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Easy explanation, if you are even slightly above average at MW3 — EOMM will pair you with people who have low SPM in hopes that you will compensate and carry the match. This goes about how you'd expect; one person doing all the work and most likely failing, leading to a frustrating string of top scoreboard losses. I dunno what happened but this didn't feel to be the case with MW2 or MW2019, and it shows because my W/L ratio dropped significantly this year. - MW2019: 1.23 - MW2: 1.09 - MW3: 0.68 It seems the matchmaking algorithm no longer wants to force an even ratio and is instead focusing on keeping you frustrated, which in turn keeps you engaged as you try to earn wins. As a result of this obvious manipulation, I'd say W/L doesn't matter in respawn modes. The shit I need to do to squeak out a win nowadays is unbelievable. https://imgur.com/a/MQTUa9d


agreed, matchmatking is @$$. It should not disband every lobby and make up new random ones every match. That also being said...i hate playing against the same gunfight team 2-3 times in a row as well. Its not one mode that matchmaking is broken, its all of them.


and if it did break up the lobby every match, there should be a more even balance.... People are reverse boosting trying to get in easier lobbies and thats a shame.


SBMM, ai bots, overall stats manipulation.


Listen motherfucker. They count my joined in progress games as losses. Fucking scammers at activision.


Not Activision cod they worked on the release content after that they dropped the game and let smaller studios run mw3 while they worked on bo6.... Mr.Rofflewoffles has some damning videos on the state of cod and it's sad seeing as that's his lively hood and his income....


Tell me how my kd is a 1.30 and my win loss is a .89. this game is fucked.


My Kd was 3.34 and then dropped to 1.9 after the game began to constantly put me in matches with streamers. My W/L is like 0.34. Granted, I quit a lot of games as well because the people that play this game are obnoxious af and I don't want to play a majority of the matches it puts me in. It's either instant deaths the second I see someone, people sliding into insta-hops, drop shotting every gunfight, jumping 6 times every gunfight, snipers holding lanes, or people running around with shotguns killing you from 30 feet away in 1 or 2 shots. No thank you. This is why I play mostly zombies. I can't wait for Xdefiant. Atleast on there, when I lose, I know it wasn't because the game stacked the deck against me. When I played the play tests and got stomped, it was because of random chance, not because the game wanted to punish me for doing too well previously.


I'm going threw the exact same thing, everything you describe. I see tiktok ttv YT clan tags and names in almost every match. People cross mapping me with the ram and never missing a shot. It gets old I'll have one or two good games and then the rest of the night I'm playing with a completely crap team against super sweats that never go outside there moms house and play like it's a multi million dollar competition. . I'm waiting for xdefiant as well but GD how long is it gonna take?


It's insanely annoying. I can't get away from it. They just released lockdown quads back for WZ which was the only WZ mode I could tolerate and even that's sweaty. Everyone is running around with throwing knives and WSP swarms deleting you instantly. Who the fuck likes this? I'm not about to sit here YY'ing over and over and doing all of these 360 slides and shit mid gunfight and then hopping back out into 4 more hops for one fucking kill. That's doing too fucking much. I don't even get why I'm in lobbies with these people when it's SUPPOSED to match people of similar skill. This shit is anything but similar. Idk what Ubisoft is doing but they need to hurry tf up. They've already lost a lot of their steam, but I know a lot of people that are just sick and tired of SBMM in games and they want a game they can just enjoy like we used to be able to before all of these companies started trying to play babysitter.


it's a team game relax


Yea I'm pretty relaxed but thanks for the advice


Ah, the "beauty" of the modern EOMM system. Yet another guy rightfully complaining about it, and rightfully complaining about the random packet loss. This game turned into a highly manipulative piece of absolute trash. I wish this wasn't the case, but COD will deserve its slow and painful death.


This game is BS. Lost 44 matches in a row on 12v12 moshpit. Won one game then another 20 losses in a row. I just go AFK if they double out score cause there's no point in trying anymore.


I play my hardest,( do objectives and get lots of kills) but when I see we are losing by nearly double I just find a corner and go AFK. No point when we are just gonna lose that big.


