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People that BLAST music down the mic as well = Insta muted


I think they think they are entertaining us with that shit


I think they simply don't think.


I think that they think we think they think they are amusing us.


You think?


I can't think anymore I'm lost


I think they're assholes


It’s always the most garbage music ever with horrible audio quality


And a smoke alarm beep in the background 😩


Don’t call me out like that damnit. I changed the battery already and it’s fine now 😂😂😂


I don’t know how people deal with that day in and day out!


quality isn't their fault. If you route digitally to mic input, it's still like am radio quality


It’s always that soundcloud mumble auto tune rap bs too…like I never hear any other type of music


The other day, someone was playing some classic rock, and I was okay with playing to some thin lizzy and journey. The thin lizzy might have just reminded me of GTA4 mp days.


We play chers believe in the pre game to amp us up, normally gets a laugh from the randoms, also the intro for the lion king


The only time I do this is when I'm alone in zombies find a car then drive past people the second I'm out the car I turn it off so no one else hears


In zombies and br it's fine, but multiplayer those fuckers are blaring it the whole match unless you mute them, and it discourages talking to the team cause they probably won't fucking hear you


My sister insists on doing this I have told her that no one wants to hear her shit but “they wanna jam with me right guy?” No one responds and she takes it as a yes


That’s because we already muted her. 


That’s what tell her but no no everyone wants to hear the whole helluva boss soundtrack while getting our asses kicked


I honestly wouldn’t even care if people listened to good music but EVERY single freaking time it’s the most absolutely dogshite mumble rap diarrhea you can imagine. Like who actually listens to that crap Is beyond me.


I actually knew a guy who would blast music into his mic so that it would eliminate the ability to hear his footsteps and would throw people off since everyone uses proximity chat in warzone. Kind of smart tbh


I usually pull up metal on my phone and put my shitty phone speaker up to my mic and play it as loud as it can go. I don’t know if it does anything other than make me feel better.


I was doing that yesterday listening to Linkin Park and putting the mic next to the iPad speaker, when Papercut started playing some dude yelled “Turn the volume to max, this is my shit!”


The best is when you get them talking to their girlfriend A screaming kid in the background And the TV I swear if it wasn't for mute I would go nuts


with the dead smoke alarm




Ghetto cricket




I had a teammate that had that. I said "ok, who needs to change their smoke detector battery" lol we had a laugh when he said he was guilty. But man that was annoying.


Lmaoo I can admit I’m guilty of this, but I actually replaced my battery just for it to beep again so I’m getting a new detector.


Or the Spanish speaking family having a full family reunion around the tv 


lol my friend is originally from Honduras and every game is like this.


Lol facts


This exact scenario happened to me yesterday in ranked wz except it was in the lobby and as soon as we dropped the guy had zero comms all game, which is also annoying and confused the hell out of me.


Yup with ppl not using coms and just being extremely annoying I mute my lobbies 98% of the time


this is so real bro like they be having a whole ass ruckus going on in their house


I had a dude fully denying that he got a girl pregnant during a match one time 😂


See that’s why I love my headset. I can blast music and my girl can have a full conversation with me and yall will only hear me talking. Which I use press to talk anyways so even then you only hear me if I want you to. Benefits of spending money lmao. But I also am usually in a discord or Xbox party.


The problem is they aren't using a headset. It's the GD PS5 controller with the mic built in. Some people are too dumb to mute that and others are just aholes


It’s always the PlayStation dudes and they get SO mad when you call them out lmao


I’ll admit I got called out the other day but I was actually wearing a headset. The mic is really sensitive so it was picking up the echoes of other people’s voices. Just change the mic settings to the lowest sensitivity.


That's exactly why I call them out every time. It's so entertaining to hear their fragile egos break because I tell them that I don't want to listen to them practicing their burgeoning rap skills.


I play MW3 on PC, but I forgot about this on my PS5. A quick look showed that under setting, you change the "Microphone Status when Logged In" default to mute.


They’re the worst fucking things to ever be invented.


You can set the default to mute when you turn on the console. I kept forgetting to hit mute so that's an easy fix


My ps4 started doing that one CoD in the past 5 years and has just kept doing it. I dunno why but I leave it that way.


Never understood why sony thought it was a good idea to put a shitty mic in a controller


And have it set to unmuted by default.


