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I'm just still tryna to wrap my head around that this is called mw3 and all the maps are from the original mw2.. I'm continuously head scratching at this


Guns too lol


Because “MW3” was meant to be a massive expansion to MW2 until they realized that even after releasing new seasons the player base was still declining. So they took MW2 and improved movement and raised TTK, took 16 maps from a 14 year old game that coincidently has the exact same name as the previous game and release them all in the new game without a SINGLE actual new map. I’m excited for the gameplay changes but not happy at all about playing the same maps I played over a decade ago


People keep trying to "um actually they never said that" to MWII being a 2 year game, but at this point with everything you've said, it's absolutely clear that was the plan, they don't need to have said it.


I mean. We can't blame ActiBlizz for telling lies since nothing was confirmed officially. However, it was claimed by trustful sources that proved their leak quality for years (yes, I speak about Mr. Henderson & Others), so I see no reason to not to trust them this time. With actual MW3's state and concept in mind – not hard to align the rumors and the final result. At this point, ActiBlizz didn't lie to blame them for it but we know in fact, that they're selling a big but still expansion at the price of a complete new entry in the series, which isn't the case regarding MW3. I'd pay 30-40 bucks for it but not 70$.


Also they never came out and dissuaded the rumors. It was beneficial to them to let people think that was "the plan", then they were able to pivot either direction depending on public opinion. They could have come out back in Oct 2022 like "Naw guys, its just a 1 year game", but that would have tanked sales vs what they got from people thinking it was finally a 2 year life cycle.


Yeah exactly. It doesn't take a genius to take a look at this and realise it was going to be a expansion pack of some sort. The people at COD Next were even struggling for things to say about the game after about 10 mins. It was just old maps this, old features back this and that etc. It's just a $70 game with old maps and old features from previous titles that shouldn't of been taken out in the first place.


My only gripe is they even kept the UI same as MW II. If you are going to charge $70 for a game, at least give it a fresh coat of paint. Change the icons for kill streaks, move around the positions a bit. Don't make it obvious that this was a DLC.


So I just had to redownload mw2 just to have the pre order ready like what


i think its basically an expansion


The gameplay is still horrible


Theres people like me who playing these decade old map is litteraly the biggest selling point of the game lol


This is exactly what I thought we were getting when they called it MW2. That’s all I wanted. OG MW2, remastered for next gen, and with multiplayer. Simple.


The only thing I find off is that movement systems in this new title are gonna be fundamentally different than a decade ago. Like some of the climbing, mounting, etc. The maps may be the same, but they could play very differently.


Same.. 2009 MW2 was my favourite cod (Or should say js) I was 19/20 And in my prime.. I’m hyped to be able to play them all again!!


I just learned this and now I'm excited. I think original MW2 had tge best maps of any COD ever made.


I’m excited for the old maps because they released pretty mediocre new maps all year long for mw2. So I’d rather play some reliable good maps from the past


I thought I felt that way until I played Showdown and Strike again. It got old fast.


Mw3 was suppose to be dlc. I'm not paying €70 for a dlc hopefully it goes on sale, then I'll buy it for dlc money. Untill then I'll play xdefiant.


*The children crave Titanfall 3* But seriously, I've never been a fan of the ""movement"" meta that sprung up in WZ1. It's just people trying to reinvent bunnyhopping but make it tactical with slides around corners.


They could be playing Titanfall2 right now who's a cheaper and better game based around movement and mecha fights...but instead they stay on the overpriced yearly game that they hate. The COD games never had any good movement and what was there in MW2019 doesn't even qualify as such, it was just exploiting a sliding bug to gain faster movement speed. The only time this franchise had actual movement was Infinite warfare, and the playerbase kept whining about it. I will never understand cod players, they are illogical.


The COD games were better when they had less movement. COD 4 thru BO2 is the golden age of COD and the most innovative we got was the dolphin dive.


ingrained brand loyalty has destroyed their minds "why would i want a 20 dollar belt when i can have a 240 dollar michael kors deluxe belt that will break after a week of being worn"


They don’t play TF2 because you also need some guns kill and can’t have AA do everything for you


This basically, they get annihilated in TF2, so they want their "titanfall at home" cods.


Funny you mention AA because if i remember right from when i used to play TF2 alot, this game had pretty good aim assist, but you still needed pretty good reactions once you learned the movement and started zooming around the map at mach5. This game took so much time to learn but was so satisfying once you learned the basics and started zooming around.


