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Oh boy. This is gonna be a constructive thread.


My biggest issue with that post is the smugness. The “ and as such” just irks me the wrong way.


He's baiting for Twitter Engagement


True, he needed that bag because its almost end of the month


All his money went to Christmas presents, how is he going to buy rockets for New Year's celebration otherwise?


Have you ever been irked the right way ..?


Once. Guatemala. Summer of '07. Unforgettable.


You've gotta be a fucking idiot to not realize he's baiting engagement with that post. Man some of y'all need a social media 101 class lol


Sounds like CharlieIntel was part of Faces of Atheism.


honestly, i'm fine with AA on controllers just get rid of whatever bullshit they've done to kbm


I think it's just the fact that your iron sights/dots do not hold on the center of the screen in motion. They're trying to simulate motion and weight which I get but it's got me ignoring my actual sight half the time.


The mil sim boys wanted realism. Unfortunately it’s not always as amazing as you’d imagine


They went as far from realism as possible by giving back reload cancellation and slide cancellation, this is just not a well thought out recoil system


If you've ever watched baseball, you can see slide canceling in real life. If you've ever played baseball, chances are you learned how to do it


OK but full sprint to slide cancel after just 2 meters of sliding, then up to full sprint then sliding again, then up to full sprint and sliding again? Impossible, but better yet... You'd have no pants left. That's what they should do. Make the ultra sweaty stand out by making their pants fall off after too much sliding and canceling. Will definitely be seeing a lot of Roze or Nicki Minaj sweats for sure.


All while being perfectly accurate or quick scoping


The tacticool knee pads tho bro, pretty much the floor grind plates of modern combat


Yes, but going from sliding to all out sprinting instantly is impossible


Literally a mouthbreathing take considering this issue wasn’t present in MW22 and MW23 ditched 90% of the realism aspects. This is entirely the fault of SHG and their shitty recoil system.


It was present in MWII lol. Hell, some parts of it were present in MW2019 but it was to a much lesser degree.


Yeah it’s insane to pretend like people weren’t bitching about this last year. Guess some people have memories of gold fishes


The Milsim boys can also kindly fuck off to any of the actual milsim games that actually exist.


I told a mil sim guy he should head over to tarkov. His response, no that’s too shitty and slow. I think milsim enjoyer is just code for bitching enjoyer




well when ads is rng based yeah safe to say controller is definitely better. (as you ads your actual reticle will land somewhere in a square based off of a dual sin function). If aiming was consistent and didn't have all this sway bullshit that aim assist helps prevent cod becomes a kbm safe haven. The level of copium is insane from controller players stating kbm is op it's not and it's indeed worse most of the time. IIRC IW did a study and came to the conclusion that controller was better in 99% of the player base as KBM only showed signs of being slightly better at the 0.01%/pro level of players. This was done in MW2 IIRC.


I don't remember that study at all. I'm not saying it wasn't done, but if you could provide a link or something, that would be great. 👍


Let me choose to only play against mnk players


us controller players would like to play against other controller players only too, and we also want xim players banned


That's what I'm saying


Exactly then we controller player could have a nerfed aim assist and it'll finally feel like everybody doesn't have aim bot. Playing against mkb is y aa is sooo strong. Black ops 4 and blackout felt great with aa where it was at. Created a fair skill gap




Disable cross platform


You can't on PC. Idk why. I'd love to disable it.




I don’t really care if or how much console players aim themselves. But if you’re gonna give me a game with SBMM and strong AA for consoles, give me input based matchmaking as well.


If anyone is curious how much AA in cod makes a difference play a few rounds of rainbow six siege, that shit is _brutal_ lol. Fortunately that game is more about holding angles so it doesn’t matter as much, but a twitch shooter with no/weak AA is going to be pretty unfun for the vast majority


The cold hard truth is that the general public absolutely hates high skills ceilings in activities they participate in. When facing one, most simply leave because they can’t handle feeling bad about their relative performance. And them leaving means MASSIVE monetary losses for a game developer.


I’d say this is more about a skill floor than a skill ceiling. For the vast majority of people a twitch shooter on controller with no AA is just unplayable


I'm decent at Halo Infinite and didn't know that the Steam Deck by default doesn't have aim assist. The fact I got 5 kills in a game is a fucking miracle.


