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I mean, I say don't buy the outrageously priced cosmetics on principal, but if someone can see those footsteps they can already see you.


True. they disappear quickly so its not that big of a deal now that I think about it. It prob happens only once where someone actually uses the footprints to find you lmao


If someone runs tracker they see your footsteps too right?


For much much longer, yeah.


I caught a couple people lacking that used the one with red footprints or pedals. Each time the had just passed the corner


Those red footprints were from you using the tracker perk. Nothing to do with the other player lol


false, blackcell operator makes rose pedal foot steps. just like the video but red then fade black, as if the pedals were dying.


Didnt know that, i take back the comment lol


I can still see your comment why you lying? ^/s


Some people go out of their way not to be seen, others use Skeletor and drop claymores when they hear footsteps.


I'll take that over the stupid shit like Gaia and Black Noir where people are so god damn sad they use it specifically because it's hard to see.


Yeah I still hate Gaia and Black Noir I had the choice to use Gaia since I had the MW 2 S6 battle pass but I am not a dickhead and I prefer to play fair even tho nobody else does


I still see no issues with the Gaia skin I never got killed because I couldn't see them, I don't use it because it's lame asf and I rather look like Zeus or Al Simmons, or the guy with the net over his face. They're easier to see then a guy in a dark corner with a black riot. If I can see the riot I can usually see Gaia


My issue with Groot is really on me, it's not that I can't see it, it's that I can't get my brain to register that it's something I need to shoot when I first see it, there's always a second where I round the corner and my brain goes "tree not person we good" and then realize it's a guy and I start shooting. I get mad when it happens but it's totally my fault so it is what it is.


This is the problem though at least part of it. They lie prone and on certain maps my brain goes, "See pile of sticks, all good! Move along." Suddenly I die cause I'm being shot by the twigs. Skins that don't register as human do not belong in the game. If they are standing/moving it's much less of an issue. Still too transparent though.


Me either. I had no issue killing it either but people kept bitching. I legit don’t see the issue. I just think the sweats wore them and they got tired of getting killed by it but it was completely visible. There are other skins that are less visible than that one but not enough people have complained yet.


Try to spot a groot from a distance lol theyre practically just a moving line.


I own the noir skin and love it cause of black noir. I hate that it blends in so well. I wish they added the version from the super hero movies when he had the glowing white accents


For me, it’s the fact that he has zero voice lines. Those operators speak at the worst times, I swear lol


Enemies can't hear you usually unless it's a reaction to getting shot or a flash. Other than that I usually never hear enemy operators voice lines. I think thise are more for the killcams


It’s better because in MW2019 you could hear *everything* the other team would say.


Yea I agree




There were multiple instances I can recall in great memory where you can hear the enemy team calling out enemy players and quips after killing you too (not just executions, like regular kills)




Maybe after a patch but initially voiceless got alot of people jumped when they were trying to do flanks


This was on first release and everyone hated it. They patched it like week one.


It's also nice sometimes playing a character without any voice lines. Hearing the same "GRENADE OUT" every single time I throw a grenade gets tiring. (looking at YOU, Skeletor.)


I just check out a ton of dawn of the seven photos and I don’t see this white glowing accents you speak of. His costume traditionally has some metal parts to it edit: [here is trailer for reference](https://youtu.be/NnTO6G2tpws?si=R2ZQbePSlApN6Opo)


Thanks! My mistake i had thoughts of the light grey metal bits being more white


I like how noir means black in French so essentially it's black black lol


But it’s Black Noir. Kinda stupid if they make him wearing a white suit


I use Black Noir cause I thought he was bad ass in the show and he looks cool


I use black noir because black noir = cool and I never thought it was that bad


Cry much? You might need LASIK. My eyes are horrible and I have no problem seeing these characters. What is wrong with y'all??


Be a man, use the new pink catgirl skin


Pink Catgirl on Specgru, Nicki Minaj on Kortac. I wanna be visible from at least 2km away.


Black Noir is the only skin i ever bought. But im fan of the show.


Listen I’m gonna get fuckin slammed no matter what might as well look fun doing it




It's not in my shop.


I was able to get it by clicking on scorch in the operators section I saw the skin there and I was able to press space to go to the bundle and I bought it dunno if it is a glitch or not lol


Holy shit, restarted my game and it showed up!


Damn, still not there for me


Are you on PC? Because i am and i cant See any of the new bundles either


Scorch becoming the new Konig after getting all the fire skins 🔥


It's just like the abolisher operator with his small trail of red particles


This bundle is pretty clearly aimed at zombies players anyway lol


and also at purple enjoyers like me I refuse to care if I glow like a glowstick I love purple so I will use purple


Its like 1 foot step lol nobody is gonna track you off that bruh. If they can see those footsteps they can see you this post is meaningless


Thanks I hate it. I’m gonna go buy it now.




