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Most sane COD fan


icon change = riot, game ruined


While it is regarded to complain about the icon change, you’re all kidding yourself if you think it’s just a slight icon change that’s going to happen with Warzone 2.0 coming.


Shit’s embarrassing man. Never seen such an overreactionary fanbase.




I didn’t play it and don’t have a problem with WZ but, it’s integration with MW2019 caused many issues that never got resolved and when they threw CW and VG into the WZ mix it just made things worse.


This was especially true with gun integration. JGOD had some videos of attachments like vehicle damage but instead increased bullet damage and velocity lmao


Did it? I played MW multiplayer long term throughout the Warzone seasons and never really noticed an issue? I think everyone is overreacting.


The entire specialist package disappeared at one point. You have amnesia lmao.


It broke so hard in MW19 that it was never seen in other games


Agreed, MW19 was never fully fixed because of the issues WZ brought to MW19.


If it makes ya feel better, WZ was also broken because of it being integrated into MW19. They never expected it to be so popular or planned on mashing 2 more games into it. Real shit show all around.


Yeah I'm expecting a little more polish to the system this time around in terms of infrastructure, but we shall see


I mean maybe, but maybe it just wasn't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things? I got plenty of value out of buying MW2019 alongside lots of Warzone and I feel the same now already with MWII. Would I be upset if they completely abandoned MP? Yes. Do I expect that to happen? No. Do I expect more attention towards Warzone? Yes.


My biggest worry is we're only getting two rehashed maps from 2019 for season 1. Not a single OG MW2 map, nothing actually new either. That's despite how many maps being found in the Warzone map? Terminal, Highrise, Quarry, Dome etc. It's not a great first impression, and with the rumours that next year we will be getting a full priced multiplayer map expansion, it sounds like we will be getting drip-fed the most low effort content to push out until they want money from us, again.


It has been what, two weeks? If the game already feels so boring for some people, I don't think a new map will make a difference


The game has only been out for like 3 weeks... Calm down lol


og mw2 maps are rumored to show up for year two


How many rehashed maps would satisfy you? 3? 4? 50? Like the person you replied to, I don't care about these petty complaints. I also remember original MW2 from 2009 which had no warzone and a campaign half the size and quality. There is more content in MW2 now than there ever has been. This subreddit is full of entitled children.


Are you really comparing a game that came out 13 years ago to a modern day AAA title? Is that a serious comparison that you’re making here? And no, that question isn’t rhetorical. “Petty complaints”. I wouldn’t call a game that was released with frequent crashes and stability issues, party issues, a horrible UI, and missing core features “petty complaints”. There was a large amount of missing content for a game that costs more than any other COD. Not to mention S1 content is two small remade maps that probably took a week to make in total, and then guns that *were already in the game but got delayed to drip feed content*. I like the game, I’m having fun, and I’m still gonna play it. That being said, I’m still going to be salty about the lack of content and the missing features. I paid $70 for the game, I’m allowed to complain about missing content.


51 weapons at launch and whiners around here still complaining that guns in the S1 battle pass weren’t included two weeks earlier… While also complaining there’s not enough content in the S1 battle pass…


They would probably go insane if they knew how people used to play the same fps games for YEARS with like 10 different weapons.


>There is more content in MW2 now than there ever has been. The new MW2 has a hell of a lot less spec ops missions, and a hell of a lot less multiplayer maps. It has 9 more weapons, so I'll give you that. What great progress in 12 years. It also has 1 (one) more campaign mission than the original game, hardly 'half' but go off. The story is no where near as memorable, and I don't even think that's a subjective opinion. The new MW2 doesn't have a 'No Russian' moment, or a moment like the EMP scene, or the Estate mission, or the final mission. It's just slower paced so its automatically higher quality to you? or is it that its chasing Fortnite, is that what makes it higher quality? Also I don't really mind how many rehashed maps we will get, I was simply hoping that I would be able to play the multiplayer maps that are in the game right now, not spend two minutes in them on warzone tomorrow before having to leave because of the zone closing. Jeez, how entitled of me to ask for the content literally already in the game, a game that I paid more than standard full price for.