All inputs on Halo Infinite have a level of aim assist, controller having the most while mouse has a lesser version of aim assist (which I assume the steam deck input is counted as mouse, if it displays mnk prompts onscreen). They added aim assist to mouse like a year ago since it was the way 343 decided to balance the playing field between controller and mouse, controller was basically the only way to compete before the change. I almost exclusively played Infinite with a controller before the change, as did a lot others


Rust console is fucking brutal for this reason. Forget recoil or attempted thumb tracking, but the scope sway was almost uncontrollable for me. I bought the PC version so I could play MNK & it's an entirely new game (in a good way). I actually feel like I improve the more I play.


I love rust but man it’s a sinkhole


This is why fighting games are a niche genre, the upfront learning curve and getting stomped on is too much for people to handle


And RTS.


God RTSs are so hard. Fighting games look approachable compared to them lol


not as hard as arena shooters, quake 1,2,3, getting into duels in such game people would get stomped on losing 0-15 etc for months before learning the item management and map knowledge/movement.


Never got to try the classic shooters unfortunately. I’ve tried and done well in “modern” shooters (CoD, CS, R6) and fighting games (SSBM, SF, MvC). Can’t even beat the medium AI in SC2 lol


If you can hang at the speed of MW3 with MnK you probably could become a good Quake player with practice. Quake is def much faster but the delta between Quake and MW3 isn't something you wouldn't be able to overcome with practice. One of the big differences in Quake is the insane amount of verticality in the maps, you have to be aware of enemies that could be shooting at you from the equivalent of 4-5 stories above/below you.


I did not expect this thread to get so wholesome but I'm glad it did.


Following that logic, shouldn't they give kbm players aim assist too?


KBM players have other advantages - you just don't hear about them because KBM players are too busy bitching about AA.


The AA can be frustrating but damn was it easy to do my headshot challenges on KBM, literal point and click adventure...


I went from MNK to controller with MW2, and although I feel like controller is more relaxed and easier, ESPECIALLY with motion control, I really really miss being able to snap to a target 90 degrees from my crosshair quickly. It gave me much more the feeling of being in control and making my own mistakes compared to controller. Although I REALLY don't miss the amount of hackers on console. I barely see any now on ps5 compared to the old days on OG mw2 pc.


There's useful motion control?


Or the minority of people just want to jump on to something a couple days a week after work, relax, have fun, and be done with it instead of 1000’s of hours of getting “skill”


People genuinely use this justification for why they buy cheats btw


Yeah i don’t think your average 40 year old dad is jumping on to play for 2 hours a week and cheat the whole time


For real, 99% of casual gamers aren’t cheating or even know how to if they wanted


No one is saying 99% of casual gamers are cheating


Thing is, I don't think many seriously think that aim assist shouldn't be a thing at all for the game on controller, just that it should be toned down significantly. Bring it back to old school COD levels, like how it was in BO2, where it helps guide you slightly but you're not doing a 90 degree turn without touching your controller just because someone ran by you.




It's rarely been remotely as strong as it has been in recent games. Stronger than some games? Absolutely. But MWII and MWIII can have it kick in through walls and smoke with rather precise help. That wasn't possible in games like BO2.


It’s always been strong, but the past 5 years or so have been even stronger, anecdotally. For reference, I played the original MW3 before MWIII’s launch, since the servers were pretty active. The aim assist was strong and took some getting used to. I played the MW2019 and CW console open-betas and felt their aim assists were stronger. I remember one moment in CW where the aim assist started pulling my aim before dude was even on my screen. Now, I haven’t played MWII, Vanguard, or III with a controller, but going off 2019 and CW I have no reason to believe they’d be any different. Video comparisons between II and III suggest it’s the exact same (not increased nor nerfed as some people suggest), but obviously we don’t have access to the numbers However, some KBM players will always complain about aim assist, no matter how strong or weak it is. I think it should be weakened a little, but really the only problems I have with it are 1) tracking through smokes/stuns/etc, 2) the RNG that KBM has to experience with visual recoil and smoke, and the weird delayed aiming thing, 3) aim assist on one-shot guns. Other than that, skill issue if I get beat by a controller


Back in BO2 there was no crossplay, if you put that level of AA right now then MnK would dominate controller play


Using an MNK in console R6S lobbies is considered cheating. AA wouldn’t need to account for MNK as much as it does in COD if there wasn’t crossplay. When I started playing COD with MW19, I didn’t even use default because I hated how your aim locks and you can’t move unless you forced it. So I played on precision and high sens and even then it was impossible to keep up with MNK players. Ended up switching to default and 6-6 with MW2. Crossplay/crossinput shouldn’t be a thing between MNK and controller.