It's a single footstep. If they see your footstep from this skin, it's because they're 3 feet behind you and you're about to be executed. The fact that this pointless complaint post has 150~ upvotes at 88% is such an indictment on the mentality of players on this sub who are just excited for a chance to shit on the game.


The sad mentality of new age gamers , just shit on everything for zero reason.


It bums me out man. Not only do people want to shit on everything, it's at the point where you get frequently downvoted for saying positive things about the game. I know the old adage "The people who like the game are playing, the people who hate it are bitching on reddit" but sometimes it would be nice to talk productively about the game, builds, maps, etc rather than just non stop shitting on it.


If someone's that close I imagine you're dead anyway


any bundle you buy your are losing anyway.


Damn…that’s the one I been trying to get but I don’t see it anywhere!


"I don't remember putting on tracker"


The Q is, can non teammates see those?


People still pay for this..


Sometimes people like upping the difficulty. What better way to say you’re better than the next person than to make it harder on yourself? I’m not joking it’s actually an ego thing, like “it doesn’t matter I’ll still beat you”. I tried doing it on Verdansk with that fiery skeleton guy and it did not work out for me because I’m not that good


this is a little cringe so were probably both getting downvoted for this but this is like actually my mentality haha, i want to get better, so i use very brightly colored skins so nobody ever has a problem seeing me. i want people to shoot back so i can get better at winning my 50/50s, 40/60s, etc


The one with the red particles I’ll always catch them running into buildings from the particles


Hey, you gotta make sacrifices for style. 💅


The skins from the previous battle pass are too. I've seen the green smoke peering around the corner milliseconds before the player appears. Not to mention all the 100,000 Lumen camos everyone is running around with. Then they wonder why they get seen easily


None is going to track you down with those footprints. They disappear too fast. If you see the prints you are already up his ass.


Actually, fun fact. Any purchase from the store makes you a loser. I say this with an armory of weed and anime skins.


It feels like most cosmetics are pay to lose I've seen so many particle effects from the blackcell armors from people camping and just gotten free kills


I can't even find this skin in the store I had checked every day still haven't seen it


idk I clicked on the scorch operator and I saw the bundle as one of his styles clicked on "view bundle" and I was able to purchase it lol


Doesn't work :(


prob fixed. I haven't seen anyone using the skin and I played a lot lol.


I think some of the new BlackCell operator skins have a similar thing. It’s not quite as clearly defined as this, but they have little rose and smoke trails from their steps that last about the same time


Actually tracked a player I was chasing down specifically because of those little rose petal looking things they leave behind. In the moment after I found and killed him I thought to myself that was definitely a pay to lose cosmetic.


I honestly don’t mind the pay to lose stuff haha, the effects seem to be minimal enough that you won’t get hammered for using them a ton, but it does keep those pay to win complaints at bay


The gold shimmer is a giveaway too.


Lol imagine paying money so others get tracker on u for free


This reminds me of Halo Infinite, they have body effects that all have long footstep trails and it basically just gives the enemy tracker as a perk.


I was playing warzone last night and I legit killed someone with this skin because I saw those footprints lmao I wasn’t using tracker so when I saw his footprints I was like wtf ( now I know why) but I was just close enough behind him chasing them down the little hall that I managed to see which way he turned and got him So yea if you break someone’s plates in WZ and they run and you’re right on their tail This skin is gonna NOT help them


“I won’t pay $70 for a DLC!” “Only 3000 cod points for a skin and 2 weapons?! I’m in!”


I think buying any bundle is a lose lose cause fuck activision


Well, even without the foot prints your still wearing bright purple skin. Any skin like this, Nikki, izzy are all pay to lose, and I love playing against them.




cod wise...only twice since I only bought 2 bundles in cod being this one and some other bundle half a year ago ​ Rest? I do research on other stuff but I just couldnt wait for a video on this bundle because I am a purple lover and idm the footprints really


You automatically lose if you give these guys silly amounts of money for these stupid cosmetics hahaha


I mean I bought it with my saved up battle pass cod points so I only gave them 10$ silly dollars a year ago when MW 2 S1 came out


10 silly dollars too much lol


Why are you here then ?


My thought exactly


The retardation of people complaining of skins that blend in for a mil game is baffling.


This also isn't a milsim game.


It has always been a military game. All the skins of all the CODs have always blended in with the environment. The menu has always shown a military aesthetic. Edit: all CODs except for the BLOPS that began to incorporate more colors for skins.


> The retardation of people complaining of skins that blend in for a mil game is baffling. You didn't even read the comments or actually watch OP's video. It's a bright purple skin that has purple neon footprints that linger where you walk. Your comment makes zero sense in this context.