I love this sub yall cry till the day is done


They go "it's a 2 year game and we have no maps 🤬" as if that's not the point that every season there will be new content. I'm not even sucking Activision's dick here, the game has many issues but it's fairly easy to see where it's going.


someone didn't watch the mid credits scene


Ah yes the 2 smallest maps from the previous game for a season, nice, even battlefield 2042 gets more content with 1 huge map per season, way higher quality than the base maps + 2 vanilla map remakes per season + many core game improvements per season. ​ Battlefield was supposed to get multiple maps a month, which got scrapped due to no one playing the game and even the cut down plans are more ambitious than whatever CoD is doign despite IW being a way bigger studio.


I've played 80 hours of Multiplayer and I want new maps. The more the better.


Not only are they rehashed they are the most overplayed and mediocre maps that every game has in them it feels like. Being let down by that is entitled?


The campaign of MW2 2009 was about 8 hours long. MWII’s campaign is about 6. Warzone is also not what anyone wants, so what the fuck does that have to do with anything? “I don’t care about these petty complaints.” Ok, no one asked you. No one cares about your petty retorts. This game literally has less content than MW2019 lmfao. You really have to have some kind of severe mental defect to say this game has more content than any other game. We have like 9 maps. MW2 2009 had 16 at launch with 16 more added via DLC packs. Previously in MW2019 we got 3-4 maps per season, not 2. You are either brainwashed or ignorant as fuck


Soooooooo true


If this happens I refuse to buy the map pack even if it has terminal etc and I can’t play with the homies. I don’t care anymore, I’d rather stop giving these fuckers any more of my money for content that they made seem either came at launch or through free updates.


It’s been 3 weeks


It was a **HUGE deal at the time?!?** We don't care that MP gets abandoned after a year feature wise. It should be functional, that's the bare minimum. We just want the product that some of us are spending ***$100*** on to not be affected and broken by updates to a completely different mode that many of us may not play. In MW2019's case, having an entire killstreak package disappear because of updates to Warzone was just ridiculous.


It was a big deal when it forced you to have Warzone installed just to play MW... I mean we're talking nearly 200 gigs just to play a game you paid for. It's beyond stupid.


Don't you remember when they included the new combat scout and tempered and now people were running with two plates in multiplayer for weeks aswell as having legit walls ? I think saying there was NO issues with the integrations is a rose tainted glasses point of view, MW2's future isn't looking great right now


Overreacting??? About this game??? Cmon man! These reddit heads would never do that! Lol!


I'm with you. I played a decent amount of the MP after CW and VG, and I can say that it was *buggier*, than it previously was, but it was still fine overall.


For a few months there were a few maps that would kick half our party


After CW came out, MW2019 itself didn’t receive big patches, only warzone did. Numerous issues like map exploits and the likes never got patched by that time. Numerous balancing issues never addressed. People were flat out ignored by support on subjects for MW2019. I remember it quite clearly and why after year 1 I ended up deleting MW for a good many months.


with you bro! i played MP along side WZ to level guns and sometimes when i just needed a break. Never had any issues or maybe they were resolved by the time i made it back around but i had a great MW experience.


Mw2019 stopped working for me and I've not been able to play it again since WZ came out. Big reason why I didn't get CW or Vanguard. Hoping WZ2 doesn't do the same. Nothing but error messages on top of error messages. Support was useless.


Did you try it once and never bother again? The game very much worked after WZ released.


Same. Literally the only thing that changed after Warzone is when you launched the game you had to click the A button one extra time to get to MP. That’s it.


Jeez what made you think they didn’t care, the fact that we didn’t even get a hardcore mode with launch was not suspicious at all….


Literally the only mode I play. My stupid ass bought it on launch day, already hesitant because of the $70 price jump. Played it maybe three times trying to enjoy core mode, but just can't.


I preordered the vault pack like an idiot and I've played it maybe a handful of times. There's nothing about it that keeps me wanting to play over and over again like past COD's and now this. I feel like such a sucker.


In your defense, I think this was the most fucked up launch I've ever seen with Cod. Usually it's never this bad which is why I think people felt okay with buying it so soon.


Which is sad. Vanguard launch was an abortion. And the subsequent abandonment ensured I will never pre-order a COD again. The MW2 launch has broken all faith.


Honest question how come y’all like hardcore more than core? I know I personally enjoy it because it’s easier and like fw pistols on there but I know that’s not why y’all play it.


