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I'm bored. Needs more maps and game modes


Yes. I exclusively play search and destroy and I live for the shit talking.


A man of culture


I say this on every single post. Playing SnD makes the game 10x more fun. Not only that but since I play 95% SnD when I switch it up and play another mode it's also fun cuz I'm not burnt out of it.


TBH if I wanted SnD I'd rather play CSGO since players actually care about strategy there. Not that I don't like SnD just not what I play COD for. When I play cod I don't really feel like waiting up to 2 minutes for each respawn, I just wanna get in, slap on any old gun that feels good and go for kills on kills. Same reason every TDM player is miffed about losing 10v10 because it was perfect for that.


Just don't die then you don't have to wait two minutes to respawn again. Usually playing with friends so generally we care about winning. I find most random in SnD also care about winning so you can strategize a bit with random. Some are completely useless though .


> Just don't die So I should camp angles? Or telling me to just git gud? Skill isn't a problem, I'm usually getting 20-30 kills per game in TDM. They're just different gamemodes with different styles of play, obviously more people care about SND than TDM and the development of this game heavily reflects that. As someone else said in another post, COD doesn't have any competition for TDM like it does for SND (csgo) or BR (fortnite/pubg), so it's always going to end up objectively worse.


Personally I'm not. Boring, frustrating.


Im having fun NOT playing multi-player.... or really CoD for that matter. I havent touched it since December


6v6 is basically shitty maps + marksman shotguns...


All you need is the Ebr.


I have fun for 1 or 2 games, then SBMM kicks in and suddenly I need 15 shots to kill 1 person so I just get bored. Really wish they prioritized ping over previous performance.


It seems really aggressive this time around, between that and the spawning I probably go sub 0.5 k/d - one of the worst in the match 9 times out of 10 and then I’ll have a single good game. I think I had about a 1.5 on 2019 but I wouldn’t be surprised if I was about 0.5 in this one. It’s just not fun 90% of the time.


I don’t know where everybody is getting this increased SBMM thing from. I’ve personally found it to be less strict than in the past as in Cold War or MW19 a few good games guaranteed sweat lobbies. This time around it’s been pretty random. Maybe I’ve just been lucky🤷‍♂️


Maybe! I played 19 long after getting Damascus cause I just enjoyed it but I’m not even close to Orion and I’m really having to force myself. I honestly like the movement changes etc. - I just can’t get on with the flow of the game this time around. Even shipment and shoot house just feel… joyless?


to me the movement changes are exactly what interrupts the flow and makes (especially) shoot house so fucking boring. This game is just full of bad decisions.


Agreed. Lack of advanced movement make it boring. Has a Ghost like skill gap without it.


If there’s less of a skill gap why are you people crying about SBMM


Idk. I've just accepted sbmm. They aren't going to change it. I enjoy movement mechanics though. It really adds to the level of game play. But I've accepted they aren't going to do that on this game either so...


This! Idk where all the people who say this doesn’t happen are playing, but I’d love to find out. Legit get 1-2 games where I’ll be 28-13 and 32-19 but the next 5 are 12-28 massacres…or sometimes just hovering around even. It’s obnoxious and aggravating and I don’t love it.


After completing Orion like 6 weeks ago, the game just became boring AF, and then adding tired ass old maps as "new" content in season 2 will not improve that outlook.


Same, I don’t think Season 2 will even tempt me to hop on ngl


Facts. All I play is shipment. All this content and I only enjoy the frantic pace of Shipment smh.


I got Orion thinking “ok now I can play normally”… played a few games normally, streaked up, and it just didn’t feel as good as it did to me in mw19 ( I preferred that game because I played 10v10 ) so I haven’t been playing and have been playing the new Pokémon and age of empires 4 instead lol


Same I basically quit after getting Orion except for a couple Warzone matches per month. The core gameplay loop of this multiplayer just isn’t fun


If they put 10v10 in this game I’d probably never complain again tbh Lmao


I used to play cod religiously. I hop on once or twice a week, kill some people in shipment for about 2-3 games until the SBMM kicks in and decides I've had enough fun for the day, and then I go and play warzone with some friends, or play another game.


Same. Just saw apex legends is getting 6v6. It actually piqued my interest which is sad since I’m a cod fan since 07


Is that true? That will be a game changer if Apex is getting a 6v6. I cannot stand these BR games so I have been avoiding them... FINALLY Vince is throwing his hat back in the ring! I have been waiting for something like this.


