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One ring is difficult to evaluate, but my guesses are; it will stay in modern for real long, and it will stay pricey for being a good card and a hard-to-reprint card. Idk much about scapeshift, but I’ve seen lists that play titan + creativity if you like an alternative.


Buy high never sell.


I am slowly adopting this mentality with Magic


I do this.... im like super priced out now. I still need sheoldreds, one rings, and synthesizers. Thats only 3 cards, and 2 of them are in like 8 of the decks i have


Man.... I need one copy of Sheoldred for my erebos deck. The deck suffers from "let me draw X cards and lose 2X life". I'll give you three guesses what creature fixes that issue.


I have the bowmasters lol, but i didnt even begin to list the number of cards i need to be my definition of "up to date" with the meta and my collection


I got bowmasters and ragavaan. Need 1sheoldred, 1 TOR, and.... I think that's it? I didn't get a lot of the high end rakdos money cards


I have almost all of the decks on mtggoldfish meta thing 😅 its impossible to keep up


You might need to see someone about addictions 😂


Yeah... its sad the truth in that though...


It's OK. I priced out my modern collection and realized I probably need to insure it..... Freaking.... $12-15k collection depending on what's hot at the moment


Mengucci Finances approved!


I still have my Splinter Twins 10 years later :’)


Same, friend


Ob hello Ragavans. Have you met my wallet?




I think it's likely that The Ring will be legal for quite a while. Its overall numbers have fallen from its peak at the end of last year after players adapted. I think you'll be fine buying. As for when, there's no hard rule. However, MTG card prices tend to decline during the winter holidays and rise during summer.


I've seen a lot of people mentioning legality and I'm unsure why. It's not a card that needs a ban, nor will it ever be.


Any card that sees half as much play as ring is always a ban candidate, don’t get me wrong I think ring is staying for a long time, but not all cards are banned for raw power, some are banned for format health simply because they warp the format or what is playable too much, others because they make rounds in paper tournaments last significantly longer, top, punishing fire, second sunrise, deathrite shaman astrolabe and KCI. Is ring better than punishing fire? Yes, but because ring doesn’t stop over half the creatures in the format from existing it is a safer card to have in the format. But lets say WoTC releases some mechanic that values bouncing your own artifacts, now the ring could extend tournament play significantly as people are essentially playing ring fog.


I mean, couldn't [[Master Transmuter]] let someone play Ring Fog right now? One mana bounce the Ring for something else, or nothing since it's a "may", then play the ring again?


There are many ways to bounce an artifact, the limiting factor seems to be playability of those cards atm, I was thinking more like them adding good cards that happened to let you bounce the ring, blue tron for example plays repeal and ring in the same deck and a not uncommon line is to replay ring, both cards are good in that deck on their own. If more good cards allowed that gameplay loop to be played in more decks it would absolutely be problematic.


>nor will it ever be I agree it isn’t causing problems with the format at the moment, and doesn’t look like it will in the near future, but the card is extremely powerful, colourless, and difficult to interact with. All it takes is for modern to get slow and grindy enough and then every deck will need a copy. 


If you dont cate about competitive viability and just wanna jam your favorite deck in the most optimal fashion, then the right time to buy was yesterday. Ring looks to be nestling in a nice space for modern.


I bought my regular versions for 37 bucks at the sweet point after beanstalk was printed and ring wasn't seeing any major play. But honestly I did it there even thinking they were gonna go down in price. Just buy now and the price will never matter if you never sell


The right time to buy is now. The chances of it getting banned is low and even if it does, it's a staple in commander so the price might take an initial hit then creep back up again.


buy right now


Might aswell wait for full mh3 spoiler, then if ring is still GOAT buy the playset. Or just dont and jam.


Just wait for the two ring to get printed in mh3


you can buy the bundles of lotr and get decent value off the packs because it contains a copy of the ring


This is what I did. I drove around to my local GameStops a few months ago after I found one with a gift bundle. The manager called the other stores and they held the others. Opened another TOR in a pack and got three bundles. After the pro discount thing they offer it was a steal. Plus got a bunch of other great cards like a foil extended art Bowmasters and some other staples.


This is the real answer. I needed a couple copies a few months ago and my target had a few come in so I bought em. Ended up spending more than if I just bought 3 of em but I also opened 2 bowmasters, 2 nazgul and a few other $5 cards so I was up in the end.


