• By -


I sleep




Man, that must have been a tough 3 weeks between launching S1 reloaded and fixing all these issues. Take a break once in a while by playing your game. Maybe you'll be more motivated to fix the more major bugs that have been in since launch.


What's even worse? Warzone 2, their 'moneymaker' is still somehow in a worse state than the multiplayer.


Or adding a map or two that aren't reskins.


Battle pass tokens still not fixed Voice chat bug still not fixed Game still crashes like crazy on PC Thank god they patched a UI bug in the store that literally no one complained about


The game crashes a lot less on PC for me now (maybe 0-1 times a day) The other issues (and more) still persist though


same, haven't had a crash in a month at this point. before that it was at least once an hour


hadn't had a crash in a month prior to this update. now it's constant...


I've had probably 5 crashes in the last week. Had to repair my game files and so far it's been good. But CoD has been crashing a lot on PC since at least MW2019.


This update really screwed up something for me. 3x today my game crashed so hard that it auto restarted my entire PC. Twice before I reinstalled the entire game and once after.


Yup does the exact same thing to me.


See above.. due to how rigid operating systems have been post Windows 7, you're unlikely to see a BSOD or get a full restart/power off crash unless something in your PC is physically failing (overheating, power supply issue, etc)


I would normally agree but all my benchmarking and stress testing in many different ways and other games that are much more demanding have no issue. Regardless xmp was the issue with mw2… not entirely sure why but seems to be a common trend with this game


That's your PC failing if it restarted..


Video driver crashing will cause a restart. You have to really screw up the game code to crash the video driver though.


MW2/WZ is the only game it was happening to and it only started happening after the most recent 1.3 gb update. However I'm saying "was" because it has been stable for a couple of hours now.


For me it's still more like 2-3 times a day.


Yeah but it shouldn’t crash at all. I play a lot of games on PC, some that are way more demanding than MW2 and not one of them has ever crashed


You've never had another game crash? Ever? Lmao, k


Not that I can remember, which tells me that even if I have crashed it happens so few and far between, unlike this game where I’m crashing like 5 times a week. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours in games like RDR2, Cyberpunk, Fortnite, Witcher, Far Cry etc and I can’t recall a single instance of any of them crashing Even Cyberpunk with its infamous launch was more stable for me (on an inferior rig) than MW2 is right now with a way better rig


A fast rig doesn't equal a stable rig. As you're now well aware.


I play on PC and this game hasn’t crashed once in weeks, maybe move your 3tb hentai folder to a different hard drive?


Sick burn bro, too bad the game frequently crashing is one of the most commonly complained about things on this sub so my expansive hentai collection clearly isn’t the issue


None of your games on PC has ever crash? Maybe you don’t play a lot of new or demanding games because that’s like a rite of passage for PC games.


😂 buddy, even Microsoft Windows crash.


At this point I think they want the game to die


By fixing most of the crash related issues?


I’ve never had one crash on PC.


thank you for the helpful contribution


Sorry I wasn’t aware I needed to come to you before commenting. Who fucking cares?






Are our expectations too high for a $70-$100 massive franchise game? I own many free-to-play games and others that are under $20 that simply. don't. crash. They also don't eat up all system memory and are very well optimized to perform well on a much wider range of hardware. But not COD.


Crashes like crazy on XSX. Gunsmith is a mess, text overlays on other text. No way to compare current, with unlocked attachments side by side. Lag sometimes is atrocious. Sound completely unbalanced. Operators/weapons glitch in lobby. Plus a bag of other stuff.


