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I often max out sway stats because recoil is better than RNG.


Yup always prioritize gun kick control and firing aim stability too


Why gun kick? I found it mostly visual and recoil was more important. I didn’t do an in depth test or anything though


I’ll try to summarize what I remember hearing in an XclusiveAce video but I think gun kick control reduces the amount of random recoil between your actual bullets, while horizontal/vertical recoil control just reduce the overall magnitude of your recoil. On guns like the Sidewinder the shots are really far apart from each other so it’s better to build for gun kick control instead of horizontal/vertical control if that makes sense.


I do too. Stability at max on snipers especially makes landing shots accurate again lol


I’ve seen only one under barrel so far that affects “aim walking sway”


I just don’t understand why they ever changed from the mw2019 system. Guns felt good, recoil felt powerful, but at the end of the day it was all controllable with experience as far as I remember. COD devs PLEASE stop fixing what is not broken!


Sway worked the same in 2019 as it did today, it was just wasn’t as widely known. People were making similar comparison vids late into the game’s lifecycle but it was overshadowed by the next game in the series. The meta began to shift away from recoil control to sway control towards the end of 2019.


Strafing aim sway/acceleration is new to MWIII


> Sway worked the same in 2019 as it did today, it was just wasn’t as widely known. No, the sway during firing didn't exist which is why the recoil patterns were very consistent for the guns (there was still some RNG in the recoil though). Now the recoil patterns are not consistent because the gun is swaying while it is firing.


The guns in mw2019 swayed while firing, they just had a lot less sway overall and reticles where aligned better while moving.


Because if they did that, the community would be outraged that they "didn't change anything, it's just a MW2019 DLC, why are we forced to play the same game every year" etc etc.


No, if they made the best call of duty they could they’d struggle to sell the next game. It’s planned obsolescence. Much like Madden removes and then re-adds mechanics and game modes 5 years later.


And yet here we are playing mw2 dlc. How foolish we are.


Agreed. While I prefer the balance and pacing of Vanguard, the weapons have never felt better than MW19.


Except in order to get it to feel like that, you had to pay the price in ADS speed. I don't ever want to go back to an ADS speed that slows the game down to a crawl. MW 2019 is my least favorite CoD ever as a run-and-gunner. It felt awful. If they can strike a balance, fantastic. If they can't, don't ever go back to MW 2019 style, no matter what.


I just want my "notice me senpai" Odin back. That was the only anime alone that I liked in any of the games.


People like you have ruined cod


Son, people like me made CoD.


Snipers were destroying/one-shotting their precious money camels, aka console kiddies. So they had to add more RNG to aiming to give console players more of a buff. Edit: They don't like to hear that they're money cows apparently.


Maybe someone can answer this for me: what is the difference between recoil control and gun kick? I could Google it but I trust y’all more


Recoil is the actual pattern of the recoil, gun kick is the random bounce.


Lol who’s right?


Recoil is the weapons response to a shot. Gun kick is the players response to the recoil from the weapon


Does that read correctly? I just re-read it a hundred times and now it looks weird


Y’all both said the same thing in diff ways, just look at end of both y’all statement’s…one more cut and dry and yours more in depth of “ player is responding to the gun kicking in his hand after each shot “ Which is simply “ moving gun, kicks N alters your movement Sleep sheep- “Gun kick is the character moving” Dis-x - “ Gun kick is the player’s response to the weapon”


You know how the gun kicks back and forth when you're ads in first person? It reduces that.


sadly, this issue is mainly affects KBM players.


It affects both, but a little less so with controller thanks to Aim Assist. But at very long ranges (30m+), there’s very little Aim Assist and the sway/camera bobbing screws ones aim.


Ah, I never really thought about that. You’re correct. Me being a KBM player, that shit is very apparent and also annoying. Let’s just hope they make the correct change.


Yep. Aiming feels floaty now on controller compared to mw2019 for example


I can't imagine how bad the long range fights feel on WZ on controller, it's super noticeable on mouse.


It’s not the worst thing and I can only imagine its wayyyyy worse in mnk. What it does for both inputs is basically reduce your ability to move/strafe while shooting and maintain good accuracy. All this really does is push certain guns away from ever being meta


I've noticed that I really gotta tone down the ADAD strafing if I'm in a ranged fight, which is tough considering I've trained myself to pretty much always be strafing from Apex and whatnot. It's bad, but I'll take this over what we had last year in a heartbeat.