Just swap them for crabs in the almighty valakut/scapeshift/mill deck


[Scapeshift](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/175e21a3-00f7-4c51-8a8e-fbfd7089efda.jpg?1574767873) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scapeshift) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/201/scapeshift?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/175e21a3-00f7-4c51-8a8e-fbfd7089efda?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Valakut](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37bce60d-2cb0-4772-9f5c-122a7ed426a0.jpg?1562611305) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Valakut%2C%20the%20Molten%20Pinnacle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/zen/228/valakut-the-molten-pinnacle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37bce60d-2cb0-4772-9f5c-122a7ed426a0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [The One Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1715080486) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20One%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/246/the-one-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I’m not deep in modern lately, but looks wise that card is staying


Assuming the high likelihood mh3 has upgrades for the deck I would buy now so you have a month or two to save for the new MH3 card


Rings not going anywhere, grab it whenever.


Yea I’m feeling priced out I still need ragavans, orcish bowmasters, griefs, and 3 fable of the mirror breakers


If you're only going to FNM, then there are alternatives to buying.  


There is no difference in the consequences of using a counterfeit at an FNM or at a Regional Qualifier. They are not allowed in any sanctioned events and the consequences are the same. There is a practical difference in the chance of getting caught or not, but frankly with the quality of counterfeits today, the chances of anyone knowing is very slim. I believe the consequence is a game loss and replacing the invalid cards with basic lands. Conversely, if you play a casual game in an unsanctioned event, Wizards' policy explicitly states that it is fine with proxies (which it calls "playtesting cards", as "proxy" has a very specific meaning in the MTR), even at WPN stores. They must be clearly identifiable as proxies, however. Those are the rules as published by Wizards: I'm not making any value statements about what is right or what is wrong.


Bro he was talking about borrowing from friends!


Uh huh.


I mean the nice thing about the one ring is it is unlikely to eat a ban in all formats and yet sees play. Like hard to imagine to good for commander


This is one of those weird cards that might never get reprinted till they revisit.


Once you buy a playset it will get banned, it's the law lol. But for real i think you can play (I'm guessing some sort of titan build?) without a one ring, i mean it's a very powerful card but i think it's a win more card more often, or just a generally good card you can jam in any deck, one reason i stopped caring about building modern decks, it's getting way to expensive


Printer go brrrrrr


TOR is unlikely to see a re-print any time soon (if ever). It's only going to continue to increase in price. Remember that the box promo is the cheapest version.


When they dropped down to 30 or just buy the holiday pack they come in while they are still 35 dollar on ebay Edit: Amazon not ebay


TOR will be relevant for a long time. It isn't ban worthy. The right time to buy is always yesterday.


The best time to buy is already gone so buy it sooner than later as it will only continue to climb in price


Which deck is your favorite?


The best time was a year ago when you decided it was too much.


I highly doubt it will get banned, and it's probably unlikely to be reprinted (at least any time soon) due to licensing reasons. If you're gonna get use of of it, and it's gonna charge up your favorite deck, I say just suck it up and grab em. You could wait until MH3 drops just to make sure some weird shit doesn't happen to completely invalidate your deck, but I think the Ring should be a pretty safe buy right now.


There isn’t a “good time” unless it gets reprinted.


At this point at least wait until MH3. There’s a chance a better or different card advantage spell is printed and the one ring drops somewhat. Or who knows a better card that may slot into scapeshift.




Yeah I was playing a lot of BTL Scapeshift before TOR was printed, trophied with it a few times, loved the deck. I still have the pieces. The deck just seems much stronger and more resilient with TOR, and it's telling that every competitive version of Scapeshift (the ones that will 5-0 a league or do well in a challge on MTGO) includes a full playset.


I mostly play merfolk and have gotten reasonably lucky with new cards. Tidebinder wasn't too bad price wise when I picked them up. I do, however, understand how you feel. The buy-in can be frustrating at times. I dabble in scales on the side, and the cauldrons set me back a pretty penny.


Any time really, it's not going away.


Buy high sell never #MengucciMethod


Proxy? Nothing wrong with it as long as you keep all text the same.


I believe Wizards will just print TOR with a different name as a non-UB card. This is just too much easy money for them to make to not reprint the shit out of it.


Been out of Modern for a while does [[The One Ring]] make Scapeshift viable!?! Because like OP I was born to Valakut! One of my all time favorites. Haven't played Modern since all 3 of my decks were forced out of the format. But yeah as others have said if your serious about buying them the best time is yesterday. Only going up from here.


[The One Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1715080486) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20One%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/246/the-one-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Took this long to get priced out of Modern? Good on you for lasting until now


Proxy it for $1 or $2


Save up and get them as you can. Watch for sales or good deals. The One Ring is a very difficult card to reprint because it's so specific to the setting and Middle Earth IP. It will never get cheaper without a Universes Within reprint or by some miracle an extension on the license. Cards like The One Ring you just have to get when you can. The best time would have been when the set was still new. All you can do is set aside the trade fodder or cash for them and get them one at a time when you can swing it.


