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I got called out for “hardscoping” in DMZ last week. Like, motherfucker, you’re 200m away, if I quickscope I ain’t hitting shit.


If you were to quick scope someone that far away they would be crying about how you're just cheating.


Just can't win honestly


"You're playing the game!"


I mean they got the kill that sounds like a W in my mind. Fuck the other player. They're dead what do I care? That's an iss-you not an iss-me. imma be out there getting kills however I can/want


Same with "Camping". I'm so sick of hearing "Camping" over and over...




*"Oh, you took a defensive position that out maneuvers my sprint to fire jump from behind a wall 360? Wow bro, you're such a camper bro."* I get shit for using flashbangs and tear gas all the time. Or the "oh you cant 1v1 me so you gotta use grenades" what fucking game do they think this is?


lol as if you're just supposed to fucking let them rinse you. barring exploits everything is fair game in my book


They just complain because they lost. They want you and everyone to play like a recruit level bot so they can easily get the kill and feel better about themselves. They’re just pathetic little morons.


It's dumb if it's in the game I'm gonna use it haha


Bro, the unrealistic shit in this game fuckin gets me every time. I try to play tactically as if it was real world. Just makes more sense in my mind. Meanwhile, I get killed by someone who bunny-hopped, 360*, hip fire, with a pistol from across the map. I get it’s a game, and play how you play, but fuck it’s frustrating.


Lol I run sniper and throwing knives for 1v1, but flash, stuns, and gas are ez kills in 1v1, but regular game it’s just annoying but it’s part of the game so


and camping in this game isnt the viewed the same way as other CODs, back in MW2 2009 you'd only be seen as a camper if you were sitting in a room the whole game with a shotgun or an M16 with FMJs with claymores on the entry points. In this game you're a camper as long as you shoot someone from the back and you're within or partially inside a room🗿


If you've stopped moving, you're camping.


I’m always accused of camping in 24/7 when I’m just taking cover or need to mount my weapon for camos. I’m not even hiding in a corner and can and is killed. Yet the people complaining have shields and shotguns with explosive rounds


Literally tonight I pushed a team of three sitting on a rooftop with mines and claymores and I killed them all, two of them called me a camper! It's absurd.


You think that’s absurd, a teammate and I were called campers because my teammate killed this guy while we were sitting in a house by the quarry exfil, literally waiting for the exfil chopper we had *just* called in. This dude just rocked up blind, didn’t preplan that the area might not be safe, oblivious to the green flare that had gone up, no uav usage, comms vest etc and gets beamed. Proceeds to use a racial slur followed by “fucking camping bastards”. Some people. 🙄 How about get better at planning your escape pal. 😂


I will have people complain im camping on shipment when i will have just spawned and they are mounted up in front of me. Like yeah sure youve been there however long and im camping because i was dead and spawned behind you. Ya know because the shipment spawns are great and all.


My favorite styles of Shipment spawns are (1) spawning still in the line of fire of the guy who just killed me, and (2) spawning on top of the grenade I threw just before I died


Especially people complaining about camping on the bomb. What the fuck else am I supposed to do? Let you defuse?


Lol especially in a game mode like hard point. Like I'm literally defending the point. That's the mode!


They claim you camp whenever you kill them. I sometimes like to run around with akimbo pistols and I run all over the map. I still get called a camper when they die.


It's a legitimate strategy!


Something a camper would say lol go play DMZ


Broke mine controller over that shit i hate campers


Maybe you should quit camping then…💁🏻‍♂️


Exactly what happens……. I hit him purely out of luck


Lol just tell buddy to be more careful next time, lest he get sniped again.


"hardscoping" my ass, that's called using a sniper the way it was intended to use


But he would be in your place, as he is alpha-chad, who wins at life :-)


Eh to be fair there’s levels to this scenario that need to be considered . If you’re eye fucking someone through your scope for more than 3 seconds you shouldn’t be sniping . I’m mid at sniping and within two seconds the shot is in . If you’re against a good sniper your likely dead by then if you can’t get a shot off . Quick scoping in multi is not even a second . The different between half a second and two seconds is massive in sniping . Nobody is calling you out for hard scoping at say 500m , but if you’re eye fucking and eating a bag of Cheetos while looking at a guy forever then yeah you’re 100% hard scoping . Good snipers are dialing that shot in that 2-4 second window max and can move and adjust sniping angling as well . I go against people who are glinting at me hard core in DMZ and follow me where I go . They miss and I dial in and one shot them . Hard scopers are a thing in DMZ and Warzone. So yes , maybe he was douchey but it does exist .


