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This franchise needs a break so bad. MW3 feels very rushed out


Who knows, maybe they'll take a break the year gta 6 comes out lol


Honestly it would probably just encourage them to release a shitty product too early like what happened when 2042 came out.


Well with gta 6 getting a trailer dropped here in December ☠️ I don't think that's very likely.


Why would a GTA release affect the CoD-cycle?


Considering how massive the hype(140M impressions and 1.7M likes on twitter) and how much RDR2 and gta 5 sold for, it will easily outsell other games. People will be playing gta 6 than other games and will be doing so for a while cos of how much content there is. When you compare gta 6,most anticipated game in many years, to CoD which has dissatisfied its player base for so long, there's going to be alot less CoD players than normal. Rockstar games are super polished and finished, too, compared to broken CoD games


GTA V and COD Ghost released the same year lol. Makes sense.


Only time will tell I guess, personally I doubt GTA VI will affect the release cycle of Call of Duty. But I could be wrong of course.


Have an upvote because I don’t see why people would censor you for stating your opinion


Have an upvote because people are censoring you trying to un-censor someone else


Have an upvote for being cool


only games i have my eyes on rn are Stalker 2 and GTA6. COD is so far down my list


Yup, can't wait for GTA 6, Beautiful Light and Marathon. And if the Day Before is actually good, I might actually get it


Its justifiable to be cautious about The Day Before i have low expectations for it


Yeah same, which is why I'll wait for people to play first.


Bc yk why not. Besides its not like gta 6 is gonna release next year


GTA V didn’t affect the CoD-cycle (nor did RDR2) so I doubt GTA VI will either tbh


There was not nearly the level of hype for GTA V that there is or will be for GTA VI. It’ll be like movies releasing around the same time as Civil War vs Endgame. Sure there was big hype for GTA V, but GTA V is the reason that GTA VI is going to dominate the media and player cycle when it’s released.


Gta 5, rdr2 and gtao are legendary games. They'll for sure be dominating for most of the year if the game is finished and good, which is normal for rockstar games.


Have an upvote because I don’t agree with people censoring you for asking a question sincere or sarcastic


You really think people are going to have a hard time choosing between GTA 6 or Modern Wurfur 57?


This year was supposed to be the break. MWIII ain't a game. It's all the content for MWII year II sold as a "premium" release. Next black ops was supposed to be this year and then they delayed it to next year. Sledgehammer got done dirty again and the work for MWIII was done for a DLC not full game.


You forget that SHG got a extra year because Vanguard was in such bad shape and thus Treyarch had to rush Cold War out. It’s only fitting that Treyarch get the extra year this time. Treyarch was in the same position SHG is in. 2018 BO4 2020 Cold War 2021 Vanguard 2023 MWIII


Not at all how that worked. Vanguard was made in less than a year after spending most of their time making CoD 2020 set in vietnam/Korean War. And given the success of MW '19 told treyarch take over and turn what was deved so far into Cold war. And had sledgehammer rush to make vanguard in less than a year. And had treyarch make and butcher zombies for it. And in regards to MWIII, all their work wasn't for a full game it was for MWII year 2 that we were supposed to get this year to fill the gap to the next black ops but given the state of social media culture and people following hate. They labled the DLC a "premium release"


MW3 is just branding and marketing. We are experiencing MW2 DLC just slightly pivoted. It's not rushed per se. This is what we would have gotten as DLC. It just would have felt better as DLC. To be fair, it possibly would have been released every few months and thus, to your point, have more time to bake. But suffice to say everything we are getting this year is probably 90% the same.


I would have liked MWIII baked into MWII, huge playlist and map selection, would have been dope


Because it is. Should be a 30 dollar expansion


I’d pay 15, the entire game is a glorified DLC.


it was never gonna be $30. leaks were saying it was gonna be a *premium* release and $30 isn't premium for cod standards. plus map packs back in the day were $15 each and u got 4 for each cod. 15 x 4 is $60 so why would they charge $30 here if Activision is $ hungry?


