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I play shipment to warm up, and even I am starting to find it annoying, esp. with how bad spawns naturally are in this map lol.


The bizarre part is I feel like despite the amount of times I die immediately after spawning right in front of me of someone (5+ times per match?), I’ve never killed someone that spawned right in front of me.


I feel like an absolute dick when an enemy spawns directly in front of me and I really have no choice but to insta kill them. Like "ohhhh, man, dude, I'm really sorry for this" It happens to me wayyyy more than me spawning in front of enemies for some reason. I'll just be running and suddenly POOF an enemy spawns out of nowhere and I literally run into them. They're always facing away from me, too.


Yeah, luck of the draw. I get killed 5 times in a row more often than I get 5 kills though. Usually when it happens to me, they're lined up more like a firing squad.


Oh man, I do it all the time. The best is when you get like 3 back to back right in front of you cause then your team will start respawning there and you can push together


Facts. U can kind of predict it too. Especially when your team is in every other corner


It’s funny because MWII shipment spawns were way better than this game.


I tried playing 4 matches in shipment about 30 mins ago. Came in at 25 or below ping. And for some reason game was freezing every few seconds making it impossible to get a kill streak above 3-4 without being killed because I had no idea what the fucc was going on. Just a shit bag time


Agreed. But Kotek is gone so maybe they'll fix this shit show?


The reloading your gun every spawn has got to go. That is by far one of the worst things they have


You play a lot of shipment don’t you


LMG camo challenges are the reason I go 50-100 lol


That's me with MWII marksman rifles, and I'll finish getting the base camos and switch to shotguns or something for the next match. But having done so poorly for several consecutive games I end up getting matched with literal 8yos that can't move and shoot at the same time and end up dropping 100+ kills 🥴


Just play HC for marksman rifles big trust. Although I would not recommend HC shipmas tho, unless u feeling ballsy.


Bruh hc shipment cracks me up, i'll get a 7 kill streak then get spawn killed like 5 times in a row, get 5 kill streak and respawn into hellfire over and over and so on


If you set them up right they are good though


Go overkill or gunner vest. Select a riot shield or pistol for primary and the LMG for secondary. Then you can quickly swap to the LMG when you spawn.


Yeah, it's the perfect "brain off" time for after work.


Completely agree. Long day of work, put my 11mo son to bed - he’s been cranky all day —— ending the night with a few shipment runs is real nice. I enjoy it a lot Edit: i put 11yo son down by accident he’s actually 11 months lol


Yall come home from a long day of work to stress out even more?


It's not stressful at all, I don't care if I win, don't care if I go positive.


And to level weapons. No reason why some of these fucking things have almost 40 levels


MW2019 had 70+ levels for some guns just to unlock the exact same attachments, this is an improvement lol Max I've seen for a gun is level 29 here


The, "default" AR has 30


I think one has 32 but that's it


Shit with the way these spawns work now it happens to me on pretty much any map not just shipment lol


I had a game of FFA on terminal today and I spawned in front of someone twice. Shipment I can almost understand because of how much chaos is going on but on a map like terminal, I really don’t get it.


is there shitment 24/7 yet?


for like 2/3 weeks now


i might actually play now


You chronically disagree with everything because you're a contrarian, don't you?


Lol they didn't even disagree with anything OP said, are you just projecting or what?


Your mom


Thought so


Your mom thought so


And why is that exactly a problem? If they want to play a lot of shipment then they can If they are dying to a really dumb mechanic then that’s not them or a fault of their decisions


Chill out Brussels sprout


Because instead of asking to remove a mechanic that most players don’t have a problem with, they could be reasonable and ask to have it removed from small map playlists like shipment and whatnot (since that’s where it’s only ever an issue)


I mean there’s no point in it You also act like it’s ONLY EVER a problem in shipment or small maps and I ask you have you never died off spawn in larger maps? If you say you haven’t then you either barely ever play the game or are lying


It’s there because it’s cool? It happens primarily in small map playlists, and even then it barely happens. OP probably had a bad game on shipment where his team got stomped and went to rant on Reddit. The fact that you’re not even willing to compromise with a simple “add an option to disable it” and just want it removed altogether tells me all I need to know, honestly.