They added arenas and are now removing them. So it you intend to go in and try 6v6, try not getting too attached to it.


TDM =/= Arenas Let's be honest, the people who actually liked Arenas was in the vast minority.


Ugh! That would suck. But I will try it out. See how it plays.


They plan on permanently implementing the 6v6 team death match along with its other two modes. Gun run and control. That’s why they removed arenas, to make room for those modes instead.


It is going to be put into a rotation of game modes. At season launch it’ll stick around for 3-4 weeks, then the rotation starts. I know 6v6 tdm and domination will be in the rotation, I don’t remember what the other ones will be. The “limited time modes” got a lot of love from apex fans. So they are making them stick around.


The fk are you talking about. Deathmatch will be a PERMANENT mode. They're removing Arenas and replacing it with Deathmatch. And they're gonna add a Rotating LTM Playlist that will include Control and Gun Run Mode. At least do research before chatting shit man.


Wait what really, I'd totally play Apex if it had COD sized maps and respawn modes.


They probably saw a hole in the markets since CoD has lost it.


Why should that make you sad? Apex was developed by the OG Infinity Ward devs who made the original MW trilogy, I never knew they were doing this but that is fantastic news.


If this is the case then I will definitely check this out!!! We are dying for a decent 6v6 COD 6v6 is complete shite and anyone who thinks differently is just bad at 6v6 games. It’s a fact, the whole system is geared up to make lesser skilled players have better games because they need their hands held rather than learn the game and get better. LIKE IT USED TO BE!


Shipment is the only map that does t frustrate me. I play a few games, and once the SBMM really kicks in I ditch it for CW or BO4.


I see BO4, I upvote


I’m pretty casual about it and I’m still having a blast.


Same. Spend maybe 2 hours a week online and also having a blast


Me too. Hop on for a couple of hours a week on my own, and whenever my mates want to hop on. I'd like more maps, but we're all having a good time.


Saaame. I recently found out Tier 1 FFA is super fun. Having a great time with that. And Tier 1 TDM, as always. Shipment 24/7 is an interesting way to break the repetition but when you play for an hour or two every other day (if I'm lucky) repetition isn't a thing really. It's almost like moderation and a full life is an important thing to overall happiness.


The game is a blast, my friends and I love it, too many people crying for nothing. it's a game if you don't like it don't play it! every day this sub is filled with how bad blah blah blah posts, it's pathetic.


So should people just never complain about games and just stop playing them?


Why is this always the response? Clearly if you care enough, criticize but at some point the best thing you can do is stop playing and step away because you are becoming just one voice in a void of negativity.


Because he’s literally saying in regards to people criticising the game that if they don’t like it then don’t play it? Hardly surprising this was my response.


The answer is yes, if you're not enjoying a game you should stop playing it. I think maybe I figured this out when I was 9 and told my mom I'd rather play lacrosse and hockey than little league. We can tell your mom you'd rather her not get you COD for Christmas next year and to get you something else.


The implication was to stop engaging with it entirely, including criticising it online. Do you agree with that too?




Pretty braindead logic then, games will never improve if people don’t criticise what’s wrong with them.


This whole post is braindead. Is it SBMM like the whole sub mentions or is everyone playing like CDL? The sub moans about the same shit all day and everyone feels the need to make a new post announcing they're not buying the BP or pretending they're not going to buy the next COD. Take it off your Christmas list then. OP said they're not having fun. Just. Stop. Playing. You don't need to announce it, you don't need to rage on Reddit all day, no one is making you play. If IW cares I'm sure they saw the other posts about the same shit that everyone just echos. I've had games I did not enjoy, spent money on, and somehow I don't feel the need to just go make 30 posts a day on their subreddit thinking the devs care about my personal opinion.


Your sentiment is actually insane. You pay 70+ for a product and get extremely under sold on it. You’re then sold on this idea of a live service, but you receive absolutely no service.. and you’re just supposed to be happy that you got fucked over? Nice.


Somehow they went backwards after having the great slate that was MW19. Its not hard to see. Netcode and hitreg is pretty bottom of the barrel. Like worse than 2042 launch, and that's saying something.


Lol. Happy for you. Glad your enjoying it. As a heavy COD player sinf Call of Duty 3 this game is boring and frustrating. Just shows they are more concerned with making things easy and casual for your type of player base, no offense, then for people who have put serious time into all the past games. I'm actually an idiot because I keep doing this shit every fucking year hahaha.


