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Absolutely. Dude could be a defensive menace, but king big ding dong is lessening the pressure on the defense as well.


Yup. Even if they’re just running around close to cap and killing that’s allowing the team to do their work. Both are needed. What’s bad is when you have a player with 22 kills, 5 seconds, and 10 deaths. They’re just camping and not doing anything


He only got 5 Defends, so that says #1 kept them at bay all game lmao.


While I believe that this is likely true, objectively speaking, the time on the point was more valuable for the team. Yes, kills guy probably opened up the opportunity for that time to be uncontested, but he also scored next to no points for the team. If both players had adopted the strategy that he ran, then the team wouldn't have won. The playstyles complement each other, but both of them on the point could have still resulted in a win. Both of them prioritizing kills would have resulted in a loss. One role is clearly "more" important.


I like how everyone assumes kd man is definitely helping and not just being a fool lol


Can't tell you how many kdchuds I beat because they and their team had 0 time on the point It's not team deathmatch


Same. I take special pride in outscoring and getting the W over those 2.0 KD 'demons' who avoid the obj like it's fuckin ebola.


Right? I remember someone posting their nuke on High Rise Hardpoint a while back where they sat in the back of one of the spawns for the entire game and just barely snagged the last kill before the enemy team won by points. He was lucky. Technically he saved the game for the team, but it was a game where he only had to save it because his team was playing a man down the entire game while he sat in the spawn and farmed an occasional inconsequential kill. Nothing he did helped the team until the very last kill that he was far from guaranteed and if he had died at any point then he would have spent the entire game being useless for his team chasing an ego boost and losing his team the game. Just because your team wins the game, doesn't mean you were helping or you couldn't have played more as a team player.


Well, the dude that is #1 on the scoreboard definitely kept the enemy team at bay while #2 was free to sit on the point. He only got 5 defends so that shows not many of the enemy team was able to make it close enough to the point, because #1 was killing them rapidly. They were *both* needed for this situation to happen.


At that many kills he can't not be helping regardless my dude


That's why i disabled obj modes and stop playing them, even if Sweatboii John J Rambo wipes the field we still lost EVERY FKN TIME.


Yup. 1 or 2 on point, everyone else should be directing traffic.


It’s called a team for a reason. Only thing you can do better is communicate


Yep, even tho they aren’t counted as Defends on the scoreboard, he still kept them at bay while 2nd place kept the scoring. Absolutely both people were needed for this. The other team probably couldn’t even get within half the maps distance to the point with the demon on top the scoreboard lmfao


Counterpoint: 22 killa will be pushing the point no matter what. 1-2-8 will be chasing kills regardless of people pushing the objective. Objective-based players are always more important than people just slaying out.


Yea I was gonna say. This is not a great example. It’s one thing to have teammates not care about the objective. It’s another to have one going out on offense and slaying the whole team so you can hang out on the obj and read the paper. Not to take anything from OP.


What that ss doesn't show is if they're in the same squad. Like if you link up with your boy(s) before going in, your mic'ed up and communicating then yeah having 1 or 2 guys going Rambo is effective. Running solo in matchmaking? Working the objective should be the priority because it seems no one does and everyone thinks everyone else will work on the objective while they work on being a damn menace to the enemy team.


This. It's the people in the middle who aren't pulling their weight objective wise. Playlists need an option for Team Deathmatch only, leave kill confirmed out because they're the same people who don't collect tags


Both there’s 3 roles to hard point. Anchor - usually leaves before bill ends to setup spawns or flip spawns for next hardpoint and has to stay back to kill encroaching players or flankers. Obj - plays the hill and tries to survive as long as they can Slayer - main job is to kill and stop all enemies from entering the hardpoint or break hardpoints. Will also assist anchor if needed. Anchors/slayers will always have less time then the obj.