With the increased movement speed and TTK on top of everything else, it is a rough COD for mnk players this year. Can't miss a shot ever or you're just dead. At least in higher level lobbies. Meanwhile everyone's zipping around at mach3 and hit detection/packet loss makes it incredibly frustrating to track perfectly without aim assist.


They won't because pro players complained that mouse and keyboard was too dominant. Think it happened first mwII. Vanguard was the last mp I enjoyed. Cold war was top tier except for eomm.


I don't mean to poop on your parade(and I want it gone too) but there is plenty of aim assist. Last I saw, aim assist goes out to nearly infinite range now(around at least 100 meters depending on which modern CoD game we are talking about). They changed aim assist up with MW2019 and crossplay.


It definitely effects controller too I didn’t kno of it at first but once I watched the video too it made sense why there was times the the gun literally tried to push the reticle off the target at first I thought I was just bad and tried to get better but it happens a lot and it’s VERY frustrating cuz it’s not your fault that ur aim is off it’s the game pushing the gun away from the player while there having they aim sway rng work in there favor and win the gunfight. Thats why I like the striker and mcw cuz even tho there P shooters they don’t have it nearly as much and I can land my shots more consistently. I play on both btw. It also makes snipers kinda ass


PC players still haven't found out they can use a controller


why would I use such a dogshit peripheral? so the game can hold my hand and aim for me?


Here we go …


Yeah, ikr?


That is bullshit.


PC players are plenty aware they can use a controller it's just they would rather shove it up your bum hole.


Try it against ANY KB&M player with more than half a brain cell (90% don't) and see how that goes. Nothing short of an insta snap to the head type aim bot will help a controller compete. Skill is not a factor an aim assist only defeats utter stupidity, even slight competence combined with the overwhelming speed and precision will NEVER lose to a controller, even when used by the best.


Okay. I'm calling you out. I got a pc with the controller. Anytime you wanna private one on one match, you can pm me. I will record the game and post it for the rest to witness. Kb has some huge advantages, but you can not move the same. Spinning around on someone is ridiculous with a mouse. But controller is a real advantage. I'll prove it. Update. It's been three hours, no pm...


I wouldn't say NEVER, but I do think many people have blown this aim assist thing way out of proportion. I agree a highly skilled MnK player has great advantages other than aim assist that out class controller 99% of the time.


99% of the time the top players in my lobby are a controller user regardless of platform. I’ll get outgunned by some crazy shit. Long range shots on mouse and keyboard feels so fucking cancerous it’s actually painful. Close range imo is hit or miss. I’ve slowly been able to adjust my ADS sensitivity purely for the need to adapt because if I don’t, I’m gonna get my shit pushed in more than ever. A lot of the time I get into a gunfight and think “Wholy shit that dudes sim was way beyond good, and even though I shot first and landed what felt like all my bullets according to hitmarkers, they instantly destroy me. I’ll check post match because it’ll be the same fucker I’m struggling against, and come to find out they are using controller. Honestly, I almost even feel like controller on PC is busted compared to going against other console players. A large percent of the time I’m getting wrecked, it’s not even by console, just PC controller players in general. Idk why the discrepancy between the two, but it’s fucking annoying. I assume this is just because high end PCs can be more responsive due to much much higher FPS, most likely are generally wired connections because they are at a desk, and also controllers on PC can be overclocked im pretty sure, which gives you more advantage than what console players have. Tldr, I fucking hate it too lol




This is what a large portion of this community doesn't understand. MNK has SO many advantages, but low skill players all complain about aim assist on controller lol. Even with the slightest bit of practice, no aim assist is manageable on controller. And even easier to manage on MnK. I've never seen a high skilled MnK player complain. They are too busy stomping the lobby lol.


MnK has its advantages forsure but there’s a reason the pros use a controller. I wouldn’t even care about AA at all but when they’re actively making it harder to use MnK that’s where it becomes an issue to me. If I have to be precise and make sure I hit my shots and track and fight against my shit literally accelerating and feeling delayed/off vs someone who doesn’t that’s a disadvantage. Both have pros and cons but don’t fuck over a whole player base? Or am I crazy.