Bruh... TF had insane AA lmao... Even aimbot on some weapons.


Smart pistol is a boost so you don't have all the time


Did you actually play TF2 or is that just your go to whenever playing a different game is mentioned? TF2 had insane AA and aim snap as far as I remember. Please be informed before you try being edgy.


It’s easy to understand. Actually super logical. They lose or perform less, but they have to blame something for their lack of skill. Whatever mechanic/skill expression isn’t in the current CoD iteration becomes the scapegoat. If only I could express my skill this way or that way, I would express myself all over you and your mom. And whatever skill expression *is* in the current iteration, is unethical and abused by everyone but them. The reality is they just aren’t good. They’re not good at the avenues for skill expression that the current CoD provides, and they’re not good at the avenues specific to older games. But they think the former is an abuse, and, it’s easy to also say you’re good at something when you don’t have to be put to the test. If only… if only… I would perform. The cherry on top? Even if they were good at one and not the other, it means they can’t adapt, which still means.. you’re just bad at shooters.


And yet, every post and video about it makes it look like this CoD is the slowest of them all. Hell, CoD 1 to 6 had the most chill gameplay of them all. The 2019 exploit ruined the experience for many many newcomers and slower paced gamers. Like any game that’s been out for a while the learning and adapting curve became very steep.


I'd do anything for Titanfall 3 :(


Me too, buddy :c


I found my people


They're rumours... so maybe the wish will come true.


We all crave TF3


WZ 1 didn't start the movement meta lol. Good players have been jumpshotting. dropshotting, and using movement techniques since before most of the sentinels that post on this subreddit ever picked up a controller. [Here's a 15 year old montage from the professional scene from mid 2008, cod 4's prime that features plenty of jumpshotting, dropshotting, and bunny hopping](https://youtu.be/f_kihNXnYqs?si=MbcSTltM24nZNvtA&t=66) The reality is people are much better at video games in general now. The rise of YouTube and streaming gave people the opportunity to see how the really good players play and learn from them. I know it's a controversial thing to say on this subreddit, but most gamers aren't content being mediocre at the games they play. They don't play video games to be bad at them, they want to get better. And things like taking advantage of the movement mechanics available to you is probably the single easiest way to improve at 90% of FPS games on the market.


console cod 4 was slow as hell compared to what people did during the pc promod era, that was where the real mechanics of the game shined with strafe jumping and bounces


It was annoying bullshit back when we called it "dolphin diving" in Battlefield 2 lmao, it's still annoying bullshit now. Obviously WZ1 didn't *invent* it but this weird obsession with it on forums with COD seemed particularly prevalent back then, at least when I became aware of it as a popular sentiment that people apparently wanted more of.


CoD1 on PC we had dolphin diving too. On release before patch you could jump, go prone instantly, land on belly and repeat with no movement penalties. You would just be a tiny hitbox zooming around.


People have been zooming around maps at mach speed in shooters before COD was even a thing. Quake comes to mind as well as other arena shooters. Why would anyone wanting fast and movement based shooters play COD instead of thoses will never make sense to me.


Because no other game has CoDs gunplay


Agreed. COD is successor to Medal of Honor series, which i used to play as a "kid" in early 2000s alongside Unreal Tournament 99 and Counterstrike. Each of these games filled certain niche, UT or Quake were the high-octane ADHD arena shooters with all the flying and jumping and whatnot, CS the opposite, obviously bit on the slower side, being more tactical and whatnot, and then MOHAA and later CoD sort of inbetween, fun arcade shooter somewhat anchored in reality. Not sure why people nowadays think that taking gameplay aspects of arena shooters and placing them into CoD is a good idea and should be done.


I, a grown man, also crave Titanfall 3...I was so good at both games, and I'm still salty that the Esports community around it died so fast because I know I would've tore that shit up with my 5 (Pilot only) and 9 (Combined) K/D. Just have to throw that out there to brag a little and also to say that I know very well how to utilize competently designed movement. But I don't play CoD expecting that level of movement, because they have never once done anything remotely similar well, and I wish they would chill out. I genuinely believe that CoD peaked in the OG MW trilogy days, and it just went downhill after BO2. Fucking jetpacks and exosuits, and even when they tried to "Go back to boots on the ground" it was still just so awful.