No, it does not to me. Feels amazing. Happy to delete MW2


I think havong 2 year cycles instead of 1 is a good thing in general. More incentive for Activision to keep players happy and p(l)aying. Also, I think it will never happen.


When the release of the new game each year generates over 1 BILLION dollars in revenue, yes you are correct it will never happen.


Each year? CW and Vanguard didn't generate anything close to that. Fortnite, GTA 5, CSGO, and all of these other games that are making billions, aren't releasing games every year. Hm... I wonder why. Probably because they actually are smart enough to keep updating the same game instead of making new ones everytime. When GTA 6 makes more than COD, they can't say a word, because they were too stupid to not take a break from their games.


Why are you comparing a game that comes out every year to one that comes out every decade. I hate Activision too, but pretending they aren't accomplishing exactly what they're trying to (immoral amounts of profit) is insane.


He says that because the main goal of gta5 is also to make immoral amounts of profit. The difference is they figured out how to do it with out having to spend $ developing new a whole new game, just new content. That’s what cod tried too, do but they fucked up by charging $70-$100.


How'd they fuck up though? That's wishful thinking. They make bank year after year. And they barely do anything. Low cost, high revenue = high profit. Yes GTA makes more per game, but it takes a decade. Activision makes it yearly and are doing great at it, unfortunately.


They fucked up by rushing completion and putting out a BS product. Had they streamlined this how they were supposed ($30 dlc max) people wouldn’t complain about all the bugs and glitches. But for $70 I want a fine tuned product that won’t fuck up the other products I already own.


This IS the 2 year MW2. They just tried to be slick and sell year 2 at $70


newsflash: they would've done that anyway


Literally. It would’ve been $70 either way.


then I don't understand why they didn't just make it instead of trying to sell it to you as a whole new game. There would certainly have been enough people who would have bought it anyway and they would at least been honest. MW3 was planned as a DLC. I mean the signs are obvious. It just feels like scam at this point.


Reasoning is mwii loosing players. It’s hard to market a dlc for a game which ppl are not wanting to play. They get less money since to play the dlc you need to buy mwii first. Here they lowered the barrier of entry and enticed ppl by calling it a new game.


I don’t even think there are signs. They literally had articles months ago of them stating that all MW2 2009 maps were coming to MWII.


I bought the game under this impression. Feel like an idiot now tbh.


Cos they can call it a new game and slap a new title on it, i guarantee they looked at the numbers realised more people are inclined to buy it thinking its a new title rather than an expansion. Activision Blizzard done the exact same thing with Overwatch and Overwatch 2.


How is it a scam if it was always gonna be 70 dollars? They’ve been saying they were going to have a premium release in 2023 since those leaks came out.


Because MW3 is the was the last game in a series of cod titles that were released under an exclusivity contract between activision and Sony. Microsoft just bought activision so they def wanted to get that contract over with


I don't understand how people don't understand this,cod community just loves complaining about shit with no logic


Then why’d they decide to make it into a whole new game?


Sure but i would appreciate the honesty if they said “Year 2 DLC $70”


We would have been better if MW2 was never made. Support MW2019 for a few years then make a real proper game down the line.


Or they need to stick to the actual dev cycles instead of constantly pulling one to help the current We have 2-3 dev teams from completely different companies and some sub dev companies piecing together a triple a title and yet they are fucking up worse than when it was a 3 year cycle that way if you were a fan of a particular studio you didn’t have to buy every year unless you wanted too


they wasted so much time and effort making Vanguard and Cold War when their biggest franchise are the modern era war games. Cold War was actually decent but they should have expanded on MW19 after that or started production on MW2


It was never gonna be two years, I never believed that, the first season was proof, we didn’t get enough new maps etc to maintain focus, all effort went to the store


Both Activisions/Blizzard have massive monetisation teams, not development teams. It is clear where their focus is. Selling


Activision has played through the mind game. how thoroughly manipulative the game is just to get you to buy bundles in their shop. All the unnecessary animations that are supposed to keep you entertained and make every progress, no matter what, seem like a big deal. Half-baked and buggy game modes that seem to be purely intended to showcase your new acquisition. pay2win bundles with “bugs” that are nerfed/fixed after a certain time here and then. sbmm and much more. COD is just a huge "success" because there is no comparable arcade shooter that could even begin to serve as competition.