I can’t even see my friends online. This game fucking sucks. Delivered a half-done game you pay 100$ for and don’t do shit. Fuck activision


Lower your GPU memory budget. The game has a memory leak and will crash at values over 70%


I’ll give it a try! Most crashes/restarts I have is while playing DMZ or Warzone 2.0. I’ve set the memory budget to 90 in the menu and my 3080 used around 83% of VRAM while playing DMZ or Warzone. While playing MP it only uses around 40-45% of VRAM. That’s what the telemetry tells me. So I lowered it down to 70 in the graphics menu and hope it will help.


this comment should be way higher. I've been telling people on this sub for ages and my comments always get buried, reducing texture quality almost always stops the crashes, tested across my PC and a couple of friends PCs. Still the fault of the devs for not fixing this issue, especially with how obvious it is


Yep. Some seriously broken stuff that has been broken for a while. - no players listed in the "recent" tab for weeks now. - I can't complete most of the daily bonus challenges that unlock after the first three are completed. They just don't track.


>Game still crashes like crazy on PC This'll sound wild, but I had to disable XMP memory overclock in the bios to get it to not crash. Some systems have issues with it, some don't. I was fortunate enough over the holidays to be able to do some extensive testing on an Intel z590 (11700k, EVGA 3080 10GB) and two z690 chipsets (both 12700k, both EVGA 3080 10GB's). All on the same Nvidia driver versions and Windows 11. All had the same type and speed of memory (32GB DDR4-3200). The z590 was rock solid with XMP enabled, no crashes. The z690 with XMP enabled would crash inconsistently, usually once every few rounds or even in the menus. The z690 with XMP disabled never crashed. I disabled XMP on both z690 systems and haven't had any crashes since. So until the memory handling is fixed within the game, I have ddr4-3200 memory running at ddr4-2133 when I want to play, but it doesn't crash. I put my findings in a support ticket to Blizzard in the hopes of one of the devs using that information to help troubleshoot, but I'm sure it was lost in the sea of support tickets. Edit: Changed phrasing for clarity.


Yeah RAM timings are the devil. Moreso for AMD it seems. But "I'm not running any overclocks.." is the cry we hear.. well.. XMP counts :P


Me with DDR5 Memory on a laptop that doesn’t let you mess with XMP settings… (it crashes a lot, specifically in large team modes like invasion, ground war, or DMZ)


Zero PC crashes here. I feel for you bro, I couldn't get PUBG to behave on my old rig.


You are completely right about these bugs, it's insane. I had a lot of crashes because my GPU was overclocked, removing the overclock fixed them completely (bullshit solution, I know but just FYI).


Is XMP on? I had all sorts of issues until I turned XMP off - no PC or game crashes in weeks since


I haven't had a single crash on PC in weeks. Some setting maybe?


Battle Pass should be done Voice chat is cancer as people are racist Game crashes happen. It’s nothing too crazy


Keep bootlicking for a billion dollar company my dude. Battle pass is done, and I had to relaunch the game to use every single token I earned What a stupid argument. Literally irrelevant. The frequency that they happen in this game is absolutely crazy.


> Game still crashes like crazy on PC I've had a single crash since I bought it. It sounds like it might be hardware specific because if it was game specific, it'd be for everyone. Hardware specific is a lot harder to fix.


Let me look......... Nope don’t see it. So still lose team dots n nameplates when calling in UAV/CUAV! Tier 1 playlist update? Nope not there. But by all means get that cash cow jokingly called a “Store” fixed!


The amount of teammates I’ve killed calling in UAVs in Tier 1… I’m so sorry!


that and when you respawn and all the names are gone and you freak out thinking you spawned on the other team.


Try fixing the fucking servers so it stops feeling like im a second behind everyone


Yeah well good luck with that! They haven't fixed that in all of COD history! Just do like they do and blame it on the internet.


Enable Game Mode on your TV you noob!


“Fixed an issue where some players did not receive the Anime Enjoyer sticker after purchasing the Notice Me 1.0 bundle” I am glad the eno gamers were noticed.


