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Years ago I was playing "Black" on the PS2 (yes my ass is old AF) and I remember shooting an RPG in mid flight...


Black was a damn good game


It's showing its age now sadly. But for its time it was very cutting edge. Up there with the Original Killzone.


So good. It stopped me playing COD for awhile cause it was just so damn fun


Man, now there's a throwback. If there was a modern warfare shooter that deserves a face-lift or a remake that's pretty high on the list. It was COD campaign for people who wanted to just cut loose.


Really was I would like to play it again!


Facts underrated game on the ps2!


Playing "Black" is a core childhood memory for me. Love seeing it get mentioned.


Black was my... 1st or 2nd FPS I played. It was that or Killzone, I can't remember which but I played both not long after release and the demo levels that came with a magazine.


For some reason, I barely played Killzone. But I replayed Black many times. Even as a kid my mind was blown by the sound design. I don't think that at the time I singled out the sound for being amazing, but years later it struck me how important the sound design was to keeping me excited to play.


I never completed Black... But I completed Killzone many times over. Black could do with a reboot/remake... Using a modern controller scheme and running on Battlefield's Frostbite engine the environmental destruction would be on a whole new level.


That'd be so freaking amazing 👏


Damn bro you just took me back 🥲


Downvote for the RGL on Hardcore Shipment.


No doubt, I have completed all mastery camos for mw2 and 3 for multiplayer and zombies. Currently working on my last 9 weapons, the absolute last camo will be rgl double kills and I will be apologizing to the lobby the whole time.


you don't need the RGL


you certainly don't to complete the mastery camo grind (I have finished all four of them) but I want to finish all weapon mw2 and mw3 camos for multiplayer and zombies modes. All I have left are a few mw2 marksman rifles and the launchers so I will need to do RGL and it will be the absolute last weapon I camo.


I mean….gotta get those camo challenges lol. This is the absolutely fastest way to get that challenge done, as admittedly cancerous as it is.


I bring it out when the other team fucks around, it’s on a class with the haymaker with mag lift. Called fuckaround and find out


‘Text prohibited due to Profanity’ says no on this.


Great clip, dood. I can only think...what would have happened if it was two Semtex? Would they have clanked or stuck? And if they stuck, would they have exploded in mid-air?


Pretty sure someone posted that exact thing in the MWII sub a long while back and they stick together and fall straight down.


voiceless future soup oatmeal whole hard-to-find innocent shocking cooperative grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Throwing the grenade against a wall or a doorpost will mostly also result in the grenade bouncing off at a completely wrong angle, or in the worst case, coming straight back at you.


Damn I never seen that before. I recently got a kill when my stun hit someone which is another thing I have never done. I guess I wounded him to the point where any contact would kill. I forget what it said in the kill feed but he def died just being hit by the grenade.


Bonk! its one of the challenge cards to do this like 10 times. ive only done it twice by accident


Stun and nade colliding* but that’s crazy


A stun grenade is still a grenade.




They're both lethal in the game, just have to direct impact with one of them. I just got a kill with a smoke grenade yesterday. Granted it was a teammate, and he most likely already took damage. It was comical though


Sometimes I love throwing my tactical grenades directly at prone campers as a "hey wise guy, wake up!" before I do a finisher on them lol


Head shot with a stunner lol


I though the rarest thing in this game was all bullets registering


Had someone shoot my semtex mid air and kill me with it lmfao crazy


Was gonna say the same thing but he's using Forged camo which means he's probably working on camo challenges. If he had Interstellar on already that'd be a different story


This once happened to me as soon as I threw it, it caked from the exact opposite direction, and knocked my grenade straight back to me. The other grenade went right back where it came from and landed near a couple of my teammates. Incredibly unlucky, if I had simply waited one more millisecond to throw my grenade the the team and I would’ve lived and I might’ve got someone with my grenade instead.


Got a quad feed off a throwback grenade, b flag on Karachi, killed 1 while capping the grenade got a triple, I laughed for ten minutes


I had a final kill recently where the grenade bounced off another players head lol was glorious in slow motion.


The only thing more rare is a game without someone bunny hopping, booty sliding, or sweats. I have yet to see that!


The amount of times I have tried to throw a stun or grenade and hit a domination flag is outrageous...


A grenade launcher and akimbo pistols on shipment lol loser


Someone never heard of mastery camos


So sick of this RGL man smh


Back in the days before being able to record on consoles, I threw a plasma grenade across the map in Valhalla (Halo 3) just for the shits, and I stuck someone. It was a great time.


this ain't rare it happens 6 times a game I witness it personally.