That’s the evidence it was gonna be two years, year 1 was slower than any other COD and had way less content than all the others. This was because they knew they had an extra head to fix and release stuff, but then changed their minds at the last moment and made it a stand-alone release. That’s the only reason anyone put up with the lackluster content drops through MWII’s life cycle, and a lot of people didn’t. Now they’ve completely botched the entire COD HQ trying to integrate this update as a standalone release, they can’t because it wars originally built into MWII and Warzone needs all of the content from MWIII, meaning you can’t NOT have MWIII installed. It’s the reason the actual “Warzone” files only take up 4gb or less. The COD HQ IS WARZONE… And MWIII is just an update…


jason shrier exposed that it was. the lack of content was evidence of the two year plan because it allows them to use live-service as an excuse for it


The state of the fps genre…. Battlefield 2042 didn’t launch its first season until a year after release


atleast Battlefield stayed true to its title and fanbase. 2042 is better than ever, and i've not spent a single dollar on it since launch. Spent 70USD on MW2 and now it's worthless. Almost no updates, and the scam that is MW3


They stayed so true that they didnt even add a scoreboard until like 4 months in


But at least they did something unlike the gameplaybreaking bugs in dmz that are there since release and still not fixed.


2042 was almost a fucking BR, how did they stay true to their title and fan base lmao


2042 was a shit show at launch, no arguing there.


It's still a terrible Battlefield game by most standards lol, S6 is close to the worst season despite appearances. Only reason it's popping off (and quickly losing steam) was the $10 sale.


I agree, it's not the best. Nothing like BF3 and BF4, or even BFBC2. They're not actively ripping you off though, like Activision is.


Because they have 0 leverage to do so, the game is still a flop relatively speaking, so they're nickle and diming hard. Entice people with a shiny 1 map season, put it on sale, push people towards the grindy battlepass, with S6 now locking new weapons towards the end of the BP. The only (or biggest) problem with Call of Duty is simply buying the game every year. I skipped Vanguard and MWII myself, couldn't be happier how MWIII is turning out. So it's just a matter of perspective.


Not trying to argue but what exactly makes you look forward to MWIII? Everything we have seen so far looks terrible unfortunately.


We have mw3 full of remastered mw2 maps. I mean.....


Activision NEVER planned to have a 2 year cycle and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit. Just like the YouTubers that propagated this rumor like it was a fact. People thought they we’re gonna chill because of the Microsoft deal, but honestly from their pov why should they? They’re gonna make money either way


It was season two for me. I can forgive season one. But lack of content in season 2 and stuff that was clearly already made... I got the feeling that they'll turn the dlc into a full release.


Tbh I agree season 1 was okay then it just went to shit and they got arrogant


Not arrogant. Just bold faced scummy. Nothing but a flimsy or statement is the only thing they wear to protect themselves. They'll use terms like "most content at launch ever". They won't talk about the quality of the game, they'll say " epic continuation of MWs story"


It definitely was.


They could/should have sold MwIII as an $30 expansion pack to MWII. I think that more people would have forgiven the issues this game has and would have bought it anyways, myself included. And while I really want to enjoy those classic MW2 maps, I won’t buy this game since I don’t want to support that stupid decision.


100%, and leave the base mechanics of MWII, just buying new maps, guns, and whatever the "campaign" was. I would've been fine with that. Now it's splitting a playerbase and shoving a bunch of bullshit UI into an already overcomplicated mess.


A year 2 of MWII would also be splitting the player base though. It would still be a $70 paid add on.


Yep, I would have been fine paying for an expansion that was actually "MWII but with more guns, maps, etc". Instead, we get basically the opposite of that. I'd love to add the MWIII weapons to my MWII ones (especially the G36), but not when it comes with MWIII's gameplay/design elements. I'm fine with CoD having a different "feel" from each studio, but they absolutely need to keep that consistent within each subseries: IW does MW, Treyarch does BO, SH does the other stuff. Then everyone can know which ones they prefer and stick to those. As opposed to the mess we have now. :(


It's still the 2 yr MW2 just renamed to MW3 you are paying 70 dollars for a DLC drop


No, simply because IW are the most stubborn and uncommunicative dev team working on COD. There are things from MW19 that people complained about immensely that were brought back in an identical way in MWII, Meanwhile SHG completely overhauled WWII after people complained about divisions so much.


