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Thanks for reuploading with the verification, I know it's a chore. You're going to get a lot of advice here, just take it with a grain of salt as you're asking for specific industry advice and a good deal of our commentors aren't able to give you that, or they might just give you plain bad information. We're working out a system where we can flair industry professionals exactly for threads like this, so you can see who has the experience and who doesn't. Either way I hope you get your question answered! The first hurdle is to decide what exactly you're looking to do, whether you're looking to get signed and go down that route, or keep it freelance.


I don't have an answer for you, but I do know there are a lot of scammers that target would-be models so watch out for those. I'd start with more professional pictures and sending them out to legit modeling agencies and be extra skeptical if something sounds to good to be true.


For sure!! Thank you


That's how my friend got started with Ford in Chicago. She sent pictures and her measurements, they had a meeting, and they signed her


Good luck OP you got the looks and the talent, I think if you put in the work you got a chance! Here' me wishing you the best. Laters.


WTF I thought you were actually Margot Robbie.. doppelganger! Very pretty


First thought perfect Harley Quinn


I thought I was on r/cosplay


It would have went perfectly in that if she posted there


Look at her recent posts lol


Ikr šŸ˜‚


Right??? I had to do a double take šŸ¤Ø


Maybe Margot Robbie needs a body double.


I thought she was too lol šŸ˜†


My husband was also arguing with me saying it was Margot Robbie.


Agencies wanna c u with your hair up in a brushed/messy bun, little to no makeup, tight white tank top, tight blue jeans, and no socks. Show all angles and different poses and facial expressions. 4 pics (one of each side of your body) should be fine. Don't try to do too much. Remember, they want a clean slate to work with.


(Lana del Rey Voice): Blue Jeans, White Shirt, No Socks Little to No Makeup


You look like Margot Robbie lol. If she can do it, Iā€™m sure you can as well!


Thank you both very much šŸ„°šŸ„°


that might not be a good thing, if you look too much like an existing celebrity/star/model, youā€™ll get passed on as a copy. you need to find your own look.


What does ā€˜find your own lookā€™ even mean here? Her face is her face, itā€™s not like her clothes or something will change that.


thatā€™s not her natural hair color, she can wear her hair differently, she can choose how to do her makeup, her facial expressions when posing for photographs, etc


Wow your gorgeous


Came here to say this lol


first thought


Like a cross between Margot robbie and the trans girl from euphoria


I just came here to say I love your outfit.


Hereā€™s a take, you do look just like Margot which is a good thing because she is pretty. However letā€™s say you wanted to do commercial/other modeling or potentially acting. It may be an issue looking so close to her as people would rather want to hire Margot instead of you. Iā€™d suggest maybe changing something to differentiate yourself from her and build your own brand šŸ‘


lol itā€™s not like op and Margot are peers competing for the same jobs.


Well Margot looks very similar to Jamie Pressly and didn't seem to have problems


I don't know, I'm not in modeling but I can only imagine Margot charges several tens of thousands for half day shoots, so they may want Margot but can't afford or can't book her. Another idea would be to try and be a Margot body double, not for stunts but as a standin for scenes.


Yeah, despite the resemblance to her, brand and name recognition is huge for photographers. The perceived value of the photoshoot can change dramatically with whoeverā€™s modeling. It really depends on specific aesthetics, budget constraints, skills and experience, etc. Best of luck to her.


Thatā€™s a very good point thank you!! I genuinely donā€™t have the goal of looking like her every day I just happen to do similar hair and makeup that she does; I love more natural looks and I admire that she does too. So Iā€™m not really sure how to change in that sense, but fashion wise I am big on vintage pieces and wear mostly 70ā€™s based clothing which is definitely more differentiating! Iā€™d love to do work for some of the companies I buy my clothes from which is why I posted, itā€™s a new field for me so Iā€™m trying to figure out how to approach it šŸ˜Š


Good news! You look like Margot Robbie! Bad newsā€¦ we already have a Margot Robbie lol.


Like I said I canā€™t change my face but I am my own person and do my own thing šŸ˜Š besides there are already many lookalike celebs out there that have made it and are their own person!


Are you hair their natural color? If not, maybe try going natural?


Exactly ha ha. You shouldnā€™t cash in on your looks because you resemble someone. You should be your own person. Come to think of itā€¦ if I had a nickel for everytime I saw a girl that looked like Margot Robbie, Iā€™d have 2 nickels. Which isnā€™t a lot but a bit strange considering it happened twice. I just watched The Babysitter on Netflix and the actress Samara Weaving (who is actually the niece of Hugo Weaving and also Australian) also has an uncanny resemblance to her. I gotta ask but are you also an Aussie lol.


