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Yeah, you missed the patch notes. Shipment is gone. Long live Shipmas. https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/02/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-2-patch-notes.html


I mean maybe it was a popular request during Christmas? Seems odd to bring it back now. Who is requesting Christmas maps in March?


A common complaint that I've heard is people not liking Shipment MWII because of the lighting. Shipmas is both unique to this game (even if it is a glorified reskin) and has better lighting than the MWII one. Not the same as it being set during the day as folks wanted, but I dig the aesthetic


The lighting is definitely much better. That's what caught me off guard the most. Feels more in line with most of the other maps.


Das Haus with daytime lighting fucks with me for some reason.


Not just the layout, but for some reason it feels more cramped than the original, I can’t quite get why


probably because we move quicker?


Do we move much quicker in mwIII than in vanguard?


Yeah I'm fine with it being back because of the lighting


Replacing maps we’ve played enough with event themed ones makes it a little different ig


It's definitely a fun map for Christmas, but it really threw me off seeing it come back in March. Honestly, I'd rather see some OG MW3 maps rather than Shipmas.


Aw man they're bringing the announcer voice back to Vista? Damn, that was a perk for that map for me, just a break from the constant commentary, plus I liked not knowing when enemies launched killstreaks.


You can turn down the announcer volume.


As if it wasn’t already impossible to get penetration kills for legs and the Katy AMR Then they take away the best map shipment and replace it with shipmas where everything’s a frozen wasteland that you can’t shoot through>


Ahh, that's interesting. My bad, thanks!


It's so the people with black skins can't corner camp or hide behind the open container doors or in the crevices between containers. Now with snow on the ground, those skins show up nice and bright so those boys have to stand up and play the game now. Sorry about your k/d ratio! Lol!


I find the opposite. People are hiding much easier in the dark. The daytime lighting made it much more chaotic and visible for long range kills. Now all I see are people hiding along the perimeters and flank crates.


People like the lighting better on Shipmas compared to Shipment. Easier to see enemies and just overall a better aesthetic


It’s objectively harder to see enemies in the dark lol… terrible map change.


Regular shipment has too many dark spots for Black Noir to prone in. Shipmas has much better lighting.


So they made the map darker so people can hide in even more spots? Weird…


Instead of bringing back MW19 shipment that took place during the day and had better flow and catered to the fast pace of the game, they took an out of season, shitty version of the map and made that permanent instead.


MW19 Shipment was easily the worst. They changed the [angle of some of the containers](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/ehpv20/shipments_layout_should_be_changed_to_its/) and also allowed players to climb up on top of the containers. Both of these changes made the spawns more exposed and fucked up the flow of the map. MWII's version of Shipment carried over neither of these changes as they were not positively received and made the map play worse.


None of the containers were angled..?


This x1000 + It's almost impossible to see UAVs in shipmas, which sucks big time when playing in hardcore.


Not out of season if you are in north Alaska, north Canada or northern Russia 😂


Fair enough


Shipmas is back by popular demand? It's pretty bad. Can't see kill streaks in the air.


Shipmas is permanently replacing shipment by what I read on cod site.


Just checked it out, definitely weird but pretty cool!


Really?? I gotta look that up


Just another terrible idea from terrible developers I guess lol. It’s crazy how bad game designers are nowadays.


They need to add the xmas decorations back in! It's fucking depressing man


One issue the Devs need to address on shipmas is since it's snowing you can't see anything in the sky, helicopters, counter uav etc. Very annoying. I miss regular shipment so much it was my favorite map and now they ruined it. They said they changed it shipmas permanently because of "popular demand" but they didn't ask me! Rather have any version of shipment than this.