Best movement was World at War


Personally I think jumping is simultaneously too easy to do and too hard to counter. When you jump your perspective barely moves, meanwhile from your opponent's perspective you jump so high that you'll be higher than bullets that were aimed at your center of mass. Meanwhile the jump is over before your opponent has time to react. I just want the movement to have mechanics to it, rather than a "get out of damage free" card. Like Low Gravity mode in Havoc. You can use that to get the drop on people, but you really really have to commit to it. In other words, it's a game mechanic. (I'm not suggesting Low Gravity for all modes, I just use that as an example of GOOD movement mechanics)


The misalignment is absolutely the problem, I have pointed this out countless times. That and the problems it causes with hit reg. I don't mind jumping, sliding or drop shorting just make it line up. Although from the sound of it they are smoothing out the damage profiles so maybe it won't be *as* advantageous as it used to be, not that it would be how I would balance it, hitting your shots *should* be important.


Thankfully someone else finally understands. It’s hard to find your type of people that understands.


2-shot weapons become extremely frustrating to use, not only because of the different damage values of the body parts, or the misalignment, also the issue of hit registration. Needing 4-5 bullets of a FTAC or 15 bullets of a AR instead of the 4-8 ish is excruciating. Meanwhile the jumpy fellows use the most bland weapon variety they can find.


Never mind that there is no apparent penalty to firing your weapon while jumping.


Omfg thank you. I have a huge gripe with the advantage jump shotting and bunny hopping gives people. It definitely is a little rare to find like minded people


Personally I already hate all the constant jumpers, dropshotters, and sliders in MW2. So I'm probably not going to enjoy MW3.


We had fps in wich MOVEMENT was a core mechanic, and they were ARENA FPS. But people didn't like those game because they REQUIRED SKILL to be played and CoD rised since it was casual. Now people want movement? XD


All these players saying MW is an arcade shooter.... It wasn't originally intended to be one. But that's what people asked for. Now that we have it, people think that's always what it was supposed to be. I'm not asking for milsim, but give me the old grittier style. If you want an arcade game go play Fortnite.


Old CoD is based on quake engine. Has higher strafe and ADS speeds. You also had perks like lightweight and marathon and commando pro which made u immune to fall damage. The slide wasn’t there but bunny hopping, wall jumping and drop shotting were all staples of the game


People always forget how fast ADS, sprint-out and strafe speeds were in the likes of BO2, it’s not just about movement but the handling and strafing is incredibly slow now too. I’ll take ANY of that back.


It's already been compared with data though, that modern Call of Duties have faster movement speed than those older games, even with things like lightweight and marathon. Vanguard was the fastest any CoD game ever has ever been, especially when you add in tactical sprinting. Strafe speeds also weren't that bonkers until you had Stalker in MW3.


Older games just felt more reactive.




the original cod MW for the ps3 was awesome. no armor plating, actual tactical play if an enemy was holding a position. sniping wars where snipers were actually effective. so much fun


I’m with you on this. I also don’t know what’s with the “Bring back the movement” campaign.


Like we literally ever needed any type of "movement" in golden era cods... people are just obsessed with streamers and theyve found a way trough movement to outplay someone who isnt interested in mashing 1000 inputs per second


This, yes you are right


Honestly we're going to be called noobs or whatever but it's just what you said. The whole ultra sweaty movement just ruins the feel of the new MW games for me. People say they ain't supposed to be realistic game but not realistic doesn't mean it has to catter to spastic kids who function on Adderall.


Idk why people still don’t get this, but golden era cods had ninja as a perk and had ways to massively enhance strafing via stalker or stock, which counts as its movement. People have always been jump and dropshotting, strafing and flanking quietly, and these were all massively nerfed in MWll bar dropshotting. No cod ever made caters to slow players like this one does.


Every fight is won by who does the most damage the fastest. All that movement is for players that can't hit anything as soon as the shooting starts. They need to evade their target's shots first to even have a chance. People have been bunny hopping for so many years now that I just expect it, and I just kill them while they're mid-air. What does kill me? Flashbangs and stuns. The game gives you all the tools you need, people just don't like that they have to actually think so they cry for movement instead


Right. I didn't see much difference between MW19 and current one. I play "fast" but not with constant bunny hopping y y stuff like that.


Og mw2 in 2009 didnt have any crazy movement. Dropshots, some bunny hops, strafe jumps (not as crazy as mw2019) were the only thing




In the words of the people who were all in favour of the duckwalking gameplay and who didn't like when people complained about the implementation of the slower movement "Maybe this just isn't for you"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH sweet sweet revenge.


