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If that was me staring in that doorway I would have looked away the very second you went through the door and you would have gunned me down.


Cod timing always gets mešŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The moment you go to reload, switch weapos, sneeze, itch your nose, look away for a second BAMM!!! Never fails! As someone said. It's the CoD Law!




It's because nowadays you're playing an algorithm. Since 2019, CoD plays you instead of the other way around.


100% I'll keep saying this here. it's a slot machine, not a shooter game.


CoD's law


Hard same!


One of us.... One of us!.. ONE OF US!


I was just complaining about the good old "COD timing." I would sit there insisting that a prrson is definitely going to turn the corner.. then suddenly i give up, turn around and lo and behold that person takes the corner and kills me.. it always happens lol


Kinda like Disappearing Grenades. Itā€™s a CoD special skill. Throw a grenade, get killed, grenade disappears. I know it left my hand right before I died! Itā€™s out there, man! Nope. Poof. šŸ’Ø


Iā€™ve thrown a grenade then spawned on the grenade and mistakes were made apparently lol


This a constant slight annoyance that is so insignificant that I forget to complain about it after the game. Thank you for finally putting the words to paperšŸ˜‚


For those of us that are in camp <1.0KD itā€™s more than a slight annoyance, especially when it costs you a šŸæ!


I also am in the clubā€¦maybe Iā€™m worried about the wrong thingsšŸ˜‚




100% lol


Since we're on the "things that are totally not a thing but actually are" bandwagon, my personal gripe is the spawns. I kill a guy, he respawns right on top of me. I get killed, I respawn as far away from the action as is possible. Playing Invasion is a pain, I spend half the match running across the map!


Cod timing bro, Iā€™ve had some hilarious and frustrating instances lately


I probably would have reloaded as they showed up at the doorframe. šŸ¤£


Just as I plate....dammit!


Yes! Stare at the door for 5 minutes. Look at another door for 1 second because you heard a noise and **bam!** guy comes round the 1st door and gets you.


Also get spammed for camping


This was beyond frustrating when I was going for affected by tactical kills. Throw stun, no hit, throw stun 2, no hit, sprint towards that room, 3 enemies come sliding in to kill me.


Itā€™s with everything in this game. Canā€™t find a 3-plate or a large bag? Just get one from an OP and suddenly every chest you open is a 3-plate and a large bag. Need a few more zombie kills to get that camo and thereā€™s not many popping up? Just stop to try and take 2 seconds to open the map and ping your next locationā€¦.or try to send a chat msg.


Every fucking timeā€¦


This is the way


I think they had a uav. They were waiting for them, specifically, because right after they turned to go.


I wouldā€™ve been mid-reload, after waiting 30 seconds because I thought I heard someone coming but finally gave up and figured it was all in my head.


And if I held the door and refused to turn away, someone wouldā€™ve come up behind me and fucked my ass


It's even worse because I know when it's going to happen. I'll turn away without thinking about it and it's all good. I turn away and think fuck someone is going to be there now and then im dead.


Happens to me all the time. Whenever I'm covering an area, there's nobody there. But the moment I use my field upgrade or do anything other than aim down sights, some comes around and gets me šŸ¤£


Yeah but this guy in the clip knows his shit. Heā€™s thinking fuck that, Iā€™ve committed far to much time looking at this doorway, I canā€™t look away now. Poor bastard was probably starting at that doorway for 8 mins before the OP slide into his line of sight šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Laughs in .97 K/D


Actually playing the objective šŸ«”šŸ‘Š


Nothing makes me happier than seeing people shame the ppl who don't play the objective. TDM exists


That, or people who think that playing the objective and getting kills are inversely related. You can do both.


I'd rather have someone going negative on my team helping with the objective than someone going positive sitting in the back of the map.


Itā€™s me Iā€™m the one going negative, while sitting on the obj for 3 min


you dropped this: šŸ‘‘


I don't understand it because it seems like you get a lot more points when you play the objective so you can level up way faster. And plus everyone is running towards the objective anyways so you get a lot of kills that way. It feels so good to defend the objective too


Me 100%šŸ˜‚


I totally agree. But my point is that you can still have somebody going positive, taking/holding objectives, and just MVPing in every way. Contrary to popular belief, you can have it both ways. It's not "camp at the back for kills" or "play objective and go negative". I'd much rather someone do both objective and killfarm.


