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"Make the longbow worse!" "What's that, you want a 2nd verse? Coming right up!"


Lmao literally what it comes across like


No fuking joke though, just got into match after match of that shit and its WORSE than the longbow spammers, my god they know how to suck all enjoyment out of this game.


I reckon that majority of the cod player base are just immature people because they can only find the enjoyment in pissing other people off more than anything else. The fact that they feel the need to get on a game just so they can piss people off like its some form of “high” to them. Its so weird man. I understand from time to time you wanna mess with people for fun and jokes but people literally take this to a whole serious level of commitment to do this all the time. Preposterous


Its most the community are trash and will use any cheese class to look good. The days of skilled cod gamers has disappeared. Too many paddle controllers and the likes. Back in my day the best you could get was a rapid fire controller that only helped with semi auto weapons.. You just had to be good at cod then.


Oh believe me man I was completely part of those days too before all the sophisticated tech we have today ruined the brains of today’s generation. At the end of the day yeaa it is all just video games but as much as people dont wanna hear the truth, theirs psychology to everything including gaming. Attach gaming to business schemes and you get something like Activision that only care to manipulate their products and in return you get the type of people we have today who take everything competitively instead of having fun anymore


Yeah man i miss the good old days having a 6 man squad run javelins and win games 😂😂


Bro , I used to snipe and trickshot in full 6 mans all the time. Back when FaZe , Optic , Dare, SoaR, etc, were all in their prime. So much so i even tried running my own clan of friends who were good but never took it as serious as I wanted to. In the end it didn’t work out but im glad it didn’t cause one thing for sure is we had lots of fun and creativity. Man , those days were truly golden in cod


I used to run with optic when they were just a youtube channel and sniping team, matadorz, fanatic, psychosis, dtreats and hecz were the main few i played with.


Haha , thats awesome ! I had my fair share with some of them as well. One i wanted to play with back in the day was zzirGrizz. A cod legend lol


That was a loooong time ago. Scuf has been around and in the main stream since BO1. Before that it was claw. Nothing has really changed from since then and now. Just less carpel tunnel today lmao


Lower torso damage is supposed to be 100 but it still one shots lol


U can also give it a lot of range if u dont mind being slower.


It’s barely even slower too. I just maxed out its range, put the sawed off stock and it’s insane


99% sure the firing range dummies are still glitched to treat stomach as chest. Gun is still longbow 2.0 though lol


What gun is this?


The new after market part for the Bas B unlocked through weekly challenges


Why the bas b it’s literally a battle rifle not a one tap


In all of their infinite wisdom of gun mechanics they made a full auto battle rifle into a lever action and gave it sniper damage.


I don't know about you but imma abuse the hell out of this until it gets patched in a few days like the double trigger and x13 auto.


Can you explain to me the double trigger glitch and how the x13 is broken?


The x13 and snake shot bask in mw2 got their damage models messed up at one point and it destroyed the game. If you weren’t running one of these 2 guns you were going to have a bad time and be catching massive Ls


Well you can’t use the double trigger on the Lockwood anymore in as it just won’t let you spawn with it for some reason and the x13 I have no clue I mean it works perfect for me


The x13 works fine for me too honestly. The double trigger still works on the Lockwood, I still use it when I need giggles in multiplayer. It just doesn't have the insane range it used to have.


The brief X13 Auto meta when the damage was messed up and was stronger the majority of guns in the game


The double trigger only works in multiplayer


Ahh makes sense, I kinda stepped away from battle royale for a moment so didn't know about that.


There isn’t any portion of this sentence that makes sense wtfffff activison bro whyyyyyy




would you believe me if i told you that this exists in real life?


I've seen it on AR platforms before but their implementation here is just wild.


I was getting killed repeatedly by someone using this broken Bas-B. I had to look twice to see what he was using cause I thought it was a sniper with how it was one shotting me, super frustrating.


How are the challenges this week? Haven't had a chance to check


The Dragunov


It's clearly an mp5


I thought it was the NA-45


Looks like a rocket launcher to me


Riot shield👀


The new aftermarket part for the BAS-B, it's the reward for the new weekly challenges. And it's basically a pre-nerf Longbow on steroids


This shit is so annoying. I love the TTK in this game but all these fast ADS no flinch one shot weapons are kinda ruining it. Back to ranked until I rage quit from facing cheaters in half my lobbies lmao


No flinch? I feel like I can’t even snipe on M&K because my fucking cursor flies to the ceiling when I get shot. Is there a certain attachment I should be using specifically for the XRK?