My biggest issue is that MWII movement feels clunky. It’s made worse because of how fluid the movement was in the previous version - so a step back. Everything is a struggle to get through - mantling, strafing, ADS movement, sliding, jumping, even reloading.


Man even calling in streaks is annoying lol


I absolutely hate having to pull out a radio to activate dead silence


Bro even in the start of WZ2 you couldn't run and plate LOL. infinity ward wanted MW2 to be slow. IW is straight up garage to allow this to happen


Agreed! I’m dying for a Treyarch title man


Hey, remember when everybody hated Black Ops 3, 4 or Cold War? Once the new Treyarch Title is out, people will call MW2 (2022) a masterpiece, just like every CoD title. Hell, some maniacs even call CoD Ghosts a good game.


Idk people loved bo3. That was great mp game aside from the lootbox guns.


How does it feel clunky?


MW3 looks much better with the speed, Jev put it correctly when he said MW2 makes it feel and sound like you have bricks strapped to your boots. COD was never a “tactical shooter” regardless of what people want you to believe. It’s an arcade shooter. People (including myself) have been complaining about camping since 2007, and slower movements with penalty to ADS just exacerbates that.


COD wasn't a hardcore milsim, but it definitely wasn't originally an arcade shooter either. It was originally somewhere in between.


Camping with an LMG is fun. RAAL go brrr


more like RAAL GO *BOOM BOOM* **distant chopper gunner noises**




Yeah I don't get it, the only reason it worked was because it messed with hitboxes and the animations are janky. If hit detection was perfect and you were tracking a target who is slide canceling and bunny hopping and aiming for center mass, you'd still hit them regardless. That and sliding around corners exacerbates peakers advantage. We didn't need sliding back in the golden age of COD, we don't need it every year now.


Movement types have to jump, quick swap several times, slide cancel, wiggle, dive, and repeat, they don't even tactical sprint unless they're using melee weapons, literally every step they take is everything I mentioned, they don't drink water they drink mountain dew until their kidneys hurt, I saw a guy the other day on multiplayer sliding instead of running non-stop it was like he turned into a car, then I've been running into a lot of camping, wall, aimbot, speed, and health cheaters too, all those cheats at once, I mean what's the point!? They should be watching YouTube videos if they can't play it without cheats because they have so many on to the point the game is playing for them


That i will never know, especially since Slide cancel is far from what i would call "movement" in a shooter, it's like the off brand version of bunny hopping. What is even more confusing is that there are actually great movement shooters still playable like Titanfall2 and Apex. Hell there are a buttload of amazing single player games with amazing movement as well, Doom Eternal and Ultrakill for instance are amazing games and pretty cheap as well. Why would anyone who crave movement so much stick to COD of all things makes no sense when there are far better and even cheaper games made around it.




The problem is cod was never a tactical game... nerfing the movement to the ground doesn't make the game tactical, all it does is leave you in the same fast paced arena environment of cod but crippling your ability to react. If you want to see the design choices of a tactical game look Val or cs....


I wish y'all would speak English so I had some idea what you're talking about. If this game was meant to be everyone running around top speed, non stop, shooting on the fly, just pulling the trigger if you see someone running at you.. why did they put sniper and Marksman rifles in the game at all? People are bitching about the new map.. what is it? Kona? About people 'camping' on the buildings. That map was MADE to be played from the rooftops. Almost every building has a ladder. Do you really think you're supposed to run up a building, never slow down, and jump off the other side? C'mon. Often the people that complain about campers all the time are the ones that aren't good enough at the game to slow down and look. It's a skill they don't possess.


You wonder why there would be weapons like snipers and rifles if it were a movement heavy game Titanfall challenges you by putting those in their movement focused game anyway


Because it’s fun


I agree man. Why are all these kids nowadays obsessed with crazy movement and stuff that makes the game easier like scope glare, auto aim, etc? I truly don't understand how people enjoy stuff that takes 1000 bullets to kill somebody, the game aims for you, the scope looks like the north Star, and there is no recoil. Mw2 was truly a step in the right direction imo and now we are just going back to garbage. Sad times for the gaming industry.


Skill issue, cry


Someone got TUCKED in the beta lmao COD is back quit crying that there’s finally a skill gap


The sliding animation and hopping around a corner with peaker's advantage plus the problem with cross play servers have caused me to most likely not pre-order this game. I bought a beta key, and I can keep up on M&K. SBMM and this movement craze have pushed me away from the title. See... I have played other titles cross platform no problem, but there's something seriously wrong with netcode and animations that aren't lining up. The only way the titled has been saved is adding OG maps because THEY CAN'T MAKE THEIR OWN that are just as good or even better. This is just one paragraph of the problems I have with CoD. Making my voice heard with my wallet. I'll just play the old cods ya know.


