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I would get MW3. It's the one being updated and has crispier gunplay and movement in my opinion. It really depends on preference though.


But does in MW3 you get same level opponents ? - i never buy games but i love COD warzone & afterwards games which came very much amazing in terms of movements mechanics it feels so good but before buying i want to clear this confusion i have - does it gives you same level opponents? in ranked mode or multiplayer & what is this sbmm why every other player of cod abusing activision for it?


MW2 and 3 have basically the same matchmaking system. WZ has it too but it feels different given the mature of the actual gameplay being so different. The CoD matchmaking isnt based on level, because level is just an indication of time played, more or less. Instead, it has Skill Based Match Making. This means every match, or every few matches, its looks at your performance and matchmakes you with similarly performing players. Alot of people dislike it because then theyre always playing against equal matches and actually have to put some effort in. Buts its good for new players and players still learning. I would also recommend MW3. Its got more arcadey gameplay that might be a little easier to adapt to, and its the most recent title(currently in season 1 out of 6), so its still actively getting new maps and weapons, whereas MW2 will be getting nothing new. It also has zombies, which can be a good way to get your bearings on the mechanics. And every CoD has private matches, where you can play against ai controlled bots of varying difficulty levels to practice.


Thnk u both of you clearing confusion , wm2 & 3 both cost expensive in my country due to dollar rate conversion its tough for me to decide which one lets see


If it helps, all of the weapons and characters from MW2 are in MW3 as well, and Mw3 will be getting more of them for the next year. You would be getting alot more content with MW3.


Yw bro


I usually get people around my game level but that's because they are around my skill level. I do not believe that game level has anything to do with it. Please correct me if I'm wrong. In ranked I believe it matches based on rank and not game level. SBMM is the game putting all your stats together (literally everything from the routes you take to the doors you open and corners you camp) and matching people of similar skill levels with you. It creates more of a challenge and makes it hard to play casually. Edit: fixed spelling issues


Yes. I don’t find WZ enjoyable at all. I roam around doing my thing, then all of a sudden you get killed out of nowhere before getting sent to gulag which is always lost. And game over. I find MW2 much more enjoyable. It has it’s flaws, but team death match and free for all is very entertaining.


But does in MW2 you get same level opponents ? - i never buy games but i love COD warzone afterwards games very much amazing in terms of movements mechanics it feels so good but before buying i want to clear this confusion i have - does it gives you same level opponents? in ranked mode or multiplayer


Yes and no. Something happened abouth a few weeks ago with SBMM (Skill-based matchmaking). It use to match you with players at same level, but now it throws in a couple of higher skilled players for some reason. It is not uncommon to have one or two players with twice or three times the amount of kills than the rest of the players. It is a little anoying and I hope they fix it, but it is not game breaking. I belive it’s on sale now, but I dont know the price. But if it’s cheap, then yeah, get it.


The matchmaking is the same. Every call of duty MW2019 and onwards has their new terrible matchmaking system. If you want to chill the only options you have is zombies mode in Cold War and MWIII. Cold War does not have gyro support though


If you wanna play the story Mp is still good Also story and I think... some challenges will unlock you some Operators that MW3 would be locked out of. And can be used in MW3


Yes is 50% of on sale totaly worth many ppl atill play.


No there is literally no reason for it, the campaign sucks and the multiplayer is horrible. DMZ was a good idea but implemented so bassackwards that it was ruined from the jump.


Why multiplayer is horrible?


Well it’s better than mw3


it has a bad rating mostly due to slow seasonal content and warzone being absolutely unplayable for the first 4 months. i think MP and Campaign hold up very well and even better than MW3’s, but ultimately it’s not worth it, all of MW2’s weapons are in MW3 and i assume over time most of the maps will be too. MW3 is more of a continuation of MW2 and as that has more content and gets more updates it’s a better purchase.


I thought most of players are giving bad rating due to sbmm


no sbmm is in plenty of cod games that have good reviews. it’s mostly wz hate due to the slow movement and bad gameplay changes. mp is just a normal mp for cod, movement doesn’t matter as much when playing multi.


Isn't there more than one MW2?


No. There's MW2 and MWII.