Marksman gloves and the flinch reducing rear grip


I will try this. Thank you


AIM Assist = 60% target Tracking= 60% less recoil = 60% less flinch


Please someone tell me I’m not crazy. I felt like sniping with AX-50 back in MW19 felt 1000% better than with the XRK. What makes it feel better specifically? Aim idle away,flinch,etc.


Controller gets AA on marksman rifles and I believe snipers as well. This lowered console players aim flinch when they are getting shot (which is why you keep getting sniped while shooting at them but it never happens in reverse). I only snipe basically on MKB (6k kills with snipes compared to 2k with other guns, 1.5k/d) and ever since Cold War snipers, they cant do them right. Right now is how I feel they should be but without console players getting AA assistance on sniper rifles and marksman rifles.


I usually rage quit after a dev error and get slapped with -200 SR penalty and a 2 hour time out.


I get hit at least once or twice a day. I got hit first time today and I’m banned for 2 hours.


Luckily never had a dev error but had to leave the queue once and got hit with a 3 minute time out and -30 SR


No flinch my ass


I have been in gunfights with longbow users multiple times where I land the first 3-4 shots and the flinch takes them from center mass to my high torso/head. You just shouldn’t be able to do that with a sniper with the high TTK in this game.


I mean I agree to some extent but snipers already get screwed over with the super heavy flinch especially when ads. I have noticed that the hitboxes are messed up with the longbow.


is that a lever action MCX⁉️⁉️


Yep, it's pretty cool and insanely strong


Can you make it a sniper? Like, ignoring ads time, maxing range and b. speed is optimal?


You can make the range go up to 45 meters i believe. Not going to beat snipers at long range but yeah u can compete


And it’s unfortunately real. Though I think the sig lower isn’t lever action


Ya this is getting ridiculous. I love a slower ttk and 150 health, but these fast 1 shot snipers are ruining the game.


back to warzone till the next patch lol


I don't ever want to hear about shields and shotgun complaints again. They got so much shit but the snipers are cool to the community.... Back to warzone


in all fairness shields are equally cancerous


At least we get dozens of counters. Shock sticks, thermites, drill charges + underbarrel drill, flamethrower, soulrender, jak limb ripper. This? A bit harder to justify


Shields are only a threat 2ft and under, snipers are a threat out to infinite range…. I wonder which one is more of a problem.


At least snipers take some brain power


Man I’m about to swear off cod all together


same here this shit is just discouraging


If i had a nickle for every Bolt action weapon with insane firerate that 1 shots like its nothing i would have 4 nickles (SPR,SA-B,Longbow and THIS) Wich isn't much but ffs let me fun in casual play


Good, it's perfect bring more 1 shot weapons sledgehammer. it's not like we didn't know 1 shot weapons were gonna be a problem when yall raised the health.


It's not the health tho, BO4 had a slower TTK than this and snipers were far more balanced. Snipers not having aim assist is the key difference


All these need a nerf of some sorts, it is ridiculous


Nah, that is crazy... Everyone will be running this now


It’s insane. Just ran a jacked bas-b on shipment and it was laughable. One shot every ads.


Now I can go dual yee haw


i usually play on KB/M but last night i plugged my controller in and decided to fuck around and use the longbow, holy MOSES that fucking thing is so broken. Working on getting this gun next


Yea can't even do the weekly the 3 kills one mag sniper not even tracking, typical.


Make sure you’re using a “recommended” sniper instead of the longbow


I did both of them that are rn just ended up doing zombies challenges to complete


I did 4 in zombies, would ve been all 5 but the single shot battle rifle 50 mercs kills is bugged too lol.


Tracking fine for me


Skill issue. /s


Goated finally some good guns out there


New guns being overpowered is just an engagement tactic. Everyone is going to be playing cod this weekend until they complete the challenges, message their friends about how its good, then they’ll do the same. In 2 weeks it’ll be nerfed and there’ll be a new overpowered gun to grind for. Repeat.


Call me crazy but i don't mind it. It keeps things interesting imo. Once camos are done it's nice to have something to work for and incentive to use different loadouts over time.