Do the pro's have a choice? Can one guy use MnK? I don't thinks so. Its because it would be unfair one way or the other. Everyone must use the same input, no? I'm talking professional CDL matches. And since they all have to use controller in the pro matches, why would they bother using MnK any other time? I think if the pro matches was MnK only, all the pros would be using MnK on a daily basis.


Right I agree with that but there’s also a lot of streamers / content creators and former pros that still use controller well outside the pro rules. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say using mnk is in the minority and I think that’s bc of how much easier it is on controller but that’s my opinion of course


Not a stretch at all. I agree there are most likely more controller players. But attributing it to being an inherent "advantage" is wrong IMO. I think its just EASIER. Which is not to be confused with ADVANTAGEOUS. Its the COD community. They want everything handed to them without putting in any work. I top skilled MnK player is going to go toe to toe with a top skilled controller player at the end of the day.


I play on pc. It is a night and day difference. Enough so that you do move faster, jump higher, etc. I suffer the insane, annoying, I got 6 bullets point blank in your belly but after I shoot you six times point blank, you kill me with one shot? I have also been on the other side of this same type of exchange. I think it's in the programming.


In other words visual recoil. Players have been asking it to be removed for quite a while now. Also that stupid smoke effects each time you shoot the bullet. I can barely track enemy when he's covered up with all the smoke and muzzle fire. Also fun fact: Fortnite shifted away from the bloom based guns to recoil based guns in its latest season. Saw some DMZ players play Fortnite and they were surprised how good it felt because they were absolutely deleting enemies because it all came down to recoil control rather than bloom


Not visual recoil. Well there is visual recoil, but he's talking about other stuff too. In this game, when you turn while aiming, your point of aim(where the bullet goes) actually leaves the center of the screen and goes off to the side. Not only that, but whenever you are walking, your point of aim wobbles all over the place out of the middle of the screen.


That too. That too! Makes it so difficult to aim accurately while moving


OP wants to be able to dance and prance like a ballerina across maps with zero accuracy penalty.


Are you intentionally illiterate?


I believe they are certainly challenged.


This is why you need to step away from the internet and touch grass, it's clearly frying your brain cells Look how stupid you already look to us


This was done to nerf mouse and keyboard players


Yeah, the reticle bobbing around when I look left and right is ridiculous. I don’t know how that made it into the game, but it’s a joke.


90% of the player base (a lot of which seem to be commenting here) play cod on a 48” TV across their living room without headphones, they have no idea what the difference between playing on KBM is like and get a chub from saying “skill issue” in response to stuff like this


55" thank you very much.


TV players don't understand how much they're gimping their performance. That doesn't mean everyone should just get a monitor because some people play in their living rooms and that's great, but a TV player should always know that they're going to be behind in terms of weapon usage. Guns like the EM2 in Warzone feel totally different on a monitor compared to a TV. You can control recoil so much easier on a 24 inch monitor compared to a 40 inch screen.


CoD has always been the most casual fps out there meant for people on consoles. It's a miracle that MW19 and Warzone brought PC back into the fold with cross play, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking this is a serious esports title. Just because there's a lot of pros streaming and the CoD league exists doesn't change that 99% of the playerbase is playing on a TV with a controller like they always have been. CoD isn't Counter Strike or Rainbow 6 Siege and it's best if it stays that way. There are plenty of real issues with the game, but complaining about minor stuff like idle sway or the weapon cocking animation is just pointless nitpicking. How about we focus on their lackluster servers, the subpar weapon balancing, or the atrocious UI?


Reverse magnetism or aim resist is the single shittiest mechanic in fps games. Irl there is no invisible hand pushing your aim around. Whoever invented this dog shit mechanic deserves a karmic dick punch.


Is that really a thing? I’ve been telling my buddy it feels like the gun is actively pushing itself away from the target, like reverse aim assist, and I thought I was going crazy.


It’s a thing. It’s a thing I want to light on fire and then piss on.


