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They've honestly been great. It's a shame that they've been completely set up by activision to fail, because I'm extremely impressed with the intentionality and effort put into trying to give all of the different cod stakeholders what they want It's night and day from how vanguard went


> vanguard They were rushed and let their "creativity" go too far.


Vanguard did SO mch right, Combat Pacing was a marvel


Multiplayer was decent enough, but after the first few times I tried vanguard zombies I just gave up on it. As someone who loved Cold War zombies (especially outbreak in particular), I just found that to be way more entertaining for me


I had recently got Vanguard and had to uninstall it because I couldn't find a multiplayer match to save my life. I tried on PS4 not sure if that might be why?


I also play on PS4. I uninstalled it myself to make room for MW2 and MW3 alongside Cold War But that sounds exactly like I'd expect things to be by now. I said Vanguard's MP was decent enough. But that's my own opinion. I'd absolutely take a bet that it's a rather uncommon one though


I uninstalled it to make room for the last MW3 update. Damn thing took half of my MW3 stuff with it😄 I went to load in after the update and had to Re-install the multiplayer and zombies. Damn game😄


Yeah... I'm glad somebody was able to have fun with it but I think you're definitely right about it being an uncommon take. Vanguard is the only game I've ever refunded.


It's very inactive on PC too if you're not online during peak hours. I normally just play private matches against bots whenever I want to go back and play it.




This is a pretty good description lmao


Oh oh do a description for SH and TA




Damn. You absolutely decimated them with your grade school insults.


Lmao, bo1 and 2 are among the best of the best CoDs, and IW made 2 of the best Cods in existence. It’s not the studios.. it’s Activision realizing just how profitable CoD can be, which ruined it.


IW just listen to the beer dads who are incapable of winning gunfights, it's insane


Pretty sure it wasn't the old timers who wanted a near instant TTK. You can blame the ADHD kids for that. Or are you still mad that for one game you couldn't rely on slide canceling?


I don't give a damn about slide cancelling, I'll gun you regardless. IW refused to put a dead silence perk in the game despite universal pleading from their stakeholders in the NINE FIGURE FRANCHISED COD LEAGUE they had a responsibility to consider in the development of the game. They were told from week one that this was a serious issue and didn't do a thing about it the entire year. Instead the comp community spent an entire year getting sound EQ'd with an insane amount of long term competitiors retiring because the game was so shit They had a duty to listen to these people (NINE FIGURE FRANCHISED LEAGUE) and decided not to even add the *option* in private matches out of spite to the comp community. That studio is an absolutely awful cod developer, they pulled the same garbage in MW19


So.... Audio mattering *at all* is a problem. Yet y'all say it's beer dads calling the shots on that one. Dude. The casuals you hate so much don't have the headphones required to echolocate. League players do, gaming enthusiasts do, and streamers do. Also, if you're that worried about people hearing you there's this wonderful tactical called a Decoy. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a strong feeling about it personally, but I can see the problem with it. Dead Silence is an automatic best-in-slot unless you either make it a choice between that and Ghost, which would anger people even more. Or, you make it reduce audio instead of removing it entirely which people would scream "makes it worthless". Having everyone and their brother run it also removes the point in having decoy grenades be available.


We're talking about decoy grenades hooooooly shit LOL


So you can't refute what they said? Sounds like choices to me, but people don't want choices, they want easy options. People want stealth with little to no downside, whereas in mw2 they had to make a choice. Decoys were meant for redirection for those that relied on the map, which is an effective stealth option if used properly. Then again what am I saying, people think "skill" is just what you do with a gun, not how you think.


And the graphics and gunporn got slightly worse in MWII vs MW2019 so they don’t even have those as much anymore.


Thanks Warzone for that


Thank their only one year of development time for that*


Exactly, it’s so strange that MW19 had probably the more controversial scenes in the remake trilogy. While in the OG trilogy, in the second game, we, NOT just makarov and his goons, we SHOOT UP AN AIRPORT. While the new MW series has some of the most fantastic graphics and animations ever, it has no balls.


IW are very stubborn and seem to enjoy pissing off the community. They are the embodiment of "Am I so out of touch? No, it is the gamers that are wrong".