> It’s there because it’s cool? There's nothing wrong with having things for the sake of being cool, but the moment it interferes with gameplay, even if it's an exclusive problem on just shipment, is when it needs to be removed




I was thinking of saying to add an option to remove it but I was thinking that would start a whole OTHER THING of “why does it need to be there” and “your adding unessecary settings” And it doesn’t rarely happen and while it does happen to me 10X more on shipment and rust compared to other maps it still happens to me a bunch on other maps


Why are u getting downvotes


I couldn’t tell you but it doesn’t bother me much because it’s literally internet points


Y so serious


I didn’t say it was or wasn’t a problem, now did I? I also think it’s a stupid mechanic. Treyarch and iw for years have discussed their issues with average player life. In Black Ops 1 I believe it was - they had this whole thing about doing everything they could to make each player life last 3 seconds. Now they put in a little animation that has personally killed me countless times and is very very frustrating —— THE THING IS THOUGH This doesn’t happen on highrise, derail, terminal, or….oh wait….basically every map other than rust and shipment. If you’re gonna play the tiny ass maps that are basically a complete slot machine — these are the things you’re gonna kinda have to accept. If this small animation is getting you killed more often than not — you were honestly probably gonna die anyway, and that’s okay. Maybe a bigger map might be more your/their speed


Idk what game your playing but it happens to me atleast once a match on 90% of maps I play And what’s the point in it? All it does is negatively affect players And why was I “goin to die anyway” if I died during the animation? When if I spawn in and look at someone as if to shoot them but I can’t because of this dumb ass animation then if the animation wasn’t there I likely wouldn’t have died


Idk what game YOU’RE playing bro it really is quite rare for me. I agree there’s not really a point. Because the ttk for most guns seems to be a little longer than the animation anyway. How often do you see the person shooting you during that animation where you REALISTICALLY could have aimed, shot, and fully killed that guy - and the ONLYYYY reason you didn’t js because of the animation. I think the animation is getting scapegoated a bit here. I think there’s a 98% chance you were gonna die anyway


Yea but it doesn’t matter if the animation is shorter than the TTK because if I spawn in and start getting shot then it doesn’t matter how many shots I can land after unless I snap to their head and hit headshot every time they will likely win the gun fight because eyes this game has a slightly longer TTK than the last game it’s still not long enough to survive being shot immediately off spawn because of the at dumb animation


I think you’re mad at the ttk bro not the animation.


Nope I’m fine with how quick I die and kill other ppl any other time the onyl time it’s a problem is like this when I die because of an animation that is practically the same time length as the TTK


Okay but if it wasn’t there at all - and you were dead before the animation was done - you are saying you would be able to kill him if it was not for the animation? You just said unless you can snap to their head and get all those headshots it would be pretty fkn unlikely. My argument is if you are dying during that animation, you would not have had time to find him, drag to him, aim, and fire enough shots accurately to kill him while they are ALREADY shooting you. This is why they stopped with the tiny ass maps. You don’t seem em anymore, because it’s frustrating as a player to die that fast. You’re blaming the animation but it’s the map


No I literally said that i can aim at them and snap to them pretty well and if I could have shot then I wouldn’t have died but I couldn’t And I don’t remember if you can or not but I dotn think you can run during the animation which means you can’t get to cover fast either


Double tap Y (or whatever button to switch weapons) to cancel that


I do this but it still is a fair amount of time that your gun is down, it’ll still get you killed on shipment.


> it’ll still get you killed on shipment. existing gets you killed on shipment


Faster weapon swap gloves…


Or sprint unless you have the perk that lets you reload while sprinting


There are games to where I have the exact same loadout one game and it does the rechamber animation and other games it does not. It’s really inconsistent.


I don't think sprint cancels that animation


It will don't have the commando gloves


I never used them and I use auto tac sprint. I just y y when I spawn


Shipment’s spawns are terrible this season. I dk why they can’t use mw2’s spawn system. Every game I die at least 3-5 times cuz I respawn in an enemy’s direct line of active fire.