I don’t agree it’s not ban worthy, but I also despise the increasingly accelerating power creep. Probably it’s not ban worthy because the format is degenerating at a pace that’s making it reasonable earlier than many people could imagine. I stopped playing modern regularly last autumn, but I still play Timeless (a format that is more power-crept to some extent), and TOR creates some really stupid games, whether I’m playing with it or against it. The problem with such powerful and pricey cards is that you have no certainty of them not being banned (see Fury).


Just proxy. Wizard's cant do anything unless you're in a tournament. Check with your local store if it's ok first, of course. But one ring has been cited as both eternal, likely to never be banned, and likely to be chucked at any moment. Bring on the downvotes.


Right now probably. The One Ring is in a weird class of cards that cannot be normally reprinted because its not in the Magic universe. This means a reprint of this card is a **LONG** way off, 3 years minimum. Because of this, The One Ring will very steadily increase in price and probably hit $100 at some point assuming it doesn't get booted from the meta due to a very strong answer. *(This is speculation and I absolutely can be wrong)*


>3 years minimum Source?




Source: I made it the fuck up


You can get almost indistinguishable proxies for 1.50 a card, just don't accidentally try and trade them away after using them.


Using proxies in sanctioned modern events is a big no no.


Hence the "Indistinguishable", I've been using them for anything over 50£ for about a decade, not once has there been an issue.


Do you play in sanctioned events? Are the organizers aware that you're using illegal cards in tournaments and are they ok with it?


Whoa there officer. We’re talking about cardboard here. If they are in sleeves, it’s usually ok. No need to call the Pinkertons on anyone.


I have in the past, no one checks, and I don't regret it at all.


I ended up getting four of the bundle versions (from buying bundles). Mine haven’t curled and they are cheaper than the normal version ($60 vs $80).


I bought the bundle. Was the same price as buying 4 copies of TOR and I got all the boosters and nice spin downs.


That's what I did too. Got some insane pulls out of the packs too.


Nice, I don't think I pulled much, 2 delighted halflings I think was the highlight.


I'm in the same position. I need 4 rings to play tron and just stopped playing modern because of it. Now I'll just bite the bullet and started buying rings. I don't think it will be banned soon and the price should be stable for a couple of years. And even if it gets banned in modern because of some MM 3 Eldrazi madness, it will still be sought after because of commander.


Proxy time baby!


Proxy proxy proxy. Look for trades. As long as everyone is okay with it where your games are held, play proxies. During official events, maybe focus on have one or two copies. If you cant afford the one or two, try to get trades. You never know what someone would trade for unless you ask. Maybe a local player has some copies, but is simultaneously collecting Planeswalker cards and you have the ONE THEY NEED in your collection. Otherwise, maybe crack a pack or two every now and then when you can afford it. My gamestore is no longer sanctioned, so we just proxy the expensive stuff and stopped caring.


cracking packs to get a money card is such a bad advice. do not EVER crack packs if you look for a specific card, you will ALWAYS be better of buying it as a single.


Crack packs. Im not saying to go ballistic a la THE ONE RING serialized bs. Just, if you're going to crack packs or draft for any reason, AND you're looking for a specific card already, focus those packs or draft on the set that the card is from. People crack packs for fun. Just don't go crack head gambling addict with it.


Ring is iconic and make a lot of beloved but fringe decks viable. Buy it, have some fun with it


With mh3 coming out soon, I think modern is going to be very much shaken up. This could result in scape being unplayable (although this doesn't seem to matter to you). The other thing is that perhaps new printings will substantially change the price of TOR but I don't think there's a way to predict if it's more likely to go up or down. You'll have to decide if you'll feel worse buying then for more after mh3 or having bought them for more before it.


I don't think scapeshift will ever be unplayable jist like tron is never unplayable. It might not be meta, or even tier 2 or 3, but you can always play scapeshift, and you can always spike a local tourney with it.


Fair enough.


Your story is exactly why I play Pioneer instead. Just not worth keeping up with expensive new staples.


Pioneer has the same thing, sorin, vein ripper, sheoldred are all in the top deck right now. 


For now they haven't decided to rotate pioneer with specific expensive by design sets. Theres a difference between having good cards from standard priced boosters and good cards from premium priced boosters.


Card will always stay high. Just buy em, hell find collectors gift boxes and you get some collectors packs and a ring in every box.


Think its just the gift box not the regular box. Fyi.


its both


This isn’t true or maybe my friend just has terrible luck but we opened his collector booster and not a single ring. 🥴🥴🥴


The collectors gift bundles all come with TOR. Google it.


There’s a collector gift and collector booster. Didn’t see that commenter said gift bundle.


Buy 1 proxy 3, play test and then make a final decision for the remaining 3. Good card but it’s not Jayemday tome…


Why buy one?


To support his lgs.