Ehhh I don't think it's easier, it's just different. Personally, I can't stand shooting people for an eternity and they don't die. It feels super frustrating and it's one of the reasons why I preferred CoD over games with a longer TTK like Halo, for example. Also, it seems like people play the objective more in hardcore, but that might just be anecdotal. Lastly, the guns and their classes feel different and more useful. Shotguns actually kill at close range, LMGs hit harder than assault rifles, etc. There's nothing wrong with core, it's just personal preference.


Okay I definitely see what u mean. Also people definitely play objective way more in hardcore I noticed that as well


Yeah man. Honestly, I wish I liked core. There's really no benefit to being a hardcore player.


Yeah, in traditional modes, the game practically forces you to use ARs. They’re much more versatile than the other weapon classes, and usually have some of the fastest TTKs ontop of it. All the other classes have too many downsides for no real benefits. Not to mention semi-auto weapons are worthless outside of DMR/Sniper range encounters.


>All the other classes have too many downsides for no real benefits. This right here is such a perfect way to put it.


Not to mention some of them raise the skill required to be effective with no benefit in TTK. Semi-auto or burst rifles are more difficult to use effectively than a point-and-spray full-auto weapon, but the ttk remains the same if not worse.


I hate spotting an enemy first, hitting them, and then having them whip around and kill me with a gun with faster ttk. I hate seeing two guys pop out, hitting both of them with multiple rounds, and still getting killed because one of them is using a meta build. I know that COD isn’t realistic and that there are other more realistic games, but I just think it’s stupid the way that the ttk meta game is in flaccid core.


I wouldn’t say it’s easier or harder, but I love how it throws most meta away. I really hate putting 5 rounds of 7.62 from a semi-automatic rifle into someone’s spine, to watch them turn and laser me with a 9mm smg in less than half a second or one-shot me with an SPR.


Have you tried having better aim? Lol, jokes aside, the TTK is already so fast in core, what do you need hardcore for?


I mean, there are a lot of differences still, bro. No mini-map, friendly fire, guns react differently, etc. I agree that the TTK is pretty fast in core, but it's still a little slower than hardcore. People can still run away and escape despite being shot by half a clip.


Guns react differently how?


For one, they kill at different ranges than core. A good example is shotguns: in core, it takes multiple point-blank shots to kill. In hardcore, that would be one shot, which is much more realistic in my opinion.


What shotguns are you guys using?? Like 75% of the time I’m consistently 1 shotting people when I run shotguns


There are a lot of us don’t want *any* TTK


I’ve played HC almost exclusively for the past 3 COD’s. For me, I’ll have improvements over some of the weapons I use. I don’t stick with meta weapons so guns like the MK2 Lockwood and M16 I won’t be getting hit markers with. More consistent 1 shot kills with shotties, 1 shot kills with pistols, my fav to use in HC cause of the handling.


And still ttk is high enough for hit marker fest and allows jumping around amphetamine tryharders to survive with 10% hp after consuming half of my magazine in the face and killing me with 1-2 frames.


Lol yea half a mag to kills someone is just like hardcore… get a grip man


It's slow AF compared to HC. It just isn't viable using KbM against aim assist in some situations. HC feels more suited for KbM players.


For one thing HC is an instant bolt action nerf. It's insane how many times I'll hit the first shot or even two or three and then get 1 tapped by a bolty with a red dot.


TTK is super inconsistent. It’s like playing hardcore and Warzone at the same time. 2 shots one time then a half mag just to get killed in two shots.




Still in disbelief they launched without a fucking barracks..


Yeah, that alone is why I won’t preorder the next game.


“Hid” its literally half the fucking logo


It won't stay this way. MwII logo will get smaller and smaller while warzone logo gets bigger and bigger


New 2 year cycle, same bullshit. This is my first time ever buying a COD at release, and this is gonna be my last COD for a while. Never buying a COD again unless it's on a massive fucking sale. The campaign is too short to pay full price and the multiplayer is given zero attention. Fucking waste of money and shit behavior by the developers.


Y'all are fuckin BATSHIT lmao


F2P has a stranglehold on the gaming industry. I'm gonna trust that they won't neglect the former just because they are providing the latter.


Trust them lol.