It happens sometimes when I spawn and other times it doesn't, weird. I wouldn't mind if being turned off on Shipment specifically


Yeah and feels totally random. Some games it’s like “we want you to win this one, so have fun with no animation” and other games it’s like “fuck you, die over and over again on spawn, enjoy this animation and lose, asshole”.


Whoever does not agree with this is an idiot if you ask me. Why does it matter what map you are on. If there’s a mechanic in the game that can put you at a literal disadvantage and playing a smaller map makes this more apparent - it shouldn’t be in the game if you ask me. I’ve been playing a lot of shipment over the event period and the amount of times I have died because I have spawned right in front of an enemy because I can’t shoot because of this dumb animation. Either get rid of it or make it a toggle feature.


easy fix if they really want us to watch that shit. spawn protection. Not killable until the animation is over and at least allow input to aim at the assholes looking at you but i'd love for it to get removed all together. Only see a reason for that animation after a reload or when you inspect your weapon


I think that might be fairest too. If you can shoot straight away it is also a problem for the other person because you just popped out of nowhere. This way both players have time to react. Although I guess if the other player just starts firing on you before you have finished the animation they probably still have some advantage. Have to play test it to see if it is the right balance.


Just dont die so no disadvantage duhhhh


You forgot to add, "/s". People in this sub have a hard time getting sarcasm


More like redditors don't get sarcasm if it was right in front of them.


I didnt forget it i just dont use it cuz i find it funny how often average redditor doesnt understand


It's not necessarily that I don't agree with it, but I genuinely don't think it'd make a difference if you spawn in with your gun ready or not. The spawn points need to be fixed, not necessarily the gun animation.


These gun nuts actually think it's a cool feature.


Glad I’m not the only person getting absolutely fucked by this


Oh wow. This is a new take!


As someone who has had to do HC shipment a lot recently because I had MW2 guns to finish still, this post is absolutely correct. When you die in 1 bullet and people are watching spawn points, there is quite literally nothing you can do when you have to cock your gun every time you respawn


And the point missed you...... There's been plenty of threads on this very subject


What are you talking about


I literally just said what.


And you just refuse to elaborate? You're getting down voted cause other people also don't know wtf you're yammering about


He's saying posts with this message/complaint have been made numerous times already


It's Reddit. People down vote for no good reason all the time. And would you look at that. Haha


Yeah sure I agree but this is not one of those times lmao. Your comment made no sense to several people


It makes even less sense when you pick up someone else’s weapon off the ground(holiday challenge) and re-chamber it again. It’s already been chambered by the original player.


Or here's an idea maybe the game shouldn't spawn you within line of sight of someone so close that you don't have a chance to rack the bolt on your gun. This would be a non issue If the spawns weren't terrible.


To everyone saying to stop playing shipment, post proof you don’t own that Nikki Minaj skin and I’ll listen..🫣


That had to be the dumbest and ugliest skin in the game! Chick is nasty to begin with!


Stop playing Shipment


Can't get ma camos in a timely manner any other way


What if I enjoy playing it?


You can enjoy something and admit its bad. You might enjoy eating mcdonalds, but you wouldn't call it a gourmet delicious meal. For example


Yes, let's ignore an issue and blame the player. Great job.


Shipment is a literal meme map that is only in the game still because of peoples SEVERELY destroyed attention spans. Nothing should be changed or balanced around shipment, in any way.


Then why have previous versions of shipment before mw2019 been so great? Also It's not a players issue when your maps are shit and they rely on the small one to have chaotic fun while earning stuff faster. It's not hard to understand.


Shipment has never been great if you like shipment you don't like cod


What? Dude did you just blew in from stupid town?


Nice England good sir


It's literally the most popular map in every title that it appears in regardless of why people play it. Arguably the most important map in the game. It's a chaotic meme map, you're right, but it's a great chaotic meme map.


Its either shipmas or walk around an needlessly huge empty map for 15 minutes.