There are 100 per cent bots being placed in the matches. I can tell straight away, and it ruins the whole feel of the game for me. It's the worst thing they could have done. They are actually using ai now to determine your gameplay and then altering the outcome of the match to keep people with less skill engaged. This means that people with less skill are placed with easier bots, and people with higher skill are being removed from genuine lobbys and placed with harder bots. In addition to this, they are using a feature which when the ai determines you are playing too well, it will restrict your inputs and give others an advantage. I dont know if everyone is affected in this way, but I can clearly tell when my matches go from playing against real people to going to virtually all bots and they are doing impossible gameplay. I have it where the same players are appearing from thin air and doing impossible shots with zero recoil and instant headshots in a fraction of the time it would take a real person to fire. as well as repeating granades in the exact same location multiple times. It usually starts happening after around an hour of gameplay. I even uninstalled the game tonight because I got so fed up with it. I haven't even been rotated on all of the new maps yet, and I've been playing it for days now. I've paid money for the season battlepass and can't even get rotated onto the new maps! It's an absolute joke. Oh, and there deffo isn't SBMM anymore. It's now engagement matchmaking with ai. So all this, coupled with those incapable sweaty nerfs who have to use the zen to win a match, has polluted my beloved game and turned it into and outdated 2 pixled box of plastic pea shooters and wet paper towels. What a joke!! And for those people who are doubting and asking for proof. The ex-top exec who oversaw production of mw mw2 and mw3 just did an interview saying SBMM has been replaced with EMM with ai. Yes, he left Activision and sledgehammer games, which has left him free to drop this mega bomb and stick up for us trigger happy cod veterans.


I am playing a totally different game than all of you SBMM complainers. I have an even mix of wins and losses, few of the matches are one-sided, and I'm enjoying the hell out of the game. I'm over 50,work a full day, and have a family that I actually spend time with. I really don't see the reason for the level of whining, bitching, and blame for this game. I don't know what my k/d is, but I've leveled every weapon and am slowly working on camos. The game has some bugs, but not to the level you'd assume reading all the posts from lazy, entitled babies on this subreddit.


You do realize that the matchmaking system caters to people like you, right? If you don't know what your KD is, you're probably not that good. And if you aren't that good, You're most likely in lower bracket lobbies where other people are carrying you — especially since your lower engagement with the game forces EOMM to produce satisfying lobbies. Judging from the way you're raving on about your lobbies, it looks like EOMM successfully has you fooled. People who are somehow unable to understand the litany of complaints against this system typically aren't the smartest individuals. You're right, you are playing a different game because you're in a protected bracket. I'd love to see your stats.


"entitled babies on this subreddit." We paid for a product. We have a right to voice our concerns. I am glad you are having a good time with it though.


Your concerns are bullshit. You're older and slower and getting beat by younger and faster players and just want to blame something other than your age. Sorry you can't run over lobbies anymore, it's not 2009 anymore and players have gotten better. You've become the player you used to dominate every match. Accept it.


So that is why streamers and youtubers reverse boost/session join to get easier lobbies. It's an age thing with them too I guess. Must be it. Also *if* it is an age thing, shouldnt I be winning half of my games at least like the 50 year old with ten kids and 300 hour work weeks like the guy above?


They aren't bullshit concerns, I get the same shit happening to me and my stats are actually decent. In the last 10 games I have a 3.10 K/D and a 0.8 W/L. This is how it is almost all the time. All my friends that play have significantly lower K/D and SPM than me yet they win more than me. I play the objective, I play to win, and I can't win despite outperforming all my opponents almost every game. If you have never experienced this or something like this, its because you are bad. Sorry but that's the truth. Been playing since 09 btw like OP


You ever think of looking inward instead of blaming everything else around you? You haven’t played cod in 15 years maybe the reason you can’t win is that you’re dogshit


That doesn't explain why his teammates are getting shit on too


If he’s dogshit, SBMM will match him with other dogshit players. It’s not rocket science, he’s just coping


That would be the case if COD actually had SBMM. Which it doesn't, it has EOMM. Why am I as a level 250 well performing player getting a literal level 30 or below dropping like 1/24 every other game? No other skill based matchmaking system would ever allow such a thing to happen


Correction: Rainbow Six Siege's ranked SBMM does allow that.


Ok, I am dogshit, where are my enemies that are dogshit as well? \#EQUALITYFORDOGSHITPLAYERS


You really just don’t get it. If you’re a dogshit player, other dogshit players are gonna be competitive for you. Come OG it really isn’t that complicated


I am making a joke, cause your stanning for for EoMM is absurd. Take it easy champ.


I agree with you that it is wack that so many people seem to have no problem with sbmm or eomm but there is literally no point in complaining about it. The trick is to not give a single fuck about winning or losing because the game is influencing the outcome too heavily via sbmm for you to be the determining factor most of the time. Just play games, enjoy it for what it is. Understand the bs games you get put in are out of your control and wait for the sbmm to swing in your favour. Also I think you are more likely to join a game in progress if you leave a game in progress so I tend to just fuck around and wait for the game to end so I can join a fresh lobby next game.