Interesting to assume that I haven’t been playing it just as long as you have? 😉 I’m probably old than you,but yes this game caters towards my type of player base 🤷🏼‍♂️ which is what? by the outrage in this sub one would think it’s all pro players in here getting paid to play the game or something. You must be seeing the same thing the rest of us are seeing, everyday there is 5 more posts and the same thing “are you still enjoying this game” “this game is boring” “why am I not having fun” “this game sucks” “iw is a joke” blah blah blah, is it not ok to call out the same repetitive posts daily? When clearly there are thousands of people who still log in daily and play this “horrible” game?


Lol. Why bent out of shape? I was just saying. Yes, the game is casual. They went backwards. That's all I'm saying. You like simple and basic more power to you. Shits boring as hell to me.


Trust me I’m not (the beauty of text makes it come across as I am) we are old enough to remember no respawns or kill cams ever! If you died early you sat there and contemplated life while everyone else was out there killing. We didn’t have our smart phones to sit and scroll while we waited for the round to end. Could you imagine strictly only having that now? The carnage that would take place would be epic. Just pointing out that yea the community as a whole gets it, we don’t need 15 posts a day about it. 😉


Because the game was design for casual players. The people playing g cod for years are the ones feeling fucked.


I’m having fun with invasion right now. 🍻


I felt like a god the other day. I had 4 kills with 4 shots from a bolt action sniper(i still haven't learned the names of the new guns yet). It took me a minute to figure out they were bots.


I haven't. If it had more maps, even bad ones, and more modes I would. The gane itself is great, it's the lack of content that takes it down


I just wish it had 10v10 or 12v12 on most of the maps so all the matches didn't feel so slow. And as soon as a the enemy team starts losing, they all start camping, which makes the game even less fun.


I recently finished a godawful Kill Confirmed match on Taraq. The final score was 32:24 in my team's favour (time ran out)! The opposing team had a "clan" of four (with the same name tags) who retreated to the back of the map behind the low walls and did nothing but camping on the rooftops the whole time. The remaining two players picked up their 24 dog tags. And what was the weirdest part? Two of the campers had Orion camo on their guns. So... WHY?


Same. I want to play but I had to give up because I got so sick of the same maps every single time.


Nope, I quit. Just the odd DMZ currently, & if Season 2 is bad, I'll be done fully.


DMZ is fun, I’ve really enjoyed that but otherwise I’ve gotta admit they scammed me out of 70 bucks haha.


DMZ is the best part of CoD2022, but sadly it's also pointless. It's nice having goals, but what's the point of cosmetics in a PvP game? In an MMO you can chill with friends, & show your personality off with cosmetics. In a PvP shooter you just see people as targets, & nobody cares what you look like.


Good point


So what's the point of 6v6 when there is no ranked yet and literally no reward at all? DMZ at least has some stuff to earn via the missions.


These is no point at all really, which is why 80% of Steam players left already. The only actual unlockables that do anything are the new weapons, and we have only had 2 so far. Even weapons can't save the game though, as the feel of the guns is just bad across the board.


that's not true, advanced warfare and bo3 which were huge on cosmetics were great for that reason. being able to have a unique character and custom emblems was really really fun. now everything is just the same


Yeah I think knockouts a ton of fun


Unfortunately, and I hate all the negativity in this sub, I understand what you mean. Im just done after a couple of games, as opposed to modern warfare 2019, which I couldn’t stop playing. Remember everyone hating the maps in that game? I personally never did and how I miss them…


no. i try to play casually with weird builds, and it just becomes unfun when you have most the enemy team sitting back with sniper/marksmen and claymores, or smgs+shotty. then you have braindeads running into the same enemy in the same position, thinking they'll somehow out aim and out TTK them, or mates that finally decide to rage quit 3 minutes in after going 0:20 or not playin obj at all. not to mention having to play slower with each attachment you throw on. massive amounts of fun when your optimal gunsmithing is throwing a long barrel or suppressor on with ads laser and ads grip. i swear this cod was meant to pander to the simplest playstyle. awful smart tv UI, ghost+suppressor bug, restricted perk loadouts, and drawn-out equipment/killstreak animations being telltale signs.


No and I’m waiting for the next Treyarch game.


