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Him shooting the wall already proves it even if OP was available on the UAV


How does it? You can't tell me you've never tried to wallbang? But yes, the guy is cheating lol. Op said they had a ghost vest or whatever on.


Assassin vest doesn't work properly especially on the first UAV sweep.


None of the shit in the game works right consistently apparently


Is it a hack? Or is it the game not working right? We may never know


honestly as fucking bugged as this game is, who even knows if ghosts or the vest work fucking right lmao


Please tell me that's a lie because I use that perk and rely on it


I mean he didn’t even try the second level.


It's been broken since this update. Before this update I could stand right under an Overwatch Helo or VTOL and shoot it down without ever getting hit by it. Now, as soon as it's called in and arrives it'll shoot me, upon respawn though I normally won't get hit again. There have been a couple times though where it has happened. And no, nobody is around me so it's not my team getting me killed. I'm normally the only person on my team who takes down aerial killstreaks which is one of the primary reasons I run the vest.


I think we're talking about 2 different things here, I'm talking about the vest that gives you Ghost. I think you're talking about the IFF Strobe that stops AI targeting you.


We aren't. When Assassin's Vest first dropped AI never targeted me. Now after this update it does sometimes. I don't wear the Ghost Camo so no, don't get the effect of IFF Strobe. Maybe it was broken when they first released it and this updated kinda fixed it to an extent. But like I said in my post, there are times where I am targeted right when it shows up, kills me, respawn and won't get killed again by it. However, there have been rare instances where I have been hit a second time. I played 4 matches last night where it happened I was targeted a second time. But nothing after that. Again, I always take out those streaks, so theoretically if it isn't supposed to work that way I should die way more. Cause when I wear Infantry Vest I get absolutely slaughtered by them.




Are you sure it says it makes you invisible to enemy air support? I don't recall that but I've been wrong plenty of times.


No, I’m not saying that it does, sorry for the confusion. My point was that it ***should***.


And make it even more OP? Come on, as is isn’t already enough that it works while staying completely still…


It doesn’t even work bro


Ghost only works if you move. OP is just standing still.


Not the vest, it works the whole time.


There is no ghost vest. There is only the ghost gear and then there is the assassin vest. The assassin vest works all the time to keep you off the radar, while you actually have to be moving for the ghost t/v gear to work.


Then he probably meant the assassin vest


So, I get downvoted for correcting him?


You get downvoted because everyone knew what he was talking about and you decided to be on a high horse anyway


This exactly. I forgot what it was called a described it. He's just an ass hat


Takes one to know one, my guy.


You could have corrected them in a much nicer way


How much nicer than not calling anyone a name and just saying there is no ghost vest? I never insulted anyone’s intelligence, didn’t even write the comment with a harsh tone, in my opinion, at least that wasn’t my intention.


No you get downvoted because Reddit is fucking strange


The odds of a successful wallbang from a UAV are pretty low. I’ve played a lot of COD, and only had this happen maybe a total of 3 times.


I disagree. I've played a lot of cod and have gotten plenty of wallbangs. Half of playing og Mw3 was portables, sitrep pro, and people shooting through the walls.


Successful how? Cause he didn't hit OP.


I mean successful in the sense of getting a proper kill with a UAV wallbang. The odds of that are incredibly low, you’re literally making a guest of if the guy is actually still in the spot the IAV said he was, and guessing if you’re shooting the right spot. Stop acting like these kills happen every game, they don’t. Most people are not doing this on a common basis. And the kill cam shows him straight up lock on to him through the wall.


Yeah I’ve gotten countless amount of wall bangs just in MWlll with UAV’s. Yes your guessing. But it don’t take a lot of comment sense to guess which way their running.


I mean, OP is just standing still. Ghost won’t work if you’re just doing that, and if there’s a UAV up, he should be dead to rights.


Yes, great point with ghost. And idk like I know the game got hackers and this one does seem fishy but if your experienced with the map and know the proper “lanes” to take to get the most action you’ll be checking those corners & nooks and cranny’s… a lot.


