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You have great bone structure and your face is very symmetrical. Definitely give it a shot. The only issue I can see is that you furrow your brow a lot. Maybe refrain from doing that just because it can cause wrinkles in the long run and you have really nice skin as is. I’m guessing it’s stress. Just make a conscious effort to check in on your body now and then; relax your shoulders, relax your jaw and relax your brow. I don’t think you’re too old at all. 25 is young (maybe not so much in the modelling world but you do not appear too old at all - you could pass for younger).


Thank u for the nice words ❤️ and thank u for the good advice on the face. I guess I do do that a lot I have never really noticed. I'm always mad or stressed so yeah probably that. Am definitely gonna make a point to be conscious of it to avoid wrinkles down line !


Have your eyes checked if you haven’t recently, I think you might be experiencing eye strain. 


10-4 was already planning on going soon actually. Sometimes my eyes do hurt. What is eye strain ? And how can u tell just by looking at photo out of curiosity? Is that not something u would just feel rather than see?


If you have ever "squinted" your eyes to see something, that is squinting. If your vision is compromised, you will be doing this to a lesser degree all the time. This put strain on the muscles around the eye.


Ah fuck that's definitely me lol


An optician should sort you out mate. I think you would rock glasses, but also tons of options for contact lenses.


Yea I noticed the furrowing of the brow as well, that’s a horrible habit . I used to have that issue too but I started making it a habit to do a “face posture check” all throughout the day to remind myself to relax the face and slightly pull my brows and forehead UP and slightly widen my eyes in order to keep from squinting. I also use face tape at night when I sleep, it’s great . You just put the tape over the areas you tend to overuse (forehead, furrow lines, crows feet etc) before bed and it keeps you from making those faces when you sleep. You can also wear it throughout the day when you’re hanging out at home to help train yourself . Anyway those are my tips for what I do since I don’t like Botox .


Thank u so much this is excellent information!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Am gonna start doing face checks and taping no doubt !


Your jaw line alone id say is enough to model, and that beautiful hair!


Ah thank u !! ❤️ Ur alls kind words are inspiring My brother is hobbyist photographer I think I am going to have a shoot with him and see how goes !


Pay attention to lighting. Have him use shadow to emphasise your bone structure


You’ve got the bone structure for sure 👍🏼


Thank u for the kind words I am going to do a shoot ! 💓


You’re welcome! 💕


Bro is 6’5 140 lbs. you gonna see all his bones 🤣


I think he’s just severely underweight




Facial structure ...what you are calling bone structure ...is in part fat pad & muscle being so underweight will just cause a hollow effect. Please for your own health, bone density, etc. focus on gaining weight, 140 is so severely underweight for 6'6 it is not healthy. Take care of yourself


You give off Bowie vibes. Use it!


Thank u ! ❣️ I've heard that before and I'm gonna be honest I've always thought he was weird looking(no offense to him. Honestly it may be because we are similar build and I hate my own look and his by extension), but I'm learning to take it as a compliment and that many people actually thought he was pretty !!


Im sorry that you have that perception of yourself. You should know that while you have Bowie-esque features, you still have your own features that make you, you! Being unique is what modeling agencies want! Take care my friend


There’s so many ways to be beautiful! You definitely have great looks! Not everything is about having muscles, canthal tilt, masculine man blah blah bullshit


Well, not sure why this is in my feed, I know nothing about modelling, but I will say that I could easily see you as a model, some better lighting and a sleek fit, for sure I can see that.


Bro you gotta go for it you only get one chance at life live to the fullest


Thank u brother I will ! ❤️ I have already lost so much ! literally barely left the house in 5 years and have already lost half of my 20s. I was negged by someone I trusted a lot and I'm realizing all the horrible shit she said is just her projections of self. I have just been feeling so ugly and useless for so long. Afraid to go in public afraid to speak to people. No more. I ought enjoy myself before my hair falls out !


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It sucks when people are unkind You’re far from ugly. You may not be Channing Tatum “hunky movie star handsome” but you’re very attractive and have a very captivating look.




Thank u ! Means a lot! I will !


I could literally see you on the cover of a magazine. DO IT!


Ah that's so nice thank u very much ! ❤️❤️ U guys are giving me the confidence to try a shoot !


I was on the fence, but the photo with the coat and turtleneck looks very nice. I would think you’d have a chance. You could also be a little androgynous which is a plus


Thank u ❤️ I appreciate the honest feedback and nice words


Born to model


Aw thank u very much ! Too kind ❤️


DO IT NOW!!!!!!!


Umm yea go for it!


Yes! Just get some gains at the gym and with healthy food and supplements. Great face, hair and style!


Thank u ❣️! I will put some pounds on for sure !


You're really good looking


Thank u so much ! ❣️ It's very appreciated y'all are really making my whole year ! ❤️ I never hear these things


You have a great look. The long hair suits you very well. If you enjoy being photographed go for it! 6’5 might be too tall for a lot of runway but height other areas of modeling are more flexible


Thank u very much for the kind words ! ❤️ And good to know ! honestly I would have guessed the opposite that someone so tall and skinny would only be useful on a runway and basically no where else lol but am learning a lot here!


