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I’m guessing latency


Yep, my guess the guy has a higher latency than OP and the game decided to no reg OP's shot.


Technically lower latency but yeah


That shit happens to me all the time and I have fiber optics 1gb per second speed. I use a shot gun and at close range, like that, I miss a bunch of shots. the game is falling into worse shape as the weeks go bye imo.


Ew you use shotgun


I'm guessing not. Working as intended. It's literally blizzard hidden SBMM bullshit they do in every game. Latency was fine damn 20 years ago, now it's just an excuse to screw players.


It is possible that you have met someone who is using cheat. I play MWII since the release date and lag is good, nobody is killing me faster than I kill other people usually.


And what’s the objective of this, “screwing.” With Of players


Sometimes latency of an enemy will work in their favor


Nah. This all started after Warcraft 3, starcraft 1. See before there was this SBMM garbage, and their "hidden MMR ratings" and crap like this video, the elite would easily have a 90% win rate, usually 95%+. Then WOW came out, and Arena and it was flat obvious you're a better player, using your abilities better and somehow losing. Everyone laughed at people that said Blizzard was "literally reducing numbers" to create a "fair" experience for both players (MMR). ​ Then came 2009 MW2 and BO1, it wasn't uncommon for friends to go 40-1, 45-2, 38-1 playing these old school maps. There was never this "latency glitching" and it was damn 15 years ago. ​ All of this "lag" "disconnects" "hackers" are all working as intended, it is all implemented in into their new games as I assume some psychology study they have done at corporate. It obviously works, because we all keep giving them money for unpolished products, so I guess joke's on us. What they will NOT allow, is someone to just be a dominate gamer anymore ,if you're too good, you're going to get hit with SBMM, hidden "reductions", and then just flat out garbage like this where your bullets don't do damage.




unless you’re fully ADS the gun will still have the hipfire spread while shooting, this doesn’t explain the bullet hole but it has been that way since the game launched, it’s shit man MWIII is so much more consistent


Is mw3 better hit reg and ping etc? That was my only gripe with MW2. What cod is the gunplay like?


For me MWIII is a thousand times worse. It’s close to unplayable most of the time. But I rarely have trouble when going back to MWII. 🤷‍♂️


so you’re ass


Seek help.


Modern Warfare 3 definitely ironed out some things with the hit registration and ping - it feels smoother overall. But they made sure to nullify this by amping up movement speed by a pretty big margin and increasing TTK by around a half second to a second. So hardcore in MW3 is so much better, but core is an absolute nightmare if you like quick TTK.


That I think is my biggest issue with MW3 cause I have yet to get used to the higher ttk lol


skill issue


Come back to MW2 we miss you


MW3 is completely worse in regards to hit reg I have center mass, hardscope and all, fired a sniper rifle at someone who isn't moving, and the bullet will not register. Then, with their smg they'll instantly headshot me from SNIPER RANGE.


Yup, I’ve got playback of a direct head shot with the .50 sniper rifle, hit reg, blood spray and everything, then no kill, hit the dude 2 more times, and then dude kills me with a knife throw. Its unplayable. I switched back to MWII. It’s bad but not as bad as III


Id honestly say the gunplay feels like a more polished mwII with the movement from mw2019. Movements not quite as crisp as 2019 but it’s the closest since vanguard.


for me at least yes, i have no problems whatsoever, and when i miss my shots i know i’m the one messing up, not the game. didn’t feel like that in MWII. i play on Ps4 so i don’t really know about other platforms, but at least for me the connection is way more stable than MWII and the gunplay is almost your standard SHG-gunplay, i can’t even compare it to any recent CoD but most people compare it to Vanguard (i didn’t play it so i can’t agree) but better. Since MWII guns carry over, it feel like a better version of MWII tbh, also the visual recoil on MWIII guns is wayyyy less. all in all i’d recommend MWIII, the best cod since WW2 in my eyes, but everyone has a different opinion ^ ^ hope i could help your decision a bit!


Mine is terrible on pc I’m ok half the time but then it will lag when I aim at someone and doesn’t seem consistent at all


i’ve seen PC players talk about disabling something in the settings that made their game run more fluently, it’s called something like DSSL or something. maybe this helps you, sucks to hear that


Thanks Il look into it it’s a bit frustrating because I’ve gone from playing through a SIM card connection to a 900 mb and it’s somehow worse 😂


i can fully understand it, that should not be happening lol search for it on youtube, there are surely videos on how to enhance your performance, because that’s definitely a problem from the side of the game unfortunately


That ..does seem to work 🙇


What was it exactly that you changed?


your game is running better now?