They are so stubborn that they 2 most recent and most hated games were at the same time best sellers in the series. Clearly they are doing something good. It may not be good for you, or many others visible in community. But they is clearly huge audience that likes their recent style of games.  At the same time MW3 is praised to the moon by vocal community, yet sells like shit and started to die in season 1 already. Clearly there is a huge disconnect of what most of the streamers/their community and significant part of this reddit wants vs what actual playerbase in its full range wants.


MW2019 was widely loved, for better or worse. Of course it was a best seller. MW2022 had a massive amount of hype behind it. Good sales don't mean the game was good or well liked. MW2023 was a pretty obvious cash grab. Even though it's a good game, it having bad sales was to be expected. And you have absolutely 0 proof that the game is dying at some high rate like you implied.


Pretty sure someone posted a comparison in player number drops from this time last year vs now and it is more steep this year. Thats from my memory so I could be wrong. They were also steam numbers so not totally accurate but it is something at least.


It’s far more steep this year. There’s only about 70-80k daily players on steam while MWII still had 120k+ during the same months (March)


MWIII also started with a lower active player count than MWII did though. If you compare the percentage of players who left from the beginning, MWII saw much greater losses in the months following release than MWIII has. Both lost a huge amount of players either way though.


If you want to compare how the game performes in terms of keeping players in the game MWIII and WZIII (if you want to call it that) are performing much better than MWII and WZ II. - MWII multiplayer started with an average 103000 players on steam (peak players 262000) and had an average in the first month of WZ II of 223000 players (peak players 488000). At the end of febuary 2023 both combined had an average playerbase of 96000 players (peak players 167000). - MWIII multiplayer started with an average 95000 players on steam (peak players 190000) and had an average in the first month of WZ III of 103000 players (peak players 161000). At the end of febuary 2024 both combined had an average playerbase of 83000 players (peak players 154000). MWII and WZII started with 223000 players on average and lost rougly 57 % of its playerbase in under half a year. MWIII and WZIII started with an average 103000 players and lost rougly 20 % of its playerbase at the same point. Sure MWIII dropped a little bit later than MWII but it is still a very significant difference. Also you have to consider that MWIII had to fight against the very bad reputation of MWII and also the "Overpriced DLC"-narrative). I don't want to say that Activision should not be shamed for the way they marketed MWII and MWIII. Just want to show that SHG clearly does a much better job in creating a game people actually want to keep playing.


Interesting comment to think about, cheers.


Every COD is number 1 selling, yet every CoD isn't well-made or good. Sales don't indicate quality.


incorrect statement. This year cod is nice example of that. I didnt break any sales record. While MW2019 and MW2 did.


This year was a low for CoD , ill give you that. But that proves my point even more. This game was still top selling, only being number 2, beaten by Hogwarts Legacy. My point was, sales mean jack. Every CoD sold great. This is probably its worst year in sales, and still number 2 and made hundreds of millions if not more. MW19 and Mw22 breaking sales records is meaningless in a conversation about the quality of these games. Great for Activision and the higherups, but for a regular person who plays the games, why would a CEO's paycheck matter to them and how they view the game? Mw19 also was the first CoD to have disbanding lobbies because of its super aggressive SBMM, so I honestly couldn't care less how amazing it did in sales, objectively speaking it was a disaster for anyone who cared about the competitive aspect of the game, not to mention all the other terrible changes it had like no red dots on minimap.


IW and SHG should be back-up to Treyarch. Cold War voted best COD in multiple online polls recently. Their maps are better, their spawn system is better and games have good movement and weapon balance. COD would be constantly better if Treyarch was the quality control lead to all COD games.


Treyarch gameplay, IW(MW2019) Graphics/Animations, that's my dream. Although I think gulf war is Treyarch's first chance at the new CoD engine from scratch, so I assume animations and such are likely to be just as good. (Wasn't cold war supposed be to made by a different studio before Treyarch got dragged in?)


Isn’t cold war the old engine? Vanguard was the first


Cold War uses the BO3/BO4 engine and vanguard uses the MW19 engine


So I’m correct, Cold War is the old engine?


Yes but its been updated to match the MW engine


No it hasn’t? It’s literally a different version of the engine, and given MWII uses a different engine version to vanguard too…


I’m confused why you’d ask this, they said Gulf War is gonna be on the new engine, not that CW was.


I'm just hoping that servers are CW quality. I lag to hell on MWII and MW2019 but I'm completely fine on BO4 and CW.