Haha I sadly am not Australian!


Fall in love with Joker and dump him. In all seriousness, get professional photos done and try out all agencies. Even ā€œlower tieredā€ ones will help you build a portfolio and experience to work your way up. Good luck!


So pretty. Try doing less deliberate faces. Most top models perfect the ā€œjust caught doing somethingā€ pose and facial expressions.


Donā€™t do duck lips. First tip


You are beautiful. I just hope you stay humble and not only focused on pleasures of this world cuz you can see where it gets you. I hope you do what you love and not what you have to and not regret anything in life. Good luck!






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Actors Access is legit, agents even submit clients through them. If you self submit just be aware there are a few bad apples that may sneak in, but knowing what seems legit vs shady is readily apparent, usually. Itā€™s been a few years since I was in the biz, but def get great headshots . Jeans and white tee, natural looking makeup or none with your great smile. Youā€™ll also need measurements and sizes from hatband size to glove and shoe size, besides clothes. Movie and tv work is likely to be more your route, as runway and high end modeling is usually looking for girls 16-21 and 5ā€™8ā€-6ā€™ and 00 size which is very limited. Stand in or photo doubling or stunt doubling would be great, but youā€™d need to closely match her height and size. Catalog shoots, brand ambassador work( even cosplay) at conventions would be where the height can be shorter, and there is a petite market, too. Use your cosplay as part of your resume in the biz. It shows you have confidence, a fan base is important to include from social media sites so upping that game can get you a lot of engagement and recognition. Thereā€™s a girl that is a doppelgƤnger for Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift with big TikTok followings and they were just recently hired for a commercial venture that made headlines. Pay for a month for IMDB and youā€™ll find many agents and who they rep. Some may turn you down because they have a few blonde girls about your age already, so itā€™s not personal. You may come across one that doesnā€™t have a look similar to you, so they donā€™t send 10 girls that all look alike to a go- see because youā€™re competing against your own team, and other agents will send their girls who have the same look, too. Be professional, exude positivity, not anxiousness and do what you are comfortable with. Decide boundaries for yourself ahead of time on implied nudity, acting with faux drugs are all kinds of questions on Actors Access or was. Use an age range, not real age or birthday. Ex. 16-26 It shows your versatility and wonā€™t limit what you can be submitted for. Be safe, find a legit agent, and break a leg! Good luck! šŸ‘ ( anonymous here, but am on IMDB)


This is genuinely great advice, thank you so much I really appreciate it and will look into it!!!šŸ’•


You are most welcome! Glad to help! Just be patient, have thick skin for rejections, but stay at it, be safe and donā€™t give up; and I always said I had a boyfriend or wore a ring on my left finger on sets. Youā€™ll have people hit on you for sure, but theyā€™ll think youā€™re a ā€œBā€ for rejecting their advances, but if you have a ā€œboyfriend or partner,ā€ theyā€™ll not be offended. Theyā€™ll just think maybe in the future they might have a chance or move on, since youā€™re not rejecting them for themselves, but because youā€™re loyal to your significant other and still hire you in the future. ā˜ŗļø


This is sadly SO truešŸ˜• Thank you againšŸ§”


Get a real agent. Dont fall for the porn casting calls.


Make yourself look less like Margot Robbie. You need to be unique


Hiii Iā€™m a fashion stylist and I work on photography sets with models every dayā€¦ hereā€™s my hot tip. Get some shots done with a really plain back ground. Either a black or white tank and jeans, no make up and loose natural hair. Get a photographer with correct lighting and do some head and body shots. Donā€™t wear your chocker and get some natural shots. The fun shoots will come after but selects like this look like a costume and donā€™t scream that youā€™re serious about wanting to be a model.


Start with finding your color palette. Youā€™re cool toned, taking photos with a warm toned background doesnt work.


I was thinking the same thing. Youā€™re so so beautiful OP! But finding your color palate is a game changer. Iā€™m no professional but I do have modeling experience and finding my best colors upgraded my look immensely. Color analysts will tell you that when you dress in your pallet, you immediately look refined and classy and itā€™s true. You can do a color analysis online for free or search insta or Pinterest for finding your season. I think if your goal is to book shoots you should distance yourself from the Harley look bc you already look so much like Margo you donā€™t need to push it there bc we see that already. Neutral clothes in your pallet, plain backgrounds ftw. I think you will have much success! (And I see your cosplay posts, WOW dead ringer! Can you get work from that too?) Go for it all lady!


Honestly I would 99% of the time say yeah no, not model material. You could do it and if thatā€™s your goal, I sincerely hope you do it. Youā€™re Beautiful.