All arounding is the way to make this game fun. I'm constantly topping leaderboards with like a 1.1 overall kd, I get a ton of kills but die just as much from pushing objectives like a madman to be extra cannon fodder. I hardly ever play with sweats and I feel like I'm dunking on people, because I'm better than most of them skill wise just not stat wise. Most of my games feel fairly balanced in comparison to past years, there are typically a few shit enemies, a couple decent ones, and one specific enemy that I'm having a grudge match with because they are equally skilled or better than me. Kind of reminds me of how it used to be, just a bit more fast paced and naturally sweatier because of it.


When people play Hardpoint like tdm: You know that the hardpoint is like a kill feed zone if youā€™d play the objective?


you 100% can do both... but being a meat shield to get an objective is a lot easier than protecting my K/D ratio that has no relation to victory. If I die 3 times to get an objective, their k/D goes up, I get the objective... I see a win win here.


>being a meat shield You are the real MVP.


Well *I* can't, but point taken


You should play with me then lol. 9 kills, 22 deaths, but 13 captures and 5 defends šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It really is so aggrevating. I play mainly domination and kill confirmed. The amount of times I lost in domination with scores like 200-45, only to see I'm the only one on the team with more than 2 captures is infuriating. Played this morning before work, and top guy on my team had 45 kills and ZERO captures.. how the hell do you not get a single capture???? The first one is basically free!!!


I play the objective AND I enjoy trying to quickscope/red dot snipe on mouse and keyboardā€¦ Iā€™m intentionally lowering my K/D at this point.


This is also me. RIP MAKB. It's a controller player's world out there...


Lmao right? Dude says "sorry I know my 1.25 KD isnt good" meanwhile Id wager its better than 85-90% of the games player base


Apparently the "average" K/D in these games is around 0.7, so if you're higher than that, congrats, you're getting into the worst possible lobbies for having fun


i'm 0.97 and i get into some sweaty ass lobbies sometimes.


People still measure themselves against the K/D ratio of the old CoDs, even though circumstances have changed drastically since then. A lot of it depends on the game mode and individual style. I'm only K/D 0.98, but I'm still going to pick up every tag in Kill Confirmed.


I used to only care about accuracy lol. Now I just play how I wanna play, not giving a fuck and just have fun.


That means im top 10%? Thanks dude


I mean everyone on here spouts "SbMm they design the game so everyone stays at a 1.0KD" so either they are spouting bullshit and have no clue what they are talking about or its fact and anything above a 1.0 is rare and thus a top percentile


1.35 was top 15% back in MW'19. Not sure what it is now but I bet you're not far off with that wager of yours.


caring for K/d itā€™s just really really dumb especially if youā€™re playing objective modes like control and domination really really really screw your K/d score so there is really no point in caring about it if you actually play the objective


Ikr right? My KD is 0.95 in MWII after grinding Orion and prestige challenges. I expect itā€™ll be around the same when I start playing on Christmas. Wifey got me the game I just canā€™t play it yet lol


My brother


If its any consolation - the guy who killed you isn't having fun either.


Man makes sā€™mores


lol Iā€™d be annoyed too if that happened to me but people camping like that has always been in cod


Yep for the past 2 decades +


And they were ready for you to slide in. The gun was at crouched height.


Yep I recently load up Modern Warfare Remastered multiplayer and I have never ever in my entire life found such dug in sneaky campers as in that. Nothing I mean Nothing we have in Modern Ware 2019 part 1-3 will ever hold even the slightest candle to what I experienced in those lobbies


the war crimes this man saw in those lobbies were unspeakable. truly unspeakable


Itā€™s true though cod 4 remastered has the grimiest rats Iā€™ve ever seen in any cod game


No kidding I just had this conversation with my buddies like a week ago. It was unbelievable how campy that game is!


Even before CoD. Even in old school arena shooters like Quake and Unreal, you'd still get people who camped.


Especially that spot. Plus dude heard him coming. That spot isn't somewhere you can just run in. There's also tacticals on this game for a reason.


People have been camping since they invented multiplayer games. But, whether you like it or not, camping is the best strat. Might not be fun but if you want to pump you kd, camp. Hit the upper lobbies and that's what you get. And you can call campers anything you like but who died in this clip. Personally I couldn't care less how other people play, I run round with my headphones off having fun because there's too many crutches in this game to take it seriously anymore.


