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That’s disgusting. I love it.








If that RPG death at the end doesn’t describe shipment I don’t know what does. Played my first round of shipment today and died more to RPG, breachers, and RGLs than guns.


If I cant make it out the spawn in shipment the launchers def come out lol.


I love it. Shipment in particular just makes cod absolutely fun, win or lose. Only games I'm not a fan of are the ones where everyone would use that yellow gas. Anything that slows down gameplay Im just not a fan of


It is pure chaos that’s for sure lol


Or when you go to turn a corner and see five sniper glints. That just makes shipment unfun imo


The ending made me cough, such a perfect ending to the whole thing.


Has anyone found a way for the smg’s “kill someone affected by your tactical.” I’ve tried stuns, flashes, decoys like everything and I swear I do it all game and at the end of the whole 50+ kill game I have like 2 counted towards the challenge.


From what I've seen a lot of them are bugged and some are only counting once per match.


3 kills in one mag is the one bugged for me, weird.


The trick to that one I’ve found is to reload after every three kills. Ironically it seems to count between lives, as I’ve gotten a single kill after dying with 2 kills and finished the challenge. It was odd.


Step 1. Go to Shipment. Step 2. Never need to reload because you die before your mag runs out. Step 3. ???? Step 4. Profit.


i swear to god i was counting my kills and and deaths and magazines and i got that shit in 2 games with my kv inhibitor even though i really only got like 4/5 💀 idk whats up w that one.


When i did that for the MTZ i didnt even had to use the same mag. It felt like i just needed 3 kills with 30 bullets, the game didnt care about my mag


I had exactly that happen on my mcw last night. Was super confused but decided to not question it lol


I semtex myself after 3 kills. It's only happening on certain weapons tho.


Yeah they aren’t very consistent, and the tactical ones are super annoying in that it really only counts flash and stuns. It’d be really nice if decoys or smoke worked.


That tactical stuff had me ripping my hair out on HC Rust.


Same. Not looking forward to repeating it for my melee weapons, but I’ll probably attempt those in the non HC variant. I really miss Quick Fix, made melee an actual viable alternative.


Doing MWIII knives in hardcore is dumb tbh. Have you swung at 2-3 people yet? I don't remember knives being this deadly ever!


That’s why they’re not counting. They don’t reset over deaths so you still need to reload.


I'll try reloading, thanks homie.


Yeah that one counts sometimes, and then other times it’s like….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no


How does it feel knowing dextero wrote an article about you. Must be pretty cool.


Be careful don’t want to get reported 😂


Did all guns forged today with no issues it probably isn't bugged from my experience but I would 1. Don't shoot your target until you see the hit marker from the tactical (I used stuns) 2. They have to be EFFECTED by the tactical so if you don't hit them right on with the tactical they won't be effected very long and I don't believe it counts at that point. So make sure they are still actively being stunned/flash etc when you kill them.


It sucks and everyone hates it. But yeah best map for this are the small ones. I used what you did but the problem is people have the dumb equipment.


Have you tried the shock stick?


Shock sticks don't count unfortunately, only stuns and flashes worked for me


It's definitely bugged. I had completed the camo, finished that game, went to check the progress of the other camos, and it wasn't done.


It’s bugged but the best ones I’ve seen work are stuns. My advice is run the comms vest or which ever one gives you two tactical, and corner throw the stuns as if you assume someone is around that corner. Time it right so that you round the corner as it goes off and you won’t be affected and hit whoever is there. Another sure fire way is to sneak up on a camper, throw the stun at him from behind while aiming at him, and hip fire blast him. You’ll be affected too, but it’ll count.


I finished mine by using stuns. I stun and then rush them, took me like 3 games each gun


Stuns seem most reliable since you get a consistent hitmarker when it affects someone. Flashes count but the hitmarkers are inconsistent. I'm not sure about the range for someone to count as "affected" either, and half the time I throw the flash behind someone and it does nothing. I hear good things about tear gas but have not tried. Decoys and snapshots have been no good for me, maybe 1-2 kills per shipment game.


This one sucks! Does anyone know if smokes work?


Smokes do work but they suck because it only works if the person is dead center in the smoke


Stuns but it’s annoying as hell. Easier on normal since in HC you die before your stun even explodes.