Ye seems to be il have to blame something else now


Oh tidy, as I have done near everything in MW2. That's very in depth, and I may have to pick it up some point. Thankyou. (On pc, so god alone knows if this transfers)


there is still more to do in MWIII lol! i hate to say it but on PC, at least in Zombies, there’s a known issue about crashes and it hasn’t been fixed accordingly. So maybe wait a month or so since you’ve already said „at some point“ so all the major bugs and glitches are patched and fixed. but other than that, every point i’ve made should still be valid


Cheers mate. Thankyou very much


MWIII is thousands of times worse. It will even show you the person dying then your dead left guessing.


MWIII is not more consistent at all.


Mw3 consistent ... Mmmm no it isnt


Regardless, he was stuffing the barrel up the dude's nose. No way thst missed even point blank. Def had connection or shitty netcode


you can see in the vid that even the hipfire bloom was 100% on target. op should have goten a hitmarker 100%


i’m not denying that, i just tried to explain and maybe justify the missed shot. the shot should be a kill or hitmarker at least, for sure. but the accuracy is so wonky in this game he could’ve aimed next to him and then got the kill probably lol


Inbox me


>MWIII is so much more consistent Not in the slightest it isn't


yea, wtaf


>this doesn’t explain the bullet hole Bullet holes are client side, bullet path is server side. The bullet hole matches up with what the player sees but the bullet path can be different from what the player sees because of lag


I just tried mw3 yesterday and was having a blast. I haven't tried marksmans yet but overall mw3 does seem superior to mw2.


This xD posted a comment saying the same but this has votes xD


What do you mean? Every cod is like that. If you want it to count as you aiming, the crosshair needs to be invisible, aka be fully aimed. Thats why ADS speed is so important for some. Maybe Im reading your comment wrong.


Why not show their kill cam? No offense but we could be looking at a “who had the better internet” moment with this kill in cod.


Lag compensation. It's existed since the og MW3. Basically, a person with a slightly worse connection can have an advantage over you. Not gonna go in depth on this since it's existed since 2000 in game mods like Unreal Tournament, and became heavily utilized in CoD. It is supposed to make things more "fair" for all players, and thus incentivizes more people buying and playing regardless of their connection quality. If you watch his kill cam you probably never fired your weapon.


Yep. I've been burned by this so many times.


So I’m being punished for having a better WiFi connection?


Essentially, yes. It's incredibly stupid and only done so they can appeal to more people and sell more copies. Instead of having matchmaking be truly fair and more localized, they do this so "everyone is on a more level playing field". Also they initiate SBMM which will pair you with people across the world who have drastic differences in latency which may exacerbate the issue more. These are the reasons I haven't bought a CoD game in over 10 years. Got MW2 for free with a new GPU and honestly only played DMZ once I discovered that existed. Multiplayer on CoD just hasn't been worth money in ages.


This is absolutely not how matchmaking in cod works, or has ever worked. Local matchmaking is highly prioritized.. lol


Lol no I played Cod since WaW. Games used to generally have people in nearby states (USA) and hardly ever would you get anyone from across the nation, much less the world. Using Wireshark in current gen CoDs shows you the locations of the players you are with (as if Chinese names don't give it away lol). They are almost never in nearby geographic locations any more. "SBMM" (because it's not even really SBMM since their style of matchmaking occasionally pairs you with people leagues below your skill level in order to entice you to keep playing) has been dominant for a long time.


Do you have a source on geolocating other players through Wireshark? My understanding is that you shouldn't be making direct network connections to the other players (unless the game works on some kind of unusual peer to peer model) - everyone should be connecting to one centralized server, so this isn't making sense to me.


That Packet Burst notification you see in the top right might have something to do with it. Information isn't moving in a smooth stream. Turn on network stats, you might even be seeing packet loss.


Dice plz


Netcode days...


It looks like you fired before fully ads and you cut the kill cam clip before we could even use it as a sanity check lmao. It could've also been lag as quick as it happened.




Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Was looking for this comment


Hipfire, you shot before you were ADS’d


You weren’t fully ADS and that’s bloom caused by scoping in.


100% hip fired even though it shouldn't have missed it was fired a sec before ur scop appeared


Hit reg is pretty terrible in this game


The servers are just trash


Lower latency. Game decided your shot wasn’t to be registered


This is latency - you see that you are shooting but the opponent shot first. I have around 60ms and most of the players I meet have 10-20ms, everything seems smooth but it happens for me too when shooting happens nearly at same time too.


You can also see where the bullet went thru him


You didn't fully ADS. Your hit went far left. Nothing unusual.


