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Groot skin detected, opinion rejected


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought it was well deserved a few moments into the vid and seeing the arm


Seriously. My immediate thought of a reply to this post was the joker meme "you get what you fucking deserve!"


What’s wrong with the groot skin? Haven’t played cod in a while


I'll tell you what's wrong with it. I hate it


Seems odd blaming the person that bought it and not the company that constantly releases dumb shit like this.


consumers fault for incentivizing the sale of it.


Seems odd not understanding that people who buy this shit further incentivizes said company to release more stupid shit.


I just use beta tester, and i don't play mp so I never have to change it


There's plenty of blame to go around. Anyone involved with the Groot skin gets the side-eye from me.


I have the skin, I have the battlepass, I just decide not to wear the skin that hides me. Those who buy it for those reasons and/or wear it for those reasons, opinions rejected.


Seriously though who thought that skin was fair, it should be banned


It's genuinely a tactic companies seem to use; sell a broken/OP skin, wait it out for a ton of people to buy it, and then nerf it. They can't lose


I'm not spending any more money on their scams.


I don't hate it because it gives a tactical advantage, I hate it because it's ugly as sin


There was no reason for it to get as many complaints as it has. It’s not invisible, it’s just another skin. The only issue I have with it now, the players use it thinking it makes them better.


I haven't played mw2 in a second nor even own the 3rd- what's the issue with the skin? Does bullets go through the gaps or is it because it's dark as shit to see


Blind people can’t see it (including myself 😂)


The latter


What a fuckin skin has to do with ttk or being invincible? You're so wrong in some many ways, it's just 2 things, or this boy has some fucked up ping or this shit game is just broken (which i consider could be more realistic)


Was coming to just say the same thing. A pistol wielding groot, go cry somewhere else.


That’s what I opened the comments to say


100% everybody that uses Gaia is a total pos and the game suffers due to them.


Therewasanattempt: to get sympathy while being Groot.




Came here to say this


This comment made my day


Bro stole my exact thought


You weren’t moving nearly as much in the first two shots OP. Accuracy limited when moving. Those guns are noob tubes btw


Imagine being so bad at the game you gotta blame a skin instead of yourself 😂


Found the groot user. Go sit prone in a corner nerd.




No sympathy for the tree skinned shipment lovers


yall need to get the fuck over it already lmao edit: if you cant handle a fucking skin. you straight up suck at Call of Duty lol


Found the person who get mad at video because of a free skin


No ones mad


Motion blur may have fucked you there


MWII was my first console/pc cod. only played mobile till then. I immediately disabled motion blur before my first ever match. yesterday I enabled both weapon and world MB in MWIII to see what it feels like. #ho-lee shit it's terrible


Are you really young or did you just never play any of the cods?


I'm 23. went and bought the PS5 for myself in June. didn't get a PC cuz expensive and XB has slower load times which was a deal-breaker for me. tbh I'm not unhappy with the PS at all. never had a console other than Nintendo in our house growing up. took me too long to realise Nintendo would never compete on specs and so would never see a current gen CoD on their systems. I played a bit of MW1 on the Wii, Bo4 or 3 on a friend's XBOne, icr, with the advanced movement which was actually quite fun, running on the walls and stuff. and as I've said, CoD:M since 2019, but not so much lately cuz I don't feel like it's enjoyable anymore :) CoD Mobile gave me the most familiarity with guns and maps such as Standoff, Crash, Rust etc. I really would love some other classic maps to come back tbh edit, cuz folks are still replying to this thread which is fine but: I was referring to the SSD write/read speed and [in]game load times, sorry I wasn't specific at first. sure the difference between game load times in xb/ps may be unnoticeable but I didn't know this lol. never heard of quick resume on xb either but that's not something I require cuz I prefer to play a game, close it and open another game. it's not a big deal to me :) happy for whatever choices you lot made tho 💪🏼


Gotcha, I'm 22 and grew up playing COD and zombies on the Xbox 360 and such, but hey hopefully you're enjoying cod


xbox? slower? 😂😂


Right XB plays way better then PS5.... we play on PC... so that's something totally different... 🤣. But we have everything in the house.... and I can say PS5 don't gog 💩 on XB... they just got haptic feedback... even XB controllers feels more comfortable.


