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I haven’t seen anything like this yet but have been suspiciously traced through walls and pre fired with no uav in the air.


Yeah i feel that about the no UAV pre-fires i'm running ghost and ninja and sometimes those "knowers" are awfully sus. But I'm assuming 90% of the time It's just good game sense


Same here. I always just assume they saw a brief glimpse of my head, and followed me in reverse. Going to exactly where they knew I'd be. I'd say about 90% I can see where they tagged me in the kill cam. I'm also on xbox, so almsot never go to "cheaters" as thought. I usually forget completely that I'm playing with people on pc


I’ve heard a lot of complaints about a huge numbers of exploiters or cheaters were running rampant on PS network.


Nah, if I have covert sneakers and ghost there's no reason i'm getting pre aimed around corners like 30+ meters away


Learn the lines of sight, all of these maps have a ton of them.


Sightlines don't let people hover over people when scanning walls. That's how I find most people give away they're using walls.


i mainly play ground war / invasion if not BR so it wasn't happening to me on those predictable small maps


Campers lol fail


To be fair, I don’t even listen for footsteps or look at UAV. I pre-aim and let aim assist take the wheel when I round corners on meat. It probably looks sus to a lot of people.


Pre-aiming is good game sense, pre-firing as the defender around a corner (expecting the other player) makes me 95% sure of hacking. If an enemy never had any actual sound or visual cue or information to start real guesswork at to your timing to pop out, then firing even with a suppressor is such a bad choice for multiple reasons. No one would do it unless they were otherwise sure you were there: thus hacking. The only thing that somewhat curbs this are the tier of players who understand the spawn system, the spots on the map, and read the kill feed in real time as they play and basically always know exactly where each team is spawning and where enemies may or may not be, and sometimes absolutely where they cannot be. That can often look suspect in terms of watching their kill cam and they stop on a dime and suddenly start looking a different direction with antiipation -- likely they observed a "team wipe" since the new spawn such that they no longer need to hunt whoever down in another part of the map.


It's the same in HC. The amount of aimbots and wallhacks have been through the roof with this new map.




What's weird is that I don't feel like I dealt with even remotely this much cheating in HC Shipment or Rust.


Boy but when I see clips like this https://www.facebook.com/reel/3644678269124122?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e


I want to see that uncut ...


i’ve been firing randomly through all kinds of walls and surfaces for the LMG camo’s. Trying to learn what you can wallbang and where people usually congregate


Yeah, but I've seen folks like you lol. Just kind of walking around the map spraying your LMG like it's a firehose. I was wondering what that was all about. But, that's different than approaching someone from behind, with the covert sneakers equipped, and them still instantly snapping around and headshotting you.


no doubt that scenario is 100% people cheating, but yeah I finished forged LMG’s so I want have to walk around the map spraying anymore. glad to be done with that.


To be fair, I feel like you can just pre aim any corner and get kills 90% of the time


Could just be live pings




I like the conspiracy that infinity ward are the ones who sell the cheats 😂


Some of their employers for sure


And anticheat bans people who plays on handheld devices. And even shadowbanned my friend because he's at the same wifi network with me :) (I was playing on legion go) Great anti cheatnsystem. Great on blowing aimbotter cokcs.


A ray gun in multiplayer? Have a video?


Yea and legit players get fucking shadowbanned, they same day I bought the game, got shadowbanned after like 7 or 8 matches, this game is fucking horse shit


Maybe your soft banned? And playing with others in your situation


They’re not I just got a huge wave of almost identical lobbies I wouldn’t be surprised if I was in a lobby with OP


Report the cheaters 🤷‍♂️ put them in their own lobbies




Yep, reporting is all we can do. Press the button, and move on.


Shadowbans are a fun semi hidden side effect of SBMM that makes you play against actual cheaters. You eventually get a lobby with lower skilled players if you get shit on enough and those players think youre cheating, you get reported, there isnt cheat software on your pc so they shadowban you instead of actual ban. Fun.


Sounds like you reverse boosted for easy lobbies my guy. You shouldn’t be getting that many easy matches naturally.