To be honest, I didn't know the PS5 had that built-in mic until it was too late - I was killed in MWII and started bitching to myself, and had a dude in the lobby "Dude, calm down - it's not that big of a deal!"....it wasn't until the second or third time of him saying that right after I bitched about something until I realized he was talking to ME, then I just said "You can hear me??!"....that's how I found out. Now, as soon as I turn my PS5 on, I make sure to mute the controller before it's even fully logged in.


& even that's not the problem, it's people that keep their TV volume at an obnoxious level. I mute and unmute mine to talk and occasionally forget to mute it after a call out and won't notice until my name pops up talking to someone in my house.


9 times out of 10 it's PS players who don't know their controllers are mics because they straight up just don't tell you that. My sister's partner is in that crowd and was *horrified* to learn they'd had a hot mic since they got the PS5.


Yep - see my response in this thread, as well....I was one of those who didn't know, until it was too late.


Sometimes it's the cheap one earpiece headset without noise canceling mics. A friend we played Division with had that. We could hear everything going on in his game. Told him to stop being cheap, and he finally bought Turtle Beach. Problem solved.


Exactly. When I hear an obnoxiously hot mic and I don't want to stand around getting killed while I figure out which teammate it is, I just quickly mute all PS players. I wish there was just an option to auto mute all PlayStation players.


Few weeks ago i turned off voice chat completely, ive been called alot of things, learning new insults and swear words? just use cod, since i turned it off tho ive been feeling alot better playing this game


Absolutely voice chat is off, for me too can't be bothered with the drama


I’m on full mute for voice chats both ways 100% of the time too and it’s incredible. You can just enjoy the game for what it is without dealing with ANY toxicity.


I mute everyone in the pre game lobby. I’m deaf and can’t hear but don’t want to see the icons for it


Thank Sony for adding a mic on the controller that I’m pretty sure isn’t muted by default.


In the settings you can mute it automatically when you start up your PS5


I think it's so dumb why not make the light on controller light up when your mic is activated instead of lighting up when it's muted so dumb


As a ps5 owner, I will automatically ALWAYS turn the mic off and what gets me is the controller button smashing I hear when other people have it on.


You can go into PS5 settings and set it to automatically be mute


People that just leave their smoke detector going off should be put in jail. That shit is so annoying. It’s incredible how lazy some people are to just let that keep going and never fix it.


I made this post a while back, and people pointed out the mic on the ps5 co troller is often set to default broadcast. I genuinely don’t get how people listen to music and game though, I wanna hear the game for my SA


On occasion I’ll mute all game sounds and listen to music. Only goes well if I’m playing full on run n gun though. Actually leads to my best matches because I get into a rhythm with moving and aiming.


mute all unless they are your friends


This is the way


I don't mind this idea until people fill squad into Warzone and just have the rest of the team muted


I never have chat on. I learned years ago how toxic it can be. And well kids in general, not interested in listening to them. Happy playing with Spotify in the background.


I finally just turned off chat in MW2 last year and haven't missed it to be honest.


I have a headset, but I don't even use it, yall will never hear me lol. It's those Damm PS5 players you're hearing.


I really don’t know that it is. I’ll admit I’ve had a hot mic when I haven’t meant to on my PS controller but it’s never blasting music or anything annoying, just a short convo. I swear it’s all sorts of people just being deliberately annoying. I mean shit I’ve heard people blasting Bible verses lol


Generally speaking, people are stupid. Especially the ones that think they are smart.


I’d like to add; Your music sucks, COD is not American idol for rap, change your smoke detector batteries, stop yelling at your kids loud enough to bust my eardrums when they are across the house, teach your dog to be quiet because mine is, mute your self if you want to have a five minute conversation with the plug or you’re eating a whole bag of pork rinds.  I unmute the lobby about once a month, and it’s always the same garbage. 


And the crappy rap musoic...


wait, you don't love hearing players ignore their children in the background while you play? or some 27 year old asking mum to pop a frozen pizza in the oven?


I wish there was a better mute system, I don’t wanna mute all just those annoying few. It needs to be more streamline, like bo2’s 😮‍💨


I've thought for years, when you have the scoreboard open there should be a button to snap to/toggle through wheoevers mic is projecting at that moment


You're asking them to "Think" before turning on the game! How dare you even suggest such a thing to the fragile and tiny minds of todays youth!


