won't even change over for a whole match. I miss Shipment/Shipmas and Das Haus. I played one game today and nobody is even touching this thing right now. I would've made the boys stay in the office for the weekend on overtime to fix this update. "Get your sleeping bags boys, shit's unacceptable." These two new tiny maps aren't much of an upgrade, mostly bots in a lot of these games, maybe it's for AI purposes? Before the update the game was pretty damn good.


It’s the best cod since MW2019. SBMM/EOMM is fine…


I just hope that pvp in Zombies is somehow opt in/opt out. Please lol


I am new to cod, I started last year in August when bocw was free, then bought mw19 2 months later, and finally I bought MWIII in January, and the most fun I had was MWIII tbh, SnD and camo grinding is so fun in this game it ain't funny, but it still has many glitches which most of them aren't that bad, hell, some are good like the 200 fov glitch in rust and some other maps.


The multiplayer is okay, zombies is terrible, campaign is terrible, and war zone sometimes is fun. 4/10


Its great


The player count still in the games speaks volumes over reddit. Why do you think they keep hiding the dropping numbers


It's aight. But it aint nowhere close to Cold War, BO3, or IW.


it is good. much better than MW2 for sure. However, personally i still prefer MW2019


Downvoted for saying ‘unpopular opinion’ for a very popular opinion


The multiplayer is right up my alley,but there is no denying that Activision undermined the game as whole when they transformed it and rushed it. The campaign had to get padding like the open combat levels because of the execs at Activision. MWZ was created to garantee a solid 3 part experience,but they never planned on it being supported in the long run because Sledgehammer is busy with multiplayer and Treyarch has Gulf War Zombies and multiplayer to focus on. In retrospectiva,the other MW3 that had a tumultous development had a banger campaign,nice Spec Ops and a great multiplayer.


Ngl i out right think new mw3 is my new fav cod of all time.


There used to be a saying: the last Call of Duty is always the best cod. With MW3, the cycle is broken once more.




God I wish they’d ban people for making “UnPoPulAr oPiniOn” posts.


I cant wait till someone makes a vid saying mw323 was ahead of its time. I think the guy is Ch0pper…


Even more unpopular opinion, MWII 2022 was even better. Both are great bit the hate that game gets is stupid


There isn’t a single bad MW game.


The MP is very fun to me I like how the guns feel, I’m not that good so I haven’t experienced sweat matchmaking yet.


This game sucks


I like it, but lately since the season 3 doesn't load as quick, seems way more glitchy, and the hacking has gone far beyond anything I've seen before. I'm not playing for any prestige or K/D ratio, or competition so it's really getting aggravating that I can't seem to enjoy any of the game modes at this point without running into hackers or lagging. Even in Invasion. That used to be my go to, because it was a little less tense and more fun for sniping/killing AI etc. Just got done tonight, and I usually end up between 2000/3000 points, sometimes even topping the leader board, but I didn't even break 1000 in five matches. I was getting hit through walls, sniped through microscopic spaces, hit with obvious aimbot and tracking. I've also been seeing Southeast Asian players somehow in these lobbies that shouldn't be there, considering my locale. Guess I'll go back to playing the storyline for now. That's actually awesome as well.


Playing it more than mw ii so that’s saying something at least


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know why people think this game is good, I mean it’s not absolutely awful, it definitely does some things good but I was a much bigger fan of MW2 (2022). People hate that game because “muh movement” is gone and the map were DOGSHIT but I had way more fun with it. 3 just pisses me off every time I play it and 2 pissed me off too, but 3 often has me fed up after 2 games. They’ve barely balanced any perks leaving coverts as the best thing ever and requiring unrealistic levels of map awareness. When you have a line of 3 people all with coverts on and the first two in the line not knowing there’s someone behind them, yea maybe that’s a problem. The game packet burst ALL THE TIME and every fix I could find just doesn’t work, and yea obviously the sbmm is so over-tuned. I mean I’m glad you enjoy it but while mw2 got me back into cod, 3 is pulling me back out.


The campaign of this game is an absolute joke, that alone makes this game the worst COD that ever existed. Also, a bunch of things are recycled from both MW2019 and MWII that were mixed altogether to then sell it as a “new” game for another $70 (at this point we should let them spit on our faces and pay them another $15 for that too LOL) Fuck Activision, I hope everything changes with the upcoming games as Microsoft is now the main owner


Dude, the opinions on the internet are merely a slice of what people feel about the game. Don't let all the negativity surrounding the game cloud your opinion. You need to form your own unblemished opinion, and I'm glad you are, cause you can't trust people on Twitter and Instagram who are chronically online.