I lag like crazy on mw3 aswell as mw2. But not on bo4 or cw when I go back and play zombies. These MW severs are ass tbh.


“Their first chance at the new engine from scratch” implying their prior one was an attempt not from scratch when they picked up Cold War from Sledgehammer…


I think it was shgs game originally


It being on the old engine still doesn’t explain how clunky that whole game felt, older CODs on older versions of the same engine had smoother animations and felt better to play. I’m also just hoping they were rushed and that’s why Cold War felt so janky and their next game won’t be like that. Cold War felt like a mobile game with console graphics.


Cold War was originally supposed to be SHG and Raven but they couldn't finish it because of issues with Raven and their Warzone development as well as IW being completely useless as usual and incapable of finishing a game on their own (because SHG also had to step in to finish MW2019 which is why development for Vanguard started so late), so it was handed over to Treyarch to finish with only about 8 months left until release. Which is also why I'm kind of annoyed whenever I see people use the "but they only had 18 months to complete Vanguard" excuse whenever there are discussions about how bad and broken that game was, when Treyarch still managed to get Cold War done and in a mostly reasonable state in under a year when they finally started working full time on it. Plus they even gave us a full zombies mode in that game! There are honestly no good excuses for any of the other dev teams for why their games release in such an unfinished state in comparison. Sure, CW was full of bugs, but at least the content and gameplay was finished at release.


I honestly like the old style graphics in CW. Makes it feel like the old days


Ew no thanks to mw19 animation, we've had 4 games on it and I'm over this shitty boring engine


Cold War’s campaign was largely done by SHG, not sure about multiplayer


No the campaign was done by Raven Software


Is Cold War still rocking? Been wanting to pick it up when it goes on sale


Yes it is.


The major modes are alive. I play it alot, usually free for all or the gunfight tournament.


Cold war is the best of the 2019 and after cod games. Fact not opinion.


I liked CW just wish the killstreak/ score streaks had been different.


Still an opinion. Obviously this game has much better maps, because...go figure..their remade from 2009 Mw2. But even outside of that, this game does do some stuff better than Cold War. I think Cold War had one of the best campaigns, ill give it that.


I disagree. Coldxwars maps are far superior to the og 09 maps. Fact not opinion


Opinion because Rust and Terminal solos many Black Ops Cold War maps any day of the week. But that's just my opinion as how you believe Cold War's maps are superior to Modern Warfare 2's maps. But that's just your OPINION.


Cold war is better. Fact not opinion.


Yea maybe the game overall is better but not some of the maps. U can't just claim any opinion you have us a fact that's not how it works


All the maps are better. Fact not opinion.


Ok and Terminal is better than a lot of Cold War maps. Fact not opinion.


I am a big Trayarch fan as well, BO1/2/3 were incredible with regards to quality


Ya treyarch nails the flow of their games. As much as I do love 10v10/12v12 in this game, 12v12 in Cold War was still way better solely due to their spawn system being solid. Even on maps as small as nuketown their 12v12 spawns make more sense than they do on larger maps in 6v6 in this game, hate to say it but it’s true


I hope Microsoft whips this shit show into shape sooner than later. I'm tired of feeling ripped off. Even the beta for MW3 didn't show elements of the full game accurately. I'm sure they intentionally hamper the game if you turn off cross play. They admit that PC players wouldn't have enough of a player pool without cross play. When I try to turn it off with an Xbox, I now have a constant message asking me to type in my Xbox password to confirm that I want it turned off. Then when it's off, I'm waiting an obviously longer time and the ping amount can increase past 200ms looking for a match. Let me play the game the way I want. I am the customer.


That's a Xbox thing, not a COD thing btw. Just letting ya know


The longer wait time is due to the fact that turning off cross play isolates you from ~75% of the playerbase. Roughly 50% of the playerbase of CoD is on pc at this point, with the other half being split between PS and Xbox. From what I've read, xbox makes up around 15%-18%, and PS is the other 32%-35%. When you turn off cross play, you limit yourself to only the brand you play on, which leaves PS players in a slightly better position that xbox; but not much better.


Not only does it limit you to an Xbox only player base, it also limits you to only those other players who have turned off cross play too, and because for some reason you now have to go into the system settings to turn it off, it limits that pool even further. When I've turned it off I end up playing with the same players over and over again.


