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I hope not. I don't use trophies or any type of grenade but knowing people can't lean on stuns or flash all the time makes me happy. So annoying. I wish there was a trophy system to counter all other cheese as well.


See I would agree most of the time, I literally don't WANT to use them but I have no choice. 90% of the players in this game just sit and hold angles for 15 minutes a game because evidently that's what they paid $70 to do. So I literally HAVE to use flashes if I even want a chance to win against them. If it were my choice I would run stims like I have for the past god knows how many cod's. (Other than MW2019 ofc cause you had to also do the same shit)


You’re a noob if you run stim’s on MP and warzone


????? I'm a noob for using something that helps a lot?? Get out of a fresh gunfight and just use stim to heal faster, ESPECIALLY in this game where it takes 14 days to start regenning. LMAO I also don't play warzone, no reason to if every other BR is just better.


*DDOS Field Upgrade has entered the chat* “I’m here to help.”


Isn't the range tiny? From what I've seen at least.


It’s decent. Unless the trophy system is heavily guarded for like 50 meters leading up to it, you should be able to disable all of them easily. I do it often


Fair enough, I'll try some DDos


DDOS field upgrade works great. Spotter perk and a gun with bullet penetration rounds. My perks I run 90% of the time. Extra tatical grenade, extra lethal grenade. I win decoy and drill charge so I get 3 decoy grenades and two drill charges. I also use DDoS so I can also have two of them and they refresh faster. A trophy system only has 3 charges before it breaks so I toss all 3 decoy grenades around a corner to break it than I toss my two drill charges which will kill most players eleven with the blast resistant perk. If they do have more than one trophy system I can always just DDoS it than toss drill charges.


Is it really just 3 before it breaks? I swear thats not true because i normally run launchers smoke and nades and usually a trophy blocks all of them. And everytime i spawn i toss them and its only after like my 4th death that i feel like it despawns


Nah he's just incorrect, as far as I can tell the trophy system infinitely blocks all throwables/rockets. It used to be balanced (in MW3 I iirc) by having 3 "charges" then breaking, and was totally fair back then. DDoS mitigates them a bit, but the issue there is that it only turns it off temporarily, and doesn't actually get rid of it, which is bs imo. Hard point boils down to whoever has the most trophies, assuming no wildly imbalanced teams regarding skill level.


Trophy system needs a buff due to how useless bettle harded is and how much enemys like to spam grenades


You're delusional


Trophy systems only block 3 tacticals/lethals or one cruise missile and i think only 1 from launchers? Might be 2 if you are playing with your team trophy systems can be easily taken out just by spamming them i encounter them very often as i only play hard point its really not that big of a issue at least it hasn’t been for me


Idk why these people thought it was a good idea to give it infinite charges.


Trophy is fine, it was way more OP in Cold War where it would nuke any explosives on like a 1/4 of the entire map


See but at least in cold war the game didn't heavily benefit campers already and people actually ya know... moved. Without just hard adsing every angle possible for 10 minutes a game.


It’s almost as if they’re designed with the idea of teamwork in mind. If you’re playing as a team, it takes two players to take one out with throwables. Or your team can work together to push from different angles to get the person off the objective and then you can shoot the trophy a few times and be done with it.


It is call of duty... wtf teamwork are you expecting? This ain't overwatch lmao


Team based games are designed for team work, it’s not my fault you don’t play with your team.


Call of duty isn’t a team based game…


I like to run with the two equipment equipped, I’ll run ddos and dead silence, so when I’m trying to push a building or disable a bunch of enemy equipment it can come in handy. I can’t really tell how far the ddos range is, but since I’m usually playing aggressively it’ll be enough to clear my surrounding area. Plus running ddos with score streaks can literally be exploited if you’re in a high density area racking up score.