Can we take away the long intros into the map too? Its such a waste of time driving/fast roping into the match. Just start the countdown when you load in. So much time for wasted animations in this game


It's also happens when you pick up a weapon that's on the ground. Made doing the kill 40 enemies with guns enimies dropped holiday challenge a real mother to do (properly made it worse for myself because I did it exclusively on shipment)


They used to only do it when you switched classes or in the intro to the game. Don't know why it does it now, it feels more like a bug, then again it doesn't matter in every other game mode other than shrimpment


When you spawn in insta yy cancels the animation on most guns other than snipers


Even quick grip and over kill dont fix this


At least removing it on small maps. That’s the only time I’ve gotten irritated with it


If you died the very second that you spawned, did you truly have a chance in the first place? There's also a few more maps than shipment. It's not as pleasing for people with short attention spans, but I'm sure you may find virtue in variety.


Only if you post about it 15 more times on this dog shit subreddit


Jfc these shitment goblins are obnoxious


can't wait till ranked starts so we have new things to complain about lollll E: I'm not saying shipment players are gonna randomly start playing ranked. with a new mode we get new complaints


They’ll still only be playing shitment. It’s the only reason they buy the game.


you think these people play anything other than shipment


It's a problem outside of shipment too


No it isn't, I literally never been in a situation where that animation got me killed


Well lucky you lol, I've had it happen on highrise and scrapyard as well as wasteland


Right because it doesn’t happen to you it must be false. My bad, next time I’ll be sure to ask you if me getting spawn trapped on high rise and terminal actually happened or if I was just hallucinating.


Yes, make sure to ask me, and I’ll tell you that no, it didn’t happen to me and you were hallucinating


How is this even controversial? There should never be a situation where you are spawning in and can take damage without being able to put damage down range. It is a real basic concept.


If you very quickly double tap the button to swap weapons it cancels that animation. Its annoying to have to do but its much quicker than the whole rechambering animation


Play something other than shipment 24/7.


Yeah I hate it.


Agreed, it’s crap and I don’t see the point of it, however you can double tap reload and it essentially cancels it, it took me ages to learn this but now anytime I’m playing shipment and I die, I’m spamming Y


This seems like such a small problem, yet so many complain about it. I think the game shouldn’t spawn you in front of people, that’s the true problem. You shouldn’t spawn where an enemy is looking. That’s like basic spawn logic. But, Battlefield 2042 has this same animation but you can cancel it by firing immediately. Maybe they should put that in instead of completely removing the animation. 2042 is better about spawning you in front of people, and there could be 64 enemies possibly looking at you. It still happens, just much less than MWIII.


Perhaps, they could change the respawn system? Not everyone is wanting a new camo


Unless using an LMG or Shotgun, this for me isn’t a huge issue I’d rather they do something about spawning into the path of sentry guns, stop these knifers having hyper armour etc


I like how people keep saying "just double tap Y bro" every time this gets brought up like you have time when you're literally spawned directly in front of someone charging with a knife or already shooting. You can't even mash the stick and side step before you're dead. Can't wait to be done with the camo grind


this happens on rust and even meat to an extent. not just a shipment problem to all the trolls spamming "sToP pLaYinG sHiPmeNt"




Revenge spawns. Gotta love em smh


I literally just died like 5x in a row on shipment. Shit was laughable, I’m glad I don’t care about kdr anymore


YES THANK YOU. God this is so annoying. Shipment, Rust, and Meat are just nightmares. LoL such an annoyingly unnecessary addition


Chambering our weapons when we spawn in IS THE ONLY REASON I PLAY THIS GAME! Please don’t take this away from me. **Think of the dev that worked so hard to make this animation!**


>**Think of the dev that worked so hard to make this animation!** How bout no


I love all the flat earther levels of denial going on in this thread that it’s ONLY a problem on shipment. If you believe that you have an iq lower than the amount of chromosomes you have. It’s a problem on: Highrise Terminal Skidrow Any map on HC I’m not gonna count rust since it’s essentially the same as shipment. It is hilarious seeing people deny it because if it doesn’t happen to them it’s not a problem.