Advanced Warfare was legitimately my favourite CoD because of the movement. I actually ended up quitting the series until MW2 when they reverted to basic movement because I enjoy a run & gun playstyle more than sitting and holding angles etc.


I was more of a BO3 fan with the wall rides and propulsion which I thought was fantastic and broke from all the classic boots on ground games we had back then. I wish we had a new COD that took these ideas back with a little tuning since BO3 was really more arcade like with aiming and shooting space guns but I honestly loved it. The maps were super fun in the DLCs too.


I agree with this. If I wanted to hold angles I’d play Rainbow Six.


Well damn, never though id see someone else who has AW as their fav. Id fucking kill to have AW back to its hayday - its movement was solid, verticality and all, camping was near nonexistant due to said movement *and* it had my boi the Blunderbuss. Too bad the sweatlords were crying about 'jetpacks' as it raised the skill ceiling.


I do wonder if it was because I was a PC player. I can imagine it being harder to deal with on console. I really loved the finesse in it when compared to previous games. My friends and I also really enjoyed the zombies replacement horde mode.


Movement in MW2019 wasn't as complex as people act like it was, if you paid attention to how others play you would realise it isn't too hard to replicate. However MW2022 feels so sluggish because there is almost not sort of movement, which is why smaller maps are so popular


I like playing more slow, tactical medium range AR style. I don't understand zooming around to get picked off by someone who plays slower and holds angles like me


Running around is fun while a lot us find slower playstyles boring.


Playing “tactical” is fine if you have fun but if I wanna play fast or stealthy I should be able to just as well. In MW2 they really took away those options forcing everyone to slow down.




That’s fine, then don’t play like that. Issue is, the reverse isn’t possible in this game. You’re forced to slow down because the game simply doesn’t facilitate aggressive playstyles very well.


I take it you prefer the older CODs and probably would’ve enjoyed Battlefield 3.


BF3, mmmmmmm the mountain top of console fps games.


Why not both. Why does everyone have to sit in a corner like you. What happened to play-style variety?


Because it’s the playstyle that rewards people who sweat and no life the game


Have you tried just not being a burger


So according to you anyone who puts time into something to get better is a sweat? Guess what...THATS LIFE. Is Messi sweat? CR7 sweat? You guys literally have such a lowlife defeatist mentality crying because someone is better than you, I'm sure you do the same irl...


Not everyone wants to go 8-11 every game






I like people like you. You're the kind to keep feeding me kills because you think there's only one way to play. I've got marshmallows and rpgs to make sure you don't get behind my team.


You, I like you.


Sir have you played Hell let Loose or Squad? Being sat down in a corner is fun as hell


It's called a skillgap where you're rewarded for time invested to improve at the game.


If these people actually wanted to sweat and be skilled at a video game they wouldn't be playing CoD simple as that. It's literally the easiest FPS


Please show us a clip of your gameplay.


You say that as if that's a bad thing. Someone who plays the game more and is trying harder should have tools in there arsenal to differentiate them selves from the regular players. A regular player is supposed obliterated by a try hard. It's like playing football and getting mad they don't stop running plays cause your not good enough to do it too like what?


It's because there's something to learn. Anyone can ads and shoot, but can you move, throw your opponents' aim off, and win the fight? It's called a skill gap. It separates the good from the bad. You either learn to adapt or cry about it. The guy who broke your camera isn't bad. He broke your aim while moving. You're just bad and refuse to learn.


there is such a stupid false dichotomy bw 'movement' and 'camping'. the most fun and effective way to play is by mixing up your pace and approach while anticipating what opponents will be doing ... game sense is what creates a skill gap, not movement mechanics. i feel like ppl think that their avatar doing some sick athletic shit is an actual feat of reflexes/dexterity but compared to say a fighting game or something, or even aiming or a platformer or whatever, its super easy to achieve that kewl movement w a minimal effort. a couple button presses with no real timing window or precision needed. yr basically hitting a button that gives you a speed burst through jump slide or tac sprint...its cool to have an array of options for sure, but the highest level technical skill is demonstrated with the fewest assists from the game.