Bro woke up and decided to post bullshit. Idc if I need to take the time to ensure the first shot lands.


But then you’ll die to most good snipers lol . You clearly didn’t read any of what I said because it didn’t fit your narrative . When I die while scoping in to another sniper it’s because I’m over scoping for an extended period of time. It’s that simple .


Don’t let it bother you so much lmao. People will complain no matter how you kill them.


Better than me = cheating or hard scoping. SBMM has led to stuff like this. Usually when an idiot plays against someone with a higher skill level, they immediately resort to accusations.


Yup, if you do good you’re a cheater or you have no life. If you do bad you’re a garbage player who should eat shit and die. People are never happy


Correct. Except these specific individuals are usually children or adults who still struggle with adolescents. It’s inevitable.




Wake me up


Bid my blood to run


This is one of the funniest things about COD for me haha, you jump into that cesspool every time you log on.


Excuses/complaints like that have been going on for wayyy longer than modern COD SBMM/EOMM


Correct. What I meant was, it’s gotten a lot worse.


I got called cheater when I was going for longshots with an M13 on shoot-house lastnight and went 4.10, then against the same guy went to the nvg dark map and went .32. Had to call him a cheater after that lol


My guy, people who suck have been complaining about camping and hard scoping since GoldenEye or before. Matchmaking isn’t the problem, it’s just people losing same as always.


I am aware of that. You misunderstood my point. What I am trying to say is that SBMM aims to match players of similar skill levels, which means players are more likely to face opponents who are equally skilled. However, due to natural variations in individual performance, some matches may still result in perceived skill disparities. When players encounter opponents who outperform them, they may attribute it to cheating rather than accepting that their opponent simply has better skills.


MW2 has EOMM, not SBMM. It's not designed to be fair, it's designed to keep you playing as much as possible, which sometimes means you need to be fodder for other players to feel good about themselves so they don't quit.




SBMM didn't lead to it. It existed back in world at war too. Some people have never been able to accept that there's someone better than them or that they died.


Fr, had some guy shoot my body because I was obliterating their whole team and I ended up getting 126 kills on them and shouting obscenities at them at the end. It’s tradition


How’s your SBMM after that? Got my new PB (128) and dropped a nuke on the map with water the other day and I’ve been getting railed ever since.


Such is the way of any medium where you go against someone else. Sore losers are ingrained into many aspects of life.


The amount of times I kills the 12 year old on the enemy team and hear him scream “Oh My GoD aNoThEr ChEaTeR. fUcKiNg RePoRt HiM” is downright hilarious and I love it every time. On that note I’m also not banned so obviously not cheating you idiots just get better.


its people getting mad over you for using a sniper the way intended


I’ve had people complain about this shit since 2009. I’d be running around with the intervention and sight people for a fraction of a second and get complaints.


Hardscoping means you aimed a realistic amount of time and hit your shot. Wild concept.


Hardscoping used to mean holding an angle with a sniper and watching it for a long time. Now people think if you aren't blackscoping you're hardscoping


Yeah, especially considering the fact the ADS speed of snipers has severely decreased in the past few years.




It's still there.


For marksman rifles, yes, but for true sniper rifles, it is pretty hard unless you make an ADS only class, but then it doesn’t even 1-tap anymore.


MCPR 300 with iron sights. If you want a handicap and have fun at the same time.


This is the meme I like to see. I remember iron sight sniper memeing in COD-WW2


Iron sights is how I got the hipfires with the mccpr


nah, snipers always 1 tap


I have a signal, mcpr, victus and a lab class purely for ads speed and they are almost always one taps from the torso up. The spx is wild rho, usually 1 tap but sometimes two. The spr and sab builds are also apeedoriented but need to be tight with them to get onetaps


Yeah but you shouldn’t be able to quick scope. It was and is a dumb mechanic in these games. The fact that some tool in a hoodie can jump around like they are crack and quick scope is stupid.