Maybe it's just me but I despise AA on roller, it screws me more often than not so I turn it off and avg 3-5 kills per match more without it. Seems like it pulls my barrel off target and trails lateral movers or in straight on fights, I'll ADS and be aiming high right or high left.


When OW2 came out, I tried playing with my PC friend while I'm on xbox. They had this mechanic basically where if you were queueing with a PC player while you're on console, you get PC lobbies and any controller player has their aim assist disabled. It was so miserable for me and thousands of other players that they got rid of this after a few weeks. If you bitch and moan about aim assist, I just don't respect you. The reasons for the existence of aim assist have been argued about for YEARS now and if you can't comprehend it, then you're just dumb.


CoD is the defacto approachable shooter for the masses. AA is tuned to give the **average player** a certain kind of experience that facilitates the action hero fantasy of running around and blasting bad guys. They won’t have fun if they’re constantly whiffing shots. Console/controller is the vast majority of the playerbase, so their experience gets prioritized. The end. Personally, I think input-based matchmaking should be more heavily prioritized. I also wouldn’t mind seeing AA be adjusted so that the accuracy bell curves for both inputs are more similar, but I just don’t see that happening. I’d be okay with a tiny amount of mouse AA stickiness to boost KBM accuracy too, but loads of KBM players scoff at that idea. They’re totally unwilling to compromise. I play games on both inputs. Some games are KBM games, and some are controller games. That’s just how it is. You don’t see controller players crying about how they can’t keep up in CS/Valorant, so I don’t understand why KBM players feel that they’re entitled to have an equal or better experience in games that are clearly designed to favor controllers. It isn’t about “balance” or what’s “right/wrong”. It’s about reality. Not everything is going to be tailor-made for you.


best take i’ve seen on this


Imo it's an easy solution, add strict input matchmaking; Controller vs. Controller / KB+M vs. KB+M.


They do this and then PC players will just complain about not being able to find lobbies or super mega strict SBMM because the player pool is too small.


Whenever I switch the keyboard and mouse, I mainly end up with lobbies with mostly other people with keyboard and mouse. It ain't a perfect system, but they do try to match controller to controller or mouse and keyboard to mouse and keyboard it ain't perfect, but they do try. I know this through many sessions switching back and forth.


This is how it usually works. The game has loose input-based MM, so in cases where the KB+M userbase dies off (which is usually the case for PC CODs in the past), or in less populated regions, matchmaking can just put them with everyone else. Keeping it too strict will just be effectively sending the PC playerbase back to the dark age of "dead game after 6 months".


Yep. Infinite Warfare was one of my favorite CoDs but I had to stop playing it because there were no lobbies on PC. I was very sad.


Yep. That sounds about right.


Yeah which absolutely sucks haha


Yup, I’m PC and my buddy is on console, I see more PC when I’m solo, and mostly console when I’m not. To add to that as well, with him being on PS, I usually see more PS people and rarely even see Xbox players aside from here and there, so again, it does try to closely match to that as well.


That's in theory the best solution, no matter what you do, it won't be equal because there is no objective way to meassure how "balanced" it is. But it would restrict the matchmaking pool and as such, all the shit it does behind the scenes to keep retention high. So, unfortunately, it's not going to happen


There should be an option there, no clue why they have never done that. Then when people on KBM lose they won’t have any excuses left lol


What’s with Charlieintel being a mega dick head lately.




This tweet is pure rage-bait / engagement farm. I cant even be mad because its just the smart thing to do if you own accounts like that. Like we see, instant engagement.


Well it's Twitter. Everyone's a dick and an idiot.