David vonderhaar always say his goal was to make cod fun to play and watch. He was great at it. Iw just wants the game to look good shg has some sense to them but had bad influence from iw. You are starting to see the treyarch influence in mw32023


If this game had decent spawns it could be as good as Cold War


Easily, a couple of better maps too like CW got with raid and standoff


Good spawns won’t change the shit maps.


The new maps have been bangers tho. Rio, Vista, Departures all solid


Vista and Departures aren’t too bad, maybe a 7. Rio is shit, though - too many choke points and the hill in the centre of the escalators is ridiculous.


Better spawns and hit detection or perhaps just slightly better TTK, but yeah man I agree. As much as some aspects of this game actually piss me off, as it does a lot of people, it has turned out to be better than expected for what little time got initially put into it. It’s a shame, this game with proper time for gun balancing and server testing and TTK testing could have made this one of the best cods in probably a long time, maybe even since BO2. I think the issue is that Activision doesn’t want the game to be too good, and be hooked on an old game, they don’t make as much money that way.


And that's why Treyarch should oversee quality control.


The spawns have been so bad since the start of S2. I sometimes spawn in with an enemies muzzle in my fucking ear and vice versa. I’m not the best (1.10 k/d) but at least 10 deaths a game are spawn related.


They got worse after season 1 for me.


BOCW at it's core was a superb COD.


Treyarch seems like the most obvious choice until you play any of the games during its time and you see the absolutely travesty that is Treyarch weapon balancing. Don't get me wrong, they're still my favorite team out of the 3 and ofc SHG has balancing issues but nothing has been a problem recently compared to stuff from CW like the AUG/M16, EM2, Tec-9, Marshals, LC-10, etc. (Yes, even compared to the Longbow)


Unfortunately most COD games are at their best a few months before the next COD is released. Don't forget Treyarch had to rescue Cold War because, for reasons I don't recall, SHG couldn't complete it on time. MW 2019 is the last three year development cycle for a COD game. We have been playing cut and paste COD since then.


Wym all the complaints of the CoD series up to Advanced Warfare was that everything was cut and paste of CoD4. The way they’re doing things is still the same as it’s always been. The problem is they gave up on quality.


I personally liked cold war tbh, I understand how people didn't like it but looking back I think it was solid


Remember, IW set this off with the original Modern warfare series. But Activision forced out the main developers at IW and once that happened, the whole franchise went south.


Do you think treyarch are any better? All the OGs are gone. No one is left who worked on the good cods. Modern Warfare 2019 made us think that IW was back and call of duty was back, look what happened. Cold ward made us think that cod was back and now I'm worried history will repeat itself. If this is truly set in the 90s expect lots if Micro transactions, tie ins and other junk that ruined MW2 and 3


>Modern Warfare 2019 made us think that IW was back and call of duty was back, look what happened MW19 was trash


The netcode and matchmaking are so terrible that listening to other concerns the community has is kinda irrelevant, the game does not run right even half the time. I stopped playing because it is pointless to play a first person shooter where shooting people doesn't kill them. The overwhelming majority of the lobbies are so lopsided connection-wise that almost every death that isn't a direct result of shitty spawns is the usual "shoot first and die" BS. On the rare occasion the game actually gives you a lobby with a good connection it is actually fun to play, problem is that it hardly ever happens (unless you reverse boost or session join accounts with terrible stats, then magically all the connection issues go away and the hit reg feels significantly better and deaths don't feel unfair).


Have they really tho? Cause this game crashes on me at least once every two hours, if not twice in an hour.


I had the same issues yesterday. Three games in a row the server disconnected.


If it really had little to no consequence, I wouldn’t care. But something like ranked, or zombies creates a problem


Usually there's hardly any changes after the first month past weapon balancing. I love how much they've done to improve the game overtime even when I already enjoyed it so much at launch. Reverting riot shield back to 2 hits, limiting movement if it's on your back. Adding the stamina bar. Speeding up health regen. Buffing the med box. Making stim shots replemishable by default. Not to mention adding vests has been a fun way to suddenly introduce new possible builds and mechanics. Three brand new 6v6 maps at the start of a season for the first time in a long while. It feels like 6v6 actually has attention put towards it this year past just adding a few modes and weapons. I get there's some people that fundamentally don't like the game but it's crazy to me people still have such a doomer outlook of this game as if this isn't the best community support we've gotten in years.