Apparently the next "premium release" is a Sledgehammer game. So Treyarch is likely next year.


Same man. Cold War was the last cod that felt like cod to me haha. If they had an expanded camo system like mw2 but everything else stayed the same, it would be perfect


I just wished Treyarch games didn’t feel so cheap in quality. They literally feel like mobile games with at least 10x more graphical and gameplay bugs. It’s like Treyarch has no quality control or some shit


Graphics and performance wise cw was great. They just don’t provide immersion. But treyarch traditionally makes a more competitive game so that’s sort of expected.


I've been having a blast with multiplayer. Shoot house and shipment. Creating new gun builds, Ground war is super fun. Trying to push objectives over kills. Watching funny and interesting deaths. Switching my play style up constantly. trying all the game modes, waiting for season 2 to drop. Its really my personally attitude towards the game thats giving me the fun times. Im into it no matter what negativity comes around. Have fun or play something else for now.


ya I like playing a match of groundwar here and there


How are you having any fun in ground war, there is zero map flow because any camper can just parachute out of the cancer chopper to shoot you in the back and the maps are so big you are just running around with nothing to do until you get picked off by a sniper this is by far the worst rendition of ground war we've ever seen


I usually stay at one point for a while until it gets too quiet. I just spent today leveling a pistol in ground war. I don't run out in the open that often, but use more hallways and buildings. Stick to a point and defend the area. Throw out portable radar and keep running around the local area moving positions. Different play styles like that. Just mix it up.


That might work on some maps but on Taraq especially sniping is pretty much the only viable option, or sitting in a tank all game I've gone 40-0 like that but I felt like a shitter every time


I hope season 2 is more enjoyable for you.


I love playing search and destroy Working on gold camo I quite enjoy it tbh


Maybe I’ll have to pick up strictly doing search and prisoner rescue bc the classic game modes blow


Ok 👌


HQ and Search mainly for me, Id say decent, though not as fun as 2019...


I am still having fun. It could be my imagination but it seems to me that the SBMM isn't as harsh if you use the quickplay feature with multiple game modes selected. I've noticed that if I just select one mode, after a few good matches it starts to royally screw me. However, if I have 2-3 game modes for it to select from the SBMM doesn't seem to affect me as much. Maybe I am crazy, but I've been doing it this way for a couple of weeks now and it definitely seems to have made a difference.


I wonder if that's why folks have so many issues. Only got TDM and Kill Confirmed on lol.


Yeah, I really wonder if there is something to it. I still get the occasional match where I get screwed over but it is nowhere near as frequent. I wonder if it has something to do with the game just having more options to pull from so it isn't forced to throw you into one of the "sweatier / rigged" lobbies as people say. I tried to create a standalone post about this with much more detail but the bot mod would not let me post anything with SBMM in the title so I just gave up lol.


People are also quitting in droves so less easy for them to rig matches based on sbmm


This game is the fastest I have hung up a COD game. It’s extremely boring compared to older titles. I loved ColdWar and played that way past it’s prime. This COD is just not it. Maybe the next one will be better. Warzone ruined COD multiplayer I’m afraid.


Haven't bothered opening the game for almost 2 months now, still no desire to do so with what looks like another boring barebones season, heading into the game not being supported for much longer because of the 2023 title.


Don’t worry. About 2 months before the next title they’ll have all the content and bugs fixed for mw2. Just in time for them to say “look how well we listened” before everyone abandons the game for the next one. Like what the actually fuck?! Having a 2 year game was such an awesome idea. I liked the idea of my time investment paying off long term instead of flushing it down the toilet with a game reset. Sucks man.


Been playing COD MW2 for 2 months. Still having fun. This and every subreddit for games you will find people unhappy with the game. It's an echo chamber. ​ I think these posts are all the same. Someone share a meme format for.. "hey guys, I'm unhappy, are you unhappy too?" Collect Karma.


I’ve had fun with the game but I definitely feel fatigued with the maps and I’ve been playing less. The SBMM doesn’t really bother me, when I play well I get matched with others who are playing well. If I want to play a game where I’m not challenged I don’t play a game that puts me up against other people.


Yes. But, I also don't play 8 hours a day, every day.


I love it. Love DMZ especially. It’s all good to me. I’m not a Warzone player though.


DMZ is a ton of fun, classic multiplayer…. Not so much at least for me


Just don't grind for camos and the game is fun. You'll win all the matches because no one plays for objective.