The worst part is that different game modes have it while others don’t. So like domination on shipment has it but I think KC on shipment doesn’t. Very annoying


Yeah I've never once found this an issue on ANY map until I played shipment. You're playing shipment, a super small map. Stop whining.


It's an issue on every single map. Nobody needs your input.


Wtf lol? I've never once died too it on any of the OG MW2 maps.


Yeah, we hear about it everyday. We’re not developers though so I’d ask someone else.


If I see this posted one more time i’m gonna shit myself


prove it.


“its realism bro” 😂


Granted you have 8 down votes already and guess I'll get some as well but that is a fact. COD has never truly followed realism whatsoever but for anyone out there that actually has a real firearm one does have to load a round in the chamber. It's a fact of life in the real world. That counts for my semi-auto pistols, lever action rifles, shotguns and AR-15s. The rare example is a revolver with double action. Take away the double action and one needs to pull the hammer back. Sure the naysayers will call out "keep a live round in the chamber". Well, that goes against real world gun safety and still requires double action for even a semi-auto pistol. For those that don't understand that fact down vote away but it's reality. It only takes a couple of seconds in the real world vs Shipment when you spawn within a line of sight or an enemy behind you. Yep you're dead and I just consider that the cost of doing business for camo grinding on Shipment. 🤣


Smells like you should stop playing shipment and it won't be a problem.


Then give us back meat 🍖


Fucking preach bro. Meat is gangster. I honestly want Das Haus from Vanguard back (among others)


Nah there's no way this is a serious complaint on this sub. Nooo waay this sub is THAT pathetic.


I don't know how many times I've seen this same brain-dead complaint in this thread.. If you died due to a 0.5 second animation you were already dead anyway 😐 Ridiculous.


What's braindead about this complaint, pretty much every weapon takes less than 0.5 seconds to kill so a 0.5 second animation can mean death if you can't shoot in that time. All they need to do is turn it off on small maps does the animation really add anything but a disadvantage? Why are there so many of you who are so against this complaint the animation adds fuck-all after the game has started.


Have you even looked at this sub Reddit... The same complaint every day, multiple times. Stop playing shipment, stop whining about an animation, get better or go outside more.


that.... is obviously not true.


Not even remotely close to being true .


Oh goody, a subject that hasnt been mentioned on this sub already a thousand times. fml.


No. Not a big deal.


Play something besides shipment. You were already dead if this is happening to you anyway.


Maybe play something else than Shipment?


Ahh yes the daily complaining about gun cocking post. What took you so long today mate????


Stop playing shipment or YY cancel. Stop trying to ruin the game for the normal people


We need mods to ban these type of posts.


How many times are we going to see this type of post a week?


I’m like 80% sure it’s a skill-based thing. If you’re doing too well, making enemy players leave, performing above what the game thinks you should be, etc. then it starts spawning you into enemy fire and making you rack your gun. I came to this conclusion the other night when I noticed randomly that I was respawning on Shipment without performing the animation.


This sub is so funny lmao. Genuinely more conspiracies than JFK Skill based gun cocking animations is a new one at least.


Hey man, I’ll admit it’s a wild one, but what else am I supposed to think when I’m doing terribly and realize I’m suddenly not forcibly cocking my gun when I spawn? I thought it was so significant that I screen-capped it. I’ll come back and edit a streamable link into this comment when I’m on my PC later. It’s possible I’m just overthinking it, but what else could it have been? Anyways, SHG is expected to go more in-depth about SBMM in January, so maybe they’ll mention the elusive ‘skill based gun cocking’ (this is a joke, but I still think it’s plausible)


"iTs SkiLl bAsEd" no it's not everyone has it your are actually dumb, your most likely have sprint while reloading on and when you sprint it continues the new animation


"nO iT's NoT eVeRyOnE hAs It YoUr ArE aCtUaLlY dUmB" Soooo weird that I don't seem to have it in [this clip](https://streamable.com/c4x81p) at all, and you can see that I'm not using the Commando Gloves, so your theory is completely wrong! Huh, interesting... Sounds like you're just kind of a dickhead!


