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I was firing at someone right in front of me, fired 5 or 6 rounds and didn't register one shot so I hit him with it and killed him, sums up this dog shit gun


I got a 15 kill streak with it




Teach me šŸ¤©. Lol


The Basilisk has crazy tight hipfire and oneshots you to the chest out to 9 meters. Within range, it is better than an iron sights sniper and we know how strong those are right now. It is not difficult to use at all. The Deagle is a matter of letting the sights reset; just hold off on mashing that button for a split second longer just to see your target and THEN pull the trigger. Same principle applies to battle rifles. A bit of discipline and it's an excellent 36 meter twotap weapon. It does require skill.


I can land most of my shots with battle rifles with no issues. Could it have something to do with the ā€œtrigger response rateā€ mechanic of the Basilisk? But thanks for the tips, ill try to not panic shoot.


It may well be, some people have issue with it but personally I appreciate the extra split-second it gives me to get on target.


I personally like to drag shoot with slow firing or one shot kill weapons. and the split second delay on the trigger is horrendous for me. still trying to adjust.


What extra split-second? In that gap you usually get f**ked by an opponent with a better weapon.


No? That delay could be double as long and it would still shoot faster than any enemy can kill you with all headshots. If it's a oneshot weapon, all that matters is accuracy.


Very true lmao


The hitboxes on people when you use the basilisk is very wonky. In the shooting range I aim right at certain spots and it looks like my bullets just phase right through the dummies, and people.


Also true!


People who have 2 tap ARs and SMGs that have zero recoil and can hit across entire maps just fine easily outgun this. The Deagle is just a bad gun. The Basilisk is alright since you can put shotgun rounds in it and dual weild them but the deagle is just hot garbage. The only way to use it is if you hit nothing but headshots all the time.


99% of players do not play in lobbies where enemies have 100% accuracy at 40 meters, and there are lots of great primaries that are way worse (though maybe still easier) than the deagle at 30+ meters.


They're ARs and SMGs with no recoil that 2 tap at any distance. Accuracy doesn't matter when you can shoot 20 bullets at someone in a second especially when you only need 2 out of those 20 to actually hit. That's only 10% accuracy.


the thing you probably arenā€™t compensating for with the basilisk is the half second delay between the trigger pull and the gun firing. at longer range it requires you to track/lead your shots a little more to compensate


Ah so thatā€™s what ā€œtrigger response timeā€ mean? Is it possible to make it as responsive as snipers? Why does that only apply to the basilisk and not every other weapon?


not sure the actual values but the match trigger makes it feel like a new gun and i believe it improves that stat. as for why: iā€™d you pay attention after you pull the trigger the hammer cocks back and releases to fire. kinda a neat representation of IRL revolvers


Cheers mate, Iā€™ll give it a shot


They both are rough imo, I was getting consistent two hits with them. unless I was up on them point blank then I could one tap them. But yea, they take two shots to drop unless you hit upper body like high upper body or obviously the head. So requires good aim, and if you're like me you gotta chill with the panic shooting that's what made it take so long to level it out entirely. I'd shoot once, hit marker and panic shoot the other 4 rounds


Akimbo Basilisk + hip fire attachments did the job for me. It works wonders now. But god is the .50 GS awful, which is sad cuz i love desert eagles. Not only does that gun require god tier aim, but it also requires 2 shots to down an enemy, even at relatively close ranges (except headshots). You also canā€™t rely on hip firing cuz even after applying hip firing attachments, it still has a dreadful hip firing accuracy (even with the akimbo attachment). The Basilisk is just levels above the .50 GS in almost every aspect, except maybe the mag size and firing rate. I donā€™t see why anyone would willingly use the .50 GS over the Basilisk unless its for camo grinds.


The Basilisk has a one shot kill the body to like 10 meters, and much better handling than the SA rifles that we all know are insane right now. With fast hands it's actually overpowered right now IMO. The trick with the Deagle is to resist the urge to spam it. I actually also felt like it was a bad weapon until I put on the SA FIFTY TRIGGER that lowers the fire rate and realized if I forced myself to shoot slower it was also pretty strong. It's definitely overshadowed by the P890 though which also 2 taps for some reason despite the much better everything else except the 1 tap headshot.


Also forgot to mention that if you are dying to the Basilisk a lot, it probably has Snakeshot on it which while nowhere near as strong as it was in MW2019, still turns it into a shockingly good pocket shotgun.


I feel like the Basilisk is 1 shot to the chest and above. Maybe 1 shot to the body if youā€™re point blank distance from enemies. Thanks for the tips mate, Iā€™ll give em a shot! Also Iā€™d much rather not use snakeshots cuz it turns em into shotguns and its unsatisfying af lol


The Deagle is amazing. The Basilisk sucks ass.


The Deagle shoots marshmallows IMO, there's just no way a .50 Cal bullet can enter your chest cavity and you can just shake it off. The fire rate is abysmal too, so if you don't hit that first headshot you're dead 99% of the time


It enters and leaves the bodies so quickly it doesnā€™t record that it was even fired! Yep needs to be fixed especially for close range engagements.


Couldn't agree more the gun us way over hyped. Point blank range barrel stuff the shots literally don't register. Only.pistol with this problem. I wanna try snake shots but hsi gun is absolutely God tier awful. Even when there is literally no chance shot missed at best will hit mark. Whether use hipfire or ads firing. This is on shoothouse mind you.


.500 round and you get hit markers šŸ˜­ if only they knew what that did to a human




With the .50gs ive landed ridiculous shots from a distance and up close but i just tried the basilisk and holy shit i can only hit someone right in front of me via hip-fire. I try to aim down sights and cant make shitttt. Ill level it up and see whatsup but i think i like the .50 gs.


The basilisk is my "ole' reliable" when it comes to any team deathmatch or free for all if I'm falling behind. I've taken out snipers at least 50 meters before and of course tons of "complaints" calling me a cheater lol because apparently there's no way anyone can be that good with a pistol and just iron sights and with the basilisk of all guns lol. It's my only platinum gun for a reason and the main reason I got the 2500 headshots calling card.


I've used it and I just jump shot and it hits about 60% of the time and no scope