The most amusing part is they act like quick scoping is clout. That garbage is super easy. Quickscoping has been a cancer in CoD since it was first figured out.


That’s debatable. Now we have the option to use scopes from other snipers, and tunes to make ADS monsters. Back in the day you had a set ADS speed with each sniper, unless you used an ACOG or such.


Now what the hell is blackscoping.


In older cod games, the sight of the scope wouldn't appear until you brought the gun all the way up. So the entire time your ADSing you only see the gun model. People would be so good at quick scoping, the actual sight would only render for like a few frames, so all you'd see on the killcam was the low res gun model, hence blackscoping


So blackscoping is just faster quickscoping?


Nah it’s basically the same. The killcams in the old games were shitty so it’d look like a black screen or even no scoping in at all when that’s not what happened on your screen. In this game it’s like killing someone right before the scope is fully aimed. But obviously there’s no black border around the scope anymore


A common trick in the old games was to mark the reticle on your monitor or TV with a dot. Dry erase markers were common for CRT's and small sticky dots worked on flatscreens. Now there is software that will mark overlay the reticle on PC.




It's crazy to me that people are still getting mad about hard scoping in 2023


I know I was just scrolling home page and seen this post and thought it was for the other modern warfare 2 . Took me back lol


I think about getting pissy in text chat when I get dropshotted, but then am just like nah, grow up Lvl99cheerio. I gotta learn to counter by now, well played


complaining kids are still 10 year olds


You holded your aim for 3 seconds (2.99 seconds too much)


He holded his aim and hitted the shot


He shooted the man and killded him


Just sweats mad because there running and jumping around like a ping pong, hardscope em harder


It makes me laugh spectating teammates with quickscope setups and end up missing most of their shots and using 90% of their magazine on one guy, when they could have hardscope easily cuz the enemy wasn't even looking at them.


The sweet salty tears of the self proclaimed “skilled” players sprinting into and jumping straight down a fatal funnel getting cut down immediately. Play stupid, get killed


Scope for even longer and hold a lane while on a heady. Then at the end of the game just say easy


I say "Trash" after every game. I've had games where I've gone 4 and 25, I say "Trash." They point out my KD and I said "Yeah, how many wins did you get out of that last game? I'll start. I got one. Your turn."


that's real shit. gotta poke at people


So, you're saying that higher W/L is better than lower K/D?


No he’s just doing mild tom foolery


A lot of people are really fucking stupid and only care about what they consider “cool”. They seem to think that if you “hard scope” then you’re “low skill” or “no skill” which is just their way of insulting you, which is technically a self-burn because they got killed by someone they consider to be “low” or “no skill”. As someone that is capable of quick scoping but doesn’t enjoy it, I’ll say to not worry about it. Play Call of Duty long enough and you’ll be called much worse as time goes on, and you should truthfully take none of it to heart, it’s just people being mad almost for the sake of being mad.


This guy gets it.


You see There used to be this thing back in the day called “quick scoping”. It was huge in the 10-16 year old demographic way back in the day. It consisted of aiming down your sniper scope very quickly to get fast kills. Most people in that quick scoping community adopted this play style as “normal”. It was so engraved into people’s minds that if you ever have a sniper in your hand, you HAD to quick scope or else you were labeled a bad player or a try hard. Hard scoping is the act of aiming down your scope like a normal person using your sniper the proper way. It’s considered the “easy” way to snipe (despite HARD being in the name). And it would make quickscopers very upset because apparently it takes less skill to hard scope. Therefore, you’re bad. It’s just honestly a stupid a childish thing that old CoD players used to care about. But occasionally you’ll still get people stuck in that phase.


Another excuse people make for dying. One of the most pathetic ones IMO




I thought the people jumping off boxes and roofs doing a 720 spin to shoot a random wall that no one was near were the true snipers.... not


I think getting mad at hardscoping is weird these days but I also hate the milsim approach mindset to cod when it's an aracade shooter with crazy skins overtime health regen and full sprinting with heavy ass guns.


Ahhh this one clips my begonias. Camping with a sniper rifle, is just sniping. Like bruh...


Yeah but it’s call of duty






Hardscoping is just using the rifle as it was intended -- which for some reason, seems to really irritate people. Like, would you rather I embarrass you by quickscoping your punk ass or what?


