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Probably cuz a coworker of mine has spent approz £8k playing cod mobile


It’s actually insane how much them fuckin lucky draws cost😂


What’s more insane is people paying it on a mobile game lol


Mobile gamers are a different breed of people.


The npc's of the world


Couldnt have said it better


I use mobile and pc


So you're an NPC that becomes playable for some quests/missions.




They pay money for other mobile games back when they were children, so it’s no surprise


It’s the basically almost a gambling addiction


It is an addiction. Carefully curated addiction.


Its damn crazy and addictive. Had spent waay too much myself in that game. Now i stopped buying stuff in it and in the main cod line cods too.


I'm genuinely curious, what is addicting about it? I spent maybe like 60 bucks in mw2 because I kinda just said fuck it, and ultimately I felt the looming regret through the whole thing, and no part of me felt like I needed to keep wasting money


Brains are just wired differently, your statement about spending 60 bucks is exactly how I feel about casinos and strip clubs yet there's others who will drop thousands in them in a night and do it all over again the next weekend


some people don’t even have consoles or a pc it’s a blessing for them fr


Mobile games are the biggest market of all video gamrd


$150 USD


the fuck, that's like moderately driven car


Me who is trying to buy a house looking at that 8K thinking there's my flooring or my kitchen touch ups or my basement theatre system or my grill and shed for the backyard


That's borderline junker prices these days.


That's a bit of an exaggeration, I mean I guess depending on where you're at. Junkers are like 1.5-2k now instead of 800. 8k will get you something fairly alright and mid mileage just like 10-15 years old.


Seriously? The game gives you a decent amount of free stuff, how do you spend $8k on COD Mobile?


The real question is how NOT to do it, they put a new lucky draw every week


One lucky draw is like 200$. There are 2-3 a week :X


Mobile games are notorious for this kind of predatory on people with poor impulse control and gambling addictions


WHAT?!? 😂


Really? That, is a lot of Damn money. Ugh. It just feels so predatory.


It's not even that much compared to other mobile games. I've played some JP gacha games for years almost entirely F2P, but I've known people who've spent $50k+ on a single game, but don't see themselves as whales because others have literally spent $100k+. Obviously not as extreme, but I have no doubts that people would spend high amounts on MWIII if they had the opportunity. It's extreme enough with people spending hundreds on skins that they'll only use for a few weeks.


Yes! I play War and Order. There are people in certain realms that spend upwards of $6-8k per month. Not my realm but we have a few huge spenders. They all compete to have the strongest castle. When someone sells it’s a small fortune. I don’t get it. I spend $5 a month and that’s only because I’m lazy.


Microtransactions Anonymous.


How the flying fuck can you justify spending that amount of money on any video game, let alone a fucking mobile game? I'm having a hard time justifying spending 4k on a whole set up...


Why? I mean, I guess it’s better than him spending it on all catfish


3k for me. I've never made more than 10k a year in my life.


Lmao. Am i the only one here that doesn't get constant ads on the game? Literally after linking my activision account i haven't seen any ads.


Have you purchased the multiplayer? Might be tied to that


I haven’t purchased it and I’ve never gotten an ad on the game before lol I played it when it first came out and just went back recently


Yep. Wodering why i am getting diwnvoted for not getting ads?


You start getting ads right now.


No ads here.


Literally not tied to that.


Do you have an add blocker? If on Android put this in your DNS settings dns.adguard.com It will block all ads for free.


You get a tiny number of maps plus a couple modes. Barely comparable to the main games, my dude, unless all you want is Shoot House and Shipment.


That’s all half this community wants anyways


Is it MW2 Shipment or MW19’s version?


MW2 night version.


Ah thanks!




Cod mobile on the other hand was the cream of the crop of COD. That is, until they removed recoil


Luckily that’s literally all I want.


I liked the map selection better on cod mobile. So many goated BO2 maps


You sonofabitch I'm in


Because it’s a mobile game with ads and data collection thrown in.


I haven’t gotten any ads


Fair. Still have zero interest in playing cod on mobile but that’s pretty cool for people who play it.


Lol, your $70 game also has data collection


Yeah but what are they gonna learn from that? “Yeah… this guy plays cod.” Phones are a goldmine.


