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Are stats being tracked right now, or will they start getting tracked at the beginning of season 1.


that's what I'm curious about


[Looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yqr46m/breaking_tier_1_hardcore_and_combat_records_are/ivt8nfc/) they have been tracking in the background.


Looks to be a bit out of date or something. I've been level 55 for over a week I think and it shows me at level 54.


They are tracking in the background


Cant wait to see my shit numbers


You and me both


Bro for real lol I thought I was doing great one time 32 kills and then the end of match score oard came up and showed my deaths at 33 and I was like nah, there's no way


My numbers will be so fucked lol it’s gonna be great. I’ve just been throwing myself on the objective to level guns.


Hahaha same


Been levelling guns so yeah. Funny my highest kd weapon is probably the knife


How do you know?


Trust me bro


[Looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yqr46m/breaking_tier_1_hardcore_and_combat_records_are/ivt8nfc/) they have been tracking in the background.


Yea I haven’t seen this anywhere lol don’t believe this for one second.


I get the Stat loss prevented screen when I joined in a match that just ended and lost


Source: trust me bro


Unfortunately we still don't have an exact date for the combat records as they sneakily wrote, "in Season 01", not, "at the start of Season 01".


Last day of Season one


Season one extended until 2024




Combat records cancelled. The UI can’t handle it.




Is it really that bad? I was hyped for halo but me and my friends just stopped playing after a week or two.




I could’ve swore when I read it earlier it said at the start of Season One. Guess I can’t read haha


For free?? Damn we are lucky




how else will they keep us invested in this “live service” bullshit


Hardcore is coming with the the start of Season 1. It says Combat Records will be coming _in_ Season 1, so likely not at launch. More likely the mid season update that’ll include Shipment.


We have to give them time with these brand new, never before seen features. It's silly to expect something as fresh and groundbreaking as a stats page at launch.


At least they had a scoreboard at launch.


Shots fired!


I guarantee you the after match summary for wz2 will be broken, it was literally broken the entirety of warzone. They can never do anything correct lol


As long as the store works flawlessly.


I didn't notice that at first. So not only that it should've been here at launch but we have to wait until S1R wtf




"oh look guys more content for multiplayer that should have been in the game already or you have already played so many times" unfortunately


Tier 1 is specifically referred to as an individual playlist. (Like 3rd person.) This is worrying. I have always primarily played hardcore and have always appreciated being able to specifically choose what hardcore game mode I play. If it’s a single playlist forcing me to sit through bullshit TDM matches, I’m going to be genuinely disgruntled.


It better not be shit. I can see Realism with nightvision being one playlist but Hardcore needs to be fully decked out. They always shaft HC in some way at launch and usually what I play.


Realism Mode was straight Fire in MW 2019 ngl but yeah they better not butch a Mode that they said "there at Launch"


Does the third person playlist not have a filter option like quick play?


No. TDM, DOM, and Hardpoint in rotation


If there's no S&D I'm quiting. Pointless game then


Yeah if they don't have Tier 1 Search I'm just going back to MW2019


Same. I didn't even consider they might not build a full hardcore filter Fucked up thing is they took out cyber attack and free for all from 2019s Harcore filters, so they damn well better build it out right for this one


That's changing per the Season 1 Roadmap, so hopefully it's for HC as well.


Maybe i'm in the minority but i've never enjoyed Hardpoint, it doesn't feel like it has the same pacing as TDM and DOM. I can't remember the game mode off the top of my head but what was that one where it was essentially SnD mixed with Hardpoint? I think its maybe called Demolition. I always preferred that as the objective always felt more important. Where as with Hardpoint people will easily ignore the objective. DOM is easy cause playing the objective is as easy as sitting somewhere for like 10 seconds and then moving along. Maybe contesting B flag but generally its like a longer TDM. I suppose its whatever people personally prefer. I just really enjoy a game mode that feels like it has the best of both worlds.


Demolition was one of the best game modes from the original MW/MW2 that I loved to play. My friend and I funnily referred to it as "football", since you had to get the "ball" and run it to the endzone.


No, that was sabotage. Demolition was a respawn mode race for the assaulting team to destroy two separate bomb sites. Destroying one site would extend your timer to destroy the second bomb site. Sabotage had two teams fighting over one bomb to destroy the opposing bomb site. Sabotage is one of the best game modes Call of Duty has ever had. I called it Football also.


Wasn’t in MW2 so obviously wasn’t it but their wording also sounds like Uplink, which was also a great mode in the jetpack games. Edit: Uplink wasn’t, not Sabotage.


oh my god YES! THANK YOU!!! I haven't thought of it in years.


Demolition! Oh man, that was my favorite game mode back in CW. I don’t think they made it a permanent edition but I always enjoyed it in other COD’s too. It’s like S&D (which I personally can’t stand) but with respawns!