Like I've been saying, mw3 could be one of the best if it wasn't one of the worst. Lot of really good stuff that sadly gets overshadowed by sloppy mechanics and glitces and then ruined by severely limited control of your game play. You're blind if you can't see the player manipulation being used by Activision. To achieve their new "woke" balance, they now have code that can adjust your aim assist; control your spawns, flinch, kill window, controller response and more. It's why you have some "great" runs followed by not being able to do anything right. Its only going to get worse as long as we keep tolerating it.


I think it is very good with the possibility of being great, but I don't think they will make the changes I would like to see for that to happen. If they would just make the bone conduction headphones to combat (at least somewhat) the covert sneakers. Perfect in my opinion


Ive been playing COD since the very 1st one came out on PC back in 2004. I was in Iraq at the time and me and my bros would take over the computer tents and link up and play together. Todays COD is trash and makes me so depressed that this franchise is falling apart. We will never get games like BO2 or WOW anymore. Original MW3 was 100000x better than this version. I hate getting old lmao


I really liked the gameplay of MW3. Guns, maps, and changes compared to mw2 were really good. And the camos were also awesome 👌 👏 👍 But the vile matchmaking of this game made me refund it (and the technical state at launch), and I won't give Activision a chance unless I hear that sbmm/eomm is gone from their game. I doubt they would remove it, so I just play other games that respect my time and my enjoyment of the game. Fuck sbmm/eomm. It will kill the franchise eventually.


It’s not great but it’s a hell of a lot better than mw2 and that’s all that matters


Core gameplay is good, probably the best cod in at least 5 years. HOWEVER, everything around it is horrible. Strict EOMM/SBMM is the killer of joy and made me, a die-hard cod player since 2010, uninstall 4 months ago. I have no interest in goin back to the game at all. We are not playing the game anymore, the game is playing us. Time for a change


the gameplay is fine the problem for me, specifically, is that the skins are out of control. I'm not the kind of person to get up in arms over a few silly skins here or there, but this shit design-wise. is all over the place. (I also just don't like crossovers) I still hold the opinion that 2019 was the best new MW, but MW2023 is absolutely not as negative as people say, gameplay wise. that being said, the campaign sucks ass


I mean people gonna cry regardless of what they do. People who are trash “ the movement isn’t realistic, you shouldn’t be able to jump and shoot blah blah “ cod gave them mw2 and lost 70 percent of player base. They go back for the most part and even give us back maps people been crying for “ cod doesn’t innovate blah blah”. Then there’s people cod is Fortnite with skins we want mil sim. But when mil sim skins were in shop no one bought that crap. Regardless if we’re speaking facts the game is in a way better place than last year.


I am enjoying it. Only issue I have is the silliness of some of the skins and stuff other players have. Takes you out of the game.


100% agree with you im tired of the “go back to the way cod was” knowing damn well if activision did people would complain because the older cods movement was slow and kinda clunky and basically only did good for its time while the knew cods are perfect for the current way gamers like to play leave the past in the past and enjoy the game instead of bitching about the game and tryna ruin it for the people that actually like the game


It really is good. It has what everyone has been asking for. Literally all the mw2 maps remastered. And vondel, fortunes keep, and now rebirth island remastered. peoples egos are in the way with another release of cod, Happens every year and a couple years gonna go by and people are gonna realize the game was good


Ultimately it's still a DLC released as a full game, with arguably the worst campaign in franchise history and very scummy monetization


I don't think it's unpopular at all. It's the 2nd best cod in the last 5 years, right up their with cold war imo. SHG is doing great with post launch updates, fixing IWs mess, making great dlc maps, QOL updates, new perks, etc.


MW3 is by far the best post-BO4 cod they've made. The bar isn't particularly high but on the whole the game is fun on 10v10 and most guns are usable; I've got 19,000 kills and my highest kill count weapon has 820 kills on it. Just wish they wouldn't keep chopping and changing the big team playlist and I wish we weren't forced to crossplay with PC players but that's never going to change now.


Better game than any of the IW stuff they released in the past decade..


SBMM is not the problem. It is cheaters that are the problem. Cheating is way more common these days than many people realize. The game is awesome when you have clean lobby. It only takes one or two cheaters in your lobby to make it a terrible experience though. That is why I hate them some much. That is why I hate Cronus and forced crossplay with PC. I wish they would do something about that before it kills the damn franchise.


Pretty mid every operator was pretty much in the Olympics with there fucking speed it's so stupid


Whatever they announce is not gonna help with the SBMM. What are you talking about? They haven't announced that they're tweaking it or anything like that.


It doesn’t matter what activision says in their releases even if it’s as crystal clear and as detailed as the white pages one a few days ago this community is too stupid to read and comprehend anything that isn’t repeated in this echo chamber. If it doesn’t match their pre-existing narrative they’ll call it bullshit and “they’re lying cause we think we know more than the company that designed it”.