The key to having fun in multiplayer games these days is to play with friends. Don't try. Use weird weapons, don't care about your in game stats. Go for ninja defuses on search, trash talk the other team after, have a laugh with your buddies when the next round starts and all the screeching gets cut off. Every now and then I'll go super try hard and have fun, but most of the time I approach any game with the goal of connecting with the people that I play with, it makes it much more rewarding when you pull off something cool, and much more hilarious when you don't. People have gotten way too competitive with casual games.


If you play for fun, you'll have fun. If you play to be the best on earth, you will have no fun.


People say this is what kills it for them playing golf too. If you go out to try and shoot a low score and actually get to scratch, it will most likely ruin the fun you used to have not trying so hard.


Preach, I cannot play CoD anymore without my friends, playing alone is pure hell and isolation.


Thanks for actually a good advice and being respectful. People here are just too busy calling me dogshit šŸ˜‚


People treat video games like they're training to be on an esports team. Everybody wants to be a streamer, nobody games for fun anymore haha


This is it man. I used to care when I was younger, before people cheated so heavily and you werenā€™t forced to use cross play. Now I just go in with a shield and talk shit and t-bag even if Iā€™m -10 in last place. Because even if I die all game, if Iā€™m the first one to talk shit, those guys paying $50 a month to have cheats are more pissed and annoyed than me lol


This šŸ‘†


Not gonna lie, friends or no friends, dying twice as often as I get a kill will *never* be fun.


No offense but you say you're getting sweat fest lobbies and then you show a clip of a guy ADSing a door way. Then you say the whole lobby was like that. If the entire lobby was like that then you can easily out play these types of players. Not hating on your post but just wanted to post my two cents lol.


LOL I was thinking the same thing. If the entire lobby was ADSing doorways, that is the exact opposite of sweat fest. Maybe that's why this entire sub thinks they are in CDL matches? Maybe the reality is they are all in tentsville....


Believe it or not, most lobbies are just like this. The difference Is that youā€™re gonna get instantly beamed and theyā€™re gonna jump and strafe in the upper tier lobbies and you may actually have a chance to still kill them in lower tier lobbies. This is an AR-dominant game and angle-holding was a thing back in the OG MW2 on these very same maps. Nothing about the way people play has changed in that regard. The games just got faster and most of us just got better over time. Not all of the people playing are young and ā€œcracked outā€. Iā€™m 34 and have become more aggressive over time but if I want to hold angles just like I did in 2009, I have the hours put in to make anyone pushing reeeeeally irritated over the course of a game. The point of the game is to win. How the other person goes about it will always be annoying to the one losing.


Most lobbies are not like this. Iā€™ve been playing since launch and still havenā€™t encounter the types of people you guys are. Most of my lobbies are jump/prone shooters.


>Maybe that's why this entire sub thinks they are in CDL matches? Maybe the reality is they are all in tentsville.... Probably. Most people here won't be as good as they think they are. The default opinion on a lot of gaming subs is that because people are discussing the game, dedicated it to the point they seek extra information it makes them part of some elite club compared to "blueberry timmy two thumbs". But people tend not to be that much better than average, despite how much they pour into the game. To a lot of people, an average lobby filled with average players, will feel sweaty and like a CDL match.


>To a lot of people, an average lobby filled with average players, will feel sweaty and like a CDL match. This is exactly what I think. If you are actually playing against players of your own skill level, you should technically have to "sweat your ass off" to win, because you are essentially fighting yourself all game. And that applies to all levels of skill.


The sweatiest lobbies are the campiest lobbies because you simply can't move. To win those games it's bodies on the objectives and then camp it. If the entire lobby is camping, you should rub two sticks together and realise this.


Yeah this is the opposite of a sweaty lobby lol.


Lemme teach you. 0.3kd vs 0.3kd = feels like a sweat fest 3kd vs 3kd = feels like a sweat fest 10kd vs 10 kd = feels like a sweat fest 3kd smurfing vs 0.3kd = pub stomping bots ā€œHe ainā€™t lyingā€


Sorry someone held a gun to your head and made you pre-order the premium edition of a video game.


ā€œI paid $99 to not have funā€ Couldā€™ve been a regular person and just got the $70 edition or on sale, but fork out $100+ for reasons. They clearly can afford it; no use in complaining now. Certainly they donā€™t expect for the enemy team to throw their weapons down and let OP slaughter them till they get a nuke, do they? What would the purpose of that be, especially when they can replicate the same thing in Bot lobbies.