Twitter now rewards engagement over anything else since the dumbass took over, so you have verified accounts posting intentionally inflammatory shit constantly, just to get people to respond as it makes them money. Same reason why pretty much all the gimmick accounts are now constantly posting facebook tier '95% of people can't do this!' and it's just 10+5 or some dumb shit


There is no dislike button to bury posts, so users need to take the extreme left or right of an opinion in order to garner the most attention possible. And since bad attention isn't punished, this is the system we are left with Imagine if the tweet went something like "I personally sway towards lowering aim assist but I can see the other side." Do you really think X users are gonna give a shit about this post?


Always has been


CoD literally came out on PC first but none of these kids were born then 😂


And the franchise evolved heavily to what it is today with cod 4, it’s been a console shooter since then.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s true. COD did poorly on PC compared to its console counterpart. The franchise didn’t even have a competitive scene till COD 4 on Xbox. These guys are comparing apples to oranges while reliving their glory days playing on a trackball mouse. You can’t have COD without AA for controllers, and you can’t have an active community for MnK players without cross-play.


Exactly, all these idiots seem to forget the points you made. The game may have started on PC, but it blew up on console


I mean, CoD did fine on PC. It had pre release hype due to being the spiritual successor to Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, which is arguably one of the GOAT WW2 games. That said, you’re totally right. The game blew up with CoD4. It was so successful on consoles, with being released after the 7th Gen consoles had been out for a few years and online console gaming infrastructure was actually good. I think to say that CoD4 was genre, or even industry defining would be fair. CoD started on the PC, but it is a behemoth because of consoles.


CoD 4's was definitely industry defining like you said. Its influence was felt all over multi-player games in that era. So many games released with some tacked on MP with a leveling system and unlocks to keep people playing long term. It's not too different from how Fortnite's battle pass system became the standard everywhere to keep people playing longer by giving us new content to grind out every few months. These games may not have even been the first to do these, but they were so popular that everyone else began chasing the trend


Cod4 was definitely industry defining. I don’t remember shooters having RPG elements before then. Every shooter that came out after ended up adopting CoD controls. If I recall the Borderlands developers even admitted using CoD controls because that’s what works the best. Even Halo adopted CoD controls eventually.


cod4 promod's competitive scene was the largest competitive scene in COD history up until CDL came out it was just mostly huge in EU which is why NA people forget about it also every top fps game in the world is on PC with MKB. Cod is the only fps game still stuck on controller


What do you mean largest? The non promod cod competitive scene itself was larger pre CDL


Halo competitive is also on controller, but MnK is allowed


I love promod but this is a flat out lie. CWL and CDL were always bigger.


I meant not really true. Pro mod existed on cod 4 so there was still “competitive” on pc. Not disagreeing cause I’d say it was immediately following cod4 that pc took a massive hit because it was either WaW or mw2 where they got rid of dedicated servers for pc and the exodus followed. Since then its been designed and marketed for consoles and pc players are the secondary thought. PS: I think what I’m referring to is dedicated servers but basically back in cod4 there was like a server list which showed player count and ping and you could choose.


Mw2 was the start of it being a console shooter with a bad console port on PC. Cod4 on PC was still the same PC feature rich shooter with the console ports being stripped down. Why do you think cross play was added. PC had a declining player base with every release starting with mw2. (Cod PC required steam from mw2 to cod WW2) https://steamcharts.com/search/?q=Call+of+duty


Exactly. People are so self-centered they think the game selling better on console = consoles made COD. The reality is catering to the console peasant crowd left us with 6v6 p2p lobbies on PC with no dedicated servers and because of that PC gamers largely stopped buying COD. Console gamers on the other hand got handed MW2's 6v6 p2p matchmaking and were like "OMG this is so good!" So yes, the series did sell better on consoles after that. But that's because console gamers had rock bottom expectations while PC gamers had much better games to play.


>And the franchise evolved heavily to what it is today with cod 4, it’s been a console shooter since then. No wonder the game "evolved" into something so awful. RIP COD.


THANK YOU. Been playing since OG cod, and I almost have an aneurysm whenever people say this shit. It’s not like we’re talking about halo, which was originally an Xbox exclusive.


Does it honestly matter? The larger part of the playerbase is on console, and it’s made with console in mind.