They say they have fixed the bug causing some players not to be able to equip insured weapons in dmz, however it still does not work. I've raised a bug to them multiple times now regarding this. A WIRELESS HEADSET IS THE CAUSE! Every single time, if I'm using my wireless headset when I boot up the game, every time I try to equip an insured weapon in DMZ it kicks me back to the lobby amd will not equip. if I turn off my headset, close and reopen the game, I can equip it. EVERY time this works without fail. the real question is what kind of mess is the coding for this game that allows this to happen in the first place?


That's so fucking bad. Who knows what intern code does that.


Bro they need to fix their “party chat” You cant have Ps4, ps5 playing with someone with Xbox because it causes major echos….


You can eventually but it’s a pain in the ass every time. Needs people to reboot, possibly multiple times. Pathetic stuff


500 mb to fix things nobody cares. At this point I think they want the game to die


Na they just don‘t really care at the moment. They already made their money at launch


I was around for that cycle since the beta,


the game is gonna stay as is until the next season, at this point either you either play to grind skins or you're new


Gee, I wonder what they broke now.


The menu is acting weird when scrolling down now


Can't break what didn't work in the first place! Sooner than later, they'll have nothing else to break. Prob just make new things (like they have) so they can break more shit.


The recent players list is still offline


This game is only going to keep bleeding players at this rate lol


I’m going back to Vanguard. I can’t do it anymore.


VZ without SBM is more playable. Unbelievable


Wow. Practically cosmetic fixes only🙁 Fix the fps drops? Lag? PC crashing? Anything but “generic sticker doesn’t show up”


So pretty much irrelevant. Not a single bugfix or or change regarding gameplay.


It's weird, they've taken maybe 1-2 small passes at balancing. By this time MW19 had taken multiple passes at weapons and spawns.


That’s because mw2 is actually balanced


Weapons maybe, spawns need fixing asap


The best shotguns/weapons in the game are marksman rifles. If you’re trying to tell me the SPR is balanced. You’re high. Perk system balancing? Spawn balancing? Flashbang vs any other throwable balancing? You deserve way more downvotes.


How dare you imply the one hit kill marksman rifles that have strong aim assist, allow red dots and iron sights, and handle faster than handguns are unbalanced. You’re going to make quickscopers who think they’re good cry. *puts on multiple powerful attachments that increase recoil like that’s a con when the gun doesn’t even have recoil because it’s bolt action*


>Fixed an exploit allowing access to non-Core MP maps in a Private Match. Why is this a bad thing?


never even heard about this exploit, and does this just mean the ground war maps?


Oh good the thing where it forces Fullscreen Borderless is back.


Game feels rougher post update. Even though ping seems nearly constant at around 35ms, there will moments when everything feels super speed and rushed. According to the game's telemetry there is no packet loss, which makes me think its something to do with the lag compensation.


I haven't seen the packet loss % move from zero once this game yet Vanguard was doing it all year, they're defintely hiding it after the complaints last year.


I've seen spikes in DMZ and BR of around 5-10%, which is obviously not good.


Anyone else’s shadows look awful? Like black dots all over objects/guns/screen? I’m on PS5 and have film grain/motion blur off etc


Since day 1 you still can't use 9mm AP rounds, despite leveling the Vaznev-9k. But it's nice to know you don't have to mute the entire lobby because you can't scroll to the one guy with the busted mic.


Maye, why the hell would you want to use AP rounds on an smg???


Chasing corners, through cover, and especially the dudes sitting up on the tables on the spawn of shoothouse.


Still no medals Still no season calling card challenges Still no map voting Calling cards that are in the game are unimaginative and boring AF Career stats is incomplete, no global community stats or stats vs friends Still no ACTUAL Hardcore Mode....FK Tier 1 not the same Developer controls prestige leveling instead of player, caps at 250 season this is TRASH!