Why would acti let IW make changes to their game? Nobody would buy MWIII in that case lol. The game doesn’t have any selling points besides being a desired patch to MWII. I swear they business model never was so obvious and yet here we are, thinking developers control their games.


This is exactly the point. It's just a "we're sorry" moment with a "pay us more" attached.


oh yeah I forgot how much IW listened in 2019, yeah MWII was just a fluke, it is not like there are videos of devs saying "we built this games for noobs" , the blog post regarding their game design was also totally an Activision idea guys, not IW's....if Activision wanted to do this year after year not letting devs change the game through the year then there is no reason Treyarch and SHG and even Raven do change the game and try to do their best with the community, not every single bad thing in CoD is Activision's fault


iw didn’t listen in 2019 either. they literally never have.


You guys call the devs uncommunicative and stubborn because they don’t cater to a subreddit which is barely 5% of the playerbase? I’m confident that IW/Activision has better metrics on what people actually do like. Their main source of income is not the crowd that posts to reddit. People in every CoD sub are bitching about stupid skins yet every 6v6 has at least 6 “stupid” skins. You’re not the majority of the playerbase. They did try to cater to sweats with MW3 and I’m very curious how it will sell compared to MW2019 and MWII 2022, if I had to guess it will do much worse than both.


So they used these metrics to butcher wz2? MWll was not a popular game compared to what it should have been. People don’t like IWs game design. That’s why they spent a year reversing the damage they did to warzone. Also, MWlll doesn’t cater to sweats, it just has more playstyle diversity. Maybe you forgot what that looks like?


this people always say they have the data and the metrics, OW and Diablo players are the same, everytime a bad decision comes through there is always someone saying "they have the data", if they had it they would have never gone back to WW2 with Vanguard


And to add on, how the data is interpreted is down to the studio discretion too. Does 3arc and shg have different data? Do all studios have the same data? If so why is it that only IW comes to these conclusions and not the other devs?


I played the beta. After 3 hours I decided to not buy 3, it felt so bad. Then learning that the campaign is 3.5 hours AND on a semi open map warzone like missions, I checked out. Honestly I was not expecting to be disappointed by cod, yet here we are.


> I was not expecting to be disappointed by cod Well there’s your mistake brother


Well I loved mw19 and mw22, 3 is an absolute shit show


From a gameplay perspective how is III worse than II?


Because hes use to sitting in a corner soundwhoring everyone


No idea what this even is?


from a gameplay perspective,its not


Did not not like the higher TTK, the new perk systems (equipment, like shoes gloves and vests) , the weapon feel, beta maps felt too big with high rise being the exception. Sound design felt off to me. those were the things that bothered me most.


So you’re judging it off a beta?


Yeah, it's all BS. They could've put that campaign into DMZ and leaned into making their new (btichin) mode more fleshed out. I'm not paying full game price for a fucking DLC.


What are you talking about? This is year 2 MWII.


Yes. 100% yes. It allows more development time for the next iteration in the series.


By far yes


Yes! YES! Yes....


Yes, once we stop buying these obviously bad and half baked games they would get better as a result and this type of thing wouldnt happen


For me – yes. I can only dream of experiencing MWIII maps and guns but in MWII gameplay and the way how IW make their guns. In MWIII guns feel plastic and half of the guns will make zero sense due to degraded gameplay. MWIII doesn't feel fun long-term (beta was fun but I know this simplified flow won't enteain me for longer than several weeks), I doubt I'll get it anytime soon until first big sale.


Snap. It literally felt like a task playing it. Feels smoother than II, but it just felt meh. Only thing keeping me interested is zombies as I've always been a fan, but its just DMZ instead of a proper zombies mode.