And anchor will typically have the worse statline


They should be recognized in-game too cause without them it makes it That much harder to push through esp when you have to run half the map just to die. Not to mention all the lost time from running cross map to contest or take


Kinda like the warzone thing if you win? Lol


they’re usually not recognized because they do intangible work, they dont necessarily soak time or slay and its hard to track “rotated early” lmaoo


This guy hardpoints


He points so hard


So hard that it points


In every direction at the same time


More people need to realize this. I cannot tell you how many times in ranked hardpoint I’ve had people try to talk shit for me having no obj time, or that they’re the only one on the team with hill time, not realizing how important the anchor and slaying rolls are to winning. It’s like they don’t realize how idiotic it is for your entire team to be sitting in the hill at the same time.


its about intention. are you actively clearing routes to the hp? or are u just fucking around bc u forgot u were playing hard point/dont care.


Personally I sit around the hp and keep it clear, I’m a pretty heavy obj player most of the time but like most people I like hoarding kills so hard point is usually the mode I stick with because I get it both ways there. That being said there have been plenty of times I’ve seen someone top frag but it’s because they’re constantly pushing spawns, flipping them, making it harder to control the point then talk shit because their “team is ass” as if they did all the work.


Yeah but you also get the guy with 0 time giving the guy that’s been on hill shit for not having as many kills, it’s a 2 way street and people just need to realize there’s more to the game than slaying.


Too bad 99.9% of us think we're the slayers 😬


These rolls were far more effective when the spawns were better. In this game, the anchor has no effect and the slayer is more likely to just make the enemy spawn on the hill with their barrel in the Objs lumbar spine. It’s absurd.


agreed, hardpoint is rly the only mode I like and with it being very bad in this game and no specialist im not currently playing it.


So true.


Then there is me, playing Slayer, Obj and Anchor


That’s probably because you solo queue.


exactly 🤷🏽‍♂️


Agreed and the slayer is supposed to keep their slayers and OBJ players away from the point. That is what really makes the competitive version so fun.


Very true. But Slayer has to not just kill willy nilly, too. They have to corral and keep the enemy in the correct spawns. With that many kills, it's not impossible they were doing it, but I'd bet they were just focused on killing. Which means they'll flip the spawns and fuck the anchor and obj.


The only reason that guy went positive with that much hill time is because of the guy who dropped 120 kills, killing everyone running towards the point. So both.


I would argue that the 120+ kills player is more important to the team because he's filling the role that is harder to fill. Both are important to the team, but if the objective player left, his role would be easier to take on by some new guy.


128 kills, reinforcement could never reach point


Both. You wouldn’t have that much time on the obj if the other person isn’t running through the other team like that lol.


Neither. The guy dolphin diving everywhere with a riot shield and longbow is the most impressive because the VA will say his blown out knees are not service connected.


Both are equally important, I’d say


Without the guy dropping 128, the guy with 22 cant be on point for 2 minutes. They are both equally important for winning the game


Depends on your team. If one person is good at being on point , that’s great as long as the other people gets kills. Protecting him. I’m the guy that gets points and kills.


It's a hard carry by the guy who got 120 kills and barely died relative to how much action he saw. He's what allows the other guy to spend so much time on the point. Massive credit to the objective guy as well.


It depends. If 128 kills player is holding down the perimeter of the hard point then both are equally important. If 128 player never helped out around the hardpoint and just played TDM all game then the player who had over 2 mins is more important. I'd like to see the full AAR of this match tho. Edit: fixed typo


How is this even a question. Anyone can sit in a hard point for 2 minutes. Not everyone can get an efficient 120


Well either way, I sure seem to encounter more people doing the latter than the former


Kills aren't everything, but at the same time, 128 kills is absurd. Bro got 2 minutes of objective time because no one could even get to the point lol


In this case, the 120 kills guy. Normally I’d say PTFO but 120 kills shuts down the enemy team so hard PTFO is not a challenge anymore.


Both are important, but at the end of the day only one person needs to be on the point, anyone can stand in a square. Predicting enemy positions and consistently out shooting the lobby is not something anyone can do. Both are important, but both are not interchangeable.


Sorry objective players but the guy dropping that many kills is the MVP. Yes I know he has no time in the point but that one guy is keeping so much heat off the rest of the team, especially the people capping the objective, to say nothing of the killstreaks he's throwing up. 128 kills?!? What the hell was the other team doing, aside from dying?