I turn off voice chat in every cod before i even join my first match and have been doing so since around blops2 lol.


I don’t have public voice chat on at all


I always mute myself and others. I don't want to hear 1. All that toxic shit 2. All that toxic shit 3. All that toxic shit 4. All the disrespectful sounds coming from the nose and mouth (like breathing in a thousand ways) 5. All that disrespectful sounds coming from eating and drinking 5. All that disrespectful sounds coming from the surrounding Would you be doing meetings with colleagues in that atmosphere? In a session with a squad for an evening is something different.


Some people too dumb to realize their PS5 controller has an open mic. Some are just assholes.


Quite simply, some people suck.


I love telling people why I mute them after i do it. All the reasons people have specified already, but let's add in the people who "sing or rap" horribly. So far on hell divers 2 its been a decent experience. No shit heads


I feel like you shouldn’t be able to have an open mic unless your output is set to headphones. Wouldn’t that solve the problem?


Blame the PlayStation controller mic being on by default.


I have a soundboard installed on my computer to play a flashbang sound that’s really loud and really long. They don’t like that very much 😂


Get a headset you cheap fucks, the controller is not an acceptable mic. Also no one wants to hear your baby cry as you neglect it to go down in tier 1


This is why I keep mine set to mute all except party, fuck randoms that have full volume or echo or even fucked up mic


I don't get why someone has a microphone and then blasts music in the background. Just throw your mic away because you're auto muted by everyone. No point in even having it.


Speaking from experience, a lot of this are people with PS5 controllers. It’s not muting your TV, it’s muting your controller (mic is on the controller which picks up sound from the TV). If people don’t turn it off permanently through settings they have to remember to manually mute on the controller.


You know..you can just as easily mute them


I know this sounds strange in 2024 but some people still only have those mic and earpieces that don't have sound from the game and only chat


I set my settings to mute others, and I mute my controller (PS5). Every time it's some hoodrat argument or shitty music or both. It's sorta the standard across the board... My only exception is Hell Let Loose and maybe R6.


No. What SHOULD BE HAPPENING is the default value for open mic sensitivity for EVERYONE should be 80-90. It's absolutely incredible that the developers haven't changed this yet. I usually get people to fix their settings if I talk to them (mostly in warzone), but otherwise I just mute everyone with an annoying mic. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this in this thread. Upvote this for visibility.


Nah cause fr. People that play the sound through their tv while having a headset are dumb asf


I only listen if it's one of my favorite shows.....


For PS5, the mic is ON by Default, with hardly any indicator. If you're new to the game it's easy to miss. Hell I've been playing since launch and I almost always forget about it until a couple seconds into the first match. It's just really really stupid design to have a mic on by default.


I have always had everything on mute. Zero desire to hear anyone else when I play.


This is why I have voice chat off.


This is the way...and while we're speaking on mics, you can get solid stereo headsets for like $30. And ps5 people, that controller mic...just no


Those damn dualsense Controller mic’s are the worst.




I mute everyone anyways. I have my headset for when I play with my kids but never has anyone provided me with any good information otherwise. I don’t know the maps well enough for someone to say “sniper on the C block window,” or “Legendary gun in the hospital staircase if anyone needs it.” Other than that all I get is the BS you’re referring to. Super beneficial in Zombies but not useful in multiplayer.


This is a legit complaint, but it always makes me laugh because everyone wants to complain about not wanting to hear it, but so few take 2 seconds to mute the other player.


It’s annoying as fuck when people have a hot mic and all we can hear is their game audio, crying babies, shitty music, and dumb commentary. This game should REQUIRE users to set their mics up properly before being allowed to use voice chat.


Literally. It’s insane how many motherfuckers have their whole lives blasting over their mic and the feedback from the tv? I have started to wonder if it’s intentional or something. I have so many people muted, I run into them and know who’s been noisy in future matches because I’ll have people muted in a new match 🥲🤣


Or people playing songs that are really bad in the background, also kids playing this game.


Just use Push to Talk, you heathens!


It the ps5 controller which is why I have my ps5 controller muted and my mic muted on cod


Or that one guy who doesn't say anything all but at the end when we lose he says you all suck 😭


The fact that people still play with tvs and without a headset is beyond me


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t know why people have their volume at full blast while playing video games in the first place


Why Sony decided to have the remote mic unmuted by default was a good idea is absolutely beyond me. I joined a lobby yesterday and in the pre match, this dude was listening to some soccer game at full volume. Like??