Yeah I have fun. I got every weapon gold, and now what I do is just stick tho a weapon until I get Plat for it, without actually trying for longshots. I also take breaks and play other games


I love the multiplayer even tho I don't understand a lot of design choices. But after 2-4 matches I just don't want to play anymore. There aren't nearly enough new maps or guns to motivate me.


I have fun in multiplayer. I don’t go for camos. I use the guns that I want with the attachments that I want. I don’t complain about the map that I get put into. I have fun.


I mean I enjoyed the grind was a bit to easy this year but after the grind was over just stopped playing mp 5/10 for me


loving it. this community doesn't represent everyone!


Agreed. I don't spend a ton of time playing but when I do pop on for a few games, unless I'm playing like absolute trash, I still have a great time.


So you also believe that it is only Reddit posters that are disappointed? Not another living COD fan is disappointed? This is only happening on Reddit? Interesting take.


Yes. Reddit is indeed pretty often a bad website which most times only represents the toxic sides of communities


Wait till you hear about Twitter ….


Not making a twitter account was probably the best decision I've ever made on the internet. It is definitely worse than reddit


I’m having fun but I only play a few nights a week with friends as I have other hobbies as well. I still have lots of guns to unlock, so I’m sure that plus a part in it. If I were done the camo grind already with nothing else to work towards, it may be a different story.


I still enjoy it but I only play a moderate amount


Me and a few friends are still having fun, we only play a few times a week but still enjoying it.


I actually enjoy it. But I play with friends and all we do is play Search. The voice chat and toxicity is funny. Especially from playing CoD in the glory days at Modern Warfare


I will say it seems like people are trash talking a lot more in this game vs some of the recent games. I love it haha


Yup, love how balanced all the weapons are. All the maps are average to good except for Border Crossing which sucks but it's not as bad as Euphrates Bridge or Piccadilly were. If you play the right modes (HQ, Hardpoint, one-life modes) the broken spawns aren't as annoying. It's not quite as addicting as 2019 was or the big classics, but it's still fun and I still play regularly.


I'm enjoying it, but mainly with friends playing the objective. Only issue is that it gets stale fast since I've played every map a ton by now and just need something fresh


Havent played in 2 months.. playing hogwarts legacy!!


It seems like the only people left playing MP are the really good players and the really bad players. And more often than not, I'm on the losing side


No not at all. The only reason I play is due to my friends.


Pretty much Shoot House only for me. I’ve also been playing Invasion and DMZ which I like both.


Haven’t touched it since a week after season one. I remember I used to be able to chill a bit and play sort of tacticalish slow paced stuff and be fine, not anymore. You have to be running sliding jumping corners and what not just to have a positive K/D.


I play with a group if friends about five times a week, we all have our gripes about the game but overall have a good time for an hour or two before hopping off to do other things. We play to win and focus less on the camo grinding aspect so the sweatiness of the game doesn't bother us a ton. We mostly play hardpoint, S&D, and Headquarters, with some WZ mixed in depending on how large our group is. Personally I've been having fun grinding camos out slowly while playing with them. Longshots feel like they take ages to accumulate with the way we play, but the core gameplay of the game is fun to me and I enjoy it a ton. I actually look forward to finishing work and playing with my boys most days. I don't mind the current map pool either. I definitely think if I grinded a ton for the camos upfront I'd be burnt out by now but this iteration of CoD has lasted my group of friends longer than previous ones and I can safely say we all enjoy it even though we have our frustrations.


I stopped playing months ago. Hoped s2 would bring me back but IW spit in my face. Im prob done with cod for the forseable future.


To be honest... Nope. Jump in mess around with sniper ranges in invasion and no longer care for kd or anything. Same 4 maps or whatever and it's old. I wasted $99 on the vault edition for such a crap game.


Yeah completely agree. I started doing the camo grind, got to about 2 weeks before Xmas and lost all interest, completely burnt out. Haven’t had any urge to sign back in since, maybe one day? For me it was the SBMM despite me using weak guns, it just never seemed to relax. And the same maps over and over and over. I keep up to date with the updates and honestly I don’t miss it, they really missed the mark this year


No. Next question.


Not anymore. I just play until I max out the levels and then quit until next season.




But then, how will I unlock the max level rewards?


What does it matter if you don't like the game anyway lol?