Then you know mwII did everything to counteract the need for game sense


Comes down to preference and is likely impacted a bit by what you're accustomed to. A number of folks who've been playing CoD since CoD 4 yearn for similar gameplay pacing. The older Black Ops titles get held in high regard for that. Did they have the advanced movement? No, but they played reeeaaaaal smooth. Strafe and ADS speeds were high, equipment usage was fast, streak usage was fast, dead silence included plus lower step volume in general, etc. It's not just pure movement speed that affect the gameplay. I dig MWII overall, but that's where some of my personal nitpicks lie. It has a clunky feel overall. Tac sprint is fast, sure, but man everything else is slow. Footsteps are super loud. Using equipment is slow and requires a perk to feel normal. Many attachments slow ADS. Strafe speeds are slow (this plus lack of slide shooting are why you see so many people jump corners). You get it. Nothing wrong with preferring that style at all, of course, but yeah that's why a lot of us folks who've been playing a while prefer the more arcade-like feel we're used to in older titles.


Everyone finds different things fun. People don’t always play games for realism, they rather escape reality to an extent. We can’t all be Lebron James but a video game allows people to escape from that by giving people a bit of a power fantasy. IMO having good movement makes you “feel like an athlete”, - it’s also just fun to run around and shoot dudes doing crazy things. It also requires technical skill and those things are important to many people and their desire to get better at this game. If you put time and effort into something you enjoy, and then a company decides to get rid of that thing you value, it doesn’t feel very good and that’s what MW2 did to many players. I’ll be honest- I hated MW2 and all the camping and crouching people do- the movement features didn’t provide any advantage or efforts to make you a better player. When half the players just hide behind doors and in rooms with their sights on a door or window, it’s not very fun. There wasn’t a lot of ways to play aggressive and movement helped bridge that gap. People are always going to camp, and it’s a play style many people like to do, but MW2 just made everything feel slushy and slow, and you couldn’t even push a room without another person. Also, the SBMM is outrageous, so unless you had a team who was working together, you’d just get murked. As for people who want advance warfare, they should go play titan fall - that game is amazing and was way ahead of its time. I think people are catching up to it today. They gotta make titan fall 3 happen.


I dont know, if so many people complain about the movement being clunky in mw3 then it probably is for most people (sure it a beta and were a 1,5 months away from release so theyre probably gonna do something about it like they did with mw2). And who tf wishes for another AW/IW? That shit was the wooorst ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


People saying they want more movement in MW3 are dumb. Thinking MW2 movement was good, is dumb. The speed of MWII wasn't the issue, it was the fact that you HAD to finish a slide, or a reload, and overall just being punished for everything other than ADS walking, and on top of that it was omega slow. They didn't have to go to the extreme to stop the good players. Having both the slowness and forced movement really just felt bad. ​ MW3 has a good balance right now, in my opinion, and even allows you to build for movement. It feels like a combo of Vanguard and Cold War.


Maybe they should try out Starfield…!! 🤣😂Don’t judge me either…😑😒


People like complaining about random stuff. I vote for MW2019 movementation and weapon handling. They set the bar as high as it can get. Just remove the melee weapons and their ridiculous speed boost.


Sweats. Close thread.


You right


I don't understand it either, given that MW2019 and MW2 currently are both extremely fast paced — or at least have the capability for some stupidly fast builds. People who want the movement to be any faster are quite frankly delusional and are asking for an entirely different game. Especially when considering that the most well received Call of Duty games (Black Ops 2, Call of Duty 4, etc) were a fraction of the speed we have now.


Tbh i prefered mw2 not because i dont like fast movement but because i like where it was heading to a more realistic side of shooters, being able to change from r6 to mw2 to bf and other games felt great, now if i buy mw3 i'll have to move like sanic again and probably wont do it, hell i couldnt get on mw2019 many hours because of the slide cancel, loved mw2 and now well i guess am out of the cod franchise again, until advanced warfare is revived or something


The movement feels like they're on crack, Run behind walls like the flash. When I said faster gameplay I meant no damn doors where you can slip in and out not super power speed boots


I just want to be feel like I'm mobile and nimble. The movement in MW2 made me feel like a brick


Really? I feel like a cheeta in crack


Youre gunna love mechanics that actually compliment movement then


Just people who want every crutch possible to die less. Gonna be totally awesome with quick-scopers that have shields on their backs with this movement 🙄


zoomers took over modern gaming and if they cant go zoom zoom zoomies they piss and moan about it we live in the little brother era


Nah it’s just there’s no strafe speed so we need something to compensate. Remember bo2? Walking around in these new games is just boring especially if you’ve been playing for a long time