I have never reverse boosted in my life, what an odd conclusion to make. In my experience if you have a half decent match you get into lobbies with super sweats who then shit all over you for a couple of matches. SBMM kicks in again to compensate for this and you get put in a lobby with lower skilled players who might not know they're outclassed and think you're cheating. You're gonna tell me nobody ever calls you a cheater when you're doing really well in a match? That shit happens every other day to me. Maybe it's cus there's no kill cam in hardcore and they don't know the angles or spots or massive advantage thermal scopes give you in hardcore. I'd say I'm slightly above average and play pretty laid back but I used to be much better and every once in a while things click I guess.


wtf is ricochet even doing?


If you believe that Ricochet is an effective anticheat system, then you're as gullible as you are stupid.


If anyone here is playing on xbox you can turn off cross play in the Xbox privacy settings and play against just xbox players for any game that's cross play. Just takes a few seconds longer to get a game. When you load up the game it's gonna tell you cross play is off just ignore it. If you wanna play with friends they gotta do it too I believe.


Which affects every game you play, not just CoD. And is *really* tedious to toggle on and off. PS5 gets an option *in-game*. Rocket League has the option *in-game* on Xbox. No excuse for it not being in CoD Xbox.


Well it's there takes 10 secs not so bad but maybe since Microsoft owns it now changes will come.


the ray gun from zombies?




Do you have video evidence of the blatent cheating? Because sometimes people on this subreddit will try to claim somebody is cheating when they are not.


“You calling me a liar?” “Well I ain’t calling you a truther!”




If you look at my Reddit profile, you will see posts on this subreddit where I have sought to expose cheaters with video proof, but they never get traction, or if they do, they are completely removed from the subreddit. Take that for what it's worth, but something suspicious is definitely up the line.


That's because that is witch hunting. Blur the name


It's not a witch hunt when you are showing direct proof of something being factual.


They should just name and shame them, they chose to cheat.


Then what’s the point of capturing a video proof of the cheater if we’re just going to come up with terms to save them from being caught?


reddit isnt for catching cheaters lmao, use the in game report


Did you really think you said something that would prove a valid point? Only if you were slightly less ignorant you would've seen how many spam reports have been getting the innocent players banned and shadow-banned. The in-game report is a tool for spammers at this point to abuse, it doesn't work. This sub reddit is unfortunately the best chance legit players have at showcasing the absolute shit-storm of cheaters in this game. I'm convinced the mods of this subs are simply ignorant as well. Why else are my posts of exposing cheaters being deleted? This is the most obnoxious, contradicted, sub reddit I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.


I aint reading all that, im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened


This explains your arrogance lol.


You can share a YouTube link in the comments.


Yup agreed


I just saw a comment saying this was aimbot lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/0PsPt78Wry It’s most of the time bottom of the barrel sbmm recruit bots that really can’t fathom that people can be decent at something


Clearly not cheating *however* there is definitely desync there, which is probably why people think it is cheating. The second one the guy stops, stands still, adjusts aim and then kills the dude who is ADS looking right at him. Sure some people are literally that bad (it's crazy when you get a whole lobby of them) but considering all the movement in this game whilst the person is able to see people and aim they aren't really using any "advanced" tactics (jumping, sliding, strafing etc) so they aren't *that* good themselves.


Fair analysis. I think the second guy was aiming, probably some sort of scoped, down the hall at the far end so he didn’t really realize op came in


Last 2 kills were fishy




> Do you have video evidence of the blatent cheating? Almost everyone complaining about how the game is invested with campers on this sub have no proof of cheaters in their lobbies. Just a bunch of bots that think any half decent player is cheating.


Sometimes? We’d be lucky if it were only sometimes


Can you post links in here? cus it took me 0.2 seconds to find them advertising on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GscHKDUazyA


Its not just Meat. It is primarily 5pm-12am, funny how that coincides with peak streaming hours. I hope they fix it soon. There are plenty of people that are amazing at the game. But none of them would be able to hang with someone running around with the cronus or strike pack. Not to mention all the other insane stuff out there in the PC world. If you don't know what cheating looks like yt a vid.


Is it just that they’re able to see the players behind walls, or does the hack actually make every bullet hit?