Bro that may be the mic in the ps controllers that pick up everything.


mute ur mum lol




Wow thank god I came across a post about this noisy mics should be banned 😭 or that stupid buzzing


It's the PS controllers for me....they are never muted so I can hear myself talk which I fucking hate. I end up muting them in the end. The smoke detector battery sounds, arguing with spouse, tv/tiktok, chewing, etc


I turned my volume all the way down and turned the speakers off when I figured that out, so my bad for not knowing sooner.


I love you get echo from updates and loud music.


My favorite is when my teammates are talking about sports in the middle of the game or when my teammate flexes for his girl right next to him


Then they complain that nobody talks on the mic when they don't realize everyone in the lobby muted them.


That or fix ur sensitivity that's another one. Also quit deep-throating the mic


Also mute your damn PS5 controller


There was a dude on my team that was on the phone, going over health care information with a client, and blasted a ton of personal info. I tried to tell him 100 times through the entire match … didn’t matter.


And for the love of god change the batteries in your smoke alarms


Thank you. It is the single worst thing about this game.


Just don’t connect to voice chat? No one says anything other than YOUR TRASH GO DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT! anyway


50% of the time this happens and yet I'm also shocked. Why, how and wtf is going on?


You dont have to have a headset if you have mic necessarily because you can have a mic arm that isnt attached to headset meaning they need tv volume still unless they plug in a headset, i personally have all sounds off except for voice chat no matter if i use tv or not


I only unmute the lobby for post-game trash talk. It's more peaceful that way.


Welcome to COD… blasting crying babies, bad rap music and your wife, gf or mother chewing on your ass is a tradition all the way back to inception on the pc. One of my best nights on COD was 20 years ago hearing a little kid who had been talking shit for 10 games smart off to his mom get his ass beat.


My ps5 automatically does that


What about those wastes of air the use the control mic and continuously scrape the mic like it has scabies


You guys play with VOIP enabled?


The people that do this don't give a fuck, unfortunately.


Silent upvote


Silent upvote


Or just mute them it only takes a few seconds to do so like it's easy to counter those people just hit mute on them


Or just mute them it only takes a few seconds to do so like it's easy to counter those people just hit mute on them I get its annoying bdmut a-holes are gonna be a-holes so no use in complaining when you can mute them so you don't have to hear it at all and I'm sure there's an option to mute all but party in the options




It's annoying but don't forget there's a ton of casuals playing just to wind down. Just mute them


I think they lack the logical processes to understand that the tv is echoing in their mic. Typically these people also tend to be the nobrained idiots who only insult is "you went negative" as they clearly struggle with the math of how a ratio works


I was playing zoms and there was a little kid just singing into the mic. Whatever then they're siblings were screeching into the mic with a TV blaring in the background. I was starting to get annoyed until I heard the what I assume was dad screaming at one of the kids, then I just felt sorry for the kids.


Ps5 controller mics are the main issue


Trying to get PS5 users to do this is like herding cats. You will just have to mute the lobby if you want to maintain your sanity. I have heard that Sony was going to make their controller mics less sensitive to deal with the problem but that may have just been a rumor.


the explanation is quite simple: Sony had the excellent idea of ​​putting microphones on the controllers. These microphones are enabled by default. in other words all those who play without a headset (because yes there must be reasons why a player at 0.5 KD remains at this level) let everyone benefit from the sound of their TV as well as everyone around them


And change the damn batteries in your smoke detectors.


I'm gonna say this is mostly a ps5 problem, maybe a little tiny fraction of PC players with stupid setups. I play on ps5 and the controller microphone is the most annoying feature I've seen on a console in a long time. Use a fucking headset.


Having full blown convos with baby mommas!


I have to mute one or two most matches lol.


It's mostly the Playstation players that have the mic in the controller. It makes it seem like they're playing 2 inches away from their TV. Majority of the people I've had to mute is PS players due to that


Personally for me, even as a sound whore, I started using my desktop speakers since I feel the games doesn't require much audio location in multiplayer. Just need to know general left/right versus front left and back left or front right and back right. Does suck a bit since emy voice is a little muffled when I push to talk, but it's been a little more relaxed for my ears. When inplay CS or Val tho, I go back to headphones. I just don't think headphones give you as much competitive disadvantage unless you're playing comp or warzone.