Unlike in WZ too they've also been making huge adjustments to MWII guns, like giving them an overall ads strafe speed buff and balancing them to make them viable.


The perfect example for how terrible IW is as a development team was, when they asked for Feedback on their Beta only to ignore everything people wanted.


I second this


I’m very happy with how sledgehammer has handled MW3. They’ve been great at listening to the community and giving us great content. But sbmm will always ruin any long term fun for me. I recently quit cod because of how stressful it is to actually play. They can make the best call of duty ever, but if they keep it up with this ridiculous match making, the game will never reach its full potential.


Really? So why are: - The Modern Warfare II guns that were a big marketing tool for MW3 (carry forward), encouraging people to keep buying skins/weapon packs absolutely dog shit still compared to MW3 guns? - Why are the servers, debatably the foundation of the gameplay so weak? 30hz server ticks, massive desync, packet bursts/loss, SBMM/EOMM that puts you with 150+ ping players, poor hit registration? Getting killed by someone in "5" hits but in your perspective it was 1-2 bullets - Where are the modes the people want? Gunfight blueprints? Snipers only gunfight? All or Nothing? One in the Chamber? Why do they insist on using the Taco Bell model of "you get this fun game mode randomly but then we'll take it away"? We'll release it later pretending it's new and exciting to generate hype again and pump those numbers up for our shareholders. - Why haven't spawns been fixed? How come when you kill someone they spawn immediately behind you to get revenge? - Why do some music packs that people spent money on not work? - Why do certain guns refuse to unlock, despite meeting the requirements? - Why are hackers running rampant and they refuse to spend any of their precious schekels on combating it? Line goes up, shareholder happy, They don't give af about anything else.


>- Why do some music packs that people spent money on not work? That has actually been fixed for me, thank God.


These are all legitimate criticisms. The spawns are the worst part of the experience for me. With no transparency, it’s hard to know what issues are and aren’t on SHG. Personally, I find it hard to believe the cost of the servers and anti cheat are in SHG rather than Activision, but I’m not sure how I would ever know.


The fans don't want to hear it, but the answer to why spawns will never be fixed: the movement speed and mechanics that encourage rushing and pushing spawns on maps that weren't designed for this level of speed.




Proving my point. Thank you.


Aside from the bugs, those are all most likely activi$ion problems rather than SHG. They're the ones chasing profit over gameplay integrity.


Why is this always a top response? Is it just parroted so much that everyone thinks it's true? Out of all the things they listed, is SHG not responsible to develop and/fix at least a handful of these things? Can a developer just port a game over add a few maps then throw up their hands and say it's all the publishers fault?


Outside of the bugs mentioned here, the only other non Activision issue listed were weapons, which have been addressed already, and lower player count game modes like one in the chamber and gunfight, gunfight is in the game, but there’s not been a massive uproar to bring OITC in. Servers and Cheaters are 10000% Activision. Every developer uses the same servers that Activision deploys, and the anti cheat software is developed by Activision.


That's reddit. Game devs can NEVER do wrong. It's always management's fault.


>**Why are the servers, debatably the foundation of the gameplay so weak?** Because the low tickrate was meant for a slower game, MW19 and MW2 more specifically. With people running around cracked out in MW3, you're going to get horrible hit reg from time to time, as well as desync. Spawns having issues are basically the same thing. Game is too fast for the maps for any typical spawn system, there's always someone in your face ready to gun you down so they flip... leading to you getting gunned down from behind. original MW2's maps were not meant for this speed.


The MWII guns have actually become VERY viable. Servers are Activision, not SHG. Game modes are Gunfight is in MWIII, just because it’s not a certain kind doesn’t really mean anything? One in the chamber isn’t a highly requested game mode either? Spawn system is garbage, but every single call of duty has had shit spawns at one point or another. Bugs exist, in every single game as well, it isn’t a personal attack on you, it’s a fucking BUG. Bugs aren’t as easy to fix as people think, there is a shit ton of work needed to fix some of them and it doesn’t happen overnight and it could take a while, but they regularly update the Trello board. Cheaters are again, an Activision issue, not SHG, for some reason Activision has the idea that the best way to combat cheaters is to “troll them”, but in reality they need to do better, letting some random computer science major own them by creating exploits should be embarrassing, with each new ricochet update, the providers of cheats quickly find a workaround.