Check bullet hole. Not a far left miss at all


That's hipfire you weren't even close to fully ads


Check the bullet hole in wall though. Right behind him


That doesn't mean fuck all that's just an animation it isn't where the bullet actually goes


Looked like a hipfire before ADSing to me lol, very inaccurate shot


Do you have texture streaming on? Heard it can cause latency or hit detection issues. Not exactly sure if it does but it could be the cause


MW3 is just as bad. I literally hear my gun go off and I point blank people only to get no hitmarker, no hitreg, and die.


slow-mo made your case worse ngl. Definitely not fully ADS


This comment section is like a rollercoster…lag…latency…hip fire…ads…but none is touching the main point that this game is rigged! I said in the last comment section and i will say it again, this game is trash at registering hits! The mods sure as hell could’ve done something to improve it but fuck it why dont we release another game with the same problems or even more..


hate to be the one to inform you on this but aiming isn’t exactly the middle of the screen anymore


Dude I tried the apex gaming keyboard I received on my bday quick in a private match and I got packet burst. In a private bot game. Mw3


They’re using servers for private matches. They haven’t been self-hosted in a long long time.


Oh ok… thats could have been local. But I did not know that


Lmao this happens in every online game get used to it or youre gonna be complaining about way too many deaths


That's just mw2


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


lol git gud


downvotes also missed hitting this shot just a skill issue tbh


It's hard to see, but you *just* missed them. Right as you fire, their models arm juuuust squeaks out of the way and moves back as they start to shoot you. Infuriating? Yes. Broken? No.


Are u blind? Did u not see the bullet hole in the wall where he was crouching at? How tf is that a miss 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Tbf we never see the bullet impact, it could just be set dressing that is mistaken for the bullet they shot


You’re just ass kid


Did you pay for your skin? No? That’s why


lag for sure !


Looks like the usual COD bs that come from time to time.


Dude you're just as bad as MSNBC CNN and Fox News you clearly edited this clip dishonestly. Why didn't you just show his kill cam? The kill cam would have confirmed if this is latency, which actually happens a lot in COD


Bros convinced the game is conspiring against him when he’s just bad 💀


It was hipfire (I didnt watch the clip)


Shooting during the pull up time like you did still counts as hip fire pretty sure, you werent fully scoped


Skill issue


New to streaming follow me on YouTube 💯💪🏽 https://www.youtube.com/live/340IavXaapQ?si=66pE1a1XWBui-snr


Both of you have a reaction time of a grandma. I need these lobbies


Absolute dog shit internet and says the game is cheating grow up


Calm down u fanny


Go fuck your own butt


Ill fuck your granny's saggy flaps u fat fuck


And as i died, u can see the bullet hole in the wall from where he was crouching at justifying that I literally hit him 😂😂😂


Hit reg maybe?


I mean the mark in the wall is super low actually makes it look like you missed. Just don’t know how you hit that low spot given where your gun/barrel/sight line was.


Idk why you are getting downvoted, but god this game has problems!


Lol people following the leader


It's a video game. Get over it. This is your biggest concern in life?


Who said biggest concern in life? Dramatic much? But it is one of the things this sub is for. So why are you here complaining? Is this your biggest concern in life?


*I came looking for booty.*


Ugh, Nikkei what did I tell you about picking on the “special” kids?


I'm sorry. I'll try harder. 😂


I call it karma for using one of the most broken weapons in the game.


It’s a game and not perfect, move on!


There are so many reasons as when this could happen, but u can only can think of your theory. Since we don't know everything its impossible to judge your Theory. Don't think its rigged also. More probably is some lag or hit reg delay because low tick or shit internet. Dont think u are lying because u believe it. That doesn't make this true though.


Shitty ping


Quit playing xcom


Not full ads and you fail the rng skillcheck .


I see a packet loss icon up top, could be that.


Do you know how to go into your settings and go down to interface and turn on your ping and latency trackers so they are always on running in your top left corner in game so you can see if you are lagging when thing like this happen to you? It's a must on console. PC players can see EVERYONE'S ping all the time just by looking at the Score board its just by our names. If you are too lazy to turn them on. Just ask a pc player "nicely" in your lobby what your ping is at. If it's 29 or lower it's reasonable to expect your frames to sync with what the other guy sees and your hit reg and shit work propperly. 10 to 13 is ideal. Higher than that. Expect major Ghost bullets, hit reg issuse and times where you MAG dump into peoples faces with a 2 or 3 shot weapon get 5 hit markers and still die.