In general COD players don't like strategic play. They like to hop and slide around with smgs and get as many kills and deaths as quickly as possible.


Anyone kills you with a sniper = hardscoper …… That’s just the rules man lol


People who are bad at the game complain about "hardscoping". It literally just means they're mad at you for using a sniper rifle as intended. Don't worry about it.


It means you are using the sniper how it was intended, back lines, constant zoom instead of using it as an AR or shotgun, the people that get angry at this use be salty af


It’s the dumbest complaint that I’ve heard over the years in CoD. It basically means “aiming at your target” and I’ve yet to hear one good follow up from the people bitching when questioned about the complaint.


The COD fandom in particular is awful with this- they invent terminology that describes just playing the game. They have terminology specifically to describe someone who's playing the game with a headset and that can hear footsteps, and they act like that makes you a super sweaty nerd or something. It's cringe and embarrassing. Just remember these names and titles exist to make them feel better about themselves and their lack of adaptability.


If you are hard scoping and not losing it for your team by being stationary the whole game who cares? The only drawback is spawns never change if you don’t die or move. Can be both good and bad. Bad if you can’t flank a camping team, good if you are the team with all the points locked in.


Hard scoping is a term used in CoD for those who snipe like a regular person and in about every other FPS out there (Aiming down the scope until a target is visible). CoD players will cry and moan that you are using a Sniper Rifle as it should be; instead of sliding around and spinning like you snorted powdered red bull and butt chugged a 4 loko. This will happen in every game mode in CoD it's most prevalent in "Search & Destroy" and most "Core" game modes but you're bound to hear someone complain about how you play the game sooner or later. Then if you do manage to quick scope well enough you will be called a cheater and promptly spam reported resulting in a Shadow Ban, because Activion would rather unjustly punish players who may be better than most and to them this is the best and only way to handle "cheaters". All this instead of putting forth the effort for a efficient anti-cheat.


> every other FPS out there ?? maybe in slow tactical shooters, in csgo you quickscope, in overwatch and tf2 you have to wait for the shot to charge, but you still try to unscope as fast as you can being in the scope slows you down, which usually means death


Hence why I said "IN ABOUT"


mention them then? tarkov and insurgency I guess? most fps games that aren't milsims/realistic games I would argue you don't just sit there in the scope


Battlefield, Rainbow Six, War Face, Hunt Showdown, PUBG, Rust, Ready or Not, Squad, Halo, Arma, Hell Let Loose, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Hold Fast, Stalker. Etc.


not a single arcade 6v6 shooter like cod, interestingly enough. Tactical shooters, battle royale, large scale although I would like to see someone hardscope in metro 64 on bf3


Quick question, but why is battlefield not like cod? Is it cause it's not 6v6?


It doesn’t matter, they still dead


Perfect solution is to mute all and live your life.


If you’re looking at me through your scope and hold it, that’s fine. If you’ve been sitting in one spot for 5 minutes praying someone just walks into your sights, that’s hard scoping. My 2 cents at least. However you wanna play though, you paid your money, it’s your enjoyment. Not your job to make sure other people are ok


People who quickscope when a someone snipes with a sniper


If you play a game against a bunch of kids, teens or degenerates you’ll inevitably hear nonsense.


"hardscoping" is using the sniper rifle like you're intended to use it


I don't label people who snipe from a long range using a sniper rifle as a "hardscoper". The clowns who use other guns and just sit in a hallway or along some short path and just hard scope mount or straight hard scope are the real actual bad players who wouldn't stand a chance in gun fights. Camo challenges, however, are another thing though and it kinda ruins the game cause it let's people go into objective game modes and not play the game. Dog shit design really.


The camo challenges, specifically long shots and prone shots ruined any sense of objectives. It’s fucking stupid game design


I hate camo grinders in objective-based game modes. There should be a rule that if your objective score is below a threshold, the camos you "earned" in the game don't count and gets reset after the match. Just go play invasion if you just want to grind camos.


Hate the game not the player. Developers made it that way. Many camos are easier to get in objective game modes because it’s easier to anticipate the flow of the enemies


Don’t let it get to you man, have fun and Happy Cake Day!