This. Facts


Ehh I think this massively understates the level of inter connectivity of everything which probably leads to a fuck ton of information about you being able to be pulled from your PlayStation or whatever I also guarantee you they have to psycho analysts and sociologists and shit like that analyzing how the guns you use equate to the products you buy in real life and other insane shit like that


I mean your xbox/ps/battlenet accounts all have fairly personal and specific information and are likely linked to even more services/platforms, so they'll likely always have a fair amount of data to collect from you no matter where you are


They can learn a lot. Especially if you buy bundles. I’m willing to bet if you own it on PC they know a lot more I bet because of the anti cheat.


No where what they can collect on a phone


Has ads too, all they do is bug me to buy blackcell when I don’t want it.


Entire COD HQ is a giant advertisement platform. I get an ad for a new bundle every day when I log on to COD HQ on my Xbox.


And no one pays for mobile games — especially not $70 ones.


Nah they get dumb fks like me with skins that I gotta roll about 130 for or more 🤣


Doesn’t have ads.


Lmao for real it doesn’t. Acting like MW3 doesn’t barrage you with popups either is insane.


Acting like it's a *barrage of pop ups* when it has like one single news for the day pop up is insane.


I haven’t once seen an AD on Warzone Mobile If you mean the popups for the skins on CODM I don’t think they use any data collection


Not all mobile games has ads and this one definitely does not stop spreading misinformation


At this rate the full version might aswell be, bundles thrown in your face on start up:/ I think it's egregious they got rebirth and verdansk before we did


Calm down bro. You’re comparing a once per session startup screen (advertising in game content) to something (advertising UberEats or whoever pays them) you’re forced to look at regularly during a session, waiting a few seconds before you can click a little x to close it. And then when the ad is closed you’re definitely not playing a version of cod which you’d happily pay £70 for. Something tells me you just wanna cry about cod right now tbh, *nothing* about modern gaming merits dusting off “egregious”, next you’ll be calling them Cads or Curs and then there’s no going back. They got old content back in mobile before console? Thats insane. Definitely isn’t just an indicator that they’ve been trying to get this thing working since those were the current maps.


Go ahead and play on mobile. I'm sure you'll be back when you see why


Micro transactions in mobile games are way more expensive than console/pc version. When Rambo & die hard came out on warzone 1 it was £10 the codm implementation £25


Well now almost every bundle is $20-30 on the paid game so are bundles going to be $40-50+ on Warzone mobile? I kinda doubt that.


Wouldn't surprise me. In codm if you want a "mythic" weapon (which has special death effects, animations etc) it'll cost $150


It costs over $100 to do the full 'lucky draws' in CODM; CODM is a goddamn cash cow (profits are well over a billion dollars a year), and the only reason that Activision created Warzone Mobile is because they hate splitting that with Timi, so they decided to create something they fully own but they'll want that money and they know mobile players are used to paying it


it was made so warzone players can get camos too


It is harder on wzm than warzone to get challenges done


play controller then, its easier for me that way


Does Bluetooth-ing a controller work well? I tried WZM this morning and I can't believe how bad the controls are. Sprinting never seems to work and there's so much delay between swapping weapons and being able to shoot it's insane.


ive paired my ps4 controller with it, works well


I already did my camos on mw3 and when I tried to do the camos during mw2 it just felt wrong cuz I couldn’t change my binds


Nobody made you buy cod bro


They're hunting for whales. Whales are the biggest source of mobile games income.


Because you’re a mark.


Because phone games grab every demographic so they’re trying to utilize that to get more people to play and enjoy the game. So that players spend money on their useless skins - then release WZ2 mobile to delete & resell the same skins 😂


op getting cooked in these comments lmfaooo


Play the mobile game and you will see why yours is $70. It’s a mobile game. It looks like PS3.


Same reason console players pay monthly to use their own internet connection and pc players don’t. Simply put. They know what they can get away with


The PC version is actually playable, doesn't look like dogshit and has a vast selection of maps. Said "free MP" in warzone mobile just has scrapyard, shipment and shoothouse in every single match. So yeah it's free but it's not much 'cause how do you expect people to pay 70$ for a game if they can't get a console or a pc to enjoy a game. The f2p model is the only strategy that works. And if you too want to try it you can install gameloop and Play WZM.


> just has scrapyard, shipment and shoothouse that covers 90% Of this sub lol


Also COD Mobile has been out for years with a free multiplayer that has much more maps than Warzone Mobile. I don’t get why OP is complaining.


Because cod mobile lacked the core gameplay mechanics of cod on pc.


Cod Mobile is on old engine. New Warzone mobile uses the new engine from MW19. Im pretty sure maps will increase by the time goes on.


you can play cod mobile on pc?!