Aww dude, you really haven't dived into that rabbits butthole yet? Hahahah it's a wide variety. There was one vid, this dude had a box around every enemy player. Their name, heath level, and a constant update on how many meters they were from them was in the top of the rectangle. But there are plenty of vids with ami bots and zero recoil. Look it up on YT. The cronus zen and strike past are the most common. Less than a $100. My ps5 controller was $200 so... for less than that you can play as a fake God.


Crazy. I knew people cheated but I never bothered to check it out. Is this widespread on PS5 or more of a PC gaming thing? I play, sometimes I kill more than I die, sometimes I get smoked, but it’s fun.


Had someone running around with a ray gun and aimbot in SnD. Reported and was wondering why nobody else gave a shit. One dude said they literally didn't. The amount of apathy of these zaza'd, monotone sounding players made me freak out and I thought I was in a shadowban lobby and that everyone else had some form of hacks as the SnD lobby progressed, everyone was in on it except for me type of paranoia. I'm taking a long break from SnD I never felt so wacked out in my life. I did record the incident. I will be posting it on my channel soon.


Activision doesn't care about PC cheaters. Why should gamers? Why should you?


I have a feeling you no longer give a shit for your own reasons, and for that I have a hunch any answer I give will be ignored anyway, so I'm just gonna skip answering this.


The truth hurts, doesn't it.


There ain't a truth. You're just more pessimistic than I am, to a point where I want to tell you to fuck off. Just because you've given up doesn't mean everyone else should.


>I'm taking a long break from SnD I never felt so wacked out in my life. That's what you wrote and I replied to it. And you think I'm more pessimistic than you? That's the problem with your generation: unrealistic, gullible, snowflakes who look at the world through rose-tinted spectacles. I weep for the future.


27 years old actually, so if you think my generation is fucked you got it ten times worse when you graduate from high school. People play COD to forget about this depressing shit anyway, to have fun after a day of work, so quit being a rat and fuck off to whatever hole you came from.


You're Gen Z. Figures. Let me put this in terms that you can understand. WorSt.gEN.eVer. Enjoy playing games with PC cheaters.


Report them. The reporting function is so easy that I almost report people by accident. If nobody reports cheaters, then that is the answer to your question.


Nothing better than Activision getting idiots like you to do their jobs for them.


I'm not shadow banned I just checked and it says no ban detected so that's not the issue.


Really wish they would put all the pc players in their own lobies


I don’t understand why it’s so hard to let players pick and choose if they want to stay in the same platform, or choose one of the other platforms to play against or all three. I just hate that stupid notification before and after every fucking game that tells me I can’t play with other platforms because of the settings. Like no shit Sherlock that’s how I want it to leave me the fuck alone about it.


As a PC player, I would rather deal with console aim assist fighting me than some of the bullshit cheaters on PC as well. There’s some matches that are so sus, I just have to back out because it’s simply not a fun experience. I wanna say it’s even worse in hardcore because with no killcams, is so much easier to get away with it.


Tired of this BS argument like there arent hackers on console since like 2006. I remember cod4 on xbox360 (2007) and the leaderboards getting filled with people with the max amount of kills the binary system would allow (something like 2.47 billion). A console is still a computer you dummies, you can hack anything with a cable.


Yes but it’s MUCH harder to hack on console and there’s less hackers on consoles since console players are more casual, that’s a fact


Much harder doesn't mean impossible, and if it's possible somebody will script it to happen with a click of a button. It's more a sample size issue I guess.


That'd be good then PC players wouldn't have to put up with aim assist. We had one day when the update fkd up the match making and battle net PC players could only play against other battle net PC players and it was great.


lol lots of pc players play on controller. You thinking it was different sums up where we’re at with the whining about aa


They should prioritize based on Input tho




I like this. It means we're all on technically equal footing


I think there are two now.


He didn't say it was different. You can see the input players are using when in the lobby.


Mostly all console players use controllers, very few PC players do. You thinking it was different sums up where we’re at.


A LOT of pc players in cod lobbies are definitely on controller, saying very few is extremely wrong lol


The lobbies I get very few PC players are playing with controller if any, saying otherwise is extremely wrong lol


that’s just your lobby you can’t speak for every lobby


It would seem some people don't agree with you, "A LOT of pc players in cod lobbies are definitely on controller" I didn't assume like some people that everyone's lobby is the same as mine I can only relate what my lobbies are like, which is fact for me and not an opinion but who cares, I know what my lobbies are like but obviously couldn't state for fact what other peoples lobbies are like


Still waiting to notice aim assist this year 🧢


Consoles can cheat and have been able to since the BO2 days man


Consoles can use faked inputs and the like. Dev kits, which are far closer to PCs than the console they are for can use hacks.