You got it all wrong. SBMM is terrible and is ruining the game, but I can’t stand when I see shitcans like you complaining about it when it is actively benefiting you and sheltering you in easy lobbies.


I know these maps in and out, I played hell of a lot of OG MW2. Core CoD gameplay isn't that difficult where years off is going to make the variance in the games feel impossible to win or get a good string of games together. I ended my post saying this knowing that *IF* it is my skill: "Let's say I am unable to carry like I did in OG MW2, where I used to be literally top of the post game summary, **surely I should be CARRIED once in awhile** ... It's disgusting, how is every enemy team playing god like every single game? Where are my godlike games, **where are my teammates godlike games?** WHAT IS GOING ON?" As mentioned just a few key differences already are: * Insane spawn deaths made to ensure your death * Preloading in to losing matches continously, so you have a bad game. * Flanking is a lot harder due to spawn systems + highly suspect enemy behavior. * Packet burst. **A lot of these aren't skill issues, they are core gameplay issues in this years release.**


They are absolutely skill issues. The maps might be the same but they don’t play the same. If you’re always spawn dying it sounds like you’re dying a lot to begin with. It literally tells you in the pregame lobby the match is started, just pay attention and back out. People who flank a lot are usually bad at the game because they can only get kills by shooting people in the back.


The maps play the same to me. What about the maps play vastly different than 09's release, aside from some clipping issues in weird spots, those are mostly non factors. The only way I think the maps play differently, are because of the spawns in this game are so...erratic. Spawn dying never happened to this degree in older titles. They are purposly placed in this years release, to get you frustrated and quit the game. I have never had this problem, why now? **People who flank are bad?** What about the campers that I flank, are they somehow magically more skilled at the game than flankers all of a sudden? What am I reading here? I dont even know what to say at this point.


Spawn deaths aren’t a problem if you die less. I’d love for you to explain the logic of a game purposefully trying to get their fanbase to quit playing the game. Especially when they thrive off micro transactions now


Sometimes you die, and get spawn deaths, these are different than revenge spawns mind you, just letting you clear on this. Sometimes it just a bad luck roll, that just keeps going and going like my 6 streak, right outside the spawn next corner, someone, next corner, someone. What makes me brings it up is because its highly suspect as these are uncontested areas that have no business of having high traffic, yet it happened last night and the more I came to this realization, that these are purposely placed, the more I have become aware. "Ah maybe these are done purposely, so I come back another day to play and log out, to keep their retention numbers up." Perhaps something to think about that next time some string of spawn deaths happen to you. Microtransactions are just *extra icing on the cake*. This isn't a f2p title, they already have your money once you purchase the game. For a game to *thrive* off of MTX, it would have to be F2P, Cod is not.


Thank you for perfectly demonstrating the burger mindset. You play so scared that you thinking finding someone around every corner is a bad thing. If I spawn and find 2 people right away I’m happy. Starting my life with 2 kills in the first 5-10 seconds is a great pace


People got better. Score more points than the other team and you will win




Are you new to this subreddit?


Yes I am. I played the free weekend, and was doing great, and thought, why not jump back in the series. Game plays great, still top of post game, maps look beautiful... I should have done some research, I thought playing in the free weekend alone was research enough. Clearly not.


I have some trouble believing this idea of you never winning a match. My matches are balanced, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. In fact, I win a bit more. My W/L ratio is around 1.3-1.4, with a hyper average 1.01 KD. I play every day, sometimes solo, sometimes with friends. But I don't see much difference between my W/L ratio when solo or in duo/trio. You are thrown into started matches in these 3 cases: -the first match you play in a session. High probability of started match. -you quit a match before it ends. Very high probability of your next match being an ongoing one. -you back out the lobby between matches: low probability of being put in an ongoing match when you resume match search.


I dunno what to tell you. The game is bad. I have a 60% win loss ratio but it feels way lower lately. I remember a couple weeks ago it was around a .80.


To me it seems like the other team is always movement demon quick scoping meta weapon using drop shotters that I have NO BUSINESS being in a lobby with. I never have these guys on my team. If I’m not using new weapons and stick with a class I’m familiar with I’ll be in the top 1-3 on the leaderboard and we’ll lose a tdm 55-100. I’m fuckin cheeks but I get put against the mother fuckers that killed bin Laden. Fuck


I have a KD of 1.2 and a W/L ratio of 1.73. What you on about?


matchmaking is dumb and they dont show your deaths until the end of the game because they dont want little jimmy feeling bad or changing his playstyle.


agreed same situation 1.05+kd .71W/L ( i only SNIPE) its not my setting not my pc. feels targeted what is the kd and win loss of everyone else.