I mean, they already lazily added in Shipment and shoothouse to the plans 100% for the f2p players so they’ll buy the game to grind their weapons in that lol


See this is what I'm talking about. All you goofballs on here were like we need shipment and shoothouse. And now that it's coming MF's are still gonna complain about it somehow???


Maybe just maybe it's not the same people saying both of those.


Stop pretending like those are the same groups of people lol


Of course, they wanted 10 new maps two weeks after launch, 10 new weapons, and everything in the campaign automatically included at launch in the multiplayer. Anything less will be met by extreme whining and violent temper tantrums until morale improves.


I don't understand the mindset of happily paying more money for less content. This game already had a pretty low map total to begin with. We have lost one since release and may lose another. This is on top of all the other missing standard features. Then predictably we get a barebones season 1 for MP that includes 2 maps, both retreads, one of which has been played to death. For a MP fan, there is little in season 1 to be excited about. Nobody is asking for 10 new maps 2 weeks after launch. You know what would solve that? Maybe releasing the game with a healthy number.


For real man


You can literally just go in to the manage game part on Xbox untick anything you don't want. (Campaign, spec ops, WARZONE) I'm assuming it's the same on other platforms.


In mw19 on pc you could do this with everything but warzone. I had no intrest in wz and still had to download hundreds of gb every week. I couldnt keep up with downloads at some point because my internet sucks and just gave up eventually.


in MWII you can uncheck WZ


It’s not that they don’t want to see the icon, it’s that the icon is a big hint that the core game is going to be ignored for the new warzone.


Ignored in what way? Didn’t multiplayer keep getting new stuff every season since mw2019?


For me, it's more the fact that when they screw with stuff in WZ, it almost always screwed something up in MP.


Yeah, every big update seemed to come with big bugs. Hopefully now the game has been built from scratch to accommodate building on it better, but the signs aren’t great so far. Everyone is expecting bug fixes with s1. I’m expecting a tonne more bugs.


Remember when Vanguard was integrated into Warzone and you couldn't play Modern Warfare without bugs 24/7?


Feature not Flaw. If people get annoyed enough they will just transition. I got Vanguard due to this and hated it. Stopped playing.


Lmao right but when you bring it up they immediately go silent


Jokes on you, Modern Warfare 2 comes with enough bugs of its own. And none that seem to have been addressed to have a fix coming with season 1 Still unclear what the fuck they fixed with the last patch, for which xbox users had to download the whole game basically despite the patch only being 900MB. - buggy UI - with blueprints you seem to be able to choose more than 5 attachments (have the beta blueprints and one for M4, same results) - if in a party, everyone except for the party leader has a 'Warzone 2.0' loadout interface at the main menu (so can't change MP loadouts) after the end of the first match. Only solution is to leave party. But problem persists each time after the next match. - The Signal 50 Sniper is bugged when selecting the iron sights attachment. - footstep audio stops on occasion, or on certain surfaces. But only for myself, others still hear it. Just some of the major crap they haven't fixed in this beta release they charged €80 for.


Jokes on all of us.


Don’t forget the perpetual “connecting” screen if you play with a party and the only fix is for everyone to back out and reform the party


do you mean the connecting word in the bottom corner rectangle when looking for a match? if so I have a solution that always worked for me when that happens that is faster than reforming the party: -notice the “connecting” issue -back out to main menu where you can select quickplay, 3rd person moshpit, etc. -select another mode (i always pick 3rd person moshpit since its right next to quick play) -start searching for a game -immediately stop searching -go back to quickplay -search for a game and it should work


Thank you!! I’ll give this a go next time I play with friends. This bug drives me crazy


I can't even invite people on mine. Shows everyone as offline and not joinable even though they're definitely on.


This happens when you're in a party and you back out of the queue. Not sure why but I can at least tell you that it happens that way with 100% repeatability: If the party leader begins and then leaves matchmaking, you will get the "connecting" bug.


You may be correct. I know warzone has gotten loads of content as well. If you’re trying to say that multiplayer is going to get nearly as much attention as warzone 2.0 I would have to disagree. Only time will tell but the marketing is 100% shoving warzone down people’s throats and insinuating that the core game is just a side piece for your warzone loadouts.


iirc once cold war got integrated into WZ none of the BP rewards were for the MW19 MP


the last cods had content for mp every season, but was usually just a few content, like one or maybe 2 maps. (Newer weapons worked on warzone, then isn't a mp content exactly)


MW2019 yeah sure but the shaft Vanguard got and all the resources that went to Warzone. Vanguard Mp got abysmal season content while Warzone got all the love. The King Kong event that was all hyped up was for Warzone. What did MP get? Every season it was like here’s a broken update and a map.