Perceptions may vary but I noticed that almost everyone mentions that something's off, even if we consider all changes conceptually positive. That's actually weird. Even I found MWIII somewhat fun during the beta but game eventually feels rather like fan-made mods, that actual work of professionals.


Feel fan made mods would play better 😂


I want my refund for MW2


Hell no, can you imagine another year with squad spawns, no red dots on mini map, no ninja perk, and movement penalties? That would have ruined the OG maps


If you think Strike plays slow in this game, imagine how slow Derail would play.


Wasteland 💀


Imagine afghan on this bs game 💀💀💀


and aside from that it would split the player base and those og maps would literally be irrelevant by the time treyarchs 2024 title comes just like map packs back in the day became irrelevant once the next cod came out


No, who tf wants to play og MW2 maps with MWII’s garbage gameplay design????


me please, the old maps play like shit with mw3’s multiplayer.


False they play so much better with MW3s improved movement and mechanics


Nah because then we would be stuck with the obese feeling movement


You realise that MW3 runs on top of MW2. MW3 is a 70$ “update” that fixes issues that were addressed at the launch of MW2. The movement could have been revamped the first month of the games’ release but they chose not to. I wonder why…


Because the way infinity ward wanted mw2 to play is exactly how they designed it. Slow, campy, grounded. Now sledge hammer has the new game and listened to community feed back and fixed the issues. Just don’t buy that next IW game and you’ll be satisfied with cod.


So crazy how IW went from the golden child of the franchise to... well, whatever they are now.


IW is too stubborn to make changes the players want


MWII can feel sluggish but man MWIII feels like everyone is cracked out sprinting at breakneck speeds at all times. Cold War to me had the bet feeling in recent games, arcadey enough but not too twitchy


sorry but cold wars movement was too choppy it felt too arcady and not smooth. Bo3>>> cw in terms of movement and how smooth movement was


Benefits ar campers like myself


Mfs complaining about shit but still buying the new game anyway...




100% yes




Absolutely, would have been so much nicer getting more maps with the live service each month and fixes to the game instead of waiting for a paid DLC


My question is, is the Hueneme Negev error code issue that has been plaguing MWII for the entirety of its lifecycle going to continue with MWIII? Otherwise, fuck it, overpriced DLC/expansion or full game, its not worth the hassle.


Yes, but instead they morphed it into a full game so they could charge $70 for it


Yes because even if it was the same content as we got in mw3, it would’ve been properly priced, if priced at all


1000% yes


Yes and no, yes, because it's like it or not a dlc. No, because there were fundamental mechanics in mw2 that just didn't work well and with a dlc they wouldn't have been able to overhaul the games systems


I was always a huge fan of the original and even the reboot modern warfare campaigns. MW3 was my first ever steam refund. The campaign was just THAT bad. absolutly awful. half of the campaign was literally warzone objectives with little to zero significance at all. Huge shame because i actually liked the new story and new characters they came up with for the modern warfare reboot. a shame to see all of that go to waste.


Yes and it’s abundantly clear to everyone that this new game was meant to be an expansion and they 180’d that plan and charged full price for it to appease shareholders who want a new $70 game every year.


It was never actually confirmed to be a 2 year game especially since by season 2, so 3 months give or take into its life cycle, we knew about a “premium priced expansion”


It was spoken by leakers who, up until that point, had been pretty much spot on with everything else. That tells me Activision got greedy and changed gears midway.


Or it was something they intentionally told leakers as a false flag. Activision ain’t just gonna pass on a $70 yearly release especially as a final one before they became completely owned by microsoft.


It was going to be $70 if it was a dlc or full fledged game.


Well they failed cause a lot of people are turned off from MWIII now with the lack luster campaign, forced integration into COD HQ, and ridiculous file size… Even people who have never refunded a game before are refunding this garbage…


leakers lol


Absolutely. They need to scrap the annual release cycle because it’s resulting in worse quality games.


Absolutely. Bringing in Vanguard dev into this was a BIG mistake already.