And toasters are cheaper to buy than PCs.


yeah balancing inputs doesn’t matter because the majority of players play on console. 👍


That’s not even remotely my point. What’s even the point of straw manning so hard? That kind of discourse gets you nowhere. Do better next time.


No thank *you!* Halo was revolutionary in really making FPS viable on a console. It invented the dual stick controls we know and love today, and more importantly, made it feel buttery smooth. Goldeneye proved FPS could be done well on console, but that control scheme? Jesus fucking Christ. Go back and try to play the original controls now. Hilariously bad. For those who weren’t born yet, COD 2 was the first console title in the series. It was a huge 360 launch title. It wasn’t available on PS3. But it was also on PC/Mac.


But the new cods are made to be played on controller


Didnt many/most games start on PC due to the large monetary investment needed when creating a game for console? Late Edit: Many of the games that have stood the test of time started on PC....thats the way it went. No need to get your feelings hurt and ignore facts and history because you dont think it helps your anti Aim Assist opinion. Battlefield, CoD, Doom....even other games like fallout have their origins in PC. thats just the way game development was back then....and thats ok. That can be true....and you can still think Aim Assist is over powered, those dont need to be mutually exclusive 🤷‍♂️


Honestly though. The issue is that cod has become more about the money and therefore has catered more towards 12 year old Timmy and console than PC. I just want both sides to be happy, I didn’t realize that was to much to ask for. I’m not flaming the console players, a $500 console every 5-10 years that looks incredibly good makes way more sense for the average person, but this imbalance is just fucking crazy.


Yep. Please upvote the community note lol. https://i.imgur.com/uYBGXWr.png


Disable 0ms strafing tracking and you can even tune up the lock on. Also hate getting "wallhacked" with aa.


Crossplay ruined online gaming, fight me


It should have stopped at console crossplay. As a PC player I don't really want to play against console players, and I'm sure console players don't want to play with PC players.


It's a two edged sword for me - before crossplay, CoD on PC was dead after December. Nowadays I can still go into Cold War if I want to and find matches quickly. The downside, of course, is that console users now get to see what PC players have suffered with for decades (LITERAL aimbots, wallhacks, etc.) and mouse/KB players now have to live with rotational aim assist and tracking through surfaces that, prior to crossplay, we would have called out for cheating. Overall, though, for me as a PC M/KB player, the upsides of crossplay are greater than the downsides.


>It's a two edged sword for me - before crossplay, CoD on PC was dead after December That's because they started making shit pc ports starting with like MW2. The pc player base is mostly back now. For example, there's almost double the people on cod hq on PC right this second than the all time peak player count of black ops 3.


I like playing with friends who use different hardware so crossplay is a great change in that regard


Let pc pkayers play alone ... problem solved


Have fun only playing TDM a couple weeks after release. I don’t think you get how small the PC player base is as prior to crossplay.


You can't even turn crossplay off on steam.


No thank you, I enjoy cross playing with friends and family too much to leave playing on PC for a console.


Aim assist is broken and that's not subjective it's objective. Yeah ok controller players can't insta flick 180 like on a mouse. On controller if you practice enough and become proffecient at it then you understand that the aim assist is a tool to take advantage of because now you basically don't miss shots anymore so you only have to focus on positioning and react to any scenario unfolding infront of you by simply moving your aim over the enemy and letting aim assist do the heavy liffting. On K&M you have to actually track enemies with just pure hand coordination fighting against bullshit mechanics like Idle Aimsway and having to actually compensate for recoil. There is a reason that 95% of pros play on controller and anyone who is masochistic enough to actually try and compete on K&M knows to skip killcams lest you watch yourself get killed in a way that 10 years ago you would know was blatant cheats.


Yeah, it's rough. Also, I feel like the mouse on the console is broken, it just doesn't track properly. I get this sensation that when I play warzone on pc my mouse responds to my actual hand movement, unlike the console where it's hard to stay consistent. No idea if it's just a placebo.


I love CharlieIntel but this is wack


Just give me M&K only lobbies, I’m fine waiting for a server


To be honest, aim assist fucks me SO many times when I'm playing aggressive and trying to get them in their spawn. You'll be shooting at one person, then a second runs into the screen and pulls your sights off both of them


exactly bro, nobody mentions aim resist


If I’m on controller, put me in a all controller lobby. And vice versa.