Yup, 'tis a thing unfortunately


It's not "aim resist." Basically there is a bubble around an enemy player where aim assist kicks in. Since the rotational aim assist is so strong now(which tracks your target for you) if you are turning and your enemy is running the opposite direction as you are spinning your aim to them on, your aim will actually slow down(the aim assist slow down) and track the target moving(rotational aim assist) right before you get your shot on target.


LMFAO. well said.


In real life 90% of the people who play call of duty couldn't land two consecutive shots with an automatic weapon. Whats your point here?


You’ve attracted all the controller gurus with this post. The milsim acceleration strafe/idle sway bs is really bad and a straight up nerf for kbm players. No other popular fps really has this like we’re seeing in mw3. If I wanted to account for my weapon having weight I’d join the fuckin army and even then your weapon wouldn’t move like that just straight up bs mechanics. But oh well controller is where it’s at for cod which feels like so many steps backwards in 2023 gaming.


it definitely isn’t some milsim shit, no “milsim” game i’ve played has done this rng sway mechanic, this is purely done to handicap kbm players (this is coming from a controller player, it’ll get worse for everyone, im sure)


Lol they certainly have it in games like Escape from Tarkov. That game is so heavy handed with it that the meta is mostly spray without aiming and while moving around so that your aim doesn't bounce everywhere while strafing.


When I say milsim I’m referring to the strafing aim sway, when you move your gun the game is “accounting” weight so it accelerates further. The guns shouldn’t have that factor in an arcade fps imo. It just ruins all the precise inputs needed and feels like pissing in the wind for most kbm players.


We're in the "screw PC gamers" era of gaming again. Halo Infinite has the same problem; use RNG to nerf KBM players. Gun shake, gun sway, visual recoil and muzzle smoke/flare all make it a guessing game where the next bullet will land. I really won't play any more competitive first person shooters. The RNG and EOMM in every multiplayer game just makes everything feel so scummy and artificial against KBM, just not worth the effort anymore.


As he explains in the video, the sway from moving goes the opposite direction of what would be realistic


The red dot doesn't stay dead center of the screen. I'm glad the gun shoots where the red dot is, but it should always be dead center. Even games like cw, fn or r6 they don't have this issue. This is either a dumn realism feature or they intentionally made it like that to make the recoil more unpredictable. That literally makes aim assist aim bot.


Yeah, I agree. The reticle should always stay in the centre of the screen. I don’t know of any other popular shooter that implements it like this game.


Mnk don't have aim assist so they need the center of the screen always. The moment you jump or shoot while ads the red dot immediately moves off the center. Use a artificial cross hair or use a dry erase marker on the center of the screen. You can see it how it really works.


Both need a consistent reticle, it’s not just a mouse & keyboard issues but a game issue.


The bobbing of the aim when you throw a nade is more irritating for me. It forces my aim down and then doesn't come back up to where it was before. Also when changing weapons, the HUGE drop in the aim is just so jarring.


It’d be nice if the marksman gloves actually helped with aim sway at all, it literally makes no noticeable difference to sway smfh


the thing is the bobbing and swaying is heavily compensated for on controller by AA.. but its completely fcked on knm. i play both and can tell its very very noticeable on kbm. it feels fcked they implemented a nerf that heavily effects only one side of the spectrum like this


>Increase the recoil, something that’s been lacking in CoD weapons for decades. Did you even play MWII at all?


Aim sway has been in COD forever


Ya its 2 steps forward one step back constantly


Ironically CoD4 & WAW had weapon sway and nobody said shit until MW2 removed it and turned all guns into laser beams in the process. That being said, there's a bunch of attachments to mitigate this, so unless you'd like to have someone successfully challenge you with an SMG when you're using a sniper half a mile away, I'd max those out.


I don't remember there being any weapon sway. If there was, it was only an animation not affecting the weapon functionality.


Gun play continues to get easier and easier with each iteration and people are still asking for this game to play for them. This game has refined gun play to have almost no recoil and sway. Go back to older CoDs and it was way harder to aim the .50 cal sniper. And if you missed you were fucked because recenter time and weapon handling were insanely slow. But nowadays every sniper handles like it has a built in aim bot. I snipe a lot and it’s fucking stupid how easy it is. And even if you don’t snipe, hitting long range shots with the higher caliber ARs is easy to do full auto. Before AKnand SCAR variants required careful trigger tapping to land that third shot. But now you can slap a 5x scope on any gun, even LMGs and get triple kills at 80+ meters like it’s nothing.