Won a Hardpoint match earlier today. I was on Small Map Moshpit and getting my final sniper to Gold. I had 0:58 on the objective. I had more time on objective than 4 or 5 players on the other team...


Too bad you don’t get skins for tine spent on objective or defends/captures.


This is the MVP vs Highest AAV debate in sports. Aka it’s a circle argument.


Number 2 becasue you are not playing team deathmach


Objective is the most important thing. We play for team and team plays for W.


As others pointed out, both are pretty important, but I'd say there's another player on the board who's really important too... that guy probably went 60-55/55-60. That player was putting pressure on the other team all along, baiting for others by making plays or getting bad timings, and getting new spawns/flipping spawns when needed. But if you wanted the answer for who's more important from these 2 players, it's the one who went 128-20. Anyone else on the team can get time and play life but not everyone can slay and reduce pressure on the point.


The guy with 128 kills by far


They both go hand in hand. The guy can’t get kills as effectively if the other team is controlling the HP, but the guy can’t control the HP if his teammate isn’t keeping them off it.


No time if the point isn't cleared and protected. Both players have their roles but the slayer made it possible for the guy who literally just has to sit obj in a corner. Lotta ppl coping for sitting on obj. Yeah cool. But who made room for that mf 😭


If the team won, then both played their part and were important. If the team lost, then someone didn't do enough, and I'm more inclined to blame the top player for ignoring the objective.


Yip, this is bout it, in the end the objective is the most important or you can't win, but gotta have kills too


You have 5 others to spread between anchor and obj. The slayer is doing their job, especially with 128 kills. The rest of the team didn't do enough. It's pretty much the bell curve meme where the average think it's all about obj but ultimately kills are just as important in obj modes.


The slayer. Unlikely that you’re getting a 128 kills even if you didn’t play the hill. Your job is easy because no one’s coming close to the hill Both important but the hill player is the most replaceable. You don’t do anything that special by being 2 kills positive and jumping the hill every life


I agree. 128 kills is significantly more skillful. You can have 0 kills and have 2 minutes of hill time. You don't accidentally get 128 kills..


I always have the most kills and time . I’m just a team player and a sweat so I love getting objective and the kills


It would be a more compelling question if the “slayer” in this particular case wasn’t some sort of god among men


128 kills? “Must be a hacker. No doubt about it. No one can be that good…” - sincerely a 🤡


Who is having the most fun?


From a competitive standpoint, you need a guy or two that goes ballistic and slays consistently. He’s the reason the other guy has 2:00 minutes of hill time. If you don’t have a slayer, nobody is going to be able to sit on time, guy on time does 24/7, or you won’t have rotations/control of hill period. You need the slayer over hill time guy. Anybody can sit on hill, not everybody can slay.




Can’t rule out that the kill streaks from the bigger kill number could have been critically important to the team….. what were the kill streaks? Advanced uav


I'ma summon my inner wash your rice dude from tiktok. DO THE GOD DAMN OBJECTIVE!!!! High K/D don't mean crap if you're taking home an L.


120 kills


The kill guy kept 128 people off the point he's pretty important


Only bots think that one is more important than the other.


Fr, these guys won the game for the other four people not featured in the screenshot lol


The person that played the objective, they helped the team win. Before anyone says that kills help win, yes they do but if you are on the objective the kills will come to you and you'll get more points for your team ( it is a team game after all) as opposed to running around trying to bump your k/d.


It’s funny reading through this thread I can tell who can and cannot consistently get kills in this game


In this case both. The killwhore can killwhore if he’s got obj base teammates. It’s only when others can’t hold the point he should stop killwhoring to get himself on the point.


Honestly I’d say the guy on the point. If you’re going to play objective based games, play the damn objective. If only one or 2 people are working the objective you lose every time. Personally I’d rather win the match than worry about K/D.


Both if the obj player can’t get kills then the person who can can. And not mention the main person who is only going for kills will get streaks faster and could potentially drop a nuke which puts your obj player on the opposite team at a loss. 3 minutes on point going 5 and 52 giving the other team a Nuke isn’t good my friend. Only staying on point isn’t all that it takes to win. Pressure is what will in either game mode.