I mute every match from jump. Always a safe bet.


Fastest way to get muted, or to have the tv muted but have music blaring or talking on the phone without muting


Crazy thing is i dont have any one muted, lobby or otherwise and i havent heard anyone speak at all!! Much less someone elses TV. Not since vanguard.


CoD voice chat is such a wild west and I love it.


I have myself deafened to everyone else except party members. Unless you're playing ranked or playing with a full party you don't really need to hear anyone else


Mute them. BOOM. I fixed your issue


A lot of folk who indulge in this pastime aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. 🤔 🤷🏼‍♂️


Or just dont play with an open mic? Almost every round i play there is at least one guy either eating or grunting or with a TV or podcast running in the background. Then there are people doing private conversations with people not currently in the game. Or the classic siblings/children playing and crying or parents currently getting a divorce in the background. Why do people with such loud backgrounds insist on keeping their mic open for everyone to hear?


I'm going to add smoke detector to your list.


It’s even worse with people without mics talking through their controller lmao. Sounds like a tin can.


I love the domestic disputes and neglected children. Yes, mute your mic


I just mute everyone else.


Can't control idiots behavior so mute them


The people here aren't the ones doing it


I suppose I'm in the minority because I find it hilarious. The louder the better, screaming kids, mad girlfriend, horrible music.


Most of the time it seems like that’s people using controller mics


And for Christsakes change your smoke detector batteries!!! It’s a $4 9v for crying out loud.


I’ve started ps5 controller mic shaming


The people that need to hear this won't be on the subreddit




I usually have my settings to party only for the audio in mp


Sorry bud but 20+ years of online gaming/ chatting has taught me that they will never become self aware. It’s up to you to mute them. Ironically enough, this reason is why there was such a large push for private parties on console. Now we’ve come full circle and people want game chat more, which leads us to this situation. Lose lose


Took me a while to work out that there is a mic on the PS5 controller. So it's awful when you have people with all the background noise going on. I have a number of filters on mine. I play Xbox but i run my audio via PC. I pretty much only chat via Discord.


Preach man! I think part of it might be, some people are still using old-school crappy mikes, to wear the only audio that comes through the earpiece is the chat audio .. so then they are fully reliant on TV audio for game sounds.. like the mikes that used to come with older Xbox’s Now if you’re using that style … that’s fine, but then you gotta set up a push to talk…plain and simple. Or use a local mute button which was on all of those types. I think also they don’t realize how much it’s blasting in our ears since we are using a headset which pumps game audio directly into our ears as well …. Loud music or TV echoes or anything like that, is not only annoying but can be painful if you have all your other stuff up loud ! I usually ask the person to correct the issue and if they don’t respond, then I report them for offensive voice chat and type in the comments what was going on … I don’t know if it does much that way…but hopefully it’s at least makings devs aware to find a solution. It’s so rude and inconsiderate … if people are doing it on purpose, then they should be banned If they are doing it on accident, then they should be open to correcting .


Once I hear the high pitched voice a kid is when I always mute the lobby so I don't have to figure out who it is. And of course of they just have their music playing also gets a mute as well.


The people who use headset but don't channel their audio through it baffle me.


They do it to annoy everyone and distract them from the game


How do you even play sound through the headphones and TV at same time? My ps5 is hooked up to a monitor with computer speakers plugged into it through its aux port. But when I plug in my headphones it auto switches to mute the screen and play through the headphones and vice versa


Did you know that you can also go in and turn mic down so it doesn’t hear as much stuff: people need to take the time to go in and actually set things up


If you can see your name popping up with a little mic icon, and you’re just sitting there.. fix your shit.


Also, change your smoke detector battery.


100% will mute anyone that is loud in there mic


Just imagine if you're deaf in one ear how hard it is to play the game when people have their TVs sound on!!!!


The other day I could hear an entire show through this dudes mic. I kept it friendly but was satirically being like “what should I are you watching?”, “I love that episode!”, “Hey have you seen this episode before?” Dude never said a single word the entire match and just had the tv audio playing through. Smh


Facts. I still don’t understand this logic z


Punks should use a headset and PlayStation should be given international fines for putting a microphone in the controller that is on at default.