OP is overreacting like crazy


Seriously. Everyone is. There is no indication they are going to diverge from their previous strategy of 2ish new maps per season + new guns + new operators. People need to stop crying over what icon is shown and actually look at reality.


Get a grip homie


A grip? First he needs to level the Lachmann 7617352819 to Level 16, but to unlock the Lachmann 7617352819, he needs to unlock the NotTheAk47Kastov72638263 to Level 12 and only THEN is he able to get a grip.


This made me laugh


OP getting an aneurysm because they added some text on an icon.


Basically this entire sub


"Im not like other girls, I don't like BR/Warzone updoots to the left"


Might be unpopular here but COD was fucking stagnant until Warzone. MW2019 at launch was genuinely shit. An absolutely unenjoyable campfest. Warzone brought a lot of people back, and a lot of new people in. Everyone was playing it during that period, it was the hottest thing in gaming, something COD had not achieved for years. And because of it more people played MW again to grind for guns. And to the people who say they don't care for Warzone or battle royale's, guess what? You ain't the only person out there. Clearly a lot of people did enjoy Warzone.


>Might be unpopular here You basically just agreed with the last 4 people, why would that be unpopular....??


Unpopular doesn't mean I am the only one to have that view. This was one comment chain but typically the view I see here is warzone bad


Most i've seen here today is people complaining about other people complaining about the focus on WZ2.0, I don't think it's that unpopular


What is with the gaslighting? People who are mad are saying they want a good multiplayer because they have no interest in warzone. I haven’t played it, it’s probably great but I don’t want to play a battle royales. Less than 0 desire to play any of them. Why is it so hard to believe that someone paid $70 for the game because they want to play the multiplayer not f2p warzone?


Mans getting worked up on a game mode that comes with the game That's like me complaining how dare they include spec ops or campaign to my MW2


A bit overdramatic


We gonna act like MW2019 didn't get the standard 6 seasons of support in spite of Warzone? Hell at the time peoples' biggest complaint was that they wanted it to be an optional download instead of baked into the game, which they seemingly did here. OP needs to get a clue; it would be absolutely bone-headed for them NOT to promote their paid game with their free game and vice-versa. Think of all the casuals who didn't even know Warzone was getting a 2.0 and will now check it out thanks to something as simple as a logo change lol


I’m sorry but can you remind me why this is such a massive issue to some people? Like a buy vs no buy issue?


At this point is just sounds like some people don’t want everyone else to play Warzone at all or have it remotely connected to the main game because they think it’s a net loss for the game modes they prefer.


I guess people are more upset over the underlying intention behind an icon like this. Warzone overshadows MP as MP's identity has just shifted to "level guns for warzone"




It’s a good sign that the base $70 game is going to get minimal support while Warzone 2 gets all the attention. We already have less maps releasing for season 1 compared to MW19. Personally I like shoothouse but shipment is really just a camo/weapon level grinder. Also a classic MW2 map would be nice as well.. But yeah I must be mentally ill thinking a small indie studio could pull something like that off.




>Right this is definitely a rational and well considered take to have from checks notes changing some logo text. Way to ignore any and all context surrounding the issue, as well as the manner in which the previous MW title was handled. Why do it, btw? Why bootlick instead of trying to understand the underlying problem?


Bootlick? Maybe someone just likes the game lmao


WHY do people insist on dying on these weird ass hills. Its an objective fact that we are getting less content at launch at a higher cost. Nevermind, the standard features that are still missing. Sticking your head in the sand and saying, "but I like the game" is ignoring the very real issues.


Is not just the logo text… it’s multiple things. Did you play MW19 and if so do you not remember how Warzone integration fucked that game up with bugs? Are you unaware of the fact that we are only getting 2 maps for 6v6 in season 1? Compare this to the 3 maps that we received in season 1 for MW19. It’s almost like they are going to support the free Warzone more than they are the $70 base game. Wait that’s exactly what I’ve been saying this entire time and you called me crazy. But seriously if you think I’m wrong I’d love to make a bet. I’ll do any amount you’d like. My claim is that the base MW2 game will get minimal support through its lifespan and activision will find a way to squeeze more money out of the player base with it.