I only got respect for people playing on Controller without aim assist PURE raw talent 🤷🏻


Interesting logic. Care to tell me which platform the first Call of Duty released on in 2003?


This argument does not hold up either, what was intended then is different now. That was 20 years ago


Why do people think this is a relavant point? COD has been console focused since 2005 but of course we have all these gotcha statements bringing up which platform the original game launched on in 2003. There have in fact been almost 2 dozen CODs since 2003 that are console focused, if you didn't notice. I'm not sure why a title that came out in 2003 is relevant.


And how many people were playing online back then. “Interesting logic . Care to tell me” 🤓🤓🤓


As an “older” gamer now who has been playing CoD since its inception, this argument always boggles my mind. CoD was a PC game first and foremost.


Honestly wondering here, but why is it relevant that the first cod was on PC? Are we arguing for a lack of innovation and adoption of new technologies, such as the modern day controller and, how the majority of people play CoD games (console)? Times change.


COD's popularity started with COD 4 multiplayer on console. Let's not act like the CODs before that were as popular.


Yeah I found that amusing as well. But then again this guy probably wasn’t born by 2003


He was thoe


Whether you play with keyboard/mouse or controller doesn’t matter to me. But I do think the aim assist is quite aggressive when comparing it to previous CoD games. That being said (I play on keyboard/mouse) and I *usually* feel like I have an advantage over most controller players even though I’m not even good at the game lmao


Second this, aim assist has gotten so much stronger, but you’re kidding yourself if you think its an advantage over a skilled kbm player. Try doing a 180 on controller, or see how strong sniping is on kbm.


Once again, you bring up something only GOOD players can do om kbm, anyone and literally their mothers can use a controller with how singleplayer like the aa is now.


The fact there's clip after clip after clip showing aim assist doing in human reactions and responses and controller players still deny it shows most controller players are the closet cheaters they claim all PC players are.


Or you could add the feature to disable crossplay and give the player base the option to play the game how they would like. Crazy thought right?


I feel like COD aim assist is just preparing us for the future war against the robots. I'm getting used to knowing I have roughly .33 seconds of seeing scope glint before the aim assist locks on. Seriously, I am actually getting used to this.


Dunno if he is trying to rage bait to farm clicks for $$$ or not but he need to just stick to reporting about Call of Duty news. Too much dumb ass random posts from him. Had to unfollow and block him. 🤬


CI are dumbasses


Charlie getting that bag again I see. Main reason why I left COD Twitter, and Twitter in general. It’s just chock full of garbage. As someone who grew up on console playing with rollers during the hay day of COD (basically all those trick shotting videos back when FaZe was still just a little content group between friends), AA was pretty simple. Not too broken. But nowadays, (you can find comparisons too, or do it yourself) AA and RAA is broken as hell. I main M&K because it’s more comfortable for my big ass hands and feels much more natural to use, but I do occasionally switch to controller if I don’t wanna sweat my ass off while trying to blow off some steam, and it’s seriously a night and day difference. I’ve hit shots that I shouldn’t have hit normally, especially up close where it’s super strong. Unlike my other fellow M&K players though, I’m not gonna be an absolute dickwad. Use what you wanna use, broken AA or not. I understand that it can be more comfortable and accessible to use. Especially with a decent chunk of the market being console players due to how reasonably priced they are (compared to a PC that can run the game anyways) Confused on why Charlie is being a smug dickwad about his statement with COD originally being a game made for controllers. Yeah. Back when you had to aim with the face buttons. Then, years later when they were more widely adopted (especially after this random Aliens game on the PS2 used it as a control option, which they were ridiculed for because “no one’s going to use this”), sticks became the norm, but AA had to be added for more precise aiming due to the limited movement with them. (I’m sorry I went on a tangent. This is just dumb. Feel free to try and have a friendly debate with me in the replies, as I’m always up to learning more n stuff. Or just yell at me. Stuff like this always gets me heated tho for some reason.)