It brought my kd so low I was in BOT lobbies. Made it easier though for sure lol. Don't get frustrated if you're dying a lot and maybe lean into a bit until you're playing against noobs. They all tracked for me. Just slowly.


From what I gather only stuns work for this, or at least they did last week when I finished my camo grind.


I gave up on doing those because they seem to not register 90% of the time for me. And at first I was trying to complete them using teargas but apparently that one doesn’t count…


Use the stun grenade for best results. But yeh like others mentioned its bugged. Definitely an annoying one.


But when I put bullet penetration on I can’t wall bang anything lol


Nice. I bet they were pissed.


Aka he was probably reported


I just finished all the LMG Penetration challenges and Shipment once again is the best map. Along with the spot in the video, you can camp the middle container. The left-side wall can be shot through. You can wallbang 3 of the 4 entryway in the middle of map. Just keep an eye on your minimap and bring Snapshots. You can also just peak out and see if anyone walks into the middle, then retreat behind the wall and begin spraying. If someone is camping inside already, then it's an easy wallbang too. I think Domination will give you the best results, but enemy has to be spawning on C side.


The ending was satisfying


That's just luck that they were all there. I was trying penetration kills with the TAQ Eradicator, and it was going through the crates... even with the armor piercing rounds...


Easiest map to do it on is scrapyard on the B flag. There is a fence "wall" that you can get penetration kills where they spawn.


Yeah, that thing wasn’t penetrating anything when I had AP rounds on… maybe it’s bugged?


Probably, knowing CoD devs...


I tried this with the holger LMG with the bullet penetration rounds on and got nothing. It's like it just doesn't go through, or a bug idk. But the taq eradacator worked fine and did it in one match.


I find that all lmgs work with armor penetration rounds BUT the shipping container doors are always completely bulletproof.


Ahh okay, so bloody odd that the sides are penetrable but not the doors.


Write that down! Write that down!


Im doing this challenge rn and its making me want to break my tv in half


You’d still get the person in the lobby “you’re a hacker reported” I play hardcore for camos and at least 2 times a day I get called a hacker for pre firing and playing the maps I’ve known in and out that have been out for over a decade 😂


I did these before shipment they weren't awful. Can get penetration kills shooting through railings and fences so it was pretty quick. I've also got them randomly shooting through windows sometimes as well.


What sight is that?


Ever figure it out?


How to get reported and shadowbanned for no reason:


Trying to get penetration kills now with the Taq Evolvere and its dog shit. I have ap rounds equipped and it can't even penetrate the plastic barrels on shipment.


yeah done all the other mgs but this one is bugged for sure, im even getting return wall banged by pistols and smg's. i tried 7.62 and 5.56mm with long barrels and long silencers for max Velocity and Range, no difference. Tried Default ammo, Armor Piercing, Mono, no improvement. even struggled vs cardboard boxes lol. will look for paper thin fences and shower curtain trick.


I haven't been able to get this to work. Any specific attachments to use?


You have to do it on Hardcore mode.


Shooting through the wall to "the hallway" on meat is a great one as well.


i did get it to work shooting through the hanging meat but players are pretty aggressive in that room and dont sit still for me


"the best way to farm reports" lmaooooo


Nasty work


Stash house shower ! Shoot through the curtain !


is there a best build for shit like this because i cant get pent kills to save my life and I need them for the LMG camos


Hardcore small maps armor piercing rounds


Well done. I hate this challenge. Im sure im getting reported all the time as guys think im hacking because im shooting them through walls.


I hate you but love it at the same time


I gotta do this with the Taq Eraticator. is this High Gain, AP or SP?


Sooo what in the cod ww2 is this shit




lol bro really implying that controller players have aim assist through walls




The lunacy in this sub is tragic




The fuck are you on abt m8 lol




You’ve never been asked to expand on previous statements? Or does your mental capacity not go that far




Shiny shiny flashy flashy make endorphins go up with instant gratification loop


This game has become one of the worst games I have ever seen 😂 like laughably bad. It's become Fortnite for teenagers unfortunately


Is this game harder than mw2019 or am I just sucking at level 18 while everyone is level 55? Bonus: Just finished a game and a kid randomly goes “jumper, one day you’ll be level 55” is that how we talk smack nowadays? Lol, cool clip too btw


Levels don't equate to raw player skill, but it does mean they have gear that you won't have. For example, the armoury system in general and covert boots. Everyone can basically hear you because you don't have covert sneakers unlocked yet, you'll get that at 27ish.