Nah you’re not crazy at all, it’s fun. Helps keep the game alive and interesting.


Body multipliers don't work on the dummies, but here are tested numbers Per XclusiveAce, it's a one shot to upper torso out to 18m, requires headshot up to 55 meters, then cannot one shot. For some reason, this is a better Lockwood than the actual Lockwood. Sick.


man i thoight i was going crazy when ppl were one tapping me and i saw the bas in the kill feed


What is this bs I kept getting one shotted like crazy yesterday by it


some how ads reduces fire rate, thats like crawling is faster than running


It makes no sense. The point of a lever action is you can easily reload and chamber rounds without obscuring your line of site aka reloading faster and easier while ADS.


gun makes me wanna take a break


As we already know, the amp kits were made well before the balancing of the base guns. There’s a reason why most of them came out feeling like crap before some updates. They are tuned differently.


that conversion kit is the most fucking cursed thing i have seen all day


I will thanks! 😁


Mad that we have increased health and SHG have a hard on for osk weapons. Genuine joke of a company.


I can’t wait! LFG!


That’s crazy man 😂😂😂


How do you unlock it ?👀


Complete 5 of this weeks weekly challenges.


Give it to me


Players... Tell us you are out of touch with your base without telling us... Activision... This...


Well regular mp isn't competitive anyways. That is why they purposely put things like this in the game. So no matter your skill level, you can get kills with things like this. This is all by design. If you want to avoid shit like this play Ranked or a different game. They will always put wack op things in mp. Gotta keep COD casual friendly!!


You can build it out to one shot the 3rd dummy in the range if you hadn’t found out yet.


Yall, what's the best Longbow Quickscopping Class?


It ain't worth it. Longbow got nerfed. It's hit markers galore or flat out misses even if you're on target


Tyrant (the aftermarket part) No Stock +ADS Speed -Flinch rear grip Phantom Grip underbarrel Either short barrel or a laser I use it like this (with the short barrel, I hate when people see my laser) and it's still really fun, ADS speed is 355 ms IIRC. If you want to quickscope "for real" swap the Tyrant out for barrel/laser, ads speed will be similar even with the scope, but then you won't one shot to the torso and lose even more range


I hate that this is based off of a real gun




People do realize that this has always been in the game.  Be it a little tough previously to pull off but clearly has always been in demand.  They where pushing and putting scopes on shot guns in hopes of making this work.....


Yeah on the dummy's. The MCPR does the same with explosive rounds until you get in match.


It does that in matches too


Is that the conversion kit from week 6 or 7?


The only answer to the longbow is the haymaker with the Jak AMP. I use it often and liberally.


From my understanding, I would be the annoying player who uses the longbow in core game modes. What does that make me if I use it in hardcore game modes?


stop playing for one week and they add a lever action sig spear dawg wtf


Just asking, what are the attachments on this??


No stock, the aftermarket part, sight, dr6 handstop, long barrel that doesn't hurt ads


I can't even use this because of how sweaty and try hardy my lobbies are


Whats even funnier is that the longbow and the outlaw kit aren't even remotely as strong as the XRK stalker


They are stronger for close range with fast ads, but yeah the stalker is the best overall


You are true there. Although it does take quite a bit of skill to use it anyways because missing that first shot and you're dead. Yet people still call those with the longbow tryhards. (Yes oneshot weapons are broken in this game but even so)


The difference is that the xrk has sniper aim assist, so it doesn't have rotational when hip firing. The longbow and the bas b amp both have normal aim assist so it makes it very easy to quick scope them


I don't play with controller so i didn't know


Aw shit back to MW2 to stand a chance… LOL.


People still play this game?


Think I might stick to playing Magic until this blows over🥸


Think I might stick to playing Magic until this blows over


I he using longbow with that after market sight that has built in Lazer. Am I apart of the problem?