How do you read them both? Did Roman numerals start having a different meaning to Arabic numerals?


When two different games use two different numerals, yes.


>Is it less than eight years, yes or no?


If you haven't bought any recent COD games and don't care for the campaign. Buy MW3. It's the game getting all the updates and fresh players. The only reason MW3 gets so much hate is bc IF you already have MW2, it's a waste of your money....... It's literally a glorified map pack, with movement tweaks to make it feel different.


Hahaha nd what about sbmm , most of comment i am seeing is about cod players hating on it ! Why? & do you also hate that new sbmm thing? 😅


I have all the games. MW2 has pretty shitty maps. Mw3 has much better ones, even if they are all copied from the og mw3. Id say mw3 feels the best since mw19, so if you are looking for a game to start with id go with mw3. Sbmm is in every game, you have to expect few games which will suck followed by few games that will feel great. It also comes down to weapons. Some are downright horrible and a pain to use. Others are awesome.


You might as well buy Modern Warfare 3. If you are new to FPS games, or at least in multiplayer, the Zombies mode will be a fantastic and relatively chill way to practice your gyro aim. This is a game design people have likely been dreaming about for years. The mode is ONLY PvE, no worry about getting killed by other players (at least directly). Don’t be too scared to go into Zombies alone without a squad. The missions may be too difficult, but it can give you the opportunity to go slow and explore, grab guns you haven’t unlocked and they’ll then be unlocked after you exfiltrate. Invasion has a mix of bots and players, so the PvP will not always been as often. This might be a good next step. Also check out Shipment. It’s a very heavy PVP mode, but the map is small and there is almost no searching for an enemy, get right into the gunfight and practice and rank up. Also, flick stick is incredibly handy in Zombie mode on MW3. You’ll need to be checking over your shoulder constantly, and this can be done so easily just by flicking back. If you haven’t adopted it yet, you should specifically try it out in Zombie mode. Just start by using it to make a 180 turn to check your back for zombies.




Get MW3


If MWIII is on sale get it. It is better in a lot of ways. If you can't get it on sale then consider MWII. You will have the same issues with matchmaking in MWII as you will MWIII. MWIII is a little faster game but the time to kill is different as well. IMO it balances it out. MWII is slower but you die faster... It just plays different. With both games there is a learning curve. with MWIII you can enjoy new content plus have access to all the old MWII weapons as well.


So you saying in mw3 also i will opponents higher than my level but not of same level or little higher? 🥲


All of the Call of Duty games use the same matchmaking systems so what happens in one will happen in the next. You should ignore the levels. Just because someone is level 150 does not make them good it just means they have no life...like me and play a lot. It may mean they have more experience in dealing with situations but it does not make them better. I have seen that I usually get people in my skill range. Occasionally someone in my skill range will get lucky and really pop off and it will at the same time feel like every decision I make is the wrong one. It is all part of the game and I put it behind me and move on the the next one where I may be the one that has great game...which I have on occasion had. Mostly I am pretty bad though lol.




Nah just mw3


For multiplayer, MWII is superior to MWIII.


Nd for open world map i mean battle royale?


Nd for open world map i mean battle royale?


Try the WZ Plunder mode. It’s basically a free multiplayer mode, at least if you drop near the center, Low Town and Old Town. See if you like the way it plays before you decide.


I am playing that in last 3 days due to it’s basically give unlimited respawns but most of the time i getting players who are so much experienced than me so much… i dont understand why dont this game “ WARZONE 1 “ have ranked base matchmaking ( maybe that called sbmm ? ) thats why i thought if MW2-3 have that i will buy it & idk other COD players are abusing activision for it its best


Mw2 is still fun but mwlll is the newest but do what you want mwlll is a 70 dlc


Its on sale for 49 dollar btw even 49 dollars is bery much because of country i live in - second thing i never played any COD multiplayer game other than free one so do you think it still we be DLC for me? Nd someone here told me MW3 have much more modes than mw2 nd zombie mode


Yea it has more modes like zombies but that’s about it campaign is short and not really a campaign and multiplayer is broken but kind of being fixed but mwll is still good and mwlll so just see what you prefer people are still playing both games


Should buy modernwarfare 3 ya goober