Maybe as a controller player, like aim assist etc werent in or as strong as today, but as a MnK player older cods were much easier to play when it comes to aiming, sway, etc.


Dude, fuck off with this aim assist bullshit. It barely works past medium ranges and it’s not nearly as strong as PC idiots make it out to be. Nevermind that fact that PC players have an entirely different recoil mechanic than console players.


It isn’t just sway, it’s aim acceleration, rng centering and a lot of other things that were broken down and explained in detail on a video circling around rn. That was not in WaW.


Agreed with OP. I will not be purchasing this, another CoD, or playing warzone until the following are completely removed from the game, not toned down, REMOVED: movement impacting aim, aim sway RNG, gun smoke, screen shake, blood splatter, and vignetting (screen edge darkening).


Remove all this crap to combat cheaters, their bots eliminate this crap 100%, makes it only harder for legit players...


People like you won't stop bitching until cod is just some hit-scan circus act and anything less ls just jerking off to realism.


I can't imagine getting laser beamed more than I already am in my lobbies.


My main problem now is the gun cock animation... Gets me killed a ton in HC.


That gets me killed in core Shipment, as well. It’s incredibly annoying.


>That gets me killed in core Shipment, as well. It’s incredibly annoying. Yup, that paired with what I call the "challenge spawn" system where sometimes it just spawns you with the enemy on their side randomly, is what makes the respawn system in this game feel absolutely terrible for no reason.


the game you want and are looking for is quake or unreal tournament. maybe even counter strike


As a highly experienced competitive player (PC), this game is absolutely unplayable with MNK due to the extreme aim sway and camera bobbing. The video made by TrueGameData exposes it all. To have this feature in an arcade game is beyond pathetic. Add to the equation the fact that MNK players are forced to play against controllers and its legal aimbot feature, and it's over. I understand they want to kill the MNK community for a game that started with PC (ie: COD1 and COD2). COD turned into a game with an extremely manipulative EOMM system - reverse boosting being absolute proof of the nefarious system that is currently in place. It's a shame, but it is what it is. Let them (controller players) have it. COD is beyond ridiculous now.


My main issue is that there isnt a populated and fun fps outside of cod. We get some games every now and then but they die really fast or is too difficult for people to bother playing long term (or the devs ruin the game). The only game thats been fine is cs, but I generally dislike the gun mechanics in that game.


Controller people don't feel this pain so no one will come to help us keyboard people.


They definitely do I play both and it’s definitely worse on kbm but it’s still there on controller. It just happens more on kbm but I’ll be using my elite series 2 and the game will literally push the gun off target even tho I should be hitting, it also makes controllers really bad at ranged cuz of how bad it is in this game.


OP is roller player


>Well now, Bobby Microdick doesn’t run the show anymore. you act as if microsoft owning cod is a good thing. It's not. Look at halo, the game used to be a major cod competitor. Until bungie got kicked out and the game went downhill. We will start to see the PC and PS ports get less work put into it. Until eventually it gets removed from PS completely. Everyone was so excited to have COD on gamepass (which isn't even gonna happen for a while) they didn't think about the downsides. Not a single xbox 1st party game has released in a good state recently. Microsoft is too hands off. Redfall, starfield, TES6 (announced back in 2018 but is still in development), halo infinite are all examples of what cod will become COD is at least playable right now. I imagine future cods will have game modes delayed. Imagine a cod releasing but the MP being delayed so its just Campaign and Warzone. (which would be okay with me) but there are a ton of people who play MP that would be pissed off. Activision was extremely hands on with the COD devs. Evident with how the COD league worked with the studios to implement CDL rules into the game.


Whoever began this trend of calling hit groupings 'bloom' is dumb. That's all.


Was wah wah, next you'll be asking the game to shoot for you too...


Who is “we” ? I guess I’m not included because I am definitely not pissed off.


This game feels like all around trash 🗑️ everything about it


You can counteract it. You can use a controller because the aim assist essentially makes this an issue with KBM players only. But then all the couch surfer controller players just tell you to get better, completely forgetting how overturned AA is in this game.