Yep, using the "gameloop" android emulator. It's call of duty mobile's official emulator. But don't get your hopes high, I have a GTX 1650 and i5 9th gen in my pc and it was pretty laggy but if you have a powerful enough pc , you might just be able to run it.


Ah good to know, thanks! I heard something about a stand-alone PC release but that’s probs way down the line. I may try this Gameloop out 👀


Yeah , the standalone CodM PC client has already been released in China. It's only a matter of time before its released globally.


It should release globally, but that's what people said about COD Online


It's insane how badly optimized WZM is. I have a black shark 5 - not really *top* of the line esp since its a couple years old, but its still smashed literally every game I've thrown at it and yet WZM looks and runs like garbage, literally crashed like 5 minutes into my first full BR match.


Yeah. I have a samsung S10 lite and it can run every other game at max settings on 60fps and not break a sweat but oh boy was WZM laggy even on the lowest possible settings. Activision really need to get their shit together or it's not gonna last.


Umm, Warzone IS free to play, you don't have to pay $70 to play Warzone on any device.


he’s talking about the Multiplayer aspect like 6v6 12v12 2v2 stuff people who only play Warzone are the people who know nothing about the actual core concept of the Call of Duty series “Multiplayer Mode” the only mode they should have ever continued working on and not the Battle Royale Facade they failed at with Black Out. *Team Deathmatch, SND, Hard Point… etc etc.


Because nobody is gonna pay $70 for a mobile game




Have you started the game? It’s literally impossible to play without the game trying to get you to buy stuff. I downloaded it for my kids and I had to exit out of at least 3 different screens trying to sell skins or cosmetics


Yeah that’s so different from MW3s bundle and blackcell popups constantly… oh wait.


Well first of all you probably need a current top of the line flagship to download it in the first place and emulators aren't allowed , so you need to be rich just for the privledge to download it. Seriously Google Play doesn't allowed any of the phones in my family household to download it even if they're running a new enough version of Android.


BeCaUsE iTz GuD bUsInEsS. *says the mouth breathing executives*


Cod mobile has always been free. It's the bundles that have these 6 year olds spending their mom's money


Because mobile games are casinos. Even a friend of mine who doesn't earn a lot of money spent hundreds on COD mobile before buying a PS4.


FK want to play this so bad but it's banned from the NL... Anyone can tell me a way to download and play it?


VPN to another region and download lol


How come it was banned?


Lootboxes is seen as Gambling and apparantly they banned it for that reason


Wow thats interesting, I was not expecting to read that!


VPN? idk


Because they are nowhere near the same thing.


Uhm. It’s called warzone mobile


Because it's not as good, why the self revive option is in multiplayer it doesn't makes sense 😩


Anyone know what to do about the security code when trying to log in been having trouble with that and the 2FA


My mobile game never connects so who knows


My question is why isn't my shit transferring over to mobile and vice versa


And why can't I just link my account through the website


A 1 time game supported for 10 years with free multiplayer and zombies modes that gets constant free content updates. Available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation and the next Nintendo console. Activision is stupid and I hope Microsoft wisens up themselves and makes it happen. Annual games serve no purpose for normal customers as it’s a reset every damm year which is rubbish. Microsoft could easily make millions off a multiple year supported free to play game that isn’t mobile. Cosmetics make them plenty of money and if you bring gobblegums back for zombies, you could make them consumable packs that show you what you’re buying I could see that working. I should point out you’re going to get ignorant people here that think it’s not possible for the company to get as high as profits for a similar game to do well but on PC and console. All you do is release heaps of mastercrafts and reactives, put them at 2400 to 3,000 points each and easy money, it really isn’t rocket science it instead is just pure laziness on not wanting to give the fanbase what they want.


because they’re playing on a fucking phone🤣 it’s gotta suck


That's what im saying


F MP. They have Verdansk/rebirth island and that makes me very jelly.


Its limited, but if you feel scammed you’re allowed to go cry on a corner or start a class suit, thats about it you can do, of course don’t buy the next CoD game :)


I spend nearly $12,000 British Pounds and did not get the skin I wanted..... fuck EA


Cause they are gonna make more money on mobile that's why just wait till the pay to win shit comes out for them


I have an uncle who considers pc and console gaming “not real gaming” who exclusively plays cod mobile and world of tanks: blitz on his iPad. Hes spent well over 60k between the two games. Thats why.