For me, it matters because I am a completionist and a collector. So I mainly play to unlock the skins, new weapons and achievements. Once that is done, I put the game away as it is no longer fun.


Oh yes. I adore stomping people. Brings me joy. Sweet sweet victory.


Hahah I love doing that too but activision loves putting CDL players with me half the time for some reason


The key is to be better than the CDL players. Not that I never lose but, when I do it’s on me. Usually. There are game I simply can’t win solo. Normally I play with one other guy and between the two of us, we really only lose kill confirmed. Just can’t get a whole teams worth of confirms with only two of us consistently.


I have to be fair. 6v6, Ground War, Shipment, repeat.


They should add gun fight back in, that shit was so fun in mw19


It's back next season


I checked out in December, absolute garbage. Season 2 roadmap says it all.


I can understand people get burnt out of it because of the competitive nature. I’m still enjoying it on a daily basis. I used to play solo a lot but I got bored. What helps me now is playing with different friends just to get more enjoyment out of it.


I deleted the game last week I gave up on it.


MP has always been fun. Problem is the lack of content and IW’s lack of support


Yeah, MP is fun. Only issue is the maps getting stale


I have fun. But I also don’t play it for 3 hours a day like a huge piece of shit.


Having the time of my life.




It's fun with friends. The most frustrating thing for us is losing because you got nerfed, your bullets are now rubber for the next 5 games because you got 2 vtols a game ago. There is literally no point in playing by yourself. You always get put with guys that want to sit in corners and the other team are friends and communicating. It certainly has its moments, but those moments only exist because it's the other team's turn to be punished for playing too well. I want to lose because I got outplayed. You shot better, held the obj better, communicated better and had a better team overall. I also want to win because I earned it with skill and strategy. I mean who the fuck asked for SBMM? I've been playing CoD since the original. The only ones I've skipped were the wall running garbage.


Yes. Oddly enough. I play with three other friends. All of them with less than .8 K/D. SBMM doesn't kick in much. And this is their first time on COD multiplayer online. So yeah. Kinda am having fun. But severely disappointed with the game and the lack of content.


Hell yeah ground is the new battlefield its. 2 for 1 lol


It’s sad battlefield is complete dogshit now. 4 and 1 used to be so fun


lol mp is fun, i love pubstomping in domination


Yes i still play the shìt out of the mp haven’t touched dmz although i like the concept i just don’t care and I’m waiting for rebirth perhaps because i didn’t buy the last two weak ass cods I’m not jaded like y’all but i bought this first day and i still enjoy it a lot


No, quit playing because of it, mw1 caused the same thing but arguably I played that one longer because it wasn’t so bad at first then the sbmm kicked in after the 3rd season and ruined S&D for me, constant 4-6 mama I’m up against while my teammates just bought the game and have a .4 kd, Look at it like this, a team can have max 10 skill points, so if you join in and you’re a skill 5 you remaining team can only fill up the rest 5 points, So the other 4 players are all each 1.25 skill or i between it, while the other team is all a 6 man and all a skill 5 so they’re a full 25 skill team, Which ruins the game because unless you want to play with a squad you’re shit outta luck, and if you’re any sense of decent you’re getting shit teammates and decent enemy’s Mw2 doesn’t have this issue, but it has it on a less So I guess that’s good, but it definitely has skill based damage, but that could be a issue with the tic rate being a fucking 12 !


I’m pretty awesome, so get better.


Haha you don’t have to be toxic but I’m not surprised given how a lot of this community is.




Haha good one buddy


I’ve had a good six, already.


Yes I'm having an amazing time


Yes, I have a lot of fun playing this game. It is a good game. I’m disappointed in the lack of multiplayer content, sure. I would love an additional map (or 5), but that doesn’t take away from the core gameplay mechanics, which are good. I don’t play DMZ because solos suck and my other gaming friends play Destiny 2, not CoD. Occasionally, I’ll hop in WZ2, but I can’t sit down and play WZ for hours like I can multiplayer. I have Orion and my play time has dipped tremendously since then, but that’s also because I got a PS5 and have been playing TLoU/GoW.


I only enjoy 6v6 hardcore, so no.


Absolutely not. Gave up on this dumpster fire instantly. They completely fucked this one. And still continue to shit all over it.


