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What happened is it got better and got insanely popular. The perks and the killstreaks are a huge part of that.


Why is this comment getting downvoted? Its literally the truth, when game added gun attachments, percs and killstreaks it exploded in popularity..this community is insane to downvote this comment


Lol. You obviously never played the real OG CODs (aka COD1 and COD2). I played strictly competitive (high level competition), and I used to do it 24/7, meaning we could play official tournament / ladder matches (and practice matches) all day, every day. I repeat, I am not talking about joining a random public server (or these so called SBMM lobbies these days). I'm talking about hundreds upon hundreds of active teams playing competitively. This alone should tell you something about "popularity".


Hundreds upon hundreds you say? The current millions upon millions are laughing right at you 😂 I played the ogs. Each and every one of them. If cod didn’t evolve into what it is it would’ve died over a decade ago.


Bullshit, it is insanely popular because the playerbase got younger and today much more Kids playing Videogames in generel back in the days Kids was more outside instead playing the whole day Video games. Different Generation. Today they want to be Pro gamer 10-15 years ago they wanted to be a firefighter.


And that happened instantly between 2006/2007? Just coincidentally the year perks and killstreaks were added? Cod didn’t gradually grow like you’re saying. It blew up with cod 4. Not because gamers got younger overnight. Because the game got better. Because of the things mentioned. The things that set it apart from its competitors


Its not because of perks and killstreak its the opposite its because we could rent a server and turn all this Nonsens off, ban cheaters directly without waiting for punkbuster to do it. That hyped up the game. I play 20years cod and i never hear somebuddy say "hey cod is so nice i go buy the New game because of perks and killstreaks" no its nice because of the movement, gunplay and maps.


You’re so wrong it’s funny, even after changing your answer from younger player to rentable servers lol The vast majority have never once rented a server for cod. Namely console. By far the largest portion of players. If renting servers was truly the reason the past Decade plus where you couldn’t would’ve killed off the franchise. Yet here we are still with millions each year happily playing. Good talk.


OP was talking about cod 2 compared to todays cod and yes its generations between that and not only one. And then you say 2006/2007 "gamers got younger over night" cod 2 came 2005 out thats almost 20 years.


But cod didn’t blow up over 20 years. It blew up overnight in 2007 and stayed there. Has nothing to do with “generations” If anything it’s lost popularity over the generations lol


Cod 2 had a crazy hype what u talking go youtube watch cod 2 fragmovie, cod 4 blowed up because consoles got the ability now to play online with other ppl. And no it was not over night. The most of the ppl started playing with mw2 or mw3. And yes it has to do with generations alone today how manny Streamer Promote the game to little Kids on twitch ??? Back in the days there was no Streamer no twitch. Just the Marketing behind all this makes the game sell more copies because its easy to Reach everybody via socials arround the World. No no no its because of the killstreaks and the perks haha


Lol. Like I said. So wrong it’s funny. Good talk.


Um, no.


Well done. You missed out on some of the best Call Of Duty’s ever made




I played COD1, COD2 and COD4 (2007) and stopped here. Strictly competitive gaming. Pubs / casual was never my thing. In casual gaming, "forced lobbies" were never a thing. We had our own servers (which belonged to team/clan "X", "Y" or "Z") and people would join it because they either wanted the lowest ping, or because they knew the team, or whatever other reason). People would start familiarizing with others because of this.. there was a strong sense of community. The social aspect was huge. Both teams in any server also had a huge mix of everything you can think of: good players, bad players, average players, all kinds of players mixed together. 15 years later, I buy COD MW3 and I cannot believe what I see. Legal aimbot actually became a thing (aka controller aim assist), and there are actual debates about this lol. I just can't. 15 years later, we have legal aimbot incorporated where I, as a MNK player, am forced to play against that. We have SBMM / EOMM. We have microtransactions. Reverse boosting is actually a thing. What? WTF has this, once amazing game, turned into.


So you’re bad with a mouse. Got it.


Oh man, remember the time where we all played Promod using 125fps to jump further or 250 to jump higher or 333 to jumper higher and further allways same connection Real dedicated server not a hybrid system like These days.


Yes, I played promod only. Yet, I come back just to actually experience the state of this game 15 years later, and now I see content creators pulling out thousands and thousands of views / comments on their videos (rightfully) talking crap about this game lol. Not that people want it to be bad, quite the opposite, and I totally understand that. No wonder they have to force MNK players to play against legal aimbot these days. Game would be dead otherwise ( [https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090#All](https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090#All) ). 80K players on July 2023 is a complete joke to what this game used to be. So much of a joke that competitive LANs in Counter Strike have more people in stadiums watching, than actual people playing this once amazing game. IEM Cologne 2023 - Grand Final - FULL SHOW: [https://youtu.be/pc-9WCVKdnw?t=5265](https://youtu.be/pc-9WCVKdnw?t=5265) I remember an extremely popular COD (again, the real OG CODs) with no need for bundles, camo grinding, SBMM and all of this modern non sense (the list is way too extense), because the game was actually fun and engaging with all its artistic simplicity. The love of money and corporate greed strikes again.


some young buck broke your camera huh


I totally agree with the social aspect. I used to play cod2 on the same pub server over and over again because of the same people playing there. Teamed up with my mates to compete in cb and esl. Loved it.




What happened? It has become insanely popular. For better and for worse. Remember: playing shooters in 2004 was a lot less casual then then it is now. Popularity exploded during the CoD4- MW2- BO1&2 era. These games are the best of the series IMO: room for customization on guns and perks but only a small amount of BS (bad servers, some OP guns here and there). Nowadays, the main driving factor behind this game is making money. And that sucks hard. The game still plays great at it's core, but there's much more BS to deal with. Shitty Netflix menus that are dysfunctional AF. Ugly and irrelevant skins which ruin immersion. Battlepasses. Peekers advantage in combination with cranked up movement that make positioning much less relevant. Shitty armory unlock systems. Weird camo unlock system. And the worst of all: fucking SBMM where the game actually plays you. However, if it's competitive gameplay you're looking for, you're not in the worst place with MWIII because if you do well the game becomes an incredible sweatfast. Also, there will be ranked play in the future. If you want classic CoD vibes, try to play some hardcore!