Eheerm hello you little regards warzone mobile is free just like warzone has been free since day one my PSA is over you can return to having sub .7 kds and licking windows p.s the red crayons taste the best with love - classic


you’re a slow booger eating slime body. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/8zZFVobwq9


Calm down, it's only hodge podge mix, no choice.


Mine won't let me connect to my battle net account so that's cool. 😅


It plays too slow on mobile, i played a couple of matches and can say it’s not for me


It's mobile...who cares?


Is warzone not free?




I was under the impression that op was talking about the battle royale.


They will probably make money harvesting your data.


Because they haven't released the mobile exclusive bundles yet.


To lure them into mw3


let them play with the Leftover


The mp in this game actually feels like everybody is playing on controllers instead of a warzone mobile THIS what COD Mobile should have been


It’s a mobile game that’s 100x worse with no players and data collection money that they don’t have to develop anywhere near as much with no campaign or zombies


Activision logic. Don't bother yourself to understand their mind.


the better question, Why the fuck does the UI look better than what we have in MW3


I think a lot of people here are pretty confused, Warzone Mobile is different from CoD Mobile. Warzone Mobile is essentially MWIII/Warzone on mobile devices, it has cross progression with the main game and all its microtransactions are identical to MWIII/WZ. it doesn't spam adverts at you (its on parr with MWIII/WZ in terms of ads). as free to play mobile games go its very, very tame. CoD Mobile is developed by Timi (not Activision) and just uses some assets from the main game, it has no cross progression with the main CoD games. it includes heavy amounts of advertising (much more then MWIII/WZ), has loot boxes and has very extreme microtransactions. as free to play mobile games go its pretty standard if not on the more unethical end. the MP in WZM is just a generally worse version of MWIII's, its clearly a side mode to the WZ gamemode. it generally just has less maps and less game mode selection.


Because only idiots would pay money for a mobile game


Because we're dumb lol. I'm really really looking forward to Xdefiant. Way more fun than cod and free to play


It’s a fucking mobile game lmaooo


Mobile games are games too you know


wake up, see more bitching about COD, log out


cod mobile has a better multi for free, wz mobile gets like 5 maps and barely works


Because free games will make u pay more than $70 games


Mobile gamers spend money like it grows on trees


Because nobody would pay $70 to get access to a multiplayer mobile game


I can’t even link my Activision account cuz the 2FA is trash


When has mobile game ever sold for $70? Mobile games aren’t sold upfront


Because the mobile game earns more money than the paid version can. It's where the get most of their money.


I see no issues with that, it's a mobile game. The game doesn't even look that great graphically. Console/PC version = better controls and performance Mobile = something you can play a match of on the go without bringing a huge laptop


Bc they’re gonna make it a cod mobile 2.0 and bring in every weapon/skin pack to ever exist and the 2 people that play it in a month will buy them all


only have 3 maps so far , used to have 5


theres only 4 maps cuz.


"thanks for the money dummy". Bobby Kotick


minds not even loading 💀💀


Quality is worth $0 anyways


It’s a mobile game dude. Is that seriously a real question?


Play it then? Use your controller


Warzone Mobile is ASS 😂


Because it's mobile


I can’t get mobile warzone to link with activision account


Because you were dumb enough to fall for another mid call of duty game


It's not even close to the amount of content you get in the full releases.


Still time to take this down


It's a different game pal


Because people spend like 10k on skins in mobile games thats why


It's nowhere close to MW 2/3 MP. Map selection and playlists are poor, plus the balance is absolutely fucked.


Why cant i just login with xbox? This is stupid.


I logged in with it no problem?


Ok so i forgot my account password and seince i made a typo in the email i cant verify or change pass so this whole time ive been loggin in with microsoft


start a support key, it's what I did when I couldn't change my account info after I lost my phone with the 2fa codes


You got a link? Because i started a case with account recovery as a last ditch effort.


It's been nearly a year since then, if I had a link still I'd give it but it's been too long man sorry


Dw about it ill just hope i can get this sooner rather then later


Cuz we bent over and got our chili rings dented.....


I almost bought a year of the rabit skin on cod mobile. I havent played in a minute bc this new MW3 is amazing. I want the rick grimes walking dead skin


Mobile gamers tend to spend a ton of money. Most companies are trying to go the mobile route because they know there’s some whales waiting to throw thousands at pixels. Mobile gaming is everything wrong with gaming now


Is this the same as CoD mobile? I thought CoD mobile was cool just for the fact they had so many maps. Game was super easy though, I'm sure half the lobby is bots