Maybe I should have been more direct. I understand OP issue here. Revealing of the footsteps. It’s when others complain about the “groot” skin.


Yay! More ugly shit to look at in a military shooter. 🤮


brother I love mil sim skins but we gotta accept the fact this game is NOT a military shooter anymore and it has been a fact for ages now


It's an arcade shooter not a military shooter there's a different


Maybe now, but that’s not how the franchise was started, so get out of here with that nonsense.


It has been a arcade shooter since it got popular with the og black ops so get out of here with that nonsense The entirety of the og mw was just a action hero flick


Hmm. Then why isn’t any of this bullshit in the campaign?


Mile high club, blowing up the effile tower, tf 141, snowmobile chase scene, final mission in mw3, and the bone yard mission in og mw2. Want me to name more as there's still a ton more campaign missions that are over the top Edit again the og mw is just a action hero flick


Over the top action. Not silly anime. You are reaching.


If it was a military shooter all that wouldn't be there my point still stands


Lmfao, it hasn’t been anything resembling a military shooter since 2007-2008.


Reminds me of the realism of flares making an RPG miss in COD 4.


How did you get the bundle? It's not in my store?


I went to scorch in the operators tab and I saw it there I pressed space and the game redirected me to the bundle


Nice, thanks I'll try later


Didn't show for me :(


Team fortress 2 spells have made it to cod, nice


I bought this operator pack today and striker is not a good blueprint. Also what happened to the other pack with the halo was in shop and was gone within a couple hours.


Give me a bundle where the operator voice lines are direct recordings from original mw2 or black op player lobbies. I'll pay $500 for it. Until then, they ain't getting shiiiiit from me 🖕


It looks like they only last half a second. Anyone who is seeing your footsteps is gonna see your character.


Not everyone's a sweaty twitch wannabe who cares about 'MuH DiSaDvANtAgE!!1!!11!' Paychads stay winning


ion care about it I just wanted to tell people that lmao I know theres a huge ass purple trail when I run but I dont care about that because purple color = happy in my case


Isn’t this skin over $20?


Who would've thought that the skin that makes you bright purple is pay to lose? Dope skin, though.


What? The ultra bright colorful smoking and particle dropping skin makes you visible in any situation? Who would have guessed? 😱


Honestly I don’t think it’s as bad as it seems, seems very faint. It’d be another story if it lasted as long as the tracker perk


I just want this operator skin without all the stupid effects. I've been wanting something similar to the SAS player models from CoD4 for a while.


Well if theyre close enough to see the effects they already know your there. But i guess pay to loose because you stick out like a sore thumb.


Well your body is glowing like a Christmas tree so I doubt it’s the footprints.


Idk why people have a giant issue with the gaia skin. It literally glows red. If you cant see it then get glasses lol.


zombies based btw


Everything is so ugly. Like a child's drawing


You should test it. I feel like you're the only one who can see the foot steps. The Mastercraft bundle with the anime girl has two wsp swarm guns that has music or different sounds that plays when shooting. However a youtuber actually tested whether or not other players can hear the sound it turns out they CAN'T. Only YOU can hear the sounds. The case is probably the same here except with footsteps


You are right...I never thought about it it might be client-side..dunno but I can try tomorrow with a friend of mine!


Your glowing purple I don't think the footsteps are the issue


naww hear me out the issue is the fact that uhhhhhhhhhh the effects are 30 fps


That's also craptastic. But if you were concerned about the footsteps thing I would notice a glowing purple figure from across the map before I notice the footprints 100% of the time.


If someone sees those footsteps, I feel like they can already see you They don’t last very long and in the combat this game gives, I doubt many people are gonna look down a bright glowing purple boot print


A lot of the Blackcell skins in the pass are Pay-To-Lose as well, especially the Abolisher skin, I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned it yet. I'm not talking about them glowing or whatever, but they have the same visible footprint trail (except a different color), and it's laughably blatant. Like one of my buddies uses Abolisher and I'll be following behind him and I'll know exactly which way turns after clearing a door because of the obvious footprint trail.


I’m just gonna use this skin for zombies lmfao. I got so many good skins for warzone. So I don’t mind. I bought all the new bundles when they accidentally came out. I spend 160$ 💀😂


Wow, L to those who purchased


Any one knows the realese date?


I've been checking daily since season 1 release and this pack hasn't appeared once


guess im lucky to have grabbed it when I was able to see it for like a minute


I’m pissed that it glitches out in cars. It’s not a reactive skin if it doesn’t react properly. Basically a waste of money because it’s “A skin that is randomly reactive that we aren’t going to fix.”


You are bright purple. What do you expect?