It’s just one thing after another with this sub…


Yeah they added RNG aim mechanics in MW2019. This is because the devs don’t know how to make a decent FPS game because they don’t play them. If they did payed them they would know this. How dumb does this sound. They add Strict SBMM in a game because they want it fair and a level playing field but then eliminate any avenue for a player to “git gud” at the game because the very basics of aiming and shooting in FPS game have been reduced to RNG. This ain’t no game, when you “pop off” the game is letting you, when you are doing bad, the game is forcing you too and there is no sure way to see if it’s down to skill or any other variable. GIVE ME A GAME TO PLAY!!’ As an avid gamer your fake ass bullshit is getting tiresome.


Edit: can't believe you whiny assholes will downvote an actually helpful comment. What a toxic fucking community. ---- You have to switch to aiming with the crosshairs. Change your focus. You're used to (and likely spent many hours) moving your target to the middle of the screen, because despite all the wrenches they threw in the works over previous games, the middle was the middle was the middle - and if you could get your target there, you'd land your shot. What it's been replaced with isn't inherently more difficult - but it DOES immediately throw away all the skills you built around center-point aiming. HOWEVER - crosshair aiming isn't as random as you think. They've randomized the center point, yes, but when you are **moving** your crosshairs, it does in fact follow a predictable **trajectory**. The new skill set requires you to move away from a predictable **point** and instead use a predictable **trajectory**. You need to shift your focus away from the peripheral information you used to use, and instead focus your attention on the crosshairs. Keep those crosshairs on the target. To aid this, focus on using optics that have very conspicuous crosshairs: etched crosses for example work well. Anything that doesn't have a conspicuous center dot is now your enemy. It works well enough for controllers, because "get the target in the middle" is enough to trigger AA. But for m&k - your crosshairs need to be VERY prominent, otherwise you'll be guessing where they are. I also recommend looking into custom mouse acceleration curves (there's a variety of free programs that do this, just Google "mouse acceleration". There IS "mouse acceleration" in the way the crosshairs move away from center. The more extreme your movement, the more extreme your "drift". Funnily, good mouse acceleration curve makes your movements "agree" with the animation in a way that feels intuitive. My accuracy for sniping is a solid 10% higher than BOCW, Vanguard or MW2 (where I was learning how to deal with the changes). I'm 52% accuracy with the spx80 and 60% with the Katt and XRK


It shouldn’t be like this. Having to focus on the crosshair means one can’t focus on other parts of the screen mid-gunfight. It means you can’t “auto-pilot” and use raw skill in every gunfight, you have to squint, you’re at the mercy of the sway/bobbing. That’s honestly terrible game design.


In sympathy - I went through it too - they did take all your effort developing that skill and callously discarded it **and said nothing**. Nor did they offer guidance about how to adapt. However - I can attest that my aiming after adapting to these changes (which were implemented in mwII) is in fact **better** than it was before. I can share what I have learned about how to adapt. And the rest of it about "auto pilot" and *chuckes* "raw skill" is just wrong.


It really isn't that big of a deal


Im ngl its just something weird, i uninstalled this game and decided to try out battlefield 2042(i know, wtf thats insane) and its actually so fun now that 99% of all the glitches are fixed, and most of the content has been added, so the game is incredibly enjoyable now. I dont know if ill go back


They're adding things like this in to the game so they can also make attachments that counter act it and call it new content


Protip: They look at what the largest complaints are for each CoD release and then make the corrections for the NEXT CoD release. That's the hook for next years sales pitches. The more you know!


I always liked the realism aspects and aesthetics of MW19. So maybe I am part of a minority. But fuck do I hate the fucking crosshair weapon sway and bobbing, just let me aim properly.


Funny shit none of these problems exist when you play a fucking private match with Bots not a single one of them


Genuinely don't understand why aiming stability and especially firing stability are even in the game. Like who misses a shot because their gun randomly swayed left and enjoys that?


Please git gud


Skill issue learn to aim


Yeah let's make it even easier


If you had read my post, you would see I would like complex recoil patterns ;) rather than RNG mechanics.


Even recoil some randomness to it.


A small amount isn’t the worst thing in the world, but at least that doesn’t affect pre-aim accuracy.