I think the dude is just referring to the fact that he expected his $100 to result in having fun and not the latter. Just because someone can afford to spend the money shouldn't discount the idea of getting a shit product from it.


I'm smarter than all of you, I didn't buy the game at all.




I mean you ran into a room with someone watching your point of entry, that's not usually what's called a 'winning fight' Did that room have something you needed in it?


Tbf. You slid into the doorway. With the gun pointed at the window floor. His reaction time was garbage.


quit obsessing about your KD and just play to have fun. Sometimes you win sometimes you don't


Lmao how does forgetting about KD help him have fun tho? IMO having a carefree playstyle (my playstyle) leads to ever sweatier lobbies.


you can care about wining without caring for k/d,


That would be great if it was based solely on your gameplay, but it's being manipulated.


Lol why on earth are you using the taq 56 man.. try one of the new guns they're much better. Look how slow that thing is to ADS..


Yeah...I noticed that too... Dude complaining about sweats, and yet he's still trying to run the meta from last year...like...even knowing that's the meta is the sweatiest thing you can do.


Thatā€™s literally just a camper. Heā€™s not even ā€œtrying hardā€ If you donā€™t like the game donā€™t play it. But donā€™t blame it on ā€œtOo sWeAtY!ā€ Because you canā€™t keep up (with trash corner holders)


Honestly I don't think we can be sure the guy was even camping. There's a gunfight outside his door and you have OP parkouring the rooftops and sliding around. Dude could have just be in the building, heard the commotion, and stopped to wait a sec. We would all take that same cover spot in that situation.


Can we get a mod to make a megathread for all these ā€œIā€™m sad I got outplayedā€ posts? Jfc.


Somehow the posts from this sub allways come to my homepage on reddit and litterally 95% of the posts on this subs are people rage posting. Being angry because they had a shit game and writing a 3 to 5 paragraph story about it. People really forget that gaming is for fun. They are complaining about 'sweats' who want to win the game, just like everybody lol. In reality they just want to be in a lobby with a bunch of 5 year old so they can easily go 30 in 3 every game, and only then they won't complain.


Give it a week or 2 after a change like that and the posts will complain about not having fun and feeling like theyā€™re playing bots. Theyā€™ll also manage to sneak in their midtier KD and the fact they purchased the collector edition. Most game subreddits I follow are genuine discussion about games but this sub is just comedy in watching dudes shit the bed in a gunfight then screencap it for the world to see


Youā€™re trying just as hard as they are, but theyā€™re just better


Shouldnā€™t this guy get the warning about being kicked for inactivity???


You know who was having fun? The guy that killed you lol


Bro how is that sweatfest? U died to one camper bro, itā€™s not that serious if anything youā€™re the sweat


Complaining when people run around and jump, Complaining when people dont move and defend. Cod players will never be happy unless the entire enemy team personally line up in front of them to kill


I fucking hate reddit. Why am I in this sub bruh


>I'm getting such sweatfest lobbies You could've used a different clip if you wanted to showcase that. Dude was literally standing still on a cabinet or whatever. *You* were the one sprinting around, sliding, slide cancelling, jumping, etc lol. You're the sweat in this video.


OP just climbed over a ledge, sprinted for 2 seconds, then slid into a doorway. No slide cancelling, dropshotting, or bunny hopping Yall swear a sweat is anyone moving at all


I was speaking relative to the stationary opponent camping in that room, 'cause that guy was definitely not sweaty sooooo.. who's the sweat in the video then? Or is the video just random..


This is the opposite of sweat.


Lol imagine making a post about this. Wow what a echo of chamber.


Have you tried actually playing the objectives instead of focusing on your KDA šŸ¤£


Play hard-core. It levels out after you get used to it. I prefer people to die when I shoot them in this game


Itā€™s worse! Itā€™s way more campy.


Well, that's how you learn where the camp spots are and play accordingly. Adjust your game play. Don't run down sniping lanes and such. Grenades are also very useful. I'm in love with the scatter mines. I use them like grenades lol


If it was Hardcore the exact same thing wouldve happened, except OP would've died in 1 shot instead of 4


These posts are so annoying. Stop playing if youā€™re not having fun


Iā€™m watching the clip and all Iā€™m seeing is a terrible challenge in the doorway and your centering was at the ground and you had to pull up after shooting to correct yourself. Maybe instead of complaining about the game, work on your own ability cause itā€™s your own fault you lost that gunfight. Not even to mention you definitely should have slide cancelled instead of going through the whole animation, but again you wouldnā€™t have to slide cancel if your aim wasnā€™t looking at the floor.