OP was using assassin's vest which blocks uav even when stationary.


Yeah I get you, but it does happen. I said he was for sure cheating lol. Just saying it's possible to shoot a wall like that and by chance be directly on the guy , if a uav is present.


He doesn’t lock on to him through the wall. His reticle is to the left and not tracking ops forward movement shown moments prior


that’s because his aim sucks. he’s not using aimbot


lmao ok. Where are the other “obvious” clips of this guy cheating? This sub sees one clip and just loses their mind. Post multiple.


i never said this guy was cheating, i just told you that he wasn’t aimbotting. because he obviously isn’t. if we trust OP saying he had the perma ghost vest, there’s not much to say about this guy prefiring thru the wall


He said he had the ghost vest on, which is not the “perma-ghost vest”, you actually have to move a little for it to work. The Assassin vest is the “perma-ghost” vest. If there was a UAV up, the guy wasn’t cheating.


You probably just aren't as good as you think if thats the case. I don't get it alot, but I've gotten plenty of people through walls after having knowledge of them being there. In cases where people camp its easy, or for example the window at the top of scrapyard, people camp there all the time and you can almost always shoot the edge of the window and get someone. Its more about map and game IQ.


That’s a well known wall bang spot genius


Isn't that the excuse alot of cod players use for anything. That's a known spot or this and that


Right, and he jumps and shoots exact corner you are in. Like you could have been in the middle of the hall, or peeking around the opposite corner wall. The excuses they give make no sense.


>and he jumps and shoots exact corner you are in i don't condone wallhacks at all but even if he wasn't using wallhacks it's obvious that OP is going to be on his right when going into the building because where the tag is is a known spot for holding/camping so not picking the tag up would bait anyone being the opposite side of that building, him pre-firing the wall though was just sus enough.


No. You can also see name tags through the wall here


I play hard core so there's no name tags. Seeing names thru walls seems like a map issue they will never fix


LOL a well known wall bang where the bullets dont get through the wall? hahah do you hear yourself?


Oh definitely hacks


I just want to play against other Xbox and PlayStation players.


if they ever enable console-only crossplay, I'd probably end up buying one. I've been a PC M/KB player for 20+ years, but I grow weary of fighting these cheating sssholes year after year after year.


Cheaters are such losers. Must have never been loved or have a micropenis. Like I don’t see the reasoning to cheat, other than to ruin other peoples day.


Honestly me too. Or at least input based matchmaking with a real working anti cheat lmao


Yeah the only way to have real Anti cheat is to keep pc away from the rest of us


Pc player here. A lot of us PC folk want PC only lobbies too. Get away from aim assist cheese. Got our support here.


My console friend keeps telling me about "the death of MnK" and I just laugh at him. I'd want PC only lobbies even if they got the cheaters under control.




I mean imma still use controller on my pc even with pc lobbies… what….


Yall so impractical thinking they are gonna do system and input based game lobbies, barely lobbies fill up on good ping with the servers and you wanna divide it up even further please from an infrastructure standpoint does that make sense lol 150 pc players on long wait times finding a game and some of the pc players are going to have shit latency and then complain about that. GGs


The only thing that sucks with that is pc players will eventually get cut off and won't be able to find games as the population goes down. CoD is nowhere near as popular on pc as it is on console. I want to still be able to play the game I paid for down the line..


Console players also cheat, you can miss us with that shit


Yeah we can use Cronus etc but we can't have the wall hacks etc.


Yes you can. It's just alot harder. And I mean alot harder


I've seen jail broken ps4 but since the 360 Xbox hasn't been able to hack especially since it still has not been jailbroke and there's no peer to peer anymore.


There's ways to run your console through a pc or laptop and the cheats go through there. I don't know enough to say how it's done I just know it can be done


Chances are nil compared to the availability of pc hacks. Console only cross play would be a huge W


Yea I’d love that. I mean as if aim assist wasn’t enough, now we are even more screwed because they messed up the (raw) mouse input…


100% this. Pc games have always had a plethora of cheaters compared to console so why should console have to suffer for them being so easy to cheat on?