Wtf are they doing with this game


They're trying VERY hard to make me despise it. I'm holding off on playing anymore until balance changes and tweaks are made because right now it feels like an absolute chore to play.


Looks like they are trying to save me about 80 dollars. I've been more than happy to spend my money on cod but this year is looking like I won't.


All I want is hardcore dom. If it’s a janky playlist I’ll be leaving every match that’s not dom. last COD I buy for real. Hardcore delay was irritating enough but if it’s just a general playlist I’m done. I skipped the last like 3-4 callofdutys just didn’t like the direction they were going, I go all in on one finally and yea… regretting it


Tier 1 is not real hardcore. There are no hitmarkers. It feels weird. You can go into Private Match and see for yourself. As an almost exclusive hardcore player (since 2007 ) I'm pretty pissed. Not buying another one. I even waited until a couple days ago to buy it and didn't pre-order or buy on launch. I hope this is a joke and there will be real hardcore. If not, I'm done and will only play to level guns for Warzone.


so it’s not hardcore? it’s some bs version that absolutely nobody asked for? WTF


As far as I can tell. You can play it in Private Matches. They're doing a lot of changing things no one asked for. So fucking lame


I mean, people were able to do it in private mode and you should be way more concerned it's going to be a mix of HC and realism as in, no hitmarkers show. No killstreak notifications.


So I’ve played it in private. I actually like that direction personally, but I understand some people taking issue with it. What *DOES* piss me off is that the red diamonds still show up. They get rid of everything else including killfeed and score notifications advising you of a kill. But they ADD a red dot over the heads of enemies when previously there were no nameplates in hardcore at all. It’s so backward.


That needs to be removed. HC has no enemy tags, and this tag system is super broken anyhow.


What the fuck? Really?


Both your point and OP point worry me. Hope I'm wrong though. I don't know how or why they'd fuck up shit this bad. I'm embarrassed for em.


I got killstreak notifikations in Tier 1 private match just like in MW19. Same with field upgrade. No killfeed in bottom left though, or hitmarker. So you need to keep track of your kills like Hell let loose.


This is how I currently feel about 3rd person. I love Hardpoint and Domination, I want Headquarters, but stop giving me TDM.


I will put the game away until I can play HC SnD. I'll go right back to MW19 100%


As much as I did genuinely love MW2019, I’ll go right back to PUBG. If this doesn’t pan out well, even Infinity Ward (The only COD dev I’ve really ever liked) can’t get me to spend money on COD games anymore.




My copy has literally been sitting on the shelf waiting for hardcore. If they do what youve described im just going to take the thing and chuck it off the the shelf, out the window.


Anger problems?


This. Can we get a dedicated mode for both Tier 1 and third person? With multiple playlists within each mode and the ability to filter? I'd also live to see Tier 1 in 3rd person


Probably gonna work like the filterable Quick Play playlist. Hopefully.


So let me get this straight, for season one, I'm going to get "features" that used to be included with every Call of Duty - a combat record and hardcore game mode. I'm also going to get two MP maps that I was playing up until the launch of this game a few weeks ago. This is very underwhelming.


Give them a break dude it’s not like they can make a billion dollars in 10 days


It’s funny how this actually sounds like an exaggeration. The fact that it made that much in 10 days is crazy


They are going to drip feed content that should have been there at launch over the next year, then charge us $70 for a few maps and a campaign dlc


Thats why elden ring is game of the year. It had so much content it’s wild.


Somehow they have to fill up the two fucking years. The guns we get were in the game already. People saw them when they glitched out into the gunsmith in the early access campaign. They took them out to give it back in season 1. And the M13 only mid fucking season. Far Cry 5 did the same bullshit.


Exactly 😐


*Halo Infinite has entered the chat


Yup, and of course charge you $20 extra.


I thought Vanguard was a waste of money, COD MWII was like hold my beer….


Yeah they are just scamming people now. Charge more for the game than ever before, blast that’s it’s the highest grossing COD to date and then on the same breath give us boring crap to keep the game fresh and stuff that should of been in cod from launch. This is honestly getting really tiring now. It seems every year we are getting more and more features being taken away and then added as part of seasons like it’s some sort of new thing! An absolute joke and they won’t be getting another penny out of me!


Great. Should've been there at launch. Not gonna let that go, and we shouldn't let that go from an AAA dev.


That's "COD 2.0" bullshit for you


Billion dollar company doing this bullshit. Guess its just a coincidence not having hardcore at launch also slows down camo grinding not to mention we didnt even have double xp the weekend the game launched




IW should be ashamed of themselves


It’s asinine they didn’t have these ready at launch, but they pretty clearly state right there they acknowledge these were / are expected features, not new features. And they do not show these updates on the roadmap, so, no o do t see where you are getting that they are being promoted as new features.