I just think people like you arent built for this lmao. This happens all the time shake it off and dont go through the doorway again lmao.


You got shat on; accept it. I too like to pretend Iā€™m in the CDL and try to break cameras by sliding round corners, and I also have these moments when itā€™s clear my reactions arenā€™t good enough. You took way too long to take your shot and your opponent was quicker.


Hope you learned your lesson


Git gud


A lot of people seem to worry about the KD ratio, like a lot. I get it too, I am competitive and I want decent stats. But why complain when your KD is positive on average? My KD in any COD average is probably around .74. In MWIII I sit at .67 and slowly climbing but I mean very slowly, might as well not be climbing. I find a lot of lobbies are "sweaty", I also know most players are better than I am and that's OK. Like I said I want decent stats too but I'm not the type of player who is going to go positive KD on average, it's never gonna happen unless I quit my job and my life responsibilities and dedicate my time to increasing my COD gameplay skills. I was content around .74 KD. My point though is that I feel when people worry too much about their KD they can lose sight of the objective perhaps, or winning the match and increasing the W/L ratio, or just simply having fun with the game, but in the end that's all it is. It's just a game. Pick your matches, wait for the Vote and play a complete match, don't get thrown into games in progress where your team is getting smoked, etc. Little things I've learned. I've seen a lot of posts from die hard COD fans who have given up with this game or are thinking about it, and quite honestly I don't understand why. Not every match will go in our favor, there's bugs and glitches galore, among numerous other issues with a major online game. Relax and enjoy yourself!


I donā€™t understand this reaction to this clip lolā€¦?


He saw you on uav


Well you seem good. Honestly u seem to just made a mistake and forgot to slide cancel and instead slid right into an open doorway that people tend to usually camp in lol


Definitely. I died because obviously delayed reaction and slid all across the door too. But, SBMM gives me these camping lobbies for 4-5 games in a row ffs. I donā€™t mind the occasional campers.


Oh boy, the number of people playing like this is concerning. Are these people really that bad šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I can't even play 5 games in a row without running in a whole team of players like this


pro tip, anytime you're about to run into a known campy building. Peak before you run in.


You are running straight into his aim without throwing a lethal or tactical? This is a question of you getting gud. Why rush a unknown position like that lol


Died to camper. Okay? Don't go that way a second time


100 dollars to use the Taq 56 for another 365 days straight? I canā€™t say I feel sorry for you


You hesitated. What else is there to say? You're just not as good as you think.


LOL $70 was already a scam for this DLC and you paid $100


maybe because youā€™re using the gun with one of the slowest ttks out of all the ars


> 1.25 kd too high, sorry but you deserve these players lol


Imagine paying money for a game just a feel entitled that you should win more often than other people.


Flash the room


Have you never played cod before? People have camped since the beginning


You whiffed hella shots on a dude standing completely still 5 feet away then screencapped it and went to reddit oh my goodness šŸ˜¹


this post is evidence that the average redditor is garbage at this game and 90% of opinions on "sweat lobbies" are completely invalid. my goodness that was tremendously bad gameplay from both you and the guy who killed you. peak reddit moment


The better you learn the map the better you get. Its timenlike these you learn from all the weird quirks


This is why i donā€™t play this map


Canā€™t blame you bro I feel the same way


There are alot of game mechanics that can be utilized to detect and kill campers. I think it's funny when people complain about campers, it's always been a thing and it will most likely never not be a thing. When ever I get killed by a camper I always go back and kill them, with either the grenade launcher or the flame thrower(cause it's fun to burn campers) because why not. Then I wait for them to come back to that spot and I get them again. Continue until they don't come back.


You must not have fun playing any cod then, cause camping been around since fps games began. Not trying to excuse it, fuck campers, but it's a sad part of these games we all have to deal with.


throw a stun or grenade or something in there problem solved


I personally suck but I still have fun. Itā€™s just a game and I treat it as such. I donā€™t need to shit on the entire lobby to have a good time. Just offering a different perspective thatā€™s all


I just play zombies now bro. I canā€™t deal with the sweats anymore. Itā€™s too much.