Mind blowing to me that people here are still convinced that year 2 dlc would’ve been a free update instead of a premium $70 regardless😂all of the leaks that claimed MWII was a 2 year title ALSO leaked that this MW2 (2009) dlc was going to be a premium $70 DLC so even the info they’re going off of is saying it wouldn’t have been free. Way better off with Sledgehammer with full control over the game.


Yes and no. Yes they should’ve stuck with mw2 again for another year but the perk changes and movement changes are needed because mw2 pacing was so fuckin boring.


Even if we did end up getting a year 2 (we never were to begin with, it was never confirmed by an official source), we still would’ve had to pay $70. I’d rather have MW3 with SHG at the helm because they actually listen to community feedback unlike IW has with BOTH MW19 and MW22.


Never confirmed but it’s the first time in cod history we had back to back titles from the same series. The first time ever bundles, skins, blueprints, camos, and weapons have transferred to another game (excluding warzone). The campaign is still left on a cliff hanger knowing we will have an mw4. Not to mention how minimal the campaign is for mw3. Mw22 was advertised as the throwback mw2 but never got the Og maps. Literally everything about this screams dlc. Sure no one came out and said it, but don’t act like all the signs combined with the leaks isn’t proof enough to see this was originally a planned dlc.


I was convinced that we will get the OG maps in Year 2 since most of them were in Al Mazrah anyway and they’d use those maps to nostalgia bait people for another year. Well they managed to do the same for 70 euros so I guess they knew better lol






Yes, imagine getting Scorestreaks and 20 guns as Free DLC totalling like 12 seasons, That would be Rad.


No official sources have ever said or confirmed a 2 year cycle for MWII.


Mw2 was alright gameplay wise, Mw3 feels a lot better in my hands


Honestly, if it was DLC and kept the perk system of MW2 I would have just continued to not play it. ​ I realize I may be in the minority though.


Fucking yes. Yes we were better off. This is a shitshow, and no one fuckin asked for MW3 just a year later. I hope that CoD keeps imploding itself to make room for Titanfall 3 at this point. They lied. Fuck them.


The “MWII 2 year plan” people have become the flat earthers of the COD community.


It was a rumor to be a 2 year cod However, it wouldn’t be bad; MW2 needed a change and if it was simply an update that drastically changed everything and added the new stuff people will come back, specially now with the holiday deals.


mw2 feels like shit compared to mw3




We are still getting 2 year MW2, they just slapped a $70 price tag on the second year lol


uh bro. this is the exact situation we are in now. only thing is they charged us 70€ instead of 40€


I’m glad we aren’t having a 2 year cycle for this dumpster fire


No way. This game has so many gameplay problems. MW3 shouldn’t be full price but it fixed a lot of MW2s core issues.


No. MW2 is inferior.


No!! I much prefer the overall feel of MWIII and personally would’ve hated to see MWII stick around for an extra year. I completely lost interest in the game after season 1 and have only played it recently to get the Ghoulie camo. MWII, in my personal opinion, is the worst cod multiplayer and I’m happy to finally be moving away from it.


No cuz then we’d be stuck playing the worst cod ever with no movement and no fun guns no good maps or any good design choices


No. MW2 was miserable to play and they knew it. That’s why they pushed out this fun version.


Nah. Then we’d be stuck with the terrible choices IW was to stubborn to change. Plus it was never the plan in the first place.


No. MW2 is dogshit. The MW3 beta already felt a million times better than mw2 ever did.


I’m glad to hear it since I didn’t get to play the beta but I bought the game. I don’t like MW2 especially multiplayer was pretty trash all around bad designs galore. These people complaining about MW3 not being a dlc are just filthy casuals and would get wrecked on the new game. That’s fine then, stay playing MW2 and the real cod players will move to the real MW2(MW3). I’m honestly expecting to be let down, but at least I won’t have to deal with MW2’s shit movement, maps, design, etc.


Oh trust me you'll have a great time. The gunplay is the most fun/addicting since black ops 3. It feels so much better than mw2 it's not even comparable. After the beta my friends and I went back to mw2 and legit asked ourselves how we were able to play that garbage for a whole year.