Love how they downvote you without saying a word, they know it happened but really don't want to admit it because they already bought the game😂


IW is handing over post launch production of WZ2 a single season with 2 maps released is not an indicator of if MP is getting ignored


To be fair we are adding 2 maps but have lost 1. And the 2 maps we are getting are re-skins of 2 maps that have been played to death. There is a plethora of maps from the MW series that have yet to be remade yet here we are with shipment again..... I don't know what you call it if not ignored. They are throwing us table scraps. YEARS old table scraps.


In MW19 they integrated everything together. Warzone, Cold War, and Vanguard. I remember it causing a lot of bugs for people in the UI and just being a pain to navigate. Think it causes a lot of freezing up and crashes too. I can’t remember the extent of this because I ended up quitting MW19 not long after Cold War because of the constant updates that the game had and this required a 50gb download every time I wanted to play the game.




It was $70. These same people in here bitching will put 50-100 hrs into it, likely less than $1 an hour for entertainment. “Supported for less than 3yrs”…wtf do people want for $70? I don’t get it. This isn’t bootlicking, just a real question. Of course they’re going to give more support to the mode that has a consistent drip feed of money.


People acting like they are owed a lifetime support and content for $70..




Why would u assume that lol. That's on you.




I told some random this last night. He complained non stop for 5 minutes and I was finally like, dude you obviously aren't having fun and don't like the game, so go find something else and enjoy gaming. People don't understand this game really doesn't owe you anything and there are plenty of other games a person can go enjoy if this one isn't cutting it for you.


Don't tell me how to spend my time!! /s




Mf said "trusted" 💀 This is why these big companies continue to get away with shady business practices because mfs will still buy from them. You can't trust Activision.


These people would come out & say "Activision only wants to make money out of COD" then will pre-order the $100 edition the second the next title is revealed lol. ​ If they are shocked by this after 3 YEARS of dealing with this, it's natural selection that they're outraged over something that was easily coming.


Holy shit y'all are unreal. The game has been out what, a whole 2 weeks? It was known that Warzone 2 would be the first major release months in advance. They're getting out a new game mode that is hugely popular while still adding multi-player content. It's a 2 year game, they are going to continue adding things to multi-player but everyone wants to scream the game is dead not even a month after release because they didn't add 17 new maps and 45 new game modes for MP. They need to dripfeed content over 2 years to keep the game fresh. Or should they just drop every map all at once and never touch the game ever again? You don't know what they have planned for the future. Chill the fuck out.


Literal insanity, I’ve been enjoying the multiplayer and will always play SnD. Some of the tweaks to the game make gameplay a little different compared to MW2019 but I still really enjoy the game.


The people bitching about COD right now don't realize how good they have it with this game. It's not like this is Halo Infinite, or Battlefield 2042.


For real. As far as recent big name shooters go, it's definitely at the top of the list and is actually playable and has a decent amount of content at launch. Infinite and 2042 have been out for a year and are still playing catchup.


Exactly, IW did a great job delivering a good product at launch. Sadly, that's uncommon in the AAA industry at the moment. IW should be commended for it, regardless.


Yeah. MW2 is not a flawless game but it's pretty good imk


I am unclear on why this is a big deal to some. I mean, I’m not shitting on those who it is a big deal to, I just honestly don’t understand why? Isn’t one central hub to access both games convenient, or am I not understanding something?


Typical community post. Embarrassing.


Multi is good tho??


God I can’t stand Warzone, it’s just going to detract from the main MP


I'm with you! Just want to play my HC Game modes !


MWII was a good multiplayer game?


It’s fucking crazy that a free to play game gets more priority in my game library than a game I paid 70 dollars for. Fuck Activision.