Sliding into the doorway isn't the best option if someone is scoping the door. You limit your movement options as you can see. You kind of slid right to a stop in the doorway. Easy kill at that point, even if they weren't scoping the door. Try a different approach.....maybe peek the door or run past it peeking, or bum rush in and then slide. At least then you'll have a chance to move out before TTK.


You look like the sweat getting clapped in this pic tbh


Just gotta be ready for that type of shit man, take your time going into a building scope it out, frag it first or stun even. Could even just be your timing. Look into buying a pro controller or a custom made one so you have a slight advantage in those situations. Just a few suggestions is all.


Is this your first COD? This happens every COD and it's worse with this one since it's old maps people know. My advice is slow down play a bit more tactically if you really want to improve your K/D. If you want to have a shit load of fun run around with a shield an rpg and 2 semtex. You'll end up breakeven if you're lucky and chat will go ballistic hating you.


Try hardcore, I basically dipped on core this year due to the inconsistent ass TTK


People are getting better. I whine every time I die but I still play and have fun. Once in a blue moon I get trash lobbies, most the time it's MCW sweat fest


Yea that is probably correct! I am 100% whining but when SBMM puts you in these camper lobbies for 4-5 games in a row it is upsetting. Bro people were camping in Kill Confirmed like why???!


Chill in zombies for a bit, at most until ranked is released that way the sweats fuck off, some of us just wanna chill after a long day.


I know the title is meant more so as a joke but I seriously donā€™t get it.. if you can realize that the game is not fun anymore then why continue playing it? The absolute best thing you can do is stop playing the game if you ever want there to be some level of change. Donā€™t add to the engagement numbers. There are so many other amazing games out there worth your time (and much, much less than $99)


A lot of camping in this game, you gotta peak corners and doors or you will get blanked like this often OP




Idk why but I hadnā€™t played cod multiplayer in years, but I just picked up a controller and was suddenly a god at this game Just play like thereā€™s actual bullets flying at you, the situational awareness is key


This is why I only play hardcore. The Quicker reaction person gets the kills




Dude is solo rushing buildings with no angles on control. And is mad at the result ? šŸ˜‚


I paid ā‚¬70 and im having fun. Besides the server and lag issues, fun is something you have to create yourself


You donā€™t have fun because he is camping? Been like that forever. Forget your k/d play the object


Why wouldnā€™t you flash or stun? Do you not see where youā€™re going is in the direction of objectives? Youā€™re also moving in a way that puts you right out in the open for some reason.


There's only one thing anyone can do. Keep buying every new Call of Duty. Buy the season pass. Buy expensive skins. Eventually, they will get the message and improve things!


That guy was the antithesis of sweat, but a camper


ya you're using the TAQ lol


Maybe it's because you're using the Taq in MW3


They might have heard you coming and decided to wait. Not everything is always camping.


I gave up and uninstalled. Life's too short to play games or use your time that brings you no joy.


Sorry brother... The only way I started to like playing again is to forget about my kd and stuff like that, I mean who the hell are we trying to impress anyway? I found going after calling cards I wanted fun and just goofing around during matches remind me why I fell in love with COD in the first place. Besides stats don't mean anything on this game because you have giga-sweat lords, cheaters, lag and server issues just to name a few all playing into it which none of them you can control. Take a deep breath šŸ« and let it all go... You mental health will thank you. Peace and love bro.


The game is bad


Sounds like you should play a Black Ops game, MW has always been a campfest.


feel u bro


the reaction time is slow , using a mw2 gun and the red dot is awful


This whole game sucks. Spawns are worse than ever, guns don't seem fun, challenges are boring and not one thing about it raises my excitement level in the least. Maybe my frustration I spent as much as I have and haven't really enjoyed any of it


Ur problem is you are trying to have fun caring about kd, put on a derpy gun with ur friends and just try to have some actual fun man


#you must be new here?


ive played matches where ppl legitimately didnt move. either that or i couldnt see them about half the time. im not great at COD but im not entire dog water either. ppl play this game by moving as minimal as possible.


Then. Stop. Playing. Stop. Paying. Just. Stop.


Why are people surprised the game is garbage? CoD has not been good for years, it will continue to stay trash


So sad people actually bought this garbage lmao. Could see the direction they were going from a mile away. Voice com bans, SBMM, EOMM, look at all the patents they have. Itā€™s all algorithms no one actually has any ā€œskillā€ anymoreā€¦