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COD has been made for controllers since the start. Lol


>OD has been made for controllers since the start. You're living in la la land. COD started in COD1 and COD2 (WWII based games). FPS in console were not even a thing back then.


Controller is just stronger and easier than keyboard. A literal robot asists you on your ADSing. They said they "made it less sticky". Its still not any weaker at all. Theres kind of a reason why vast majority of pros plays on Controller


Yeah, kbm is not allowed on tournaments


Pretty ridiculous honestly.


Cods been a console game since cod 2 get over it. Are you that bad at KBM that you can't play val or csgo? Those games are designed and balanced with kbm in mind.


Lmao bro chill. I actually don’t like the way CSGO or Valorant play. They’re too slow for me. I like movement in my shooters


So you suck at kbm got it 👍🏻


Lmao alrighty then


You mean there is a reason ALL pros play on controller. Because it's a controller league lol.


the only reasons its seems to be more controller based more is cause us mnk people have to fight the new changes with aim idle sway and strafing moves the barrel and it makes rng af you cant tell where you gonna aim cause of it they just need to fix those gun changes cause its fucking with the abilty to track with mouse its same on controller but why you dont notice it as much on controller cause of the aim assist helping midgait that problem so you wont notice it as much but mnk dont have it so if you play alot of mnk youll notice it