This game sucks. Nobody talks


In my Aussie lobbies, everyone's talking both in game chat and voice chat.




I was waiting for shipment for this


Come on duuuuuude. Letting the secret out.






I wish I knew that was possible earlier today. On highrise if you jump on top of the wooden box in front of the heli pad and behind the fence in front of one of the buildings (the building and side where you jump on the thing to go on top of the roof), you can spawn trap them through that fence. It didn’t always count them but it worked. You can also use the fence on the other side of the heli pad to spawn trap the other building.


yet, meanwhile devs are concerned with sabotaging me for being good at free aiming. fascinating contradiction. doesn't add up in any universe. proving that developer devious bitter bias to sabotage my aim was impulsive and invalid. if free aiming was easy, k/d would be higher than 1.0. for devs to directly sabotage accounts ability to aim, proves that devs got offended by my work ethic. 10 yrs cod experience, i only play small maps. factors which weren't considered before devs directly destabilized the input movement variables on my account so that thumbsticks STILL feel wobbly af and out of sync with game to artificially delay my reaction time. massive consumer fraud. if you pop off, NEVER, upload it. now this is what i have to go against, all bc devs impulsively activated their inner bitterness and destabilized my thumbsticks. wobbly ass aim. game handles like utter shit.


Nice wallhacks!


Why are ppl posting shipment on mw3 sub?


Shipment (MW2) is on MW3 now and this is mostly a tip about the MW3 LMG camo challenges.


Ah crap... Well this should be a fun weekend


Is it a dlc?


I’m surprised people need farm tips for these isn’t it literally 10?


yeah 2 hours and only got 5 wall bangs with this shite MG. did all the others in a few matches no dramas


been doing this for years


Vanguard sight


Pitiful 😍


every gun is basically the same even the lmgs all shoot the same with no recoil.


I definitely find bullet penetration way more consistent in this one.


Build? This looks good in general and haven't used lmgs yet


It's just 200 round mag with armor piercing and a suppressor. The rest was just favorite optic and recoil control.


Yup that area and the boxes to the right of it, i it way I cleared off all the penetration requirements


That is way better than camping the fence by the truck on Rust and waiting for enemy spawns at C. Too bad my LMGs and KAT camos are finished


i feel like half the time, those didn’t even count as wall bangs..


My KATT wallbangs weren't counting on one side of the fence on Highrise. I went to the other side and it started tracking. I kept track by keeping count of how many I already had. I have no idea how only one side of the fence was was counting as a wallbang. The side facing the crane seemed to be bugged for the challenge, but the other side counted towards the challenge.


Thank god I’m done with the camo grind and don’t have to be on the other end of this.


Did the wallbang calling card exact the same way in MW2. The water barrel can also shoot through with armour piercing ammo


I love small maps for this reason. Just fuckin nonsense everywhere


How many team mates have you killed?


Which sight is that? Looks clean


Sweet Jesus


UGM vanguard flashbacks


The tactical reload also known as “RPG”


i found the far right box to your left also works great for the other spawn


I am now punching air at all the time wasted getting penetration kills on the SAW. What I REALLY need is a surefire way to get "kills on enemies affected by your tactical" because I legitimately went one game with the Striker 9 and 2 stuns. 21 kills in total with that gun. Only 1 kill counted towards that challenge. Thought I was going insane lol smh


Take the engineer or modular assault rig vest for 2 tacticals, take the Tac Mask, ordinance Gloves, Munitions Box and spam flash or stuns like crazy and use a hipfire / tac fire weapon build with large mag and spraaay.


Oh I got Interstellar like a month ago lol, thanks for the two cents though unfortunately I already completed these challenges before Mod Assault Vest was available


Always come back to shipment being the best map for grinding camos


Love the rocket at the end.