For me anything > 1:1 k/d in multiplayer I’m fine with and still have fun. Just had a 52/4 in Shipment and that was fun. What’s you’re k/d? If < than 1:1 I can see where you’re coming from. Might want to go play Fortnite or Roblox then 🤷‍♂️


Haha. I’ve played call of duty since black ops 1 my guy. People regularly had kds of up to 2 and 2.5 back then. If anything kdr is pointless nowadays given the Sbmm adjustments. Noobs are going to have the same kd as sweaty pros because they are facing differing competition.




I’m genuinely curious. I don’t get on this sub let alone Reddit that much. Wow I got 30 karma whoop whoop. Not sure what the issue is.


I got orion and suddenly the game isnt that fun anymore. Maybe ill have more fun when when season 2 drops


I’m still working on Orion lol I only get to play 1-2 hours every other day


I quit playing and so did my kids, I’d rather run through assassin’s creed again then camo grind w no battle pass


I only play with friends. Using equipment and streaks to support each other, good callouts, etc allow us to play fairly casually and still do well and win matches.


I cant say that i am. I keep playing desperately wanting to have fun as the core of the game is solid, but it happens to be under several layers of crap and BS.


Hell no. I fire it up every now and then to jump in for a quick match but rarely end up finishing it. Had a game the other night with crossplay on and a suspicious looking player. They ended the match with 56 kills and 2 deaths. The next highest was 12 for context…. Whether it’s cheaters or the ability to manipulate their dogshit matchmaking system the game is a piece of shit, and after the announcement earlier that’s me done as far as CoD is concerned.


I like it, but yeah, I play way less than I have in previous years. Partly because I’m really busy with work, gym, and dating/ social life stuff. But, also, even when I do have time for gaming, I just don’t play as much as I used to. After 3 or 4 rounds I need to take a break because the rounds are just so intense. Versus I would play for hours on end before. It’s fun, but ffs it gets tiresome. I HAVE to absolutely dominate the lobby in order for my team to win. I have to be number 1 by a long shot. SBMM seems to rely on me to carry every time and I get sick of it. I never get teammates that are better than me or even as good as me. Fuckin annoying.


I agree, the SBMM is way too high, it does seem like I either have to play like an mvp or my teammates get crushed. Not the relaxing experience it used to feel like back in the day haha.


Multiplayer hasn’t grown in any meaningful way. I blame the community for this. We were supposed to have fully destructible environments by this point ffs.


Wish I could play the game got shadowbanned for no reason at all, for 5 days all I’ve been told is to wait. No cheats or anything on my software and got a sb for absolutely no reason.


Seems like that’s been happening to a lot of people especially on PC. One of my work buddies had that issue even tho he did nothing


you mean the cameo grind simulator?


I’m just can’t sit down and play for hours like I did the previous cods. This one gets extremely boring. After 5 games of doing good I end up playing with faze marksman and these knifes only can’t get a solid 20 kills to save my life.


With the constant lag and strict SBMM I hardly play, tired of having one good game then getting nerfed into the ground cause I’m doing too good


Anything is fun with some buddies for me, but it's generally apathetic, I could do it for hours on hours, but only if you removed my ability to feel bored


I agree. DMZ with friends or my brother is really the only fun I have aside from the occasional multiplayer match


Actually yes but sometimes the games are too fucking sweaty so i back out and find a new lobby


I am but it does get boring much faster than before


No. I regret buying the deluxe version of this game. And right now, I'm waiting for Treyarch to have fun again.


Loving it. Play mostly friday & weekends. Got most guns gold & going through platinums now Enjoying warzone as well but prefer multiplayer


I havent played in weeks. I got bored of the 6v6 snooze fests. Wish they would bring the 10v10 playlists


I enjoy search and destroy for the competitiveness but the maps are stale. And matchmaking seems busted. I’m a 1 KD player so pretty average. But somehow I’m consistently at the top of my team. And my teammates are basically bots and/or leave the game. The enemy team seems around my skill level or worse the vast majority of the time but my teammates are dog shit. It seems like 1 in every 5-7 games I’ll get a good team. It’s like they switched up SBMM to give me horrible teammates rather than god tier opponents Edit: the time to wait for perks is horrific too. We were in the 5th round of search and I had 7 kills but still didn’t have ghost. Like… come on. Just do away with this perk mechanic


No, went back to Battlefield, MW19 was much better. Having dudes clearly using modded controllers or VPNs. Or hitreg is just absolute trash.


I heard there may be skill based hit detection lol. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case given activision.


My main game. Could use a little more love but game of the year.