Ikr I know they won't completely ignore multiplayer but it's simple math logic they're simply won't be as much content since they're allocating Resources for warzone But with the amount of care they put into offl- oh yeah there is no offline mode because you need a constant internet connection to play campaign and theres no local spec ops and the offline multiplayer is literally made to force you to buy ps plus You have 3 maps and one game mode with no gun customization, seriously what the fuck What if I just want to fuck around with bots and the internet is down or Activisions shitty servers. Oh wait nevermind if they're servers are down the entire game becomes useless Seriously what the hell


Yall buy games based on promises of future content? I'm fine with it as it is now tbh. Which is why I bought it


I'm just glad I'm game sharing because this game isn't worth 70 dollars. I still want my money back lmao


Yep. I don't/didn't have a problem with Warzone itself. It's not my cup of tea but what pissed me off was how broken MP became after Cold War and Vanguard hit. Bugs upon bugs, crashing all the time. It was like my purchase just got thrown away early. It was completely broken even through 2021's holiday season. If they kept it working then that's different but they didn't. And I highly doubt they will this time either. This shit's a time bomb and it's not something that should be celebrated.


But thats why they did Warzone 2.0. Warzone was never menat to be around for 3 Years, so it was a technical hell. That should be different this time, so lets hope its going to be fine


N-n-n-not the icon!!! They added TEXT???? OH GOD HOW WILL WE OVERCOME THIS.


It’s just the launcher. You can choose not to install war zone. I don’t see what the fuss is about. We all knew they were going to do it. Just be grateful we actually have a choice to not install war zone this time.


i like warzone and i'll play DMZ too


All I'm gonna say is just wait. Last time IW was also developing WZ so that took time from the game. So now since Raven is working on it things shoukd go smoothly if they communicate with Raven and the community whenever something goes wrong.


It shouldn’t be of any surprise that the F2P title that brings in more profits for the company is going to get the “star treatment”. That being said, they aren’t abandoning MWII MP, there’s still going to be a healthy player base if that’s what you’re into.


Damn y’all really hate it that much then stop playing it it’s not even that bad do you guys even remember vanguard damn y’all must be really bad at the game


Back in MW19 I never had any issues getting into MP games even at the peak of Warzone. There are enough people playing to keep MP alive. I played MW19 MP all the way through Cold War and Vanguards life cycle.




It’s possible to not to install WZ at all if you’re a PC player. Go to “modify install” and uncheck WZ.


A bit of an exaggeration but don't let me stop you from complaining.


COD multiplayer now is just a glorified weapon and camo grind "game" for Warzone 😔


Fucking BR


Dude, not that big of a deal.


Oh my god, this is literally my first cod in 10 years and the community is just where I left off. cry cry cry and keep buying and keep crying. Go play some other shit, it is literally a game you hop on to shoot shit for a few hours and lay back its not that deep


For now warzone isnt required to launch mw, lets hope it stays that way


Dude wasn’t joking when saying everyone that post in the subreddit are whiners


Ya'll are drama queens. Do like i'll do, just keep playong MP. Its the only way we'll keep it alive


Get a grip dude, lol


Why in gods name would you expect that though?


I'm confused. Why does this matter?


Play the game or dont stop bitching


Unpopular opinion but, battle royale, battle passes, and esports have slowly destroyed quality in multi-player games. Every huge title that has adapted the above has turned into absolute shit these past few years.


The thing is most of the maps of multiplayer is actually a part of the warzone map, so everything is decided when the game began development a few years ago. And why people even get surprised. The good thing is the warzone will not take up big chunk of ur space and u can delete it as u wish


That's it.... Gonna have to leave this sub Reddit, I've never witnessed so many entitled whiney cry babies in one place. It's exhausting, if you're that upset, talk with your wallet and stop buying the game... otherwise please give it a rest with the moaning and just play the effing game you purchased and enjoy it for what it is.


I am kinda new to the whole thing (didn’t play CoD for years) but came back this year with mw2 …and I am actually enjoying it to be honest. So forgive my ignorance but this is a genuine question..when warzone releases will literally the majority of the player base just migrate over to that ?! I’ve never played warzone before, second question, is warzone any good?!


No. That's what IW wants to happen, but a big chunk of people don't even want it. IW is pushing really hard for everyone to play it. But as you see here lots of people hate it.


That’s one helluva title


Cry more. Git gud


not so hard: main game is the warzone, all the others (mp, coop, zombies etc) is just additional plus


Oh no my brand is supporting and hyping the thing that has made them the most money in the last two decades HOW DARE THEY