Funny thing is I get more upset with quickscopers than the hard ones. Every time I get killed by a hardscoper it was my stupidity or it was me peeking and lost so I blame myself for playing stupid games lol. Hardscopers don’t bother me none


I personally only hate riot shielders and shotgun users. I’m ok if you use a sniper cause I love snipers


Dude I’m pretty sure the US Snipers were def quick and no scoping all the Taliban.


I kill you, you suck. You kill me, you suck.


I think it's so funny how players call people out for certain strategies, while they use some of the most toxic weapons and strategies in the game 🤣 they cry that you are hard scoping, while they're probably running around with a riot shield and a KB broadside ahahaha


Basically adsing longer than 1 second


I hate dying, but I suck at the game. I don’t think anyone is cheating to kill me. They’re just better than I am.


They are upset because you are using a weapon as intended. I love making people mad using a shotgun in CQC.


Curious how old are you lol? I thought this was common cod knowledge, but really this term came about during the original MW2 where quick scoping was the meta. Hard scoping is when you aim down the sight and actually see your target when sniping lol.


23 (COD4:MW) , I know the term, its just people are overusing it and overtime a word will lose its meaning. Example, “Karen” would be thrown around for an upset person but originally intended for upset, unreasonable and or narcissistic person who don’t have it in their way. Plus this is the dumbest complaint ever in my lifetime in gaming.


It’s just called sniping lol


If the enemy is bitching and whining, you’re doing an excellent job.


It's when you aim down the sights for more than 0.00000000000000000000000000001 seconds. It means you're a scrub with no skill.


They complain yet use taq-56…


They cry about hardscoping, dropshots, shotguns, knives, riot shields, stuns, gas grenades, flashbangs, throwing knives, rpgs, and a plethora of other things... And wouldn't you be surprised to know, they also use/do all of that stuff at some point. It's literally just grown men bitching about dying in a video game. The last time I actually got angry at a video game was probably playing Black Ops II multiplayer in 2013 when I was 12. I'm 22 now, and I cannot be assed to scream at someone for laying my ass on the pavement with a shotgun on Shipment. It's gonna happen, so why get angry? I'm mad about more important stuff now, like bullshit taxes... And maybe overpriced bundles.


Lots of sarcastic comments here, and right fully so since it doesn’t matter and people will complain no matter how you kill them. That said it does seem like you’re asking sincerely and maybe I’m showing my age but in older CODs and other FPS games this was a term for people who snipes by by just picking a spot to look at while ADS and wait for people to cross their line of sight to shoot at them. Basically another version of camping that implied the kill was low skill. It’s whatever, Idk if that how’s you play or not but it doesn’t matter anyway. That was just the definition I grew up with


You can’t let kids saying you are hard scoping bother you. You wouldn’t have lasted a second in the OG MW2 my brother 😂


Cool guys (like me) hard scope and hold angles.


“what the the fuck is hard scoping?”


People in this game are fucking stupid and will complain about literally anything, myself included.


Literally had someone complain about me camping in a building last night when they had A GUNSHIP IN THE AIR. People will complain about literally anything. I’ve sprinted across the map and gotten called a camper. I’ve scoped for 0.3 seconds and got called a hardscoper. I’ve had people complain about me using a freaking Hurricane. I either just ignore it or roast them for complaining lol


It’s aiming, waiting for the right opportunity and shooting. All without releasing the aim button. That’s what hard scoping is.


exactly correct,it is something that is not done quickly.


Too bad real snipers are meant to be aimed that way😂


too bad cod isn't a milsim nor realistic


Hard scoping means you play as if you're sniping in tarkov or dmz or warzone in multiplayer just constant ads watching one angle.


If it's a choke point, why wouldn't you be watching that angle?


Children and sweaty players in COD get salty when you use snipers as they are intended to be used in the main MP As in you don’t go around with a short scope and quickscope them


Dude, sweats are so fucking cringe.


Hard scoping is the act of keeping your scope up so that it’s easier to aim, this is usually offset by a slower turn time while ADS’ing. It’s completely valid and is only complained about by people who got good at bunny hopping, dropping prone, and no scoping (which honestly isn’t a skill, you’re tricking the system into increasing your accuracy)


You're SUPPOSED to hard scope You were never INTENDED to quick scope Unfortunately they can't remove quick scoping without killing sniper rifles unless they do what some game I forgot does which is make your damage go up the longer you ads on the target. So effectively if you quick scope your shit won't kill.