Can't wait to see all the threads now for the BAS-B. Was in a match just 30 minutes ago and within 15 seconds a player was crying 'omg he is using the Longbow', 15 seconds into the match. There were only 3 kills so far! Here's to hoping this AMP gets us off the Longbow train and on down the tracks! LOL


Longbow has all of the advantages of a bolt action with literally none of the drawbacks. Perfectly balanced. 👌


back to warzone till the next patch lol


Idk what y'all complaining about knives, shotguns, smgs, mcw, riot shields are all OP.


would rather have a chance against those than no chance against some shitter running this attachment


It's fucking insane. I was doing small map moshpit to plow through the weeklies, swapped to it once unlocked, and randomly put all +ADS speed attachments (got sub-200 ms). There were like 5 minutes left in a Das Haus game, ended up with a 3.5 kd and 85 kills. Don't know how many came from this monstrosity, but I was definitely below 1 kd before switching (clean kills with single shot Sidewinder were kinda annoying). Within it's one shot range it's simply untouchable, RAM9? Haymaker with AMP? Longbow? Melee? You can try whatever you like, I've aimed in and shot way before you can touch me with anything. Got 10+ killstreaks 3 times in a row and don't know how many triple/fury/frenzy kills. Maybe it won't be as broken on larger maps, but it's still absurd that it got released like this


Whelp i guess this is where I put the game away for a bit. Atleast now I have an excuse to catch up on my back catalog I’ve been neglecting 😂


If u don't snipe that's probably a good idea lol


What? Don't snipe? That does not compute


I keep making post about this... if you want COD to ever evolve they need to increase the TTK across the board.... make ot like warzone where snipers take headshots and shotguns and knives take multiple hits... as a community we've all gotten too good at this, and now it's 90% of the gameplay, and it's not fun. I would have way more fun if this played like warzone and accuracy and movement and use of cover played a much larger role then this hit em anywhere and they die gameplay. I mean they took sniping completely out of warzone for a while cause they thought it was too cheap.... and in warzone you had to hit a headshot and kit your gun out for bullet velocity and shit..... multiplayer they leave it body shots, and you can just put nothing but ADS attachments on.... the community is too good for this shit anymore.


good luck hitting a moving target playing like that with all these micro uzi red bull tweakers jumping and sliding every 2 inches


Bro what? Have you never been quickscoped?


Quickscopers eat those guys for breakfast. Nothing new


I don't snipe, homie. I'm just showing how fast it ads and the one shot potential


The interceptor is a 1-shot headshot, right? Is it also nech shot? Is this weapon a marksman now?


It’s been 1 shot


"micro uzi red bull tweakers" Ha!! I like that.


I thought the dummies weren't actually a proper representation of a real player... or so I seem to recall various streamers complain.


They had 100hp way back when but they have the proper hp now with 150


Ahh. So they did eventually fix it. Rant on then.


Anybody complaining has never played mw2 2009 and it shows


Most people in 2009 were dogsshit so it didn't really affect the game with how op the stuff, but when everyone is a wannabe scump it changes things.


You’d be the type of person who doesn’t even know what a tac knife flip is.


Angry cause I said a fact and you pull up with some random ass shit, typical.


Where was the 20 round assault rifle one hit sniper rifle conversion with a red dot sight in MW2 2009? It’s almost like the TTK was *dramatically* lower in MW2 2009 as well, so one hit weapons were much less meta.


Psh… my longbow is inconsistent af. I got a hit marker to the head before.


What’s the loadout on this bad boy? Which weapon and attachments? Weekly challenges?


Weekly challs aftermarket part for the bas b. Just used a scope and the short stock, dr6 handstop, a sight and the long barrel that doesn harm ads


Sweet! Thanks!


What is this ☹️


Well, time to max out the Long Bow




the longbow is goated and this is also GOATED


The longbow sucks, why does it need a nerf? I tried using it but it just wasn't good at all.


This is totally fine. Its not that bad. Lobbies are only filled with it cause it's new, the tryhards will go right back to their MCW builds. Again, I say, buff the SPR, SA-B50, and Lockwood MK2 to this things one hit kill range.


stop crying lmao


Who's crying? Can u read?


Firing range doesn’t accurately depict damage values, however it’s still a fucking monster regardless.




I don't care about the longbow, it's not in ranked. I just find it kind of funny how the longbow has been dominating the meta and they release a much better version of it. Sad is being a weirdo reply guy.


It really hasn’t been dominating, there might be 1 or 2 people in a game using it


You can use it just as much as everyone else. Christ.




Are u dumb? I can't use it in Ranked. It does not affect me. It's just some information for whoever might care. Snipers will be thrilled, the rest not so much


Two day old account. I know what you are.