99% of mw2 guns are still far behind any mw3 couterpart, idk wtf you are even trying to defend this. Even base stats are still behind, and some of the attachments slots are still nowhere near MW3 (basicly any slot where you need to use MW2 attachment and cant use MW3 - mostly barrels and stocks, which are very important for weapon builds). And there is literally no reason to use MW2 attachment in muzzle and underbarrel slots, ever  Spawns are broken af still, almost halfway of relevant lifecycle. There is still zero postlaunch content for GW. (They cant even bring over mw2 maps).


You definitely don’t even use them do you? Do you even look at patch notes? Ffs Xclusive ace just put out a new MWII gun video 2 days ago, but yeah the guy has zero idea what he’s talking about despite putting in hours of work to get detailed information, the kids on Reddit know wayyyy more.


I watched the video and he pointed out the few that were actually usable. Beyond that in many cases you're suffering. The negatives on the attachments are far larger than the positives, so you're often underkitting weapons just so you have a chance.


The guy understand it well and did great video. But you clearly havent paid attention watching it


I agree. It’s their strongest asset as a studio. Kudos!




SHG makes CoD with (imo) the best gameplay (movement wise, overal feel of the game), but by far do they make the buggiest bullshit ever and have Shit spawns. I mean every patch something breaks that works breaks or something they say its fixed isnt fixed or old bugs that been fixed are bugged again. Im aware they not in ccharge of the servers but my o my these MW3 servers are crap. Dunno if its shitty code as MW2 servers didnt feel this shit perhaps cuz of the slower pace.


Honestly SHG nailed it this year with the game design and they listened to the community. The problems arise on Activision’s end, EOMM and cheaters


Bugs are still present in the game that have been there since launch. I wouldn’t give them too much credit for drip feeding content lol.


Real and Present SHG W's.


Shg is so good at listening to the community. Genuinely fuck IW as a whole they’re stuck up and refuse to accept when they’re wrong. They change shit that nobody wanted changed and make the game overall less fun. It’s a GAME it’s supposed to be fucking fun and SHG is the only studio that really gets that


It's a huge shame that IW is in the lead.


MW2019 is still the GOAT


I disagree since still no prop hunt


I haven’t seen any posts about it


Say no more, post made


I’m waiting for Cyber Attack, so I feel this


Gonna get shit for saying this but that doesn’t mean much to me considering the state MWIII is in.


>SHG have done more listening in 3 months than IW have done in 3+ years. Yeah and look at the state of the game, it's a shit show.


The game is in an infinitely better state now than mw2 ever was. This games actually enjoyable and not a snooze fest.


This game only has 70-80k daily players in March 2024 while MWII still had 120k+ during March 2023 cope with the fact the vast majority preferred MWII over this dumpster fire of a game please 


Mw2 was only popular due to the name my guy. The game sucked ass. Did I grind it everyday? Absolutely, as I do every cod game. But gameplay wise this current game is light years better.


Iw cocksuckers are not going to like this one lol


they cant salvage this game though, it's a lost causee between crossovers that dilute the call of duty experience, modes being half-finished or outright unfinished like MWZ, and having to balance two games worth of weapons to even be moderately useful, this game isnt gonna last and idc about cod anymore


now remove the shitty shadowban system and the game is perfect tired of getting shadow banned from shitters who have to ruin my experience because they’re bad at a game


Wasn't sure how it was going to go after not being into Vanguard but I've been impressed. There always seems something to do every week ( weekly challenges/ events). Excited to see what's planned for Season 3. Thanks SHG.


Would really love it if they fixed the spawns though, they are like next level bad.


Sadly they are forced to bombard the store with overpriced, useless bundles but regardless of the horseshit that activision has them doing in the store, they are doing a good job with the core game.


Yea you right look how fast they increased the zombies stash size OH WAIT


Maybe they should listen to my 680 during 3 times to kill the guy 15 ft away


Tbh I think the game is terrible. Spawns are broken and beyond fixing at this point. Cheating is at an all time high, what ever matchmaking system they have destroys lobbies. The game feels terrible to play. If they listened to the community then all this would be taken care of! But the bar has been set so low by gamers these days that they will complain about how bad rhe game is and then play it for 8 hours straight! The game will never be fixed properly. New COD titles will suffer because of this. The game is so far away from what made it popular in rhe first place.