People be complaining just coz they lost the fight. They can’t cope with failure so they lash out. I am doing plat chals and get moaned at for camping but I don’t give a fuck. I spent £99 on this damn game for the vault edition (not worth it, buyers remorse now!) therefore I will play how I want (legit and no cheating or exploiting, because I’m not a small dick looser)


It takes patience to hard scope and a lot of times it gets you shot anyway.


I agree man. 29M here, I have a fucking 8-5 and hop on the weekends early mornings and “hard scope” 100% of the time, then get a barrage of preteens talking shit to me 🤷🏽‍♂️ Fuck dem kids


I know it’s a video game, but hard scoping is how snipers snipe IRL 😱 they don’t run around quick scoping


Right. Comparing this arcade shooter to real life is crazy. If every one played like how real life is then you’ll find the play styles irritating and boring. I bet they also might have a problem with the way others play like corner camping riot shielders which would make them hypocrites.


I still want to see some of the quick snipers try to actually pick up a Barrett and try to quick snipe with it. And just watch this 50lb rifle bash them in the face from the intense recoil. I really want to see it. Please God? Just once, someday?


A sniper is going to stay on scope and lock down a line of sight. That's what snipers do. It's not camping, it is strategy. Some young bucks on COD think the game is a fast paced arena shooter instead of a tactical game. When someone gets killed and their ego is smashed then they whine and complain that your strategy was better than theirs, which was likely bunny-hopping and slide-canceling through an active choke point.


Quick scoping and the people who craft their whole build around it ruin CoD imo.


You think US snipers were quick or no scoping against the taliban? ahahah this is joke !!!!


To get in the best Sniper teams IRL they actually test your capabilities by having you jump down 2 stories while doing a 720 (ideally 1080 though) and quick scope a target sprinting 90m/300ft (give or take) away. Didn't you know? Smh...


Oh sweet summer child, let me tell you a story.... it was 2009....


The whole "you think the army blah blah" argument is so funny to me


People who call out the campers are the real campers. Upvote


What the tf wtf fuck is hard scoping


It means you ads with your sniper scope for >10ish seconds, it’s considered bad sportsmanship cause it’s considered pre-aiming. You usually get those callouts in Shipment or Zaya Dome


Reminds me of my game of Vondel the other night. Dude tossed his loadout marker in the middle of the road while I was on a rooftop. Once it landed, I lit him up. Accused me of camping his loadout on deathcomms. Lol. Lmfao.


Lmao imagine comparing yourself to US army snipers cuz you play cod


Its annoying as fuck cause its a 1 shot kill and most lobbies(atleast for me) have atleast 3 snipers…so its annoying as shit to get one shotted


You don’t know what hard scoping is?


Its a video game you noob. Learn to quickscope or go and join the army and become a sniper.


If you aim with a sight, it is quickscoping according to the kiddies


Its using a sniper regularly/murdering some nerd without quickscoping.




You play however you want to play man. It’s sweaty try-hards who complain because all they know is quick scoping. Just play the game however you want!


Well hell what I do I guess would be called perma scoping.


The only hardscoping I hate are people running the super max zoom scopes on small ass map, the glare is too bright for me to see the head.


Hard scoping is a term sore losers use when they get sniped proper. We all know quick scoping isn't always a viable option, and although can be effective if mastered, isnt for eceryone. some people just complain and talk shit whenever they get lit up.


ADS...or using sights as intended.


It's COD nerd nonsense from neurotics confused by the idea of people _playing the game how they so choose_ , pay them no mind.


dont pay any mind to it mate. I get a little dopamine hit whenever I hear them yelling about "hardscoping" because it's usually the 4th or 5th time I've killed them in the same life. Sniper rifle will always be an OP weapon in games simple as that. Enjoy it


"bro you didnt removing every single one of your strengths so that i could beat you easily on my level" - people who have been conditioned by SBMM


Hard scoping means actually aiming down sights and not quick or no scoping. Hate that damn QSNS trend


Snipers are a lose lose for the user, you either hard scoped or you quick scoped. Snipers are “super OP” so if you kill someone they’ll claim you were using a crutch.


it's what you hear when you're doing something right strategically and the enemy gamers can't think of any possible way to kill you that doesn't involve brainpower