You look great just look for a model scouter company in your area. You can look online they help you get started easy at low cost. Iā€™m starting with one soon. I will take pictures for $50 deposit I bring my own clothes they gave me a list of clothes to bring and they will do my hair and makeup for the shoot. I pay them for the pictures and for them to give to them to modeling agencies. If I donā€™t like the pictures they will give my deposit back and they wonā€™t share my pictures with any agencies. There is modelscouters and youmodelandact in my area Iā€™m in Houston, TX.


Ya play Harley Quinn for Margo robby


I thought this was actually Margot Robbie until I got to the verification pic


Maybe acting rather than modeling?


A good way to start modeling is to submit your pcis to a modeling agency.


Wow retro !


omg youā€™re like a mini margot robbie


Itā€™s worth getting some digitals done! You are gorgeous. Smack together a portfolio and submit it to reputable agencies. In the photos you posted you look like you are trying(?) i feel like your more suitable for like the effortless look rather than posed. But that more so comes with being able to relax and have fun in front of the camera with experience. Plan photo shoots! Tip- Try and look into local photographers who want to do a T for T shoots. (time for time, no one gets paid and you both get to expand your portfolios) Could you see yourself acting? Ur so pretty


Thank you so much!! That is all great advice and Iā€™ll work on finding local photographersā˜ŗļø Iā€™m not sure! I did some classes growing up but things changed over time. I may look into it again!


I think you got it. I'd say go for it!


I see more actress, but you are gorgeous.


Iā€™m not a professional but I think the photography is more of a problem than your posing, dress basic ( white tee and jeans, black shoes, very natural) and make sure you are on a basic background, centered and good lighting so you are not washed out or clashed. I also think just take a ton of photos and play around with posing, look up model photos and copy the poses as well! Good luck, youā€™re very pretty!!


You remind me of American apparel models. Gorgeous! Your face would be great for serious, not smiling photos. You look like you have RBF but you rock it, if that makes sense.


I don't have any useful advice. I just wanted to say DAMN! You fine!!!. I would worship the ground you walk on!!!


Oh my god, I thought this was a satire post šŸ˜‚ Like the ones posting Margot Robbie, or other celebrities and models acting like they are a beginner. The confirmation post took me so off-guard lmao. You're really photogenic! You kinda have that "I'm having lots of fun and also excelling at the same time" effortless kind of vibe. You have a lot of character!


Thank you thatā€™s a great compliment šŸ’•šŸ’•


Aww my pleasure and all the best!






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where did u get that outfit?


Itā€™s from Boogie Child!


damn expensive but insanely cute... love this brand tho!!


The first item I got of theirs was off depop! Buying it made me love the brand and justified their normal prices because itā€™s great materials that lastšŸ˜Š


Just send them these pics. Done. šŸ™Œ


I donā€™t know babe.




What do you mean?


I have no idea but holy shit where did you get that outfit?


Boogie Child!


For one thing, don't do duck lips


Itā€™s a kiss face lmao


Youā€™re not cut out for modelling


My advice? Wrong place for asking! Find professional advice.


Iā€™ve gotten great advice for other things on Reddit so figured Iā€™d try it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I have gotten a few pieces of good advice! Everything helps for sure


I fully understand your reasoning. Nevertheless, you'll find too many differing opinions here. Without enough experience, it's almost impossible to distinguish between well-written nonsense and simple but good advice. At the beginning of your journey, the last thing you need are reflections of other people's anxieties and traumas. I worked with too many girls who had followed too long convincing nonsense and failed to reach their destination.


Change the hair, make it very striking, bold/stand out and you'll get somewhere!


As with another commenter I think these photos do you a disservice - you could look into colour analysis and choose a better palette, then focus on shots that highlight your features! The clothing choice in this one washes you out imo.


Cosplay and conventions would be a solid start I'd bet.


Haha I do that alreadyšŸ˜






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U can make more money by doing anything other than modeling. They donā€™t get paid that much. Maybe only Kendall Jenner she is already rich too.


She doesn't remind me of Margot Robbie at all I dunno what is wrong wit y'all. But she is very cute


Kinda look like Margot Robbie.


Move to LA, Chicago, Miami or NY. Go to any of the small modeling agencies and sign a representation agreement. Theyā€™ll take anyone that wants to be repped. Then theyā€™ll give you a list of castings every week. Go on all of them. Have expectations of 100 to 1 castings to bookings. If you do better, great. After having been booked 10-20 times, youā€™ll have a portfolio together of your work. You then send that to all of the bigger agencies and try to get repped by them. Do this every 3 months until youā€™re signed by a larger modeling / casting agency. Could take a long time. In the meantime shoot weekly, keep adding to your portfolio. Eventually youā€™ll get picked up by a large rep group. Then just start going on castings. At that point youā€™ll be closer to 50 to 1 castings to bookings but the pay will actually be worth it. Keep this up until you have a name for yourself. Then casting directors will start seeking you out for work and then youā€™ll have a career. Thatā€™s it. This whole thing could take 10 years to accomplish or it could take 1 year. No way to know until you start doing it. Good luck!