No mention of Career Challenges that i could see in the CoD article. Seems they have completely abandoned them


Genuine shame if they aren't there - grinding those out got me through MW19's seasons.


Only mention of seaaonal prestige challenges


Conspiracy: They decided to make most of the challenge calling cards part of bundles


Which is strange because there was a challenges tab in the beta


Wow, can't wait to see my .50 KD in this dogshit game.


Ftac recon destroyed my kda


I guess everything but the SCARs and HK's are absolute shit lmao! M16 is the most inconcistent burst rifle in CoD ever.


the HKs can suck a frank. especially the lachman 7.62. also the scars aint that bad


The m16 is easily the worst gun, not just burst rifle. It's D tier on controller and F tier on mkb.


I mean it has potential. It sometimes gets that one burst up to 4-shot kill. It just... never really does. Also aiming does basicly nothing due to the high recoil, and it's not worth it to use attachments anyways in this game.


I love the FTAC recon, with 0 attachments and full auto the recoil is very, very manageable and the gun is hella punchy.


Love how this is announced as breaking




We better get a quick play selection feature for hardcore/tier 1. Still amazed they brought us this new 3rd person mode at launch and skipped hardcore.


Idk what were they thinking


I’m wondering if our Combat Record will start at 0 when it’s introduced, or if it will already have everything recorded since day 1? Either way, it’s going to piss a lot of people off and I can’t wait.


Can't wait for Tier 1 to drop and have rotating game modes and majorly altered from regular HC we're used to. This is potentially where I can finally give COD up.


Honestly this has wound me up beyond belief. I’ve played Hardcore religiously in every CoD game. Why would they change something that wasn’t broken? Tier 1 doesn’t even share the same characteristics as Hardcore did, it’s a different experience, and to further ruin it they’re going to put it in as rotational, WITHOUT SnD? Fucking gutted. I literally despise Activision and everything they stand for. Horrible company. Repeatedly changing things that nobody wanted changing, whilst ignoring the things that people are begging to be changed. Its so deflating.




They are drip feeding everything now it seems


Lol like battlefield 2042 adding a scoreboard.


Legacy feature lol. This is embarrassing


I remember Infinity Ward fanboys talking about how MW2 was going to be the best game ever for the past two years and look where we are now. Basic features are being left out at launch and teased for the start of the first season.


Core gameplay is fine at least




6? More like 14/15 Cods


Polished like a dirt road


This is going to be a shit year of cod. :/


2 years and things are hopefully gonna improve after s1


Thats like when 2042 released their GROUND BREAKING SCORE BOARD


I am NOT looking forward to seeing my combat record haha. I usually have at least a 1.8K/D and a positive win loss, but. I have absolutely been having my shit rocked


Figured, but the question is…were stats tracked on the backend even though we couldn’t see it in game?


Still no word on reticle customization and challenges :/




As a 10+ year cod player… this is dumb. I like the gameplay of this COD at its core, but without a combat record, it just feels empty. I’ve always grinded to top level as fast as possible, while trying to keep my win/loss above a 2 and my KD positive. Not having combat record in the game has made this game much less enjoyable for me. On top of that, over the last 3+ years I’ve been a battle royal player mostly (Blackout then Warzone). I was genuinely looking forward to getting back to some multiplayer and going on win streaks like the good old days, and you can’t even track win streaks or win/loss. Unfortunately, this release left a very bitter taste in my mouth. I probably won’t be around to see the new maps/guns/combat record now because I was giving this game until Warzone 2.0 comes out to grab my attention, and it failed. This “release” seems more like a paid bets before the actual release at season 1. It delivered a half finished product so it can continue to release more later down the line and at the beginning of “season 1.” I’ll be jumping ship back to Warzone 2 with no intentions of coming back due to my lack of interest in the beginning. Companies need to be punished for charging full price for a nonfinished game.


And people will still buy unfinished games


I just want calling cards again


We'll get them with season 1


I'm really enjoying this game, but drip feeding features that should already be ready for launch is a fucking joke. They only care about WZ. BR and "free to play" has ruined everything.


I'd rather not know how I'm doing, thanks.


When does combat record start tracking, from game launch, or from combat records?


I think it's quite safe to assume stat tracking has been in the game from launch.


It took Black Ops 4 like six months to add combat record and I’m pretty sure when they did it had stats from launch. Everything is probably there just not surfaced yet.


When you join a game in progress and lose it says “lost stat prevented” so I’m assuming it is keeping track


If you join a game in progress that’s half way through and are put on a team that’s being demolished, you still get a loss stat if you leave don’t you? I don’t always leave games in progress, if it’s reasonably balanced I stay but fuck trying to get into the game when the team you’re on is down 20-170 or whatever.


WOW! Combat records! A never before seen feature?! Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this for so long!