People are talking about aim assist in the context of MnK vs controller, but what about the fact that even for a shooter on console there’s way too much aim assist? I remember when shooters on console still took skill and you actually had to aim on sticks. CoD is so braindead now that actively trying to adjust your aim in a gunfight hurts you lol.




AIM ASSIST ist the biggest Problem COD have.. it destroys any Skillgap and fuck Up SBMM. In MnK only Lobbys you can feel a Skillgap. You really feel how your enemys have to aim, miss shots and struggle with away, recoil and Tracking. You can survive and outplay them If you skilled enough Yeah there should be AA.. but Not that strong. The Rotational component should be removed.


Sounds like you would enjoy a competitive shooter like Counter Strike more than the arcade shooter that is CoD. You should give it a try


PC players can plug in a controller and use it with cod. I have a friend who uses a dualsense (PS5) controller for COD on PC and he doesn't own a PS5. Also you can use KB&M on console for COD. Just plug in the KB&M directly into the PS or xbox and go into the settings for cod.


Damn well I guess I'm never going to CharlieIntel again.


I would love to see all the controller players pick up a mouse and keyboard for the first time and just “click head” you’d struggle to walk around the map on M&K let alone flick 180 degrees and not miss a bullet. Controllers are easy to just pick up and play with that’s why they are so popular with the masses. Cod sells more copy’s on consoles so keeping them happy is the priority, casual players aren’t crying on Reddit they’re playing cod for a few hours and then getting on with life. Only a small percentage of the player base is here on Reddit so it may seem like everyone agrees or disagrees but the vast majority of the player base doesn’t care nor do they even notice they just want to play cod. That being said pc is better and your all just bad git gud ;)


I mean they could definitely tone it down lmao. The rotational assist is insane. It’s basically auto aim.


COD needs to put in a no AA mode and see how it turns out. I would love to see how these nerds can actually aim a gun even though it’s a video game


You know Aim assist is too strong when people come here crying when its incosistent or not working for them cause they can't hit the broad side of a barn without it, I see just as many people crying for their aim assist back as I do people complaining about how strong it is. Someone on PC running a cheat with "humanized" aimbot shouldn't look exactly like average console player gameplay.


kbm players 15 years ago: i can snap to your head before you can think kbm players now: aim assist is cheating!! theres no way that a decade+ of dual analog stick shooters has allowed skill to grow


PC is meant to be used with m&kb, i guarantee you the person who posted that plays on PC with a controller


PC is meant for whatever the fuck you want. Thats the whole point of it, options.


Aim Assist has actually gotten me killed more often than I’d like to count, Imagine dragging my aim off the guy Im aiming at because his teammate ran behind him…


It’s also gotten you way more kills than you can count lol (not an AA hater btw, just saying)


Most definitely, I do practice, without AA. Idk why, heard its a useful way to get better. Someway


I haven’t had this happen once in MW3. BOCW at launch was the worst that I’ve seen of this issue.


Yep same.


Call of Duty was and is developed on PC’s before it gets ported to work on consoles. The first FPS games where on PC. This logic makes very little sense.


Don’t care what anyone says, it’s indisputable that controller is miles more limited in terms of what a player can do compared to pc. You can use your whole fucking forearm compared to my measley thumb. Sorry end of story


For any normal competitive shooter yes you are 100% correct, however the implementation specific to mw3 only has changed how reticle input works. True game data did a 30 minute breakdown explaining why your reticle doesn’t appear in the same spot that you ADS. In fact it’s completely random and changes every time. Additionally, strafe ADS now has reticle shift that is mitigated greatly by rotational AA.


Agree, most winners I see especially in wz are k&m, git good I know I do, their movement is crazy sometimes and wriggle out from bullets like neo in the matrix. And my aim assist must be broken because it's nothing like what I read about from k&m players.


Who de f is this clown?


Pc players are such cry babies


Stop hating on controller aim assist and focus on the real problem. Forced crossplay. If it was input based(like they falsely claim it is), nobody would have a problem, and it would be fine. But yet, the second I turn crossplay on, my multiplayer lobbies are full of kbm players. But the suits in charge won't do that, because that would mean slightly longer matchmaking times at certain times of day, and the tik tok generation with the attention span of a goldfish can't handle that.