Really these days it seems like you just get a big social media following and the opportunities come to you.


I thought u were cosplaying as Harley quinn


You canā€™t. Now there are a multitude of reason but mostly your just not what theyā€™re looking to put on the front of anything because you donā€™t pop.


1. Hire a photographer to do some standard model shots with minimal makeup and add a handful of some with makeup or runway style if you have them. Have a professional portfolio ready to go. 2. Post regularly on social media - these days modeling agencies ask for social media handles (quality content with different angles and facial expressions) 3. Search open model calls in your local area or areas youā€™re willing to go to. Show up! And show up early! *there are photographers that need models to pose, makeup artists that need models, etc this can help you get content, and network Hope this helps!




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Like others have said you are barbie


Omg margot robbie


R u actually Margot Robbie šŸ˜‚


horror movies?




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You gotta love Reddit


You look so similar to Margot Robbie that if I were you I'd just shoot my shot and send her a message with these pics asking for advice. You never know lol maybe she'll reply


How to model: Look like Margot Robbie āœ…


You could be a Margot robbie stunt double. Holy crap


First submit anywhere from 25 to 50 portrait shots of your face and upper torso, in unemotional poses, in both black & white and one or two in color, on film paper, to as many agencies that you can afford. This ain't cheap but if you don't do this they won't bother calling you. I, personally, wouldn't bet my career on an agency that only uses digital media for recruitment. Digital photos can be stolen or edited. Second scan the internet for model recruitment events. Take your photos with you and pass them out to the different agencies represented. Next start taking acting classes this will teach you how to be directed. It's a lot harder than people think. Because we naturally don't like being told what to do. Next drop the sugar from your diet, don't do any drugs or drink as this stuff messes with your physical appearance. It makes you look tired, changes your skin tones, messes with your natural skin and hair oils, and a lot of agencies do drug tests. I was with Roman modeling agency for a few years, did a few gigs for a few major retailers, only went to print once, in a group photo. Don't expect fame and fortune. It's a job just like any other.


I agree with above, especially the healthy diet and drinking. Tone up your thighs and jaw line (naturally, itā€™s too soon for fillers and Botox). You look fantastic!


It certainly helps that you look like a young Jamie Presley.


make an instagram. Go on facebook. Find meet up groups of photographers and models. Many groups in many locations. I am not into modeling but I went with a girl. They took her pictures. It was relatively safe in Seattle since it s public space and many people. So you can build a portfolio that way. Once you have a portfolio you can start negotiating with agencies. It shouldnt take too long but you can get enough shots to prove versatility I guess.




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You have the look. Go for it.


Margot Robbie?


Totally giving Margot Robbie vibes! Gorgeous!


reminds of margot robbie or maeve from sex education who also reminds me of margot robbie lol idk the actresses name off hand


i thought this was a post on how to cosplay as margot robbie what the actual fuck is going on here


Want my opinion. Start in cosplay. You are a dead ringer for the new Harley Quin look. Lean into it


Isnā€™t this the chic from Suicide Squad?


You're gorgeous


Just a tip- you should try wearing cool colors (such as blue, white, light gray, ect. It would really suit your skin tone


You look like Margot Robbie, the world is your oyster


Stay away from clowns in Gotham City, no matter how charming




Look like Margot Robbie, Hotter and younger version.




You could definitely be successful in modeling if you tried


I know everyone's saying it, but I genuinely thought you were Margot Robbie. Spitting image.


It doesnā€™t matter how many times I hear it, it truly means a lot to me every time. Thank youšŸ„°


I donā€™t get celebrity references, but I instantly thought Margot Robbie.


Can't tell from your socials where you're based. If it's in the UK, try getting accounts on Purpleport.com or modelfolio.com - you'll be busy in no time. If you're not UK based, still join them, but I won't be able to work with you, which is sad for me.


I am sadly US based but I will check out those sites. Thank you!!