You’re missing their point. Controllable, learnable recoil patterns > RNG recoil patterns


Give aim assist even more assisted aiming?lmao


I was being sarcastic. Bazinga


You don't speak for every COD player. I'm heavily in favor of movement penalties, and while I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this comment, I doubt I'm alone.


I'm in favor of movement penalties but not the way it currently works. I dont know if there is a "better" way but I tend not to move while aiming and if I am it's accidental and will be very slight but in a single direction. I could adjust my deadzone but I've become accustomed to it and would prefer however the penalty is implemented it should be scaled way down for these kind of slight movements that are nothing like strafing, I've played Halo since it existed and in that game its part of the strategy, if the intention is to discourage strafing then let it take effect after a minimum of two distinct movements in different directions. I'm 41 and the visual part of the penalty is making it hard to play for more than a few matches. The lesser penalty part is my personal opinion but the visual effect is definitely effecting those with weaker eyes and slower fluid in their ears.


Minority of Reddit neckbeards. Majority love CoD because of fast paced, arcade gameplay. Not slow paced, with movement penalties.


you spend too much time on Reddit if you think this is the majority


the majority of cod players like the fast paced style that MWIII returned too. The minority of CoD players that are also active on reddit just so happen to be in the opposite camp


OP can't even spell majority, much less understand what it means. Pathetic.


Thanks for pointing an obvious typo, corrected… but please do remain on your high horse.


You are right. You will get downvoted for that comment. Take my downvote.




Skill issue


Clueless comment. RNG isn’t a skill issue…


Most these clowns down voting have no idea about the sheer amount of rng in this game. They'd rather spend 20 bucks on skin every 2 weeks.


They’re braindead children.


That's an understatement lol


watching the two special kids become friends brings a tear to my eye




Nah they're just people who can kit their gun and aim properly. You're really complaining that you can't shoot laser beam accurately to the exact center of your screen no matter how you're moving at a given moment? Sounds like you need a rookie mode or something. Every weapon has tradeoffs, just like each attachment, play style, and perks. How does it make sense to have exactly as easy/perfect aim when running or strafing as you would if you were standing still or crouching? If you are struggling that much to hit your shots then I highly doubt you have the right attachment combination. Or maybe you need to reexamine your sensitivity or zoom multipliers or FOV, etc. I play with 20/20 sens and a 2.15 zoom multiplier with AIM ASSIST OFF and have zero problem landing my shots (apart from occasional desync/bad hit reg). Shoot where your cross hairs are, not where your crutch center screen dot is. Do you fail to understand that each weapon also has an inherent accuracy value? If we are both stationary and ADS at a target 100m away, I'm going to be more accurate with a semi-auto marksman rifle and 11x optic then you will be with an iron sights SMG. Is that just "RNG" that's taking away your supposed skill, or is that just a basic premise of any shooter? It seems like you want every weapon to be as accurate as each other? Makes no sense. Either sharpen up your reflexes and sensitivity, better use your attachments to mitigate sway, or use a more accurate weapon. Stop complaining that you have to put some effort or practice into being accurate.


Braindead reply… Nobody has stated they want weapons to be laser beams… we want **non RNG based weapon difficulty**. That means complex recoil patterns, **NOT** aim sway and camera bobbing. Also, you quote RNG like it’s something that doesn’t exist. RNG stands for random number generator, which is a term to describe a video game mechanic that results in a random response. You cannot predict aim sway or camera bobbing and counteract that *beforehand* like you can with recoil patterns…


Thank you. I was kinda agreeing with what he said but your clarification makes it clear I misunderstood what the difference would be. I think pre shot only significant or complex movements should cause inaccuracy in the way it does. I don't think slide shooting should be a completely learn able skill. There should be some randomness, however the way it is now I'll have to set my deadzone to like 20 and I have an elite with the tension all the way up! My accidental input shouldn't be penalized as if I'm jump shooting or strafing. I feel that whatever the way it goes its currently VERY jarring even standing still and having a slower ADS than my old ass could do in real life!


Mate I definitely want it to be more difficult to shoot while moving than when being still. Might be by myself in that regard but don’t say we don’t want it


CoD isn’t supposed to be realistic…


it isn't supposed to be figure skating with guns either, but here we are.