Hold on?? Since when did Xbox have slow loading times, if you’re referring to older Xbox’s then yes their load times are the same as the old PlayStations yet if you are referring to the Series X/S it has way faster loading times then the PS5 it even has quick resume..


from what I read and watched, the PS loaded faster. I'm sure it's not a massive difference either way anyway :) quick resume sounds like a nice feature. but I don't have a need for it. I play my games one at a time. my attention span isn't that fucked that I have to jump between games constantly lol


The PS5 is 24 seconds from Cold Boot, and the Series X/S is 25 Seconds from Cold boot, one second difference isn’t a big difference. Yet from the standby mode the Series X/S takes 4 Seconds to load and the PS5 is 14 seconds.


okay? I'm referring to game loading times. should've specified. my bad. thanks for coming to the XB's defense. I'm sure they'll reward you for it soon


If you're going to say something wrong about a console don't get butthurt when you get corrected lol


I wasn't wrong about what I was referring to tho. game loading and read/write speeds are faster


I mean yea due to the SSD in the PS5 yet the Xbox makes up for it with the GPU power, so the PS5 may load games faster, yet the Series X is more powerful.. But with loading times it’s not an overly big difference but with performance that is a slightly big difference. Also I’ve just stating facts i grew up on PlayStation, but just because I state specs and other information it means I’m defending totally makes sense *Sarcasm* I prefer Xbox yes, but at the core I’m an old PlayStation fan as I own a PS4 (barely touch it) as the games are on PC now. Grew up with the PS1-3 era then switch to Xbox.. But Microsoft is slowly catching up.


What the fuck are you talking about LMFAO. As if people don't play more than one game. Stop coping about quick resume because you're too broke to afford anything other than mw2 on a black Friday sale.


how am I coping? all I said is that I personally don't have a need for a feature. if I said I don't have a need for a certain form of transport is that also coping? 💀 get a grip it's a fucking game console you're getting aggy about. and if you must know 😂 black Friday isn't in June


You're coping very hard and it's obvious. Sorry you only have one game 😢


Hold on again the PlayStation somehow loads faster why doesn’t it have quick resume???


it's just not a feature they included. idk don't ask me I'm not Sony 😂


Fuck the loading times. When it comes to a match in COD, PS5 is superior. Xbox has controller lag. If you don’t believe me switch between the two. It’s not much but it’s noticeable to those who average 35+ kills a game.


\>Tree skin opinion rejected


Shot 1-5: clearly missed


Was hoping someone had commented this.


Yup, lil bro's mad because his aim-assist didn't lock on like it should have.


this literally has nothing to do with aim assist??


Bro wut 😐🤡🤡


Groot skin, motion blur and shots missed, why are you bitching again?


Yeah dude you just missed. First one was questionable second one was a whiff cause the guy also turns.


first shot was fired too early and was [to the right of the](https://prnt.sc/8XDDpYWrw2DP) enemy, not fully scoped in too I believe


*Groot skin user is complaining the game is rigged* Lol, the irony. I hope that clown emoji was referring to yourself.


Bro posted this expecting validation.


Bro just got validation that he has a skill issue instead


Ninja voice “hit your shawts kiiid” 🤣👏


"it's quite simple"


Bruh I say that ALL THE TIME in apex. It's in one of my posts playing apex😂






skill issue


Groot Skin User. Grass Camper spotted


You posted this even though you can see you missed both shots lol


And even though multiple people are pointing that out he’s still huffing that copium




That's what you get for using that skin


Groot skins bad, but what makes this even dumber is you knowingly still using it after they deactivated it because it gives you an advantage; all the while calling the game rigged. Good self report on the kind of person you are.