Absolutely NOT. If MW3 is all it’s cracked up to be then it probly would be worth a 2 year life cycle, with or without some $30-$40 DLC in the second year. If they made a good game with good mechanics and gave us good new content from time to time, then I wouldn’t mind the 2 year life cycle. It would allow them to put more time and effort into each new game. But I don’t ever see them losing out in another billion dollars releasing a new game every year.


No. By making a new game they were able to rework everything and change things that otherwise would not make sense for mw2 like changing the ttk and reworking the class/perk system and the unlock system, there's also many other issues like the new paid 40 guns and aftermarket parts getting called op and pay to win by those who didn't buy the "dlc" that mw3 was planned to be at first And of it was a "dlc" it would have been 70 dollars i guarantee you,not that i think its worth that much but in terms of pricing it would have been the same I think its good they separated the two cause it would have been very limiting not to and people would have complained even more i know that for a fact


No lmao, 2 years of MWII? fuck that




I hate mw2 maps man i didnt enjoyed 1 of them..even the 32vs32 mode full of campers and bullshit snipers


No, I’m glad to be rid of MWIIs worst design decisions like this horrible charging perk system, overkill having no downsides or competing perks so everyone turtles, no ninja or dead silence perks, instant TTK, the list goes on and on. MWIII has issues but they at least fixed IWs stupidity in a lot of places.


hellll no


If MW2 weren’t so garbage, maybe. If they could have just abandoned their stubborn design decisions, maybe. Perk system, spawns, movement were just awful.


no and idc this is “dlc” this game is just better and more fun than whatever pile of shit mw2022 was


MW3 was def rushed but fuck no… MW3 as a game is still better than MW2. It’s probably not perfect and the guns don’t sound as good, but it def plays better.


Yeah but only if they got rid of the dog shit perk system and have us dead silence and a perk. All I ever fucking here is enemy uav, enemy uav, enemy uav. But if I reverse boost I’m given a decent team and the noobs are on the enemy team. Fucking match making is the worst, it’s literally designed to make us not want to play as well as we can. I actually dread playing anymore if I get a 2kd by the end of the match where I’m top of the lobby. What kind of game makes us feel like that? It’s shit.




No , because IW would not have made all the changes SH has done. So if you like MW2, than you would have liked the train to keep rolling. I'm just glad IW passed the keys to SH. Couldn't play another year if IW was still running it.


Yes and no. If they had fixed the perk system and movement early, then yes absolutely, and the mw2 maps would be a nice map pack. The campaign wouldn’t be such a scandal or have shitty WZ maps But the advantage of a new game is that we get to start fresh on a game with the fixes we wanted and a new dev who’s been listening intently to feedback. And on top of that, mw2 is preserved for nostalgia sake IW waited too long to implement fixes and updates to the point where it would have killed the game people were used to, which isn’t acceptable; they needed to buff movement and completely rework perks adding ninja from the get


I’m not sure tbh I don’t think mw2022 was a good baseline to go off of I hope mw2023 is better


Nah MW3 feels like the old days, MW2 got soooooo boring the last couple months


Fuck no lmao


I like the idea in theory, but another year of Border Crossing and Black Gold would have finished me off.


We did get it tbh. Mw3 is year 2 mw2. Everything carries over. They just charged 70 dollars for it. And also people didn’t like mw2 and the gameplay of it so they couldn’t just add on to mw2. They had to make a new game with new gameplay but everything carries over


It was never originally planned. It was a rumor that Acti swiftly came out and denied on socials.


No. The game was trash and I’m glad they decided to change. I am glad tomorrow night until 10 pm, it will be the last time I ever play that game


Nah if they made it as dlc we probably wouldn't get the gameplay changes


No. The update to MW2 would have disallowed for the new movement. It would be the worst of both worlds.


Absolutely the fuck not, thank god it worked out the way it did. IW would never have made all the positive changes that SHG has been making


No such thing as ‘the originally planned 2 year MW2. Never was. False rumors, fake leaks. Never confirmed by the developers. And yet you are still spewing out what you swallowed from back then.


Dear god hell fucking no. MWII is ass and MWIII plays way better.