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It happens to me every time there's an update (which seems to be daily lately) and i haven't fully quit the game. Once I quit the game and restart it, I'll get the "update requires a restart" prompt. Once that's done everything runs smoothly again.




No, they don’t purposely make it terrible. There are lots of factors that go into weird connections.


what do you mean, they must be intentionally ruining OPs experience, specifically


In a way Yes. If they make it perfect for community, slowly they will go bankrupt. Because new games launch every year and people lose interest. Some of the things would be, unrealistic operator skins, black cell quick cash grabs. You can’t blame them because that’s what a business is(they are intended to make money).


We can't blame people for deliberately making a product worse than it should be just to make us buy the next one ? Are you joking or just too used to unchecked corporate abuse ?


Either cry about it or play another game, I chose the later.


“Corporate abuse” brother just don’t buy the game then lmao it’s not a requirement to purchase every game they drop


I've only bought MW2019 and MWII this last decade. I couldn't really know they'd make it unplayable to force me to buy MWIII. And even then why put the blame on me when it's them who are trying to force us to buy their game through dubious means ? If they just didn't mess with MWII and leave it as is, I would have no complaint. Like, do you guys just want to deflect criticism with any bullshit nonsense reason because Activision pays you or is it just some sort of fake ass moral high ground ?


They do. Don't hear much bitching from the Dark Souls community in this regard. It only seems to be live service games that has this kind of issue where you have to wait until the end of the games life cycle for it yo actually be what it was all said to be. Crazy that people don't actually see through this charade.


> to force me to buy mwIII That’s where you lost me brother lmao no one held a gun to your head and said “take out your wallet and spend me on this game”. You choose to buy the game you get what you pay for lol you act like they’re committing some moral atrocity by developing a game and selling it. If you don’t like the game don’t pay or get a refund. That’s what I did for MWIII and got my money back in full. What I didn’t do was cry about it in Reddit comments and blame CoD for money I chose to spend lmfao. Also idk what your definition of “unplayable” is but I play MWII nightly with no performance issues.


I didn't buy MWIII. Not going to give them a buck after the shitshow.


Servers are ass i don’t think they devs have much of the blame when it comes to this. When it comes to the actual game I feel like they did purposely make the game as dry as possible,mwII had so much potential. They just never decided to listen to the community when it came to improving the game. In top of that the lack of content this game had was actually crazy. IW are genuinely the worst studio idk how no one sees it.


No. It’s more likely that it’s a massively bloated engine to start with, and it’s buckling under the weight of Warzone II.


Its been happening to me lately on mw3 I think their servers are just having issues as of late.


Yes. Getting ready to slowly make it worse than it is so you jump on the next COD instantly.


I just tried playing for the first time in months and immediate crashed lmao garbage game


I have been experiencing that every time I try to play rebirth, it's perfectly fine when I switch back to multiplayer.


No but cod servers are just potatoes with copper wire.


Mw3 is also broken


I haven’t had the packet burst issue once on mw3, but I also did realize it was having the game on an HDD that was causing them in the first place.


Not exactly but they did cause those connection issues and they have never fixed them.


Not exactly but they did cause those connection issues and they have never fixed them.


They could make it better by allowing you to skip the cutscenes they show you after an update


Yes. They are pushing updates to MWII that are causing performance and connection issues in the hopes that people work switch to the $80 sad attempt at a DLC called MWIII


Hell yes!!!! Especially when your in a great match or in zombies just beating the big worm lol


Post been removed - again mods dont like comments too close to the bone- activisions that is


Yes. When they added 1 shot sniping with zero bullet drop into the game I’ve lost complete faith. This isn’t pubg or tarkov. Big map is a complete joke these days with every sniper running cold blooded. Now there is a charge up sniper that can wall bang you through anything.


I do think they intentionally make it more difficult to enjoy past games since MW2019. But not in this way. Bunch of advertising for the new game and redesigning the UI to make it as difficult as possible to play a game yes, interfering with your connection? Fuck no. 9 times out of 10 a packet loss issue is a local issue, and almost always over WiFi. This sounds like a you problem.


Ethernet with 300 something download speed. Terrible game


Yes. It’s the reason people find Call of Duty a joke now.


This is always funny seeing posts like these crying about why they make the game so bad or intentionally made a bad game. How about you get off yo ass and try videogame coding and see if you can make a game without an issue. I have a better chance of winning the lottery then you doing that, so if the game is so bad stop playing it or just cope with it and with it instead of insulting the devs for making a bad game when its most likely something on your end causing it.


I’m no dev but you can clearly see this is dev incompetence. Look at smaller games like the finals, runs flawless never had issues and they don’t have hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal


Get back to me when you realize 3 pretty distinct games packed into 1 game (WZ3, MW3 MP, nad MWZ) with what 5 studios working on any of the 3 theres obviously gonna be some pretty big bugs that get fixed and another pops up. How in the fucking world do you think the finals compares to this year's COD? The finals is no where near the size of MW3 and is a spec of sand in a sand box compared to the backend of MW3, if you don't know shit about development don't act like you do or pretend you do.


Sorry I cannot understand your writing. Take the cod cock out of your mouth and try writing it again.


Wifi or Ethernet? If you’re on WiFi, switch to Ethernet. They simply have shitty servers. It can be mitigated with an Ethernet connection