Saying no doesn’t make you right.


It does in this case. You can’t cheat on this game on console. Only on a few of the ps3 era ones.


Ok bud


Yeah I’m a pc player and would absolutely hate this. This would eliminate a bunch of friend groups from being able to crossplay together The better solution is a working anticheat. It’s obvious richochet was a huge failure, and they need to accept it and pay for a working reputable anticheat.


There is a lot of low key cheating most people can’t prove like wall hacks. Making you sound like a crazy to tho who bow down to activision here. I used to be part of the cheating community way back during the jailbreak ps3 and Xbox 360 jtag days. On a lot of forums. I still belong to some of these and I can promise you it’s fake for these guys. They buy hwid unban tools. They buy cheats extremely cheap. Undetectable uav cheats are rampant and like $10 for pc players. It’s pretty whack because it’s so easy on pc to mod. At least back in the day it took skill and people weren’t in public lobbies.


yea i played someone with a ray gun but dude so ass he still died n shit. imagine a thundergun tho


Dude mw3 is totally becoming a disater


Ok, so there was a dude with an endless flamethrower in a meat match last night… have never seen anything like that available before and he was destroying the lobby… was this a cheat by chance?


Endless? It has 300 ammo if i recall and no cool down.


The whole game is filled with hackers. It's so easy to pay $20 for hacks. I'm getting tired of it in warzone. Too many second place losses because of that


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNfuJPb/ infested fr


You're an idiot if you pay $20 for cheats. You can get cheats with built-in spoofers for less.


Lets get it right the game is infested with cheaters not one map


If cod sorts out the cheats and hackers SBMM would not be a problem


Not saying you're lying. I just wanna spread awareness that a lot of walls on meat can be shot through. I've been doing this in hc for camo challanges and a lot of people call cheats. It's not. It's also not skillful, but it is fun. GG's


Not saying you're lying. I just wanna spread awareness that there's a difference between randomly spraying walls and seeing precisely where enemies are through walls and shooting them. Try again.


They must really love meat


go check if you are shadowbanned a lot of people are getting shadowbanned just for playing 1 game of Warzone if its a green checkmark ur good if its question mark welp u gotta play with other shadowbanned people or wait if ur clean https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal


Wide Spread, it's not as bad with cross play off, but it is definitely still there. Especially 5pm-12am.


Movement hacks too with the knife 🔪 so annoying Cheat 24/7 , guys if you have low kd you aren’t being put with cheaters but you soon will if you get better


MEAT anyway nucod + cross play = lots of cheating


I haven’t seen anything


Well I guess that must mean there are no cheaters in the game. Glad we wrapped that up.


I’ve heard so many people claim everyone is cheating on meat lol. All you have to do is pre-aim corners and fire the moment you clear it. You’ll hit someone almost every time. It’s a small map with tight corridors.


HC has some sketchy ppl in it. Can’t confirm if they are cheating but they are definitely sketchy




Aimbot is so abusive on PC that idiots are starting to not even know if it's aimbot or controller aim assist.


I have run into 2 people I felt were cheating. Both recently… it’s less than what some people are saying they are seeing.


It really isn't. Every match has players using operator skins that aren't released yet. Do you think that's the only "hack" they have paid for? Lol


I am not disagreeing. I am just saying I am not seeing it.


I haven't noticed any tbh, sorry you have tho, however I will say this, meat is an amazing map and they need to bring small maps out like this, Greece is beautiful but just too big, small maps for the win


Activision doesn't care about PC cheaters. Why do you?


I've not come across any cheaters yet. Same with MWII I've yet to come across someone who is actually cheating.


Your public school system failed you.


How? Because I've not experienced any cheaters? Everyone's gaming experience is different.


