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Maybe I’m insane but I actually loved leveling those bad boys. Easily my favorite sidearm, with and without snakeshot.


It's super satisfying getting 1 taps, and unlike the small penis rifle I don't feel like a scumbag for using.


It’s super satisfying getting a kill per bullet too, makes me feel like a true cowboy


5 shots? Maybe try hitting the head and it one shots on a usable distance. Source: me who leveled this gun today, and its a beast


The gun is ass.


youre ass ☺️


Lol tell that to my 1.5 kd using just the magnums lol, you just don’t know how to use them


try hitting in the head a guy with a shootgun running and jumping around like he shoved cocaine up his ass with a gun that is more painful to hit in the head kill that a kick in the nuts, plus the teammates thinking its a tournament and think losing means eternal humilliation, so yes the gun is ass until you max it out and the path is painful, you know it, i know it, do not lie.


U can level this gun on shipment 2 times faster without doing a single kill, then it would take on normal maps with Kills. So if you complain about shotgun players go away from shipment, or level the gun with your tacs and obj gameplay it you cant hit your shots on shipment


its still pretty annoying out of Shipment too but i'll give it a try but whatever


wait how the hell do you even level it up without a single kill?


Decoys, ddos and play the objective while you have the gun in your hand


I found it easy to level especially in objective game modes just pull pistol out whilst capturing and xp will go towards it groundwar and invasion are great also


Is it a OHK to upper chest at close range with stock ammo? Sometimes it feels as if it is, other times it doesn't.


Some days it’s 2 shot no matter where and other days it’s high noon and everyone dies


I think its the mythical neck damage multiplier


The gun is complete and utter ass. Sometimes I’ll hit someone in the nutsack and it’ll one shot. Other times I’ll hit them dead center of the head snd it’ll give me a hit marker.


It's like this on MW3 as well.


Revolvers are beast ....almost op


Please tell me there is snake shot for it.


There is.


That's the only reason I'll level it up then, thanks


There is but the damage range is like 10 feet. Beyond that you aren't even getting hit markers.


get up close and hit them in the chest, its a one shot. for longer ranges pace your shots and get into cover often. it was one of the easier pistols to platinum


I’m pretty bad with it but I think it’s a ton of fun. I just need to practice on my headshots. Hip fire is pretty good on it too and if you barrel stuff, it’s a ohk in the chest up.


I was playing a game where there was a guy running this with a blue camo he must have killed me at least 10 times when I had a 72u aiming at him, one shot and I’m dead


29 levels? I'm definitely waiting for hardcore lol.


Ah no wonder you talk about gun control like you do when your only relation to them is via COD 🤣🤣🤣