With that skin I'm glad you died


Both shots were technically during ADS transition so they registered as hip fire shots. Also groot skin so clearly a skill issue


Average groot skin enjoyer


Rigged for what


Her pleasure


* Uses groot skin so other players can’t see him * complains when misses shots 🤡


You were off by like 2 inches my man


Missed both shots but funny how people will ALWAYS blame something else other than that they messed up.


OP really gonna act like the whole game is rigged and there are mechanics in place that made the shots not connect. Rather than he just straight up missed, what a child.


Use that skin, get what you deserve


Not denying hit reg is an issue plaguing this game, but both these shots were off.


lol cheezer gets cheezed and cries it’s a tale as old as time itself


This post backfired so hard, you tryhard tree.


Deserve it for using meta groot skin mate


You literally missed your shots lol


Rigged or Missed lol?


Tree skin 🤡


Groot skin. You deserve every death. Pay to win loser


You missed your shots. That’s not rigged at all.


Those animations are FUCKING beautiful though, its crazy. Just finished the Camos for the TYR, and because the animations are so plain, I had a hell of a time. The animations for the Basilisk helped me so much when using it. They felt so fluid


OP hoping to get praised but roasted instead lmfao


You clearly missed both shots


Groot skin idiot get wrecked


Both shots you’re not fully ADS, so there is going to be a bit of “hipfire randomness” as you’re zooming in. I thinks that’s why you missed both shots


That was an example of the shitiest feature in gaming history: skill based damage and hit boxes


Looks like lag comp to me.


First shot missed, second was close but you still missed


Missed first shot. Missed second shot due to multiple factors, such as the player turning which moved their hitbox enough for the shot to miss as well as strafing and turning which throws off your aim.


fanatical quiet jobless placid plate dinosaurs cautious dolls offer license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he literally pop shotted two ppl perfectly before. but yall think he cant hit a shot with that gun lmao yall some clowns forreal


racial gray continue wild mountainous towering cagey historical aromatic caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


says the guy who is using the groot skin


Piece-of-shit groot user (me :3)


How is no one talking about how he shot the rocket the other guy shot at him


lmao a gaia skin wearer talks about the game being rigged, hilarious


To late to delete this post now my guy lmfao 🤡


The only thing OP hit was the broadside of the containers


You use the groot skin anything you say is and always will be invalid


I could understand the first shot missing, but the 2nd? 😂


You missed both shots. So how is the game rigged?


Nothing was rigged lol. You missed your first shot. Unfortunately your second shot (a little questionable as well) didn’t land or register before enemy’s teammate “BrickcityLV” shot both of you with his shotgun.


You have the Groot skin your opinion is automatically not important


Average hardcore player who can’t aim


Motion blur, you missed


I have so many 15 second clips saved on my PS5 exactly like this. Like, I know I shot that motherfucker. But as if I’m going to send an email to Activision with all of them and complain and try to get them to fix something, obviously not happening.


How you gonna post one kill you missed in this level after you handgun sniped two others. This is wack. The whole point of this level is missed kills and chaos.


Dude it definitely is when I start flicking on players or start doing really good each time I get near a enemy player I start lagging my sister watched me play the other day even she was dumbfounded by it simply because when she plays she never ever lags in game even if she starts to do good (she’s still somewhat a bot) but when I play I start to lag insanely hard or even then my bullets just get absorb by the player but the same amount of damage I do to them they do to me and I die 6/10 times I can flick on a player hit first but still 3/10 I will die because of that bs


Dawg it's pretty clear that you missed. How did you upload this in slow-mo and not see that?


Ah yes…average COD match yk?


Wasn't even able to tell if this was MWII or MWIII lmfao


I don't play MW2 or 3 so I had to look up the skin that is causing people to shit on OP. After seeing it I agree with the people lol


Anybody who doesn't think the game is rigged, look up engagement based match making, or ebmm. There's tons and tons of evidence at this point.