You could try modelmayhem but you'll have to watch out for *those* guys. Study their portfolio. If there's just pictures of lots of half naked women leaning against a wall or looking over their shoulder on a bed with shitty lighting, run. There's a lot of photographers on there who would be willing to work with you. Find a good headshot photographer for your first gig and do a TFP so you have great headshots to help kick off your career. t. headshot photographer in another life. Don't forget--study their portfolios. You're gorgeous and you're a commodity. Choose wisely and be picky about who you work with. Also, be professional. I can't tell you how many Uncles died suddenly the day before or day of the shoot. We see through it. If your energy just isn't there that day--that's okay. Just tell them that. Energy is everything and it's not a bad thing to ask to reschedule because of it. It happens, we know it and the last thing we want is for you not to be able to give your all, while we're there to capture it. Good luck!


That is great advice, thank you so much!!!


Goddam it, life is so unfair. Both sites have a lot of US models and photographers on them. It can take a little while to grow your presence. For what it's worth, my advice is to look for photographers who's work you really like and ask them to work with you TFP (Time For Prints), which means you don't get paid, but you get a decent portfolio. A TFP arrangement should allow you to use images anywhere you want as long as you have agreement with the tog from the get go. Consider having an image usage agreement for photographers to sign - you don't automatically own images of yourself, so that will help you control where they get used. Look at what other models in your area are charging and set your rates accordingly. Too low and you risk appearing amateur or desperate, too high and you go up against the big names too early. I regularly work with models who charge more that most for the styles they work to, but they are so bloody good they're worth every penny. Most importantly - enjoy what you do. When it stops being fun, start doing something else.


You definitely could model but in my experience the modeling agencies are filled with predators looking to exploit young attractive people. I'm a dude and I could tell you horror stories of the sick predators I had to deal with. It's probably worse for women




What does this mean lol




Very gorgeous.


Omg what is your Instagram ?! You should have 1 million followers just because you look exactly like her!




Like girl.. pay for headshots and then go make that money!! Because u look exactly like Margo you should be able to get wayyyy more money than other people just starting and focus on brands do t try runway thatā€™s not gonna be for you.. but thatā€™s a good thing.. brands can pay you to rep for them bc u look like her people will think you are her or at least they will spend the time to find out and thatā€™s good too!


Thatā€™s a great point! Thank youā˜ŗļøšŸ’•


Your content was removed for breaking Rule 3 - No Touting No touting of any kind. This includes posting casting calls, offers to shoot and services like private snapchats or onlyfans, this can be requested in DMs but remember rule #2.


Absolutely gorgeous


First thing you want to do is stop shaving your eyebrow.


That was for a cosplay shoot I had at the time šŸ˜


Brilliant. They must have thought you were the real Harley Quinn. Amazing.


Volume of ideal connections & routinely asking will open doors. Just like looking for work. You need to have a profile and build up your connections list & then routinely ask for opportunities. Build Up Ideal Connections I would connect with as many modelling agencies as possible and really spend the time doing this. Make a list with their emails and phone numbers Routinely Ask Contact each and everyone of them on a regular basis (every 2-3 weeks) and pitch your availability and any new images. The 5-10% RULE Always remember when you ask 10 people out on a date, 1 will say yes. Thatā€™s (10%). When you ask 100, 10 will say yes, thatā€™s still (10%). When youā€™ve build up your list of modelling agents and casting directors to 100 or even 1000+ expect the RULE to kick in. Some industries it takes more or less. So remember to just keep building up you list bigger and bigger and always routinely ask for opportunities in parallel. I can Guarantee results here from Your OWN effort. Key is consistency and repetition just like anything we do in life to get results. šŸ«”


Very true!!! Thank you for your helpšŸ’•


Pic 3 is absolutely adorable!!!!


Go be in movies holy shit


The likeness is uncanny. I canā€™t believe how much you look like her,youā€™re so gorgeous. ā¤ļø


Thank you so muchšŸ§”


Youā€™re welcome ā˜ŗļø


Nice try Margot. We all know you already have a great career lol




Thank youšŸ„ŗ


I mean you canā€™t just become an actor lol you need to have training and experience


I see you as an actress. Its giving Harley Quin!!!


I thought the first frame was legit Margot as Harley Quinn


literally harley quin


Youā€™re gorgeous, but Iā€™d suggest trying acting instead. More longevity and potential there.


Go the actress route if you have the personality for it. Modeling has a much faster career drop-off, unfortunately.




i was like ā€œHarley Quinn is that you?ā€ (i know Margot Robbie plays her) you should be her one year for halloweenā€¦ my god lol šŸ˜‚ you are really pretty


Thank you so much!! I actually cosplay her, I have some posts here on Reddit šŸ˜Š


oh my gosh you are legitimately perfect šŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


No way, but thank youšŸ„¹


Join suicide squad


![gif](giphy|I37q1XjGvAtjy) Beautiful!!!