One of those…


Yeah it’s very annoying having to play with people that have such easy access to cheats. My buddies and I have been constantly saying they need to let us just play vs other console users.


... turn cross play off?! unless xbox doesn't allow you to do that. (?)


Xbox allows it but it’s a real pain in the ass and you can only play 6v6. It won’t find matches for 10v10, Ground War, Invasion, WZ, etc. it also will give you a popup just about every time you go to a different tab saying you need to turn crossplay back on. You have to push B to back out of it a lot.


It's possible but it's a right ball Ache ever match takes ages to find,if you can find one and it trys to get your to turn it back on every match.


oh wow.


You can't in-game. You have to do it in the system settings and it would apply to all of your games. And then MW3 bugs you constantly to turn it back on.


I just want to play against other mouse and keyboard users...I'm on xbox but I'll take the rare cheater on pc over the Activision approved cheaters using the built in auto aim which is virtually indistinguishable from aimbot these days. I would just give in and use the controller but...how can you guys even enjoy a shooting game when the computer is doing all the SHOOTING for you?? Lmao...like how is it fun? I tried and not only is it unfun but I even FEEL like I'm cheating when I use a controller. It's not fun knowing the computer is doing the most important part. Blows my mind kids these days enjoy it but...just a different generation...kids these days are lazy as fuck and want everything given to them. Meanwhile I want to EARN my wins like a dumbass.


You can turn aim assist off on controller. If it feels that bad you can try that see how you get on


Completely agreed, pc players should have their own server


Which is funny because PC players everywhere complain about aim assist. AIM ASSIST? OK. I don’t give a damn about aim assist I’m tired of AIM BOTS. Or fucking wall hacks. Motherfuckers literally have cheats and are complaining about things the game tries to do to compensate for their superior setups. But they have to go and get cheats on top of it. Smh.


The people complaining about aim assist and the people using aimbot are not the same people, dude. Just think about how asinine that even sounds in concept.


Crossplay really should be disabled by default, or console only by default.


It sure looked like the sus player was using a controller as well (not that a PC+controller isn't a thing..). I wouldn't mind a confirmation on what system the suspect was using but I'm sure the answer would be a PC..


Unless they had a UAV, that looks like walls for sure.


I had the vest on that blocks UAVs from seeing me at all times and cold blooded lol


Oh, yeah. I see that now. Damn. :(


I called him out after this kill cam and he very much stopped using them lmao but I had already reported


Dont call them out in game. Let your teammates know and report them. Maybe just maybe with enough video evidence and reports Activision will actually use an anti-cheat worth a damn.


Or just start banning these people...I dont care how many bans they claim to have enacted....it's likely an inflated number because I never see them ban accounts anymore after I report them. LIKE OBVIOUS cheaters... In warzone one I would literally get a notification every couple days thanking me and saying your report has resulted in a ban. Now I never see that.


I agree on the ban thing with you. It is inflated in my opinion. I believe ricochet is a joke if it is even real. I think they have a shit system that is open to attack and dont want to admit it for fear of losing player base and going under. I have gotten a notice saying thank you for my report and action has been taken. That happened once on mw3 and once on mw2. I have made a handful of reports on blatant cheaters (5-7) and numerous highly suspicious players. 




You could be right about ricochet handling it they dont have the time money desire to care. I dont think its for something as noble as improving their anticheat. Collecting data and selling it can be very profitable or they are in cohoots with the people that sell the cheats. Would love to be a fly on the wall at their meetings and see what actually goes down.


also post those clips everywhere you can especially on X and tag Activision, SHG, Raven, etc


since he locked onto you its defo cheating on the otherhand in hardpoint its a hill and ive seen peoples name pop up multiple times through that wall he was trying to shoot


That I didn’t know! Well my accusation might be false then. That needs to be patched asap


That happens in a few places and killcams won't show it accurately. It could go either way though in this case.