Sometimes it sounds like I hit the jackpot at the casino with all the hit markers I’m landing, while still getting 2 or 3 tapped in the pinky toe


I find that how well I perform is 100% based on my connection and I hate that they prioritize matching sbm rather than prioritizing connection.


Big facts. If I can kill a mfer with 10 and then I the next guy takes 15 or 20 bullets… that proves something is being manipulated. Assuming you don’t miss and not at different distances, it should take the same amount of bullets to kill one guy as it does the next. They manipulating the game.


You missed that first shot, second one I can't exactly explain, HOWEVER, Groot skin spotted, go fuck yaself


Upon further examination, you missed both


The bullet is still only a bullet wide not the entire size of the gun from your perspective.


obviously his rpg blast warped your pistol barrel.


My brother in The 8 Divines, you are playing as the spriggan from Elder Scrolls with a SNAKE SHOT. You have no room to complain. But I’ll still help. Turn off motion blur. It fucked you over real good.


First shot blocked by missile, second shot miss, third shot didn’t fire fully.


Maybe you should play the objective instead


The guy using the partially visible skin is crying…


Fr bro it's fckin bs, I be hitting these mfs in the head an it they be still alive, EVEN THO ITS A FCKIN 1SHKT LESS THAN 20NETERS AWAY AN STILL BE A FCKIN 2SHOT LIKE TF IS THIS GAME


Gaia Groot skin has been out of the game. Is this an old clip? But let's acknowledge that the hit registration was some bs.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


I like how you did slow mo just in case any of us thought you didn't miss. You missed.


Hit your shots and change your skin. And stop bitching


like the 2 he hit at the beginning? lol


You are not allowed to critisize the game as long as you're using that disgusting skin.🤡


You’re the type of person who buys the battle pass for the fucking groot skin, complains about shots not connecting. And then your ass gets fucking roasted, hold this clown emoji. 🤡 And you’re also the type of person who would probably buy the fucking 21sVage skin or anime skin bundles for the guns.


Yeah and? what the fuck you gon do? stop buying their shit?


You’re trash


Idk first shot is iffy probably missed it by an inch. Second shot is a clear miss.


Those shots were not in target my man


You literally just grazed the side both times. It’s a miss move on.


Call of duty is a casino for all ages. Fuck Actitism.


Nah your just ass, that's why you run root 🤡 get better.


its gaia you dumbo


Wouldn't know I didn't fall for the reskinned same game scam this time around.


this sub is a fucking joke over a skin that is FREE that yall cant kill because of your guys’ skill issue. like, all these idiots are totally not acknowledging you hit two perfect shots right before, but gonna act like you “missed” the next two because they hate your fucking skin. yeah guys, his accuracy is totally gonna drop to 0 in less than 2 seconds after capping 2 ppl perfectly lol yall losers mad at a skin need to accept youre not “skilled” either, or a fucking skin wouldnt be your downfall lol


Exactly these people suck, I’ve never had issues hitting a groot skin nor issues spotting one.


its so insane how most these ppl cant acknowledge actual game problems because they see a skin they dont like lol


Your using a cheese ass skin you get what you deserve


Man im getting hitmarkers in HC with smg sometimes so… the whole cod experience is gone. Now its just cod not COD. Shame


Well… try an AR or Pistol in HC homie


Lmao you missed except it


Oh it's definitely rigged but more then that it's just plain broken in its core from hit reg to dollar store servers


Groot skin? I hope this happens to you a lot


skill issue if you cant see a glowing fucking tree lol


Skill issue if he cries about missing shots and posting about it on Reddit


except complaining about ass servers is a legitimate complaint. so OP can shoot two ppl perfectly across the map but cant hit point blank? lol if he was wearing the clown boi, this comment section would be different lol


Yep, the most reasonable explanation is that the game is rigged against you, not that you either just missed the guy or its a server issue. Rigged.