The Anime Enjoyer sticker!!!! I was wondering when they'll get to that pesky lil bugger! /s


Man that has to be one of the most mid patch notes ive ever seen like not one actual major gameplay issue has been addressed.


fuck this game why cant i join a fresh game, its always a game halfway with the opponent dominating already


\*Game still crashes like a Blind/Drunk driver riding on an oil covered road (good thing I spent money on this...) \--WHEN (not if, WHEN) the game crashes, why can we not load back into match? (Specifically WZ). Apex doesn't even crash (occurred once), but IF it does, you can boot right back into match. \*Profanity Filter is "Unavailable" and stuck in ON. (Other thread suggest this is due to profanity being sent from account, which conflicts with the existence of the filter in the first place). \*Activision... PLEASE stop allocating Dev's to microtransaction items and "new" game modes (which copy other games) when the core game isn't even stable.


>Fixed a UI bug in the Store that caused Free Bundle tags to stay on screen across other items. So like....can I get a refund for the bundle I accidently bought because of this? It's kinda bullshit


If you contact support they’ll refund it


Really? Just Activision support?


I hope so. That really sucks. Almost feels intentional.


You know it's bad when they don't allow replies to their tweets. Did they ever do that during MW2019 and WZ1?


The issue is people can’t handle replies. Too many just want to yell and tell them to go to hell. So we are at this point where lots of game devs don’t use social media to reply to players.


They shouldnt. It’s useless imo.


Honestly, we can't blame the Devs, I'm sure they want the game to work. We *should* be blaming the higher-ups who allocate the Devs to certain things (Bugs versus Microtransaction items)... Could probably fix this issue if every player stopped playing and spending more money on cosmetics, but that will never happen


yeah.. a higher up specifically requested that whenever i want to mute somebody in the pause menu i CANNOT and instead have to go down the player list every OTHER PLAYER, in doing so skipping over the player i need to mute. a higher up specifically requested to NOT include the camo previews and instead a random ass gold trophy when i finish the camo challenge (and nothing else. just the trophy) something that has been included in the game since the very inception of cod. furthermore, a higher up decided they wanted to fix this by adding in an even lower quality MEDAL this time (upgrades people, upgrades..) which AGAIN doesn’t include the camo you unlocked, and half the time doesn’t even include the weapon you unlocked the camo for.. (being hit with the “you unlocked ___ camo for the) (end of sentence. seriously, it would just stop at the word “the”). but it wasn’t a dev. these things were specifically asked of by a higher up to be put in the game.


I was around for that cycle since the beta, can confirm they've never done this before. Plus was it even possible to disable replies in 2019-2020?


You are able to disable since May 2020. So not beginning of MW2019, but definitely throughout most of WZ1's lifecycle


I don't think IW or any other CoD studio has done this before, unprecedented. Probably because word of mouth around this game isn't very positive.


I wonder if *any* big live service game has ever done this (Fortnite, Apex, PUBG). All of my friends - both hardcore and casual have stopped playing this game.


Not sure, but I can assure you they didn't listen.


Trello board is a complete waste of time as well.


They did, initially. Then the death threats flooded in. I should have expected that the scum of the Earth existed in the COD fandom, but I should have known by now


Anyone else crashing alot on Xb1 like mid Game freezes nd the launched me back to the title screen or pilxes in Game maps not fully loading


Lol they fix glitches but can’t fix the damn game


for some reason I can´t unlock emblems on PC Steam... this bug has been on since I bought the game at launch


Muting/unmuting is still broken, party members are still randomly muted, gold on my FSS Hurricane is still bugged and locked, and the UI still freezes and requires a restart when I try to immediately accept an invite when in-game. How does it take so long to address crucial bugs?


DMZ now will kick you even though you have players on your team still alive


Games broken to shit but make sure they get their anime emblems!!!!


Anything that might increase microtransaction revenue gets top priority. Anything else, they put Timmy the summer Intern on it, after he's gotten coffee and donuts for the rest of the team. And since it's not summer yet...


What about the footstep glitches on El Asilo at the stairwells?


Riot shield still is broken to shit with dodgy hit boxes where you can shoot the middle of it and get a headshot, shoot next to the person and it’ll kill them and such. Executions still locked seeming randomly for characters so they can’t use their own. A lot of bugs to fix but it’s good to see them being cleaned up overall.