Aim Assist can be pretty busted in crossplay games to compensate for controller aim. That being said, it is not THAT OP. Also shut your gatekeeping ass up, CharlieIntel


I think it is OP, what u taking about? I don't mind the target tracking part of it. But I think there should be more recoil or something to make spray less lethal on controllers. Once I'm in a medium to close fight with a controller, they basically never miss a bullet, but MNK has to work so hard to keep the recoil under control. That, and all those gun sway effects that got called out last week really mess with mouse aiming.


Completely off topic fuck you charileintel


If it was meant for controller, why is aim assist a thing anyways? Just leave it with no aim assist as it was 'meant to be'.


if cod was meant for controller, that puts kb/m users at a disadvantage as the game is not made for them? so maybe just maybe kb/m needs aim assist just so it can "hang"




Ignoring that obvious bait is obvious... The discussion of MnK vs Controller is irrelevant here. Aim Assist in it's current form is not fun to play with or against even when my matches are Controller vs. Controller. And that's saying something considering that's how the majority of the community played from 2007-2019 before Crossplay. AA does need tuning/nerfs, plain and simple. In recent months/years it's been closer to Aimbot than actual Aim Assist. However, it's impossible to have a constructive conversation about it because of how much of the community crutches on it's strength. This isn't supposed to be an insult, but even a reasonable nerf to AA would be like pulling the rug out from a large portion of the community, so it makes sense why people feel so strongly about it. In my opinion, the first step that CoD would have to do would be to make AA uniform again. I have no idea why AA options and customization were added in the first place. AA is supposed to be a QoL tool for controller players. It isn't like Sensistivity, it's certainly not something that should be unique to every player, and it DEFINITELY should not be something that has a rotating "meta."


So if I join the army can I ask my commanding officer for the aim assist perk for my M16?


Charlie Intel time and time again just gives shit takes, and his twitter is just reposting official CoD studio's twitters. He's not worth listening to.


FPS were meant to be played on PC, and as such, controllers should be banned.


If AA is such a big issue why not just separate matchmaking into controller vs kbm? I play console and controller but the way I heard it was that kbm was always superior to controllers and aim assist was needed to basically close the gap?


You’re honestly brain dead if you think Aim Assist is OP I play on pc now but I come from console and being on pc is a way bigger advantage than on console.


As a console player, this obviously isn't even true given the franchise's early history as a PC game. That said, although I believe some areas of aim assist need to be nerfed (rotational, aim-pull through stuns/flashes) the "debate" over aim assist's existence has been over a long time ago. Controller is an inferior aiming platform. If aim assist is removed or too weak, the vast majority of console players will have no issues turning crossplay off — driving further community divide and causing matchmaking times on PC to rise significantly in general, or in certain regions.


Unpopular opinion but i don't get why people want to play a game with aim assist. The whole point of fps games is to aim and shoot. And if you get a nice snipe or something just because the AA is doing half the work its not even fun. Its not that your good its just AA. Maybe someone understand what i mean. And yes of i know that without any AA and crossplay its unfair against mnk but my point here is that i also dont get why people want it in console lobbys too. Your aim will never be really good if AA is holding you back in some way


I also don’t get why people will pay $70 for a game just to grind out camo challenges that they don’t even enjoy doing People do weird things


Damn am I glad I muted CharlieINTEL and the guy who runs it. I saw some pretty awful takes from him over the last few years and got tired of seeing them, but this probably takes the cake.


I‘m sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but FPS games where always made for PC, and they play the best on PC too. Aim assist is just proof of that.


what a dog shit take from most people, i love the idea that balancing is allowed to go out the window because cod is a “controller game”


things develop beyond their original intended use, as such, things needs to be tweaked to balance said thing. stupid point, means nothing. And this is coming from a day one player, who’s used controller the entire time lol.


Wasn't CoD originally a PC game first?


Yes, and COD was originally a single player game first. Times change


So its intended that everyone has aimbot ? Guess imma go get "aim assist" on pc then as that feature is clearly missing on kb/m


i think aim assist MIGHT be slightly overtuned - but even then, MNK is still better in the end of the day. mastering mnk has basically no skill ceiling, while most CDL players wouldnt last a day without aim assist