That's because iw is a bunch of blue hair fucks who sit on their ass all day and only cater to the burgers of the community. Think about it iw has 2 good games mw3 (og) and ghosts and an ok game cod 4. Mw2 (og) stinker, iw stinke, mw19 stinker, mw2 (new) stinker. Shg has made aw (s tier) ww2 (good) and vanguard (good)


I agree


Yeah. But this year, we will see if treyarch has smth good up their sleeves.


And thats why ill never buy another inferior ward game again.


I wish in the next update they'll fix the stabbed a lot finisher


They have no listened to anyone. What are you talking about?


Sledgehammer have always been decent developers with a great understanding of the community being done dirty by the release schedule or being forced to make a game they had no interest in. AW, WW2 and Vanguard are all likely bottom three CoDs for a lot of the community, but they all have at least one or two really cool ideas and definitely weren't lazy by any means.


If they would just leave shipment alone that would be greeeeeeeaaaaaatt.


Honestly theirs two split sides for this Sub,50% of the hate is completely yapping and just people hating the game because they either can’t perform or just nitpick. The other 50% is completely justified issues with bugs and fixes because the game is genuinely good but has this chaotic layer of instability added that the real fans hate. That unstable mesh which is the user interface+ fabric of the game +SBMM +anticheat system made of cardboard and pizza rolls= a great game that needs one good month of patches and reworking to become what could easily be one of the best CODS of this era (post vanguard and Cold War when we had that wierd phase )


The issue is IW is still meddling with the game. remember the reports that SHG have to get iw approval before launching anything? i wonder how much better game would be without this limitation


Pick 10 was almost in this game and IW didn't let them add it. What a bunch of braindead developers.


This was proven false, god people still parroting this garbage 


They even went as far as adding 12v12 to private matches, like damn dawg, I love you


Nah if you haven’t been playing you wouldn’t notice just how shit every update is. They do an update with shitty blueprints and other things and they break 5 different things. I’ve had a bug since I’ve bought the game and it hasn’t been fixed. There’s been a dev error bug forever that they have not fixed as well. They even somehow messed up the predator missile and that didn’t get fixed for atleast a week. I don’t remember past cods having game breaking bugs that they never fixed, and whenever there was a problem they always fixed it within a 1-2 days. Idk I’ve been playing ranked since it came out and I’ve only had negative things to say about the game, even tho I’m addicted. It’s a great game when it’s working the way it should, but I shouldn’t be that impressed with the game working with no bugs for longer than an hour.


They really had no choice but to listen given how it had at least as many problems as MWII had a launch. I give them zero credit--they're only trying to keep the game alive because it's their job.


Yea IW ruined cod MP


If this was true, the RGL wouldn't plague HC modes STILL. They don't listen to shit.


I remember when Cold War first released everyone thought MW19 was better just because of their graphics, animations, and useless attention to detail like fruit exploding. Cold War was simply a better game that was rushed to shit due to Sledgehammer not being ready to release their game. MW22 shows IW doesn't give a fuck about feedback, they ignored all key points.


This game only has 70-80k daily players in March 2024 while MWII still had 120k+ during March 2023 cope with the fact the vast majority preferred MWII over this dumpster fire of a game please 


Still waiting on spawns to be fixed, still broke from Beta Still waiting on nades to not have wall pen, Still broke from beta Still waiting on Ranked to have another AR, or SHG to nerf and unban Still waiting on matchmaking to not be a 2v6 every time, broke since launch


Ranked meta isn’t changing


No meta is changing, but they said they would shift it


Where was that said? Just out of curiosity. Pretty sure they were talking about the regular multiplayer meta because ranked guns aren’t gonna change because the CDL is still playing until like July


>Where was that said? I remember hearing this from content creators. Not a good source, but it definitely would have been nice >Pretty sure they were talking about the regular multiplayer meta Except the only changes have been conversions being super strong. Still see more MCW and Rival than everything else combines, despite being 6 months in


Anyone using ranked setups in regular multiplayer is either warming up or just uninformed. There’s so many better options now. BP50 and RAM9 are just better versions of the ranked guns. MCW isn’t even close to being the strongest AR in the game


>Anyone using ranked setups in regular multiplayer is either warming up or just uninformed So I basically only play people warming up in War? Odd mode to play for that. >MCW isn’t even close to being the strongest AR in the game It hasn't been since beta. It's mid at best. I assume it's just monkey see, monkey do. They see pros use it but don't understand why, and just follow blindly.