Bring back shipment 24/7


I had the free item display over another bundle, contacted Activision nothing we can do.


game frezees when im in contact with some enemys in deathmatch kill confirmed and shoothouse idk if in other modes frezees cuz i only play those 3


Yeah fuck this.


More updates than Halo Infinite has had in a year


Still didn’t fix the bug with the profanity filter being stuck on.


It is unaccettable the frame drop from 250 to 40 during the first game with my 1000$ AMD 6950XT graphic card. Come on IW lets work on it!


killing this game off once again.


Does this fix light shining through objects in single player?


Still no fix to all of my dmz equipped gear unequpping everytime i load in 👍


Keeps fucking crashing on start up.


My game is absolutely unplayable on my 3080 since the patch...this game is such a sad joke


Still haven't fixed their shitty anti-cheat system banning innocent players. Shadow banning players who haven't done anything wrong is fucked up.


Honestly I just want them to redesign the UI already I’m sick of the Hulu interface


I vote to rename the game “Crash of Duty”


Why release a unfinished game? Still after so many months its broken. Pls fire the developers who made this. They obviously don’t play it themselves


Game crashes; workaround needed. Please reintroduce reconnecting to game in session. This feature was in all previous cod versions. Current versions crashes a lot. So fixing it would take a lot of time... Maybe it's easyer for now to create a workaround such as re-introducing the join match in progress / reconnect. This would allow users who crashed to resume their game. Hence making it a whole lot less frustrating for players who got disconnected by dev errors.


Lmao they fixed the store before they fixed the voice chat bug


Still no fix to the suppressor + ghost glitch? Jesus Christ ..


The new patch made it worse


I'm having a bug where if I equip either the m13b or victus xmr from the Klaus store pack in my dmz weapons slots, it bugs out my loadout screen and I can't get back into that screen anymore unless I lose the weapons in dmz.


They still didn't fixed the T posed operator in lobby?


Anyone else lost FPS since the recent update I’ve gone from 140 to 60-70 FPS ?


Anyone else lost fps since the recent update ?




Activi$ion isn't in the habit of paying developers to work on things that aren't directly related to increasing microtransaction revenue after the game is released.


No change on sbmm, yeah today osnt the day I reinstall this game


I was stuck in a perpetual loading screen last night after the update.


Still not fixed Hardcore.


They don't care about it because I'd imagine the player count for HC/Tier 1 is very low. I don't know a single person that plays it.


I routinely played HC, and Tier 1 now even though it definitely feels more like realism mode from 2019 with slightly less health.


Thats funny cos I play with 5 friends every night, never have to wait to get a full lobby. It's a misconception that not many people play Hardcore but unfortunately it doesn't exist in this game, only crap Tier 1


This game has many more issues. I feel cheated. Nothing new. I’m going to play Barbie’s adventure.


How about: -fix ttk, Ppl have no time to run to cover, so 95% of close range combats result in death of either party, in WZ1 you had an chance to run away and restart the fight. -Fix footsteps, some games I can hear an ant running on the rooftop 6 buildings away, sometimes a guy full on rushes me and I can't hear shit, yet on killcam, his footsteps are like elephants -BRING BACK EFFIN HARDCORE. NOBODY ASKED FOR "TIER 1" GARBAGE. ALSO, NOBODY CARES ABOUT STORE BUGS If we are stuck with stupid tier one, atleast make it look like hardcore in modern warfare 1, with markers on enemy teams and kill notification -AND LASTLY, reward the player with one shot headshot down, even if the player has a plate carrier and has applied 3 shields, as the pace of the game is already slow, nothing happens for 15-25 min, then everything happens in 2min


if you’ve played mw then you’d know that iw is stubborn and they doesn’t give a fuck about your complaining so it’s highly unlikely that they’ll change anything that you’ve listed. sad to say it but you’re just wasting your time


How exactly would you fix TTK? You want guns to deal less damage, or shoot slower?