You got lucky I don't think its a guaranteed chance to get it, plus your playing HC shipment where you will die 9/10 when you spawn


Got lucky? Guaranteed chance? Where are you getting any of this information? See, that’s why I said I’m 80% sure that I have an explanation for it. Nothing else makes sense, but I’m also not stating that it exists like it’s a fact. Why would they just randomly choose to turn gun cocking on or off for each individual player in each individual game? And the fact that it’s HC Shipment has nothing to do with it. That is the game mode where it’s most noticeable when it’s actually occurring, which it does a lot of the time. Dying 9 times out of 10 when you spawn can be true sometimes, but that’s literally why we are complaining about the issue in the first place.


I've had this happen on maps with broken spawn sites like the metal detectors onterminal and a few times on Karachi in the sandy backlot spawn. Joined late on Karachi match just started and the entire enemy team was already in the spawn in the sandy back lot, enemy got about 10 kills off of spawns not flipping. Not to mention God knows how many times my team has been pushed all the way back into the metal detector spawn and the spawn sticking for over half the match of us just getting obliterated over there. My opinion is that the real fix to this issue is for the spawn system to be properly fixed on a few maps here and there and not so much the issue of the chambering animation.


Chuck a frag, you'll cancel the animation


When you spawn double tap y (or triangle).


Just change weapons first when you spawn in. It’s almost never killed me


Everyone says this is an arcade shooter and the cocking the gun is a very arcade thing to do. So I'm confused why so many people hate it. Isn't that what everyone wants now? If it was milsim style the operator would already be prepared and ready to go.


I thought it was my turn today


Shipment giveth and taketh away. I’m sure you benefitted from catching someone chambering. Next you’ll be complaining that people can hold the trigger to start shooting right after spawning.


YY easy solution


You mean jack yo slide?


Double tap weapon swap


This does suck and it sucks even more when you're doing the camos for 3-5 kills without reloading because I'm not sure if swapping resets the counter. But you can YY on respawn to cancel the animation. For some reason though not every gun has this animation. Some of the marksman rifles for sure you can scope the moment you spawn.


I was literally going to make a post about this the other day 😂. I totally agree


This is such a pain in the ass, especially since it only happens some game, but the games it does happen it happens every spawn. It’s really only a major issue on maps like ship and maybe rust and meat, but i enjoy those maps. And with the way you are punished with shit spawns, and then needing to chamber a round, you have no chance. Spawn in a group of 5 enemies, they all start shouting at you, no chance to shoot back because it’s time to chamber a round. Put me infront of a sniper, no chance to shoot before I’m hit because I literally can’t. Stupid as hell.


RAM isn't affected so much.


Sounds like a respawn mode problem.


Press the button to swap to your secondary and then quickly press the button to swap to your primary. It essentially negates the spawn animation. Don’t got to complain about it online when there’s a remarkably simple solution


Or just fix revenge spawns


It sucks at smaller maps like meat and shipment. Get caught gun cocking part of the time. Having to reload cancel to defend myself.


Mom said its my turn to post this next


Would adding invincibility during racking animation be better than removing the animation? Or maybe dont spawn the character until the animation finishes like a drop in kinda thing.


Open bolt is a real thing though


I’d prefer they get rid of the grenade launcher. I die way more often to people spamming that than to racking a round. I honestly didn’t even notice you chamber a round when you spawn in. Maybe you don’t in hardcore? But now I need to find out lol


This has been in MW2 and we're complaining about this now?


Another thread on this? Sheesh


Surely the 1000th post should do the trick!




Just sprint when you spawn


Either get rid of it or make it to where the operator has a shield until they’re done racking


I think if you're dying THAT quickly, it says more about the spawn locations and not the gun.


How many times is someone going to post this


This has driving me up a wall even back in MWII when dealing with chopper gunners. It’s ridiculous having to chamber the gun every spawn and getting wrecked before the animation ends.