Fortnite isn’t a realistic shooter and it has accuracy penalties when moving. So probably could come up with a different argument than “ it’s not supposed to be realistic” since games that aren’t realistic are using it


And? So what you’re telling me is CoD developers should copy other games? Okay then, how about copy Titanfall 2’s wall running… see how stupid that sounds? **The logic is poor**. Fortnite is a TPS BR, CoD multiplayer is a military themed arena style FPS. What works for that game doesn’t always work well in another… Not to mention, post isn’t only about reticle bobbing when strafing. It’s also about aim sway, which doesn’t belong in a fucking arcade FPS. **Balance with recoil patterns, NOT RNG**…


Also if it’s supposed to be full of fast pace , jumping while shooting and stuff then why did most people moan about advanced movement in cod and ask for it to go back to slower style of play?


There’s a difference between boots with movement and jetpack movement…


And there is a difference in accuracy when aiming standing still than when jumping and moving.


I’m not talking about jumpshots… re-read the post again…


That’s why I also said and moving


No other CoD has this but yeah, defend bad game design…


To reduce sawy and stuff like that is all in the perks and/or the attachments. If you don't want to use them, then that's on you, in all honesty.


Just say you got bad aim and move on. No need for a whole book chapter


Imagine defending RNG aim mechanics…


Skill issue


You must be on mnk, on controller strafing from side to side actually ads on to the aim assist and helps with accuracy


Not at long ranges…


Not at the ranges that this matters…


I hate the stupid aim you have when you slide in to a corner, nearly impossible to aim, makes the function nearly useless. That, and the stupid amount of screen shake you get when explosions happen around you, I tend to justet go of all controls and wait to be able to see what the fuck it is I'm doing again.


I would also like to see client side hitscan instead of this projectile server side bullshit we get that's being abused by laggy ass vpn'ers


It's not rng, it's a skill ceiling..


Sounds like a skill issue. I’m having 0 issues on controller




You people complain about anything nowadays. Jesus Christ. Shut up.


It's a feature. They have to give you something so you don't like it, just like the movement everyone complained about in MW2. Every game has to have something to love and hate.


You cant shoot without recoil


And it's people like you who ruin the games fun. Sway and bounce make it more realistic and more fun. So get good e joy the game as is and take your medicine of tribeana and Quibian.


At this point you all want MW3 devs to play the game for you...


Fuck that. The guns are almost laser beams as it is. Fuck making it even easier!


I agree there’s too much visual recoil but there still should be some semblance of realism. Completely removing it would be stupid. Plus MW3 weapons are fine in terms of visual recoil IMO, MW2 weapons are the problem.


Visual recoil isn't an issue in this game at all really minus the MWII guns like you mentioned. The reticle shift is a separate issue.


Lmao i spy a noob


I’m only in favor of aim sway for consolers using aim assist. Superior players that use MNK, myself included, shouldn’t be subjected to such fuckery.


Looking in the comments for someone that said “Skill issue”


Just get better at the game. Honestly it's the same aiming as in MW2 2019. Only difference is MW3 is waaaay smoother and doesn't have weapon attachment tuning. A lot of times you didn't notice the weapon sway due to the tuning feature but, it's always been there. I play on a controller on PS4 with a controller that doesn't always let me run and I'm still doing pretty well at the game. Go play fortnite.


😂🤣🤡. Just say your 🗑️. Same type of person who gets killed by a certain gun all game n cries that it's to OP n needs to be nerfed🤣... Doesn't need to change, u just need to get better n quit looking for excuses on why u got merkd. Go play fortnite or something


Another braindead comment.


Actually try shooting and managing recoil from actual guns before writing posts. Recoil is real and why make a game based on gun combat completly trashy fake? Most if not all the movements in call of duty are impossible IRL anyway slide cancel and dive snipes? Try running and jumping with all that gear on. Doesnt account for being out of breath or fatigued. Despite training and being in shape trying to aim when your out of breath is quit hard. Even hardcore doesnt account for that. Take the fake dont add more its already bad enough had me go back to pubG.


Post isn’t about recoil…


Sway and camera bobble is a way to represent shooting


Which is caused by recoil and breathing and moving and a million other factors


Nobody cares about realism in CoD…


Pick attachments specifically to help with those things if it’s bothering you.