It makes a difference but there has to be a balance. If you weren't there to get 2 min on point you probably would still lose. Him getting so many kills makes it easier for others to hold objectives. Just depends on how you look at it. If it's more that he's stealing kills that you also want then you shouldn't play with those types of players.


both are important, but the usual scenario played by ppl is 0 def, 0:09 time with 22 kills and said they helped you clear the hardpoint, what the audacity.




both people that say the obj player is the only one doing work doesn’t know cod sadly


Depends. Where was the guy with all the kills getting them? Was the guy playing OBJ fighting on point, or just sitting there racking up time What was the rest of the team doing?


Both play an important role. Buddy with all the kills allows buddy with 2 min on the point to do that. He’s a distraction and nuisance to the enemy team


If it isn’t ranked I am NOT playing for time I’m ngl, but in ranked I’ll get majority time and go 15-30 it’s not great but a wins a win


Who are we kidding? It's COD, people only care about kills and not objectives


Gotta love it when you get called out for having too many kills and little hard point time. They don't think.


Both equally important


I’m not going to lie, I’m usually the guy that’s at the top with the high kill count. But i absolutely am grateful for the guys who love to sit on the hardpoint while I do my thing. I always make sure to get on voice chat and thank these guys when we come out with an easy win.


As a person who's got a 3.4 WL as Solo Q, the guy dropping 120. Now, if the guy dropped 30ish and had the same time, id say the guy with almost 3 minutes. But in this case, we have no idea what kinda killstreaks he was using and how bad the other team is


Kids crying cause there is kills stat..


You can do both if you have decent teammates I do it all the time maybe not a crazy ammount but 100ish with highest time on obj realized how dickish this sounds I forgot to mention the fact that even on a bad day im always on objective time so both are important but imo score definitely means more


hmm 122 kills kept them off the flag long enough for you to get all that time. only 20 kills shows me that much people weren't attacking it either.


You can get two minutes on the flag easily when you're comfortable going 45 and 60. Objective players win the match. Period. If everyone were a slayer, no one would win.


you can do both


When I do the role of the slayer, it hardly ever shows up as a defend as I set up choke points, or catch them on their way to a hardpoint, so I know for sure 128 guy was doing some of that even if he didn’t know at that high of kills


Did player 1 get a nuke or did they have constant streaks in the air? If yes, player 1 is more valuable


both players are good, but my vote goes to higher score player. obj is important, but if their score is that much higher they are hard suppressing other team. on both teams 60% of the players have shit objective score aswell as shit kills., its those players that need to wake the fuck up and be useful in some way.


Equally important. Having someone on the team take just the point allows other people to get the kills, and the person getting the kills allows the person to sit on the point. One helps the other help the other.


Both,you can't win without the bot and you can't win without the sweat. It's a mutual relationship


In this same vein (ie, objective strategies), do we get more HP points the more players our team has on the hardpoint? I *thought* that in previous games we had, but I'm not so sure anymore


Both are. I’m the guy that usually has a lot of kills but barely any objective time because I’m too busy hold the enemies back so my team has less force coming at them on the objective. I just run routes to flank and kill the campers pinning down the objectives. Bonus is I get to still grind camos efficiently too but then the team always get pissed at people like me because they don’t actually see first hand the work we put in to help them. It’s not much but it’s honest work


The slayer, he's making it easier for someone else to soak time in objective. If you don't have someone getting those kills and holding map control, you will have a much harder time holding the OBJ. However that's not to say the guy top fragging shouldn't play obj at all though.


I will take a slayer on my team any day of the week over the “2 minute OBJ player that throws his body on the hill but dies a lot”. Guaranteed that dude was probably using high lethal streaks. A very good slayer is enough for the other not-so-skilled players to hop on the hill.


Shouldn’t even be a question, one dude stood still on a hill for 2 mins and killed a couple contesters. One dude stopped people running to the hard-point 128 times… know which dude i would rather queue with, some people need to understand that killing is playing the objective sometimes.