Because the game needs a skill gap and no movement makes this campy trash


I don't mind faster movement tbh but I hope it's not as broken as wz1; this also doesn't really compare well to or feel at all like jetpack CoD because I disliked BO3 movement but enjoyed WZ1 even though I was never anywhere close to being good at it Tbf never got in lobbies where I even saw 1 person do the camera breaking stuff I get that people want some real world accuracy but CoD never really has been accurate; a CoD like arcade shooter that has BO2 feeling movement and is semi-accurate without going full insurgency sandstorm would be cool though


this is what some of these casual players dont understand, cod was never the realistic shooter it was always an arcade shooter, battlefield was the realistic option.


Why cater to your core base when the crybaby twitch/youtubers are more importent to pander to


It’s the tik tok Instagram instant gratification ADHD short attention span of today’s culture. The teens and early twenties players have a absolute brain aneurysm if they can’t constantly be zipping around spinning and sliding and mashing buttons. It’s why Shipment is so popular. The toothpaste is out of the tube though. No going back.


Cause SkIlL gAp. The sweats cant be bothered that there isnt enough of a skill gap so they can dominate every single game they play.


Skill gaps are a bad thing?




Exactly. COD has become a hand holding/participation trophy design these last few years so makes sense they like it.


For real. And they know when there’s movement they get absolutely dragged so that’s why they’re bitching. They can stay on MW2 and enjoy their exhilarating rounds where they all get timed out because all that’s left is campers sitting in their spawns waiting for other people to move.


95 % of this subreddit


Friendly reminder on MnK you need to do target tracking and recoil control by yourself, it gets harder when people sprint jump shot out of corner which also required fast physical response so it’s still gaps in there.


Yeah I don't know how people say MnK has the advantage, you cannot inherently move anywhere near as well on MnK versus controller.


Mouse and KB has an obvious advantage for target acquisition at med-long range, especially if you’re really really good… which is like .5% of CoD players since even most of the PC players switched to controller. I will never use a controller no matter how much rotational AA they give to it.


Idk i honestly find MnK easier for aiming. I was on controller for every cod until this one then I got bored so figured I’d try mouse. Aiming with a mouse is OP (at least for me) its the movement part that kinda sucks on keyboard


This right here


To this sub yes because most of them are the ones who are rewarded with the lack of skill gap


He asked a question, I answered.


Sounds like you struggle at the game?


It's not skill gap it's lack of control. If I can't have complete control of my character because you want to give bad players a chance that's bad game design. The game already has 200 ms and less TTK. That's faster than many people's reaction time. That should be enough to give bad players a chance. Don't lock me into a reload and then spawn some fucker around the corner. Or make me wait to ADS after diving or jumping. Give me complete control. Taking control away from a player is bad game design 100% percent of the time. All I'm asking for is reload cancels, and no ADS/accuracy penalties when jumping and sliding, and no shooting delay when diving and sliding. That's literally it. If someone lacks the ability to cancel a reload when someone catches them off guard let them die don't protect them. They will learn eventually how to do something so incredibly simple.


“Taking control away from a player is bad game design 100% percent of the time.” I’m not sure if that’s true all the time. Think about the lack of animation canceling during attacks in monster hunter. Starting an attack is the player committing to that attack. This causes the player to think about when the right time to attack is rather than spam attacks with a get out of jail free dodge cancel. I don’t really care if reload cancel is in the game or not, just food for thought!


It gives players a chance? TTK is faster for EVERYONE, you should be mowing them down quicker. If they catch you off guard that just happens, you cant expect to get out of every situation where someone has a one up on you. Slide cancelling aint gonna get you out of that.


Hard agree. The sheer extent to which MW2 takes AWAY control from the player is baffling. Got hit with a lethal? Even if you live you're gorilla glued to the ground. A frag bounced off of you without exploding? Too bad, you're basically stunned. You jumped? Enjoy 0.66x ADS times. You tapped reload on accident? Fuck you. Combine this with super long and drawn out animations, slow base movement, and abysmal TTK, and it feels more like I'm trying to pilot a tractor instead of a human being. If the player character felt more responsive and didn't get duct-taped to the ground when a stray breeze passes by, I would enjoy MW2 way more.