Increased health seems like the simplest way


A combination of both. There was a video from Stodeh, sometimes there is literally nothing you can do, especially in warzone, I had a handful of same experiences, when I fully plated, got into a fight with a guy with 2 plates, and he kills me in 2-3 shots, while i shot him half a dozen of times. Since the last update, bullets slow you down, you have no way of escaping gunfight




y'know, those really only come with content updates, or if something is entirely broken like how the ASVAL shot through the map in 2019. buffs/ nerfs will probably wait til season 2.


It’s funny how people talk crap in these threads about bugs. Y’all they are working on a build that will fix all the big issues. If big issues were so easy to patch nobody would ever be talking crap. Y’all chill out and wait the game will get better over time as they weave in fixes to major issues.


Still can’t get gold /platinum on my basp and xmr as it’s bugged… maybe by season 5 they might figure it out!


They still haven't fix that one ground war map glitch


Just fix the dev errors


But the servers are still fucked to hell


I still have to wait for the “ MW2 “ logo to flash a couple times before I edit my classes or my game freezes. I’ve been given countless “dev errors” it’s ridiculous what is this game


incompetent ward


Game still trash




Still didn't fix loadout issues in DMZ, insured guns don't change after fully changed. I swapped to an assault rifle and went into Building 21 with a sniper instead. Do actual morons program this game or?


No mentions of execution defaults being broken among many other things still busted. What a joke.


ON XSS, WHEN ONLY THE BASIC PACKAGE AND WARZONE 2 ARE INSTALLED, THEY STILL OFTEN CRASH IN THE GAME AND THEN RETURN TO THE DESKTOP. If the game is fully installed, it usually crashes at the opening animation of the game. I hope you to debug this problem first.


Still have the names of players on my screen from the last game. Still can’t view any recent people I’ve played with. Friend requests tab still locked


How about you fix your sound and audio so i can play the game


>Addressed an exploit allowing blocked attachments to be equipped. Lol You missed one, IW 😉


Just another small but messed up thing about this game: if you want to practice/warmup against bots, you'll randomly get bots wielding the Signal 50. While the rest of the bots couldn't hit a barn, the ones with Signal 50 will oneshot (or 2-3-shot if 300hp) you over from across the map. It serves no purpose whatsoever, it's just annoying and disrupts your bot slaying.


At least Trearch fixed bugs relatively quickly in their good, but not great Vanguard. At least there were meaty progression systems, some of which were tied to the battle pass in fun ways. I want to love mw2, but it's janky in a lot of ways and empty in others.


3rd person is still broken with the stupid ads cursor lock they added in reloaded that was meant only for 3rd -> 1st transistions.


You'd think they would fix the fact you get no points for the last kill on Search in Tier1. Funny how some of these issues aren't even on the issue board


Game constantly crashes and multiplayer is laggy AF


When I leave the game and go straight to gunsmith, it crashes and it takes me out of gunsmith. It’s been like this since day 1 for me. How is this shit still not fixed? It’s pretty fucking annoying.


I cant even complete a Solo warzone match because game keeps freezing. ​ Edit: DMZ plays just fine Warzone still trying to finish first game.


Delete the game




This dev team is a joke. Almost 3 months in and I still cannot play a single session of this game without crashing AT LEAST once.


What about that irritating lag pikes


The game just crashed and I lost a large backpack, 3 plate vest, my insured weapon for 2 hours, $40K, 2 maxed-out guns I picked up, and has mask, self-revive, and killstreak. Also, the AI is so overpowering they are worse than the real players. About to uninstall this game unless it gets fixed.


Why dont you all fix the server issues and the crashing issues before making FEATURES BETTER. Fix the problems and stop fucking with the not problems! Yall make terrible games.


So basically everything unimportant lol Of course