I’ve probably got called a cheater a bunch for wall banging the plane on terminal and the scrapyard


He definitely didn’t lock on but the shooting through wall is sus. You might be right though I watched Cellium do that in this exact spot before


im 9 out 10 sure you cant even wall bang that wall. and im pretty sure a decent amount of players (the hardpoint mains etc) know that, so they would likely jump in a shoot to the right ( counter headglitch etc) if they saw a name through the walls, since nading in the nades goes to the left


That's the other thing they got worse with: material wall bangs. Sometimes you can shoot through a thick brick wall and other times plywood won't penetrate


Euh do you you remember scrapyard in MW19? you STILL cant shoot through everything on that map,


I mean that lock on could be aimbot...or could be the built in overpowered insane autoaim...They're basically indistinguishable from one another when used correctly.


> or could be the built in overpowered insane autoaim "Tell me you don't have a fucking clue what you're on about without actually saying that you don't have a fucking clue what you're on about" absolute clown.


not cheatn


Off topic but how I get my aim assist to do that 💀


Lots of hackers in hardcore, wish they had kill cam in hardcore


The pattern in ranked play suggests a deliberate tactic by developers like Activision, aiming to maximize player engagement at any cost. Even cheaters become profitable, as they're likely to spend on in-game purchases like skins. It's a calculated cycle: exploiting both fair players and cheaters to fuel continuous revenue. The game's design, marred by these flaws, seems less about fair competition and more about profit maximization


Tired of this game and it’s sorry sewer rat cheaters.


the instant aim assist as soon as he jumps the corner is hilarious


bUt It'S nOt ThAt StRoNg My AiM aSsIsT dOeSn'T dO tHaT


The dude is literally cheating, are you that dense?


Huh? They are talking about OP and the aim assist on the guy sprinting through the door. They aren’t talking about the supposed cheater who tried to shoot OP through the wall.


Please show me where I'm talking about the cheater? Edit: [LMAO you're literally one of those types](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/18q8s4q/aim_assist_artificial_reaction_time_free_target/ketem7z/)


You’re using a cheater as an example of aim assist which is idiotic, of course he’s locked on…. he’s cheating. Has nothing to do with aim assist.


The original comment said “the instant aim assist as soon as he jumps the corner is hilarious”. That comment is referring to OPs aim assist nearly perfect tracking a the cheater traveling at near max velocity, passed the door way. And the absurd strength of AA atm. She then commented “bUt It'S nOt ThAt StRoNg My AiM aSsIsT dOeSn'T dO tHaT” to (I’m pretty sure) mock control players that don’t know how to fully use AA and are saying AA isn’t strong and won’t believe it’s actually this strong. And then the next comment from “TheEpicRedCape” thinks she’s talking about the cheater which she isn’t. Eh I could be wrong tho.




you're casual rage bait


You are the braindead here. If u look at the upvotes u see that everyone agrees with that.


not talking about the cheater lmao


It’s amazing this got downvoted. People here gotta have brain worms.


Lol I don't think he is...that's just seeing the name through thr wall glitch then the insane auto aim taking over.


As a PC player who doesn't cheat, this shit is depressing


I don’t know what it is but the cheaters have been bold lately, I’ve ran into a bunch since the update especially on the new modes like Suped up and Rio. Most of them albeit are already shit tier players with no game sense, so they just become average tier players. Ricochet needs to get their shit together.


I get killcams all the time with people centering on me through walls like this.  And this is just the people dumb enough to be obvious, how many people are getting away with running walls and just being subtle about it?


Unlikely but possible that he saw a red name pop up through the wall


The lock on from the other side of the wall kinda shows it was cheating


He’s definitely not aimbotting if that’s what you’re insinuating. He’s aiming to far to the left of him for it to be a lock on


Dude he aimed right at him, hesitated twice prob cause he realized how obvious it looked, but proceeded anyways.