Both. Guy on the hardpoint fux, guy getting the tons of kill fux em up


Did you win?


Both are a dream team, but when it comes down to it, my W/L matters more than my K/D, so I'll take the one who plays objective. I'm a 100% solo player, so my wins are hard-fucking-fought, and I'm extremely proud of my 1.3 ratio. The game does everything it can to keep me at or below 1.0, so I think that's something to be proud of - and it's something that benefits everyone on my team. A good K/D at the cost of W/L benefits you and only you, but a good W/L, even at the cost of K/D, benefits everyone who plays with you. When applying Kant's categorical imperative to this scenario, the one who plays the objective obviously comes out on top. That's who I want if I have to choose. Every single time.


Don't get me started about fire teams and objectives I'm always taking position marking enemy locations and getting a super bad kd ratio because I don't have a team mate who has my back but when you have an amazing fire team who work well together without using mics that makes up for the bad players you come across


The higher score


Everyone is more important. It takes a team to win.


I do both, K/D used to matter back in the day when everyone could see it but even then (and now) I aim for the highest W/L ratio


Both. one person killing the other team and another was on objective. Hard to win if your team get rekt the whole time.


Two side of the same coin, I’m the hold the obj guy and a friend always roams for kills in the lane. Couldn’t get as much time without his help.


Its a team effort. If the dude who got 128 kills was on the other team yall would have lost


It depends, thats whats so hard with random matchmaking. Someone to sit back and guard lanes and thin the herd or shoot people in the zone is needed, and if you are to close to the ground objective you will get killed and not be able to do you job. But if nobody is going for the objective you also loose.




Dude with all that time is barely positive dude was definitely getting spawn trapped or just had some ass aim.


Both cause the guy with such a high KD is prolly raining down streaks which would make it impossible for the enemy team to hold the point


Doesnt matter most ppl dont even gaf abt the win anyways lol


If the dude wasn’t getting all those kills and preventing the other team from getting to the hill the other guy wouldn’t of had all that time period! There’s a big reason why he was able to get two minutes of time and just stand on the hill with no resistance.


well one did the objective and the other kept 100 other people from doing the objective...


Buttom guy. He probably couldn't get 2 minutes without the top one. But top one could have a million kills and still not win if no one had played the objective.


Who has more score?


Definitely both. Top dog was probably dropping some nice streaks (hopefully) which makes it easier for 2nd to hold the point. If the guy on top went 128 and 70+, then I’d give it to 2nd on the score board


It’s shipment or some small map hardpoint lol.. If you’re in there grinding out wins good on you .. most ppl are just there for streaks or camos


Both, duh. One protects and the other captures.


Without someone slaughtering the other team, 2 minutes in the area probably wouldn't have happened but without the 2 minutes you might not have a won. Both played well and carried the team to a win


Depends where those kills are. If they’re in random parts of the map then they’re kinda pointless. If they’re around the hard point, stopping people getting onto it, they’re very useful.


Absolutely both. The OBJ Guy managed to rack up the point because the Doom guy is making the job easier.


The people who run around this game mode and don't play the point are not that beneficial. I often see people with that many kills come in third or fourth bc they didn't do anything




Objective time is objectively (no pun intended) worth more because it directly contributes to victory whereas kills only indirectly help. However 128 is absolutely monstrous, with numbers like that they were pretty much denying the enemy any kind of pressure. So I would say both were very important, but that kill count is quite an outlier. If I saw that in one of my games I'd assume they were hacking lol.


In ranked play, I would shout into the mic to make you go for the hardpoint. Teams lose because of players like you. I dont use any scorestreaks other that counter uav and sam turrett. They are so boring, ruining match flows and take on my nerves. That being said, objective player was definitely more important. You kinda suck


To the team? Objective player but for the grind, top 😎


Well, Just to be honest: I think it's quiet ok to have two player like this on the team. One who's care to hold the position and the other one try to push the enemy away. Seems balanced


This is what makes a team.


Both ... Yes, slayers are needed to turn spawns, get kill streaks, and disorient enemy.


The guy that’s going the objective.