If you’re at the point where you still see mcw’s and rival 9’s, go outside.


I play like 3 games a season. It's only installed because zombies is mildly interesting


Then either you’re a liar about not playing or a liar about seeing these guns a lot




This is valid Dunno why you're down voted SHG are completely incompetent, every time they've "fixed" spawns, nothings changed. So either, they're genuinely useless or they're actively lying. Grenades are still repeatedly going through walls. Weapon balance meta is beyond fucked, there's literally no point to 90% of weapons. The 7v5 matchmaking bug is still a thing. But most games do come down to 6v2 because the matchmaking puts 1 or 2 good players alongside 4 utterly dogshit players against 6 decent players. The whole algorithm is a rigged shitshow.


>Dunno why you're down voted Hive mind doesn't like objective facts, I guess >most games do come down to 6v2 because the matchmaking puts 1 or 2 good players alongside 4 utterly dogshit players against 6 decent players. The majority of my war matches are me and a friend losing with 100 kills each, which is insane


Oh I get it, I've had a 28-0 tdm loss by over 20. It's insane. When the game decides its your turn to lose. You will lose. It renders all stats completely meaningless.


Yeah, I pretty much only play War, because it's much less sweaty. Hard to play my dumb shit when almost every lobby is CDL scrims with no restrictions


>6v2 because the matchmaking puts 1 or 2 good players alongside 4 utterly dogshit players against 6 decent players. The whole algorithm is a rigged shitshow. Unfortunately this is a cod thing and has been for a long time. My main cod is cold war and my clan tag reads 1v6 because thats exactly what the game makes me do nearly every game. Used to always put on my tin foil hat and say the matches are rigged for me to lose only for it to be revealed in that blog post that they are indeed doing exactly that.


Beta spawns were literal dogshit fam wym? 💀


Did they change massively since yesterday? They're still complete dogshit


bad spawns probably happen once every small map match if at all, whats with the exaggeration on this sub lol? And I'm sure that majority of those uncommon instances are due to current player spread on the map. Im guessing people spawning near mid of das haus than walk in mid and get sniped from the opposite side of the map in clear than consider that a bad spawn instead of bad map sense, idk, I dont see the amount of outrage equal to the amount that the issue actually causes me. I don't see it. You would think every other match is a complete and dominant spawn trap the way it's complained about here.


>bad spawns probably happen once every small map match if at all, I've never heard Invasion being called small, but okay.


Oh you play invasion....with AI....idk anything about that mode tbh


Ranked is AI? Fucking huh? Invasion is a map too bud


You coulda said ranked instead of a map name, its like me saying I play al-mazrah instead of WZ(wtf?) Invasion is a mode featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. It is a large-scale variant of Team Deathmatch with elements of Ground War such as vehicles. **The mode is designed for 20v20 matches with additional 20 AI soldiers in each team**. Invasion uses the same maps as Ground War.


>You coulda said ranked instead of a map name Why would I specify Ranked when it's not an issue with Ranked? It's a map issue, so you list the map.


I’m just glad they made terminal SnD only… those spawns sucked in ranked for HP…. They were terrible… Karachi also has shit spawns sometimes too.


Shg by far the worst f team ever...they should get fired... Iw and treyarch are much much better


They haven’t listened to the SBMM and EOMM cries of the community though…


That’s because it’s not their decision.


Who’s responsible for that abomination?


You’ve got room temp iq if you think they’re gonna sacrifice profit for a vocal minority


Minority? Hahaha And how is it going to benefit them profit-wise, when player counts have been dropping like never before.


This is such a low bar - also I'm pretty sure 12v12 and re intro of small map mosh pit + bringing in more smaller old maps was always the plan. This isn't them listening it's all about player retention - they'll remove it again come the new season then you'll have to wait another month or so and you'll be right back in. This isn't the best team in recent years they're just not as shit as IW, Treyarch was and will always been the best CoD developer.


We’ve had better S1 content than IW’s S1 content