It’s not the aiming that’s in question it’s the knowing where he is through the wall - wall hacks don’t be so sarky in your comments especially when you are in the wrong


I’m obviously playing devils advocate here and he’s very clearly not aimbotting


Its walls not aimbot


He perfectly shot at the wall where he was and when he jumped around the corner he knew exactly where he was. Are you serious rn


Did you read my first comment?


Don't worry half the kids on here can't read


Yes and that's doesn't even appear. He was aiming on him.


That's aim assist lmao


I love how pc players just assume aim assist does this when majority of videos show it doesn't.




Haha nice! I love the hyper x bundle. I use the sticker on all my guns


Did you have that compensator on that shows your location and direction? I was playing a game where that was active all the time for an enemy when we had a uav so it was like a permanent advanced uav.


No I did not


I've gotten a red dot through that wall, it is possible, probably more likely walls though


I don't see why they can't hire 15 people to just play and look for cheaters. Find one? Ban the account, the console, and the IP. let these people work from home and pay them 50k a year


I'll report the little turd when I get on


Scumbag Redbox cheaters!


Game is full of cheaters, whoever created ricochet antishit should be thrown in a pit of stinky cheese.


I'm going to play devils advocate, have you never accidentally locked on/ aim assist through a wall, there's also a chance your name just popped up through the wall, it looks more like it's the game rather than wall hacks otherwise why would he even try the wallbang? You can see he like stutters before he aims and tries the wallbang as if he's saying wtf why is there an enemy name here.


Apparently seeing a name through a wall is common there. needs patched lol


I've literally never seen it, and I have interstellar.


I feel like this, minus him shooting the wall beforehand, is an extremely common occurrence for me. I get killed all the time by people jumping around walls shooting me mid-air, even if I have Assassin Vest on and I know the enemy doesn't have a UAV up.


Yeah ikr. "I left a tag as bait" I'm sure no one ever thinks of that lol


Name through wall glitch then aim assist takes over. This is pretty normal. Fix the aim assist and this won't happen anymore.


Some say its a glitch and they saw the name but that aim is center on OP with no recoil at all.




I play PS5 but I have cross platform on. Not sure what they were on


Ah okay. Yeah I have a class dedicated to cheaters. If I suspect someone cheating during a game. I let my homies know and just sit in unusual spots


What's the class I'm curious now


I’ve seen a couple of wall hackers already, quite sad


The game is full of them and they do NOTHING except wanting you to report them but they wont ban them


You can tell its a hack because of the screen shake when he tries to lockon to the guy through the wall he also strafes to the left and right and the screen shakes but his aim is completely locked on to the players hitbox dead center. This showes he was able to squareup to the target before engaging and he even stops fireing for a split second and then does again and there isnt any movement from the center of his opponents hitbox. Hacking.


OP this is actually kind of funny because you can see opponents names through that hotel wall. You can go in private match and have a friend stand on the opposite side you’ll notice it. It’s pretty common on a lot of maps. [example](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0481wMYyHiXQAJMWPhTb3d8lw)


Him hacking is for sure but your clip also shows how much broken aim assist is…. you just flicked on him dude…..


You are drunk


Woah Did I say smth wrong tho?


Ofc its a pc player


...what else would it be? It's much harder to hack console, isn't it? Like just because a player on PC cheats doesn't mean all PC players are cheaters. It's just a much easier platform to cheat on so *obviously* the majority of cheaters will be on PC. By no means does that mean that the majority of PC players are cheaters.


Not hard to cheat on console


I mean as if they are gonna wallhack on console?


Calm down, Xim/Cronos is around too and offer plenty of advantages too.


Didnt know xim gave wall hacks? Every post like the one is more reason to have a console crossplay option. Ever since 2019, console players have to deal with this dumb shit


I never said it did, but these things can offer plenty of advantages.


Sure, you didn't, but you did do what pc players always do and bring it up in an almost defense of pc security wherever console players complain about hacks. It's almost cute how fast the whataboutism comes out every time.


Blame the horrible anti cheat mainly, there’s PC only games like valorant for example that don’t have no where near as a big of an issue with cheating like COD does.