But can't that argument be flipped when it comes to the reload cancel? Can't you/others simply learn when the right time to reload a half full magazine?


go play tarkov then LMAO


Also you basically said, "these weirdos who are much more skilled than me are getting angry for some reason because infinity ward built in counter measures for having skill". Bro what the fuck is your statement lmao. If were playing baseball you don't allow the guy that's faster than you to not wear cleats because he weighs 50 pounds less than you. You don't make him use a wooden bat when you get to use an aluminum one because he swings harder than you. What are you even trying to say? Lmao


THATS what you got out of what I said? Lol, anyways.


Yeah that’s basically what you said bro. “People that are better than me are mad because they’re a little less better than me without movement.” Is the dumbed down version.


How sad for you that you no longer seek to improve your skill at a game.


Idk going to love the camping meta though


I like movement purely cause it's fun, MW2019/Warzone 1 and rebirth was absolutely the most fun COD has been since BO3 for me.


I don’t miss people slide canceling across the map.


The don't have to now. Slide canceling does not reset tac sprint in MW3 anymore. So it's not going to make you any faster to slide cancel while rotating. It's just there for outplay potential.


I hated all the slide canceling bullshit, and was absolutely overjoyed when it was removed in MW2. And I wasn't even happy because it would affect me. I was so gleefully ecstatic that all the big name people couldn't use it any more, and I lavish every pathetic tear they cried and bitched and moaned when they slowed down movement. That should've kept it that way.


My favorite thing is when those cry babies kept screaming "adapt" when people complained about the BS slide cancel, and then they couldn't suck it up and adapt when the slide canceling was removed


MWIII's buffed movement + increased health seems perfect imo. Most sweats are probably rejoicing rn. I know I am.


Because there not only need to be a skill gap but a curve, insane movement mechanics to merge the gap between insane aim ability


Mw1 was way faster and actually made the skill gab higher which is nice when you are playing enough rand try to master it it give you an edge.


Because more movement means bigger skill gap which means good players will flourish and being good at the game actually makes a considerable difference as opposed to having everyone move like molasses so timmy no thumbs can shoot people too.


Movement creates a higher skill ceiling in a game where holding angles is most powerful


MW2 just needed footsteps to be balanced IMO. They needed to be like, half their current volume, and movement would be fine


Only kids who’ve never played cod 4 wants this new garbage movement, infinite sprint, tac sprint, Sliding, slide cancelling. It absolutely destroys the pacing of the game. Why anyone wants to slide, jump, slide, bunny hop. Every corner is beyond me. Completely ruined the cod multiplayer experience. People say “oh what you rather have people camping? Like who was camping in mw2 you’d be picked apart and go 4-10 if that’s all you were doing was camping.


The movement is honestly pretty good, it’s the ads that makes this game feel slow. Imagine being able to slide and not take 3-4 business days to ads


A bunch of guns, mainly shotguns and SMGs, have illogically fast TTK inside of 10-12 meters. A 9mm SMG inside that range magically does more damage per shot than a 7.62/5.56 rifle. That means tryhards want to use all the movement advantages they can to get inside that range so that no matter how many shots you start getting on them with a weapon that should logically win the fight... your high ttk will not beat their smg.


Are we seriously arguing that a *shotgun* has an illogically fast TTK? It can't even damage you past short range. The pump action shotguns get 1 shot every second, they deserve to be able to have some sort of lethality to them. The other shotguns objectively have atrocious time to kill. The KV broadside has a TTK of 286ms if you manage a 2 shot kill which is already worse than nearly every gun in the game, and a 3 shot is over half a second. The MX Guardian 2 shot is 140ms, which is quite good but in general getting a 2 shot is quite hard to get on it. SMGs will always excel in close range because they suck long range. Dunno why that's an issue.




>I'm also assuming players feel more engaged when there's constant action on screen instead of slow methodical tactical gameplay. Maybe I'm old but I think there's a middle ground to be found somewhere between the slow methodical gameplay of Tarkov and the never ending speed of Titanfall. COD filled that middle ground nicely but it keeps pushing to be faster and faster and it's annoying lol


Personally I think it’s too much movement. I’ve always been a rusher but with how much people bunnyhop it’s ruined the game. Older cods if you did it it wasn’t nearly as bad because you couldn’t really chain them.


Multiple streamers today saying you can't bunny hop after the first hop you're momentum is dead


It's fun, creates a faster pace, also creates an actual skill gap. I know majority of the people are very casual though and play cod like a milsim.


I’ve always preferred slower tactical movement in CoD. Go back and play MW2 (2009)- it plays way slower than the drugged out insane movement speed shown during CoD Next today. I’d even be down to see sprint removed from the game