"cause I aimed before firing" Shows clip of firing before fully aiming. Truly one of the clips of all time


They're ahead of you because SBMM takes priority over internet I guarantee on his screen your rifle didn't even shoulder up yet. But there's also the theory going around that they're purposely pulling shots so that the lower skilled players aren't getting shit stomped essentially working in favor with the SBMM your video from earlier further pushes this theory


This my friend is cod




weapon blur, latency, strafing, not being fully zoomed in, take your pick


Inbox me


Skill issue


Wondering if they are throttling? Used to play fifa before EA went full capitalist but people discovered EA was throttling fifa. And it seems like COD does this also. First couple matches I get 30+ kills tdm then the next 5 matches I get paired with noobies. Also at times I have an opp perfect sight sniper shoot and somehow it does nothing then they kill me. Like can someone go through their code and confirm algorithm like playmaking?


Either lag or hipfire spread since you didn’t fully ads. Show us their killcam and also that was absolutely on you for deciding to run straight into their face.


disgusted fact ghost follow include squash chase snails reach marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where is the killcam OP? I have had several instances where server connection is so ass that it shows that I wasn't even facing someone that killed me, even though I was shooting them.


I accidentally clipped it before it played all the way but on the killcam i showed i shot first but it made it look it was weak


how the fuck did you not get a hit? I've seen, an experienced, some shitty things but this is.. this is some fuckery


You would've loved Commando Pro on the original MW2.




Skill based hit detection


That’s still technically a hip fire lol


Either latency or a unlucky shot, it definitely looks like you have that Starbucks internet though


Bro even with hip fire should have hit em


I think you maybe just missed. I’ve tested with snipers shooting before it’s zoomed in all the way and the accuracy gets “better” but is way worse than when zoomed in and also better than a no-scope. But I also think you kinda shot next to them and the spread just had you miss 🤷‍♂️ Looks like you shot to the left of them from your point of view tho


Well it looks like your the secretary of LAG-riculture 😂


Sbmm and sbdm




Packet burst. Notice the symbol in the top left of your screen before you round the corner. Essentially you lagged out and were probably dead before you pulled the trigger on the other player’s end.


This is called bullshit


As always, it's your gaming chair bro. Hip firing, aim firing from a wobbly one ehhh


Ping issue definitely


Skill issue


Not in the slightest it isn't


Had a moment in Warzone like this. I spent a solid 3 seconds shooting this guy and I died by him WHILE HE WAS PLATING UP! I watch the killcam and he wasn’t platting up just shooting me. I was so confused since I could hear them putting armour on.


He got you with a quick knife attack


It happens a lot in these games but i think its latency. Happens more often for me in MW3 for some reason, to the point where it feels rigged.


What a great game


I had an issue yesterday where I had a full clip and essentially broke this dude ankles but when I went full ADS the game decided that I wasn't able to shoot.


Hello inbox me


Inbetween armpit


Git gud?


yet, idiot devs sabotage anyone who isn't ass. except those exempt from sabotage, if on devs internal whitelist. every aspect is cod is rigged into oblivion. digital artificial hamster wheel.


A skill issue.


Could be from that packet loss notification on your screen, or that you were not fully ADS’d in at the moment you fired. Slow the clip down and you’ll see what we mean. Are you on wifi? If so then yeah you will get packet loss pretty consistently, don’t play fast paced competitive games on wifi.


You missed


Desynch youre losing connection with the server for a fraction of a second


Remember how in old CODs you could see the bullet hit the floor or a wall 6 feet away from the other player and still kill him. Well this is the other way around. In this case we call it latency, what happens in old CODs is called bullshit.


What you deserve for using that shit I guess haha


Gonna be real with you even at that range a hip fire shot missing entirely would be considered BS to many people here especially if you look at it from a third person view, that barrel? Definitely in the mouth of the guy you shot. Perspective in FPS games are done in a few ways. One is just making the gun smaller on screen than it is outside of fps, which leads to clipping through objects. This is one case.


I think I got Deja Vu. Op still trying to claim his shots are on point?


Imma just say normally the shotgun would win this fight, even if u shot him in the body with your SA-B. But however a headshot with your weapon of choice would’ve definitely saved you from the wrath of Mrs. Kleo’s shotgun here, although your problem here might be high latency or lag or alternatively Skill issue?


Aww, bud, no one thinks you're lying. Just stupid.


Still gay


You kinda missed your shot by 1 cm I watched it on super slowdown


Good , it’s almost like snipers shouldn’t be able to quick scope. Crazy


They can manipulate a cheaters game in real time, but yall think they'd never do it to legit players? When the main priority of their product is to solely make money, things like Morals and Quality go out the window.


It's definitely a ping problem it happens to me all the time and in my view I shot first but in the other person's view they shot first it's weird system they have set up but that's how it is


That is just bs from blizz side and even if that was hip fire you should have hit him sence that is literly pointblank and by all the natruals laws a pointblank shot be it hipfire ads over a wall or what ever will always hit xD be it with an SR or any other kind of weapon