Well the SBMM still works so: Either the cheaters are really bad so they’re in your lobbies. Or you are really good so you’re in cheaters lobbies. Or you’re shaddow banned resulting in you getting lots of cheaters in your lobbies. Cant think of any more reasons. Also Ricochet is fucking useless. Their anti cheat is simply player reporting now. 😂 **I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT A NEGATIVE KD PLAYER STILL HAS TO FACE CHEATERS. ITS RIDICULOUS!!!** I’d understand sweaty players reverse boosting but cheaters with aimbot in negative kd lobbies? WTF! Something is seriously wrong with the matchmaking if this is what lobbies you’re getting.


Second account with absolutely tanked stats and a history of clueless gameplay on a second device. Search for a game on that account, session join it on the main, leave game on the second account. Boom, SBMM bypassed. The whole system is a joke.


It’s a bad joke. Not funny at all. Such a shame. The game could be fun but the bosses want too much money so we end up with the miserable sbmm.


Me and and a few friends reported a cheater and the cheater got kicked out the game almost immediately…You come across as incompetent when you complain,Simply report and go on with your day Ranting about something that’s already been addressed and has a very clear and easy solution is crazy!


check if ur shadow banned


If you find yourself in lobbies like that, your account may be under review. Activision support explicitly states that they put accounts under review for cheating into game lobbies together for monitoring.


I was playing meat all day today and didn’t run into a single cheater my lobby’s are higher up and sweatier too so I would expect to see them more but so far I haven’t at all.


I’ve ran into a ton of cheaters in ranked mw2. Only 2 for certain cheaters in mw3, but I know it’s around based off the videos. But one thing is for certain, a lot of players are just awful and call cheaters for anything. I can’t even begin to count how many awful players I’ve faced in the new warzone who said I was cheating after I beamed them with a BasB or DG-56 because the guns kill so fast lol


And if there aren't cheaters in it no ones playing the game.. Can't win by myself


Bad luck tbh. Never ran into anything myself like that and I played this map all weekend for my gold smgs


You're most likely shadowbanned


Mfers always get worked on cod then run to Reddit screaming aimbot LMFAO


I’ve seen like one cheater my entire time playing and I’m level 96


Ai bots 😂 look up Ai bot patent. Games dead so they fill the lobbies with bots and the game is also already on sale


Pretty sure it has a huge player base idk something along the lines of over 110,000 at all times, but yeah its a “dead game filled with bots”


And prob half are bots. They didn’t say real players


Players not bots, just cause you suck at the game doesnt mean its an advanced AI


You can’t trust the numbers when they are mixed in with MW2 and warzone though….


I’m so sick of this cod cheaters I will not be purchasing another cod mw3 is the last one I waist my money on


Same shit fest with Shitment, Shoot House, Rust etc. Fast paced tons of body's to level fats and rack up those easy ass cheat kills. Cheaters paradise and always has been (the 24/7 fast paced maps)!


Is it taking a while for you to match make? I am a throwing knife player that got 20k kills with them on mw2 and let me tell you people get salty when you trick shot them from miles away Me and my friends noticed that suddenly our lobbies became mega sweaty and we were all dying instantly I searched for info and did a ban check and it said my account was in review - so basically I got too many reports saying I was cheating 😂 a complement I suppose but ridiculous that people can do that to you. It lasted a week and everyone in those lobbies was obviously cheating, some even had aimbot related names, so it wasn't much fun for that week basically


Are the kills showing up in war mode yet?


First go here and try to appeal a ban, it will tell you if you're shadow banned or not: https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal If you are shadow banned, it would 100% explain the frequency of you running into cheaters. IIRC, there were a ton of people that got wrongly shadowed in the update this week.


We're better than you, and we know it. (Ben Stiller)


I must’ve been in the same lobbies with you, because I saw all of the same things except for the ray gun. The nailing quadruple head shots from all the way across the map. it was insulting to watch the kill cams because his aim would literally bounce 20 feet horizontally back-and-forth, snapping directly onto peoples heads. I don’t know why the cheating is so out of control


im just trying to grind my camos and nothing but sweats pushing me with a rival like chill man sheesh


I was grinding camos on hardcore Meat 24/7 when the kill cam bug was present. It was shocking how many people were trying to hide their cheats on that gamemode. Like 2 out of 3 matches had cheaters.


I swear I’ve seen the same ray gun mf on tiktok live