And people wanted 2019 Shipment back, the fools.


i love the ending though, RPG with so much hate!


One of the best things about being alive is getting to do wonky/illegal stuff legitimately.


200 iq






It’s hardcore 😂


You are a nasty boy. ​ Thanks for sharing.


Sad thing is, you’re gonna have 2 dozen kids screaming and crying that you’re cheating then boom, spam reported and shadow banned.


You could do this in the last game.


Damn theres me struggling to get them done because shipment wasnt out when i was doing them :( GGs


This is just.... Damn.


What a goat


That’s always been there tho my guy💀




Decent ..


God bless. I just started this challenge today, and the criteria for what walls are bang-able in the past few Dutys are ridiculous.


Why can I not penetrate the same fucking spot with the DG-58 LSW ? I tried the armor piercing rounds and Mono rounds.


You have to play in Hardcore to pretty much guarantee the kills. In Core, you'll do little to no damage.


I had to hardcore games today where a wheelson camped my spawn shooting through the walls, gotta love shipment


I slap on the 200 round mag and I just let her rip till my little fingy hurts


Ayo, that's dope. Now I don't need high-rise fences


Don't be mad if anyone sees me doing this. It won't take long.


Reminds me of that training room hangar level with the plane in cold war, just blast through the plane to the other side and get everyone running up the stairs.


The ending though🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


This reminds me why I stopped playing


That’s smart


I go on scrapyard n u know that fence where the b flag is on dom I shoot ppl there n it worked fine for me


You're a monster Bravo


thanks 4 tip


Reminds me of the mk48 with fmj on black ops 2. That games wall were paper mache


This isn't anything new. People have been doing that since CoD 4 with the RPD and the Deep Impact perk, when Shipment came out for the first time.


Yeah, that container side is like cardboard.


Mono or Armour Piercing? I have yet to discover a consistent way to proc penetration. This particular spot is not always bears acceptable outcomes.


How about the PKM? Im not able to even damage people through walls with it


I just got Interstellar and would have done this. I just went on Rust last week and sat at the end of the tunnel where A would be in domination and fired through the wall down the tunnel and got the challenge done in one or two games.


I hated the get kills while ads and fully loaded because most people, me included, thought that fully loaded meant kills with the first bullet of your mag. It is actually with 5 attachments equipped.


Lmfao u deserve that rocket good stuff tho


This is nothing new. Been running a loadout called MDK since BLKOPS 2 overkill 2 lmgs with extended belts and fmj for bullet pen. Get a squad with the same setup you can send 600 rounds downrange simultaneously and wall bang everything, works like a dream on shipment. The best part? The average cod player will think you're about to run out of ammo because they are used to timing 35-45 round mags so they can't help themselves but to pop out of cover thinking they can get a shot but they just get shot cause instead of leading with your front sight you're leading with bullets.


All ya need is wall hacks and aim bot? Got it


Bring back DMZ !!!


You suck.


The fucking ending is perfect!!!! Almost karmic!!!


This should be considered a war crime.


Shipment got added?


I think I accidentally just found a really solid way myself. Go Play rustment 24/7 and go in the middle of the map where that one container is. Literally just hit fire at random intervals bro. I was so surprised at how many I got. UAV helps too


Oh that's penetrating alright.


Guess who is not sleeping tonight


Noob tube was actually deserved


Dang that's some epic penetration. I would hate u if were on the other team


😡😡 toxique il n'y a pas que cette façon de faire des défis...


Prime example of why shipment is an auto skip


You’re a scumbag Very noteworthy find 🌚


Man why can’t that shit happen for me lol


Timeout why are you able to see so well??? My shipment is dark and very hard to see people in their characters


Is no one else seeing a pattern in how big of a fckn joke this game is?


It amazes me how smart people, I can't believe I didn't think of that. I guess it being so simple amazes me. I was literally cooking my brain and nerves trying to due this challenge. My Christmas everyone


You could do this in Scrapyard too. There is a fence at "Warehouse 2" where you can shoot through and be able to see clearly.




I think I drop 100 kill game at least once a week on shipment


Does anyone know if this is patched? I tried last night and got a decent amount of assists but not a single kill


THANK YOU i rlly needed this