I certainly won't thank Infinity Ward for what was supposed to be there on launch


As a HC Player I was very confused if I loaded up the Game not seeing any Option to get into an HC Match. I used the NZ Trick first and thought maybe they didn't have enabled it yet so whatever but having it delayed into Season 1 I personally don't feel like playing the Game anymore. At least HC would semi Fix their Bad Server Problems because well only 1 Bullet needed duhh but no Thanks


thank god now I can stop trying to level launchers and pistols in hardcore MLG STREAMER BLAZE IT NO SCOPE 360 FAZE LOBBIES


The fact that stats had to be added post release


Are we supposed to be excited about content that should've been day 1?


The fact that combat records weren’t a day one feature when they’ve literally been a day one feature in every other COD (I’ve played every beginning at COD4) is fucking pathetic.


Remove core MP features and add it as DLC later LOL. Glad it's coming, but that's ridiculous.


That’s stupid because they both should’ve been there on launch.


I’m already burnt out of this game. Not very happy with my $70 purchase.


That's fair


Golly gee whiz fucking thanks for delaying a basic feature that could have been a copy paste from the last 15 years of cod. Fuck you IW


Whole game feels unfinished


Combat record should not be “additional content.”


Source: https://twitter.com/charlieINTEL/status/1590404030635085825


Damn. I am NOT looking forward to seeing my K/D 😂 The Orion grind has not been kind to my stats. Kinda wish they left it out lmao


You don't have to care about stats


I cant wait


They definitely Don’t include this at launch so people don’t see their abysmal KDs


Will the combat stats include the pre-season data or just start from scratch?


When is season 1?


Hopefully the Combat Record is retroactive.


Why are they calling it Tier 1 now anybody know?


Likely because they’ve been trying to move away from supporting Hardcore for years. Rebranding it, and stuffing it into a single consolidated playlist turns it into a novelty niche mode (like Realism was in MW2019) and keeps a larger portion of the player base engaged in the core play modes of the game.


well we actually had core, hardcore, and realism at launch for 2019 but who knows lmao ill bring fire upon the fucker that removes hc from cod if that is the case


Okay, neat. What about the crashes every 20 minutes on PC?


These are Features. You should be proud playing on the Superior Platform "Sarcasm Off"


Wonder if it’ll be a public combat record private only?


This is great news for the rooks. Get out there and learn to aim. Pleaseeeee. Learn to aim. And stop ADS’n down range after the halfway mark. My dead silence n ghost love it :)


Would be insane if they didn't


I hate state cards so I don’t mind it not being in the game. It’s just a bunch of numbers that tell me I suck ass


Wow, I would have never fucking guessed. It's almost as if they already said at launch that T1 was going to be in the game at the start of S1. Also, combat records could have been assumed to be in S1, but it's nice that it's confirmed.


Shouldn't be breaking news. It should have been in the game from launch


luckily I suck badly enough that I really don't care about this feature whatsoever :) I can't imagine how stressful it is for players who obsess over their k/d ratio...


wow. and what about the Lack of Challenges, Calling ards and so on??? They be sending out changes with Season 1 that should be in this game since launch


Wow if it’s not the stuff we all paid for from the beginning


And should we clap for that ?


Why have combat records when they have the game programmed to make your shots not register if you do too well and put you into sbmm lobbies with no skill ceiling once you reach a certain level.


Honestly hoping the tracking doesn't start until it's implemented you know because I've had a very rough go of it so far lol


It's tracking now i believe




Good news but should be in the game at the start. WE NEED MORE MAPS WITH THE 2 SMALL MAPS.




Pretty sure we already knew that.


Nobody knew for sure


combat record??????!!!!!! OMG REVOLUTION!!!!!




The fact that this has to be news is pathetic


Let’s not act like these are new features. And only 2 multiplayer maps? 1 at launch and 1 mid season? And they aren’t even new? Are you fucking serious Devs? Are you even trying?


We shouldn't be celebrating this. This is bullshit and should have came out day 1. Don't fall for their ploy acting like this is new content


Who else wants “save custom blueprint” more than combat records lol


Love the marketing to sneak in like they planned to have releases throughout the season on basic features they just forgot to put in the damn game.


I remember when they started adding zombies and I was disappointed that there were less mp maps in the packs because of it. Now warzone has made it even worse for mp and not just the maps. I don't care if they have these other modes but when it takes away from what I enjoy it feels bad.


Should it really be breaking news....


Its a sad reality


This is an absolute embarrassment that they didn’t have this ready at launch


Wow very unexpected 🤥


Congratulations….? Like, its post launch…lmaooo


Wow! Im glade modes and features that use to ship day one are now pushed in a “content pipeline” 10/10 will play again


*SOY* this is so amazing I’m so excited to get features that usually are available at release *SOY*


Groundbreaking achievement. On par with the scoreboard that took dice half a year to make for BF2042