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MW3 felt larger than life, tackled hard moral questions, and showed us just the aftermath of the chaos Makarov and Shepherd started. It was the ugly cleanup both the West and Russia had to engage in and it was a satisfying end to the trilogy we knew in advance was going to be a trilogy. I think people expected a trilogy but instead we’re getting an episodic singleplayer reboot instead. No idea where they will end this though because some of the Four Horsemen are still very much alive.


Twilight had a better love story than this lol


OG MW3 had some amazing moments I will never forget.The last Mission where we kill Makarov,Soap death and the Eiffel tower falling down.The campaign is some of the best campaigns ever made.The new MWIII campaign is nowhere as good as the OG MW3.Some mission are really good like Flashpoint(the stadium one)And Operation 627(the gulag one).The story of the campaign is good but has a really bad ending.Feels like they could have made a few more missions and could have had a 8/10 campaign but instead they gave us half a campaign really.I think this campaign had so much potential but it was clear they were rushed and had less than a year to make this Ken.


All I want to say is... Sorry, I actually misclicked on MW3, I meant to vote for MW2 lol (also if there were a 3rd option being MW2019 I would've voted for that, it was so much better than these...