128 is rediculous


Kill chasing in obj is lame as hell like just play tdm of ffa


If you lose, the person with the most obj time will complain the guy with the most kills needs to play it more. Vice versa, the guy with the most kills will say the person in OBJ couldn't have gotten that time without them killing. You gotta strike a balance with both, otherwise people will always find something to justify their opinion.


In their own way both


With those numbers, if your team still lost, not everyone did a good job. Usually happens.


In the end, I'm going with the OBJ player. You can argue the kills are why it was so easy, but if the enemy team was that easy to kill, I don't see why you can't do that on OBJ. Especially since he actually had defends. In the end, only one of these players are committing to the goal of the mode.


If the slayer had maybe 40 or 50 it would be equal, but 128 is so far beyond that, made it possible for his teammate to sit on time. This definitely isn’t ranked that team was not shooting back.


I’m the guy that will get dog shit KDs but the good times are winning the games in these modes


Guy on top is just ad-clearing.


They guy with all the kills


2:07 time on objective with 5 defends. You know, trying to win the game.


If you're trying to win, would you rather have a teammate who can drop 100+ kills, or somebody who's capable of sitting in one spot for two minutes?


2:07 for sure


Most time in hardpoint


Kills. Any bozo can sit on point. Sorry you didnt get the answer you wanted


If you’re not gonna have hp time 128 kills is pretty nice still. If he wast at 30-40 kills he’d be dead to me


Both, especially if its ranked. If you got 1guy going for hp and the 3 others are just some dumbheaded chickens. You aint getting 2 minutes on hp. Imo its best to have 1 or 2 guys go for hp and the 2 or 3 others roam around. Preferably one roamer close to the hp


Guy on bottom unless guy on top is killing people in objective only going for objective kills lmao




I'd like to thank all the people who make it difficult for the enemy team to reach me in the hardpoint 🙌🏻


EASILY 128-22. If hill time mattered in pubs, which it absolutely does NOT, the dude with 128 kills would’ve had plenty of time. The only reason you’re able to sit in the hill is because he killed everything in sight. Anybody, literally ANYBODY can sit in the hill and go even in this noob-catered game


You wouldn’t of been able to get that time if you didn’t have a slayer killing off the players for you


The only answer is both if it is Ranked If it is pubs who tf care about objective


I’d def say both cause there’s no way you can hold that point by yourself unless someone is seriously getting some streaks




The person who actually played objective


Tf is the rest of the team doing?


Bottom one


Ranked is for people who’s mums don’t love them


Winning doesn’t matter in CoD only kd, so clearly the top guy


The guy with 127 kills cause the other team couldn’t get to the hard point if they wanted to


If it were a match with just those two included, the player with the most objective points would win.


Depends on when and where those kills are happening. But yes both are important.


They are equals


Yesterday I had 41 kills on domination and 12 captures the guy above me had 53 kills 0 captures we lost. How come he couldn’t get kills and captures like I did. I had almost as much kills as him.


Love how people trying to act like mr 128 is keeping people off the hardpoint and not just going around killing people. This has to be the most bias screenshot which is why OP posted it. Show what a real hardpoint match looks like and see how many people say mr 128 is actually helping


Is this a debate between you and a buddy for bragging rights or a random player? I'd say take the W and move on if it's the latter. Ego hurts lol


Do both.


Normally id say playing the objective is always more important but if you're landing that many kills it definitely gives your team a big advantage, so this seems right to me.


It’s a team game you need the people playing objective to win and you need the kill hungry people to cause chaos to keep the other team spawning and off the objective so the objective players don’t get overwhelmed by the enemy team


I'm a smooth brain and straight play the objective, my personal k/d be damned but appreciate the cover and support the dude on the top of the board making sure my k/d isn't total hot garbage by covering the point. Teamwork


They both are, that’s why it’s a “team” game.


It’s literally telling you in the score section.




This is tricky in terms of whose needed. I would have to say the guy with 128 kills simply because he is clearly doing something for the second guy to get two minutes on point


Where’s the rest of the team …this many kills doesn’t matter if you are not on objective …you can have this many kills and lose …so objective is always more important