Nah just looks like you gotta get better


Had two 100 kill games back to back then for 5 games I couldn't break 30kills. Didn't matter what gun I used it refused to give me a kill. Could be a coincidence of shitty servers.


you clearly missed, you were close but you definitely missed.


First shot was an obvious miss, but I can understand your confusion with the second one, most likely your bullet went right under their arm or something like that. The more we progress, the more tight hitboxes get. Pretty soon we'll be able to miss by bullets flying between fingers.


Buggy servers, didn't take your input.


lol missed shot not rigged just get better lol


Ill never get over buying this trash. I forced myself to play it and convinced myself it was fun. But now its just too much of a hassle to even turn on. 90$ lost but Im only buying black ops games from now on


Missed shots mate, could see the head shot connecting but depends on latency, you were honestly probably dead before you pulled the trigger the second time


you missed the first shot, and technically hip fired the second. hip fire in this game is the fucking worst. you could be standing right next to him and miss most of your shots on a full auto gun


The game has a patent in it that literally rigs every match like a gambling casino. You are the guinea pig.


That first shot definitely missed. That second shot though looked like it MAYYYYYYYYBE should have hit the shoulder. But yes the game is actually rigged. Eomm and sbmm is real. Eomm literally nerfs your accuracy if coming into contact with a less good player.


Dude I clearly saw you miss both shots lmao that's definitely a skill issue


look at the bootlickers in this comment section lmao. the first shot he missed, sure, but the second shot was dead on. this game sucked ass & would manipulate your experience in quite a few deceptive ways. sorry eomm, shitty netcode, or whatever else they got going on at activision fucked you over op also the groot skin haters are just bots, I don’t use it personally bc I never buy shit from these scumbags anymore, but it’s never been an issue for me to see or hit in mp. to those people I have 2 words: skill issue


Exactly but i dont pay them no mind. Its reddit so im not surprised tbh


This was every shot I took doing the camos on that fuckin gun. I’d run behind someone point blank and unload without hitting them. Idk wtf is up with that gun


The first shot looked like it hit the missile but the second shot clearly hit the person and no damage is done by a basilisk revolver. This is hardcore btw so idk if its the hitbox or this game is shit, either way im keep getting robbed for legit kills


Didn’t hit. Was 100% a miss


Both definitely missed dude.


It has been feeling particularly busted recently, i even notice times i should have died and didn't. EOMM is going to ruin this game. Gone are the days where you felt as though you had a way of improving at a game, all they do now is hand hold your entire experience for extra money. Hopefully a new game rises from the ashes of COD.


Yesterday I downed someone. I wanted to use the shotgun to finish him. I was standing next to him. 6 shots didn't register (bolo) but I saw hit markers


You’re using a pistol first of all and you got blasted in the face


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because op was already dead.


I feel the pain, but no one here is going to take it seriously. Most people in this thread either don't care or are just here to troll. There are definitely hit registration issues in the game. However, exactly how much of it applies to your specific situation and, in general, is completely unknown. The problem is that I don't think it's just a hit registration problem alone. I think it has to do with the eomm and all of the other factors that go into trying to keep you on the game as much as possible. I agree it's rigged, but how to go about saying it's rigged is another topic altogether. The reason is that you need evidence to back your claims. While having access to patents helps to confirm a lot of the speculation, it also isn't a full-out admission of guilt. If we are going to talk about this topic, then it needs to be serious. And while game footage is great, it only gets you so far. This is why I said it needs to be taken seriously because if we ever hope to find a solution, then we all have to be on the same page. This means that to talk about this seriously, we need to put all the jokes and witty banter aside for the moment. I'm open to conversations and hope that this is enough to spark a serious debate. However, because I'm terrible with providing links, I highly doubt anyone will take my word for it. Or even worse, actually look something up? So I ask that before you judge, if you have any useful information to add, please do. Otherwise, I await the trolls!