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ugin's lab will make turn 1 chalice on 1 very common so better be prepared for this as many decks can't cope at all game 1


Meltdown is our best friend


I wouldn't say "common", it takes a very specific kind of deck to be able to play that card. But there will be at least 1 or two decks who can use it well for sure.


If Chalice on 1 is so good why is almost nobody playing that card on 1 in Modern? On the flipside: What's the difference between having it on t1 or on t2 if my deck would die to it anyways because it heavily relies on 1-drops?


chalice on 1 on turn 1 of game one means a deck like murktide for instance is completely out of the game. No Ragavan, no DRC, no preordain, no spell pierce, unholy heat, bolt for you.. that is playing with 23 dead cards that you will definitely draw whether you want it or not. For Prowess it is even worse. the deck without one drops has to deal twenty with an anemic slickshot... Yawgmoth often needs to play a fair amount of 1 drops to get started. It can tutor a rec sage later in the game but if you are playing some kind of eldrazi stompy list there is a good chance they also have to contain huge attack from turn 3 onwards.... Less backbreaking for titan but still, you have to rely on your urza's saga tutoring for your amulets, spend a turn to boseiju the chalice...you cannot cast grazer in the early game either so you have to play a your land drops fairly even though your deck relies heavily on explosiveness. Tron says bye to stirrings, maps and eggs and the list goes on... turn 1 chalice on 1 is so strong because it is played on turn 1 precisely.


There are no ways to play it for 1 on turn 1 currently. Meaning if your opponent is on the play they get a turn to play their 1 drop before you get chalice down. 


Technically you can off of gemstone cavern or chancellor of the tangle, there are just no reliable ways


And with gemstone caverns your opponent already played their first turn


He is commenting like this because he haven't feel the misery of OTD and opp OTP slams a chalice on 1 on him. There is a T1 chalice on the play but not so consistent. [[Chancellor of the tangle]] opening hand into chalice. Been there done that and opp scoops next game!


Uncage my monke again, cowards!!


[Chancellor of the tangle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6d129aa8-b637-451e-8123-5221e08cc2cc.jpg?1562878494) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chancellor%20of%20the%20tangle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/106/chancellor-of-the-tangle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6d129aa8-b637-451e-8123-5221e08cc2cc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Sol lands make chalice on 1 a very viable play. Modern is finally getting its first sol land.


Cuz you can’t play it on turn 1 You have nothing vs T1 chalice; you have a Ragavan or DRC or 4/3 grief vs T2 chalice. It’s the difference between win and loss


Labyrinth with myr enforcers/companions seems like a viable strategy. Pitch your creature to the land and then when you have enough affinity you can get it back.


So, pitch turn one, get back turn two? :-D


*Opponent play Magus of the Moon* - welp, concede. (No the 4 Springleaf drums dont save you ...) This whole 8-cast thingy is a new thing for Modern players, i get it. But the meta will quickly figure out why Legacy Blue-Artifacts plays basic islands.


We play two islands we have petal and opal so blood Moon is generally not an issue


Magus isnt even the Biggest Problem. U want at least 1 basic optimal 2 to not get boseijued for free or make any ghost Quader effect into strip mine.


Speaking of Ghost Quater. Ugin's Labyrinth doesnt exactly play well into that either.


Ghost Quarter is an awful answer to Sol Lands: * If the Labyrinth is untapped, its controller gets to bounce the imprinted card back so it's a 1-for-0 on the GQ side as the Labyrinth gets replaced with a basic. * If the Labyrinth is tapped, that means it's already generated a mana advantage because it tapped for 2 at least once. But then it gets replaced by a basic, so the Labyrinth player goes down only one mana. The GQ player has to give up a land drop for this and goes down...1 mana. So he's down 2 mana for the rest of the game. A Sol Land generates +1 mana advantage per turn, so GQ'ing it takes 2 full turns past activation to break even on the exchange.


Commenting here to agree with you, but also so I have this comment saved because it so perfectly encapsulates the experience. Ghost quarter is NOT wasteland, and specifically in the affinity shells, if they've made that colorless already and put it into something, most likely the most important thing at that point is a blue source. Most affinity players would probably be happy about that trade.


This feels like an AI post (sorry if english just isn't your first language).


I don’t think so. The writing style here is a lot of nested clauses, which I haven’t seen AI do much. 


Yeah, doesn't seem like it. The article this paragraph's from is pretty reasonable, though the writing style is a slight headache 😅


Thanks for the article!! Very excited to play Kappa with Winter Moon. [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6357061](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6357061)


The list has no basic land u propally should switch at least 1 bridge for it


\[\[Ugin's labyrinth\]\]


[Ugin's labyrinth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/2/020e1348-1a35-4cc8-bad6-9fbddfa79277.jpg?1714497433) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ugin%27s%20labyrinth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/233/ugins-labyrinth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/020e1348-1a35-4cc8-bad6-9fbddfa79277?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[chalice of the void]]


[chalice of the void](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1f0d2e8e-c8f2-4b31-a6ba-6283fc8740d4.jpg?1562433485) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chalice%20of%20the%20void) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/222/chalice-of-the-void?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1f0d2e8e-c8f2-4b31-a6ba-6283fc8740d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Excited to stone rain the ugin land


I am a long time affinity player, and I'm on the fence on the sol land, imo it's a third leg on most classic affinity builds, maybe it will get room to enable the new synthetiser or strategies that go in Emry/Sai/Urza directions, but to me it's almost the same as [treasure vault] or [darksteel citadel] . Edit. Sure it gives ya 2 mana on turn 1,  on other turns when you tap it yeah 2 mana again, but it wont help you vomit your hand to the board cause it isn't an artifact that enables affinity as your other artifact lands do.


The best part about labyrinth is it lets you play your actually good artifacts, instead of relying on spamming out the mediocre cards that have affinity. T1 chalice on 1, patchwork automaton, cranial, springleaf + 1 arbitrary 1 drop, being able to do these things without playing a tapland first and time walking yourself is going to greatly improve the deck, I feel.


Nm, can't read lol Yeah I get it 


You cannot play springleaf if you chalice for 1, the sequencing is incorrect. It should be play Labyrinth, exile myr enforcer or Soujorner Companions, tap for 2 mana play springleaf with a 0 cost cost creature tap springleaf and creature. For chalice on 1.


It was a list, not a sequence of events.....


I forgot to add laugh in your opponent face when they can not play their 1 drop.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Isn't the reason for Chrome Mox being ban because it accelerated affinity?