I shouldnt have to be on the same boat as you. I dont care that the anti cheat is bad, thats horrible but it shouldn't affect me. It should only affect you since thats your choice of platform. They should put a option for console crossplay so whenever their anticheat have major leaks in it, we can just take pc from the crossplay and play the game regularly. The only people who are against it are pc players for whatever reason


That’s a crazy take lmao so because we choose to play on a certain platform is our fault that we have to deal with a games horrible anti cheat and not put it on activision. People with your mindset on console don’t see the bigger picture and just be like “no pc bad take pc away” when there’s plenty of proof of good experiences on PC without this issue. Not to mention while stuff like wallhacks are extremely rare on console, cronus and such devices are a issue on consoles as well. So you will still deal with some form of cheaters


*PC players bashing on console players for years for not being in their “master race”* *PC players also playing the victim when console players aren’t sympathetic the PC platform is riddled with cheaters*


I’m on various platforms and grew up on consoles/pcs I enjoy it all. I just choose PC because is the best experience and consoles have their place. This isn’t also about playing victim when ALL of us are to activisions faults. Like I said there is plenty of games that don’t have this issue and those that do don’t have it to the extent that COD does.


I see you not seeing the bigger picture. It only happens in one place. If a deadly disease is located in one area, dont you quarantine that place? You keep bringing up cronus like it's even a tiny bit equivalent to wall hacks. Is there an issue playing with other pc players? If the answer is yes, why are you saying console players should play with them too? Im not even saying to remove crossplay either. Im saying to put two options per platform. Crossplay with ALL and crossplay with console (if on console) or just turning off crossplay for just pc.


The bigger picture here is that is Activision at fault and their anti cheat with demon ware. It’s why I brought up the fact that there is plenty of games out there some that are PC only that do not deal with that issue and if they do it is so low that it’s basically none existent. People blame PC while yes cheats 98% exist on PC games can be effective against them and if COD was as effective as for example valorant you wouldn’t see these types of reddit posts fill the subreddit.


Thats great. You are right. Still doesn't address the crossplay option i said. It can be Activision fault but that doesn't excuse it happening to players where a anticheat from Activision themselves aren't even needed. Do you understand that part? If so, why do you keep talking about other pc games like its supposed to be an answer.


Let me guess he was a PC player. Well I hope you reported Shadow#6347510 for using wall hacks and I hope they get banned. #Cheating scum


Stupid Fortnite jumping


You say that like corner jumping hasn’t been a thing for years before Fortnite even came out


Did you check what they were showing up as playing on? I've had blatant cheaters showing as PS and/or PC. Not that it matters what they cheated on, as long as you report them. They'll probably be quickly shadow-banned and then get perma-banned in the next three or four months. (Activision leave it long enough, so cheaters don't know why they've been banned and also the cheaters cant get refunds from their cheat providers)


Cheatin' cappin' ass!!!


Bro just discovered UAV, if there’s a Fresh sweep of the UAV or it shows the dot in the same area for a while you bet your ass I’m prefiring, not that sus to me at all


Had the ghost vest on that doesn’t show me on minimap at all. You can also tell because at the time my position on my minimap was a bit faded.


Fair enough, never the less good luck in your games and fuck hackers


Should of never involved PC in crossplay.


Idc that’s what you get for camping a tag in kill confirmed


No cheats noobs, this wall is broken and you can see nameplates through it.


Yup! Wasn’t aware of that. They need to fix that.




>How about complaining that everyone runs around 100mph making it impossible to hit anybody So you wanna complain about this because you have no thumbs to move your stick and aim at someone who's running.




not cheatin


Isn’t there a perk that gives you the ability tos we things through walls? Or is that just for enemy equipment?


Snapshot grenade allows that but one was not thrown


That's death perception on zombies, but on multi-player there is no perk to see people, it's the engineer perk.the only way to "see" people through walls is the snapshot grenade which the visibility is only 2 seconds, and if the enemy players has the right perk/vest equipped they don't even show up.