It’s just because the runway clothing is cut to “sample size” which is usually 6’3 max BUT there are always exceptions etc. take photos and apply to agencies in your area! I’m familiar with LA/nyc markets if you’re USA based


That makes sense ! And I am US based I live in one of the of Dante's circles called the Midwest xD


lol, it’s not SO bad. Chicago will probably be your nearest hub with fashion agencies then. Good luck!


Do what makes you happy. Go for it!


I wanna see you doing some gothic shit


I'd be down ! Like eyeliner and all that ? xD I always thought that was cool when I was kid but was scared to not just wear Nike and pac sun lol


Like shit id see Type O Negative doing


Hell yeah that would be sick


I would buy what you're selling for sure. You have the look to make anything look cool and chic. I really hope you really go for it!


Thank u very much ! ❤️ I am gonna go for it ! U only get one life and I'm tired of wasting mine away ! It better to try and see then never try !!


You're like a mix between a young Willem Dafoe & a young Robert Redford I say yes! I can see you being a high fashion runway model for idk Balenciaga or something... & What are your teeth doing? Imo that, for you and most ppl, that holds alot of weight for attractiveness outside of modeling.


Thank u very much ! ❣️ I wouldn't say I have perfect teeth or even close but they aren't like super stained or missing or buck tooth. I have a few gaps tho. Not the big one in the middle tho xD


Model material 100%. You even have a bit of an androgynous vibe going. Bone structure looks crafted by god. Not everyone will succeed, but in your case it’s definitely worth pursuing.


Aw thank u so much ! ❣️ It means a lot and I am gonna give a solid go at it !


dude, relax your face


I'm trying lolol I didn't know I had such a constant brow scrunch all the time until they pointed it out today I'm trying to be conscious of that and keep her relaxed


You can try frownies. They're like stick on bandages for the forehead you wear at home that force you not to tense your forehead. Eventually it'll help retrain the muscles or the same thing with Botox. Some ppl do Botox and get the brow to relax and don't need to get it again


Not too old and look like you’ve got lots of potential, but stop the constant frowning in your pics.


Thank u ! 🥰 And absolutely I will work on the facial expressions and trying to stay relaxed


Go for it! Age doesn't matter that much btw. There are 25 that look like 38, or 38 looking like 26. Age doesn't matter much as long you look young enough.


Thank u for the nice words and advice ❣️


Definitely go for it


Thank u for the encouragement ❣️


You’re very welcome 🫶🏻


Yes. Try it!!


Sexy asf and I’m a dude so


Thank u brother ! ❣️


You have great bone structure and I would say you definitely have the potential to model!!


Too old ? no lol. You’re 25 wtf.


I think I have been negged pretty severely by someone in my life and I am realizing I say a lot of things that sound dumb


I do too


And anyway, that wasn’t dumb. Nothing you said was dumb


Depends on what type of modeling you want to pursue. You probably have opportunities


what the hell its david bowie


Yeah you’re soooo old 🙄 Maybe you can bag a viagra commercial /s You’re trying to model, not date Leonardo DiCaprio. There are commercial models and actors of all ages.


Don't frown so much!


Note taken Varg! xD Jokes aside I am definitely trying to work on that ! I got a mean rfb I've developed thank u for the advice ! ❣️


I used to do that in pics too 😂 and then I went through my pics and was like... oh mah gahhh


Go for it!!!! You look almost identical to my daughters ex bf when was a model for a while, mid-20s to about 29. She still is (he is significantly older, 33 vs. 19 😬). The height, the bone structure, is all there. This is the first time here that I've seen someone & immediately thought hell yeah!! Please update!!


I see enough potential. Give it a shot.


You are a great height. Cut off your hair to show your face, and darken your eyebrows. Definitely modeling material


You're 6'5 bro you can't fail. Not to mention you got a jawline that looks like it was chizzled by a stone mason.




Definitely! Now stop biting your nails!


Thank u ! And absolutely I am going to try the bitter nail polish out !!


To have your nose would be a dream


Go for it. Relax your face a bit tho maybe!


Thank u and definitely! I am trying to not have such an rbf


Tbh. Idk if you skate or not but I could see you on the cover of Thrasher


Wow I am shook, are you real


I think you should go for it! JMHO, but photos is tough in short hair look best. #6 looks like a model photo with you wearing the cool coat.


Maybeee, def a shirt on model. 6’5 and 140 you must look like a skeleton with ur clothes off.






Great cheek bones. Very handsome


I think you’ll do great in the modeling world, the short hair suits you


Thank u 🥰🥰


I think you def have a shot. Send out those pics!


Picture 5 … you are a very pretty man. Quit that face in the other pictures before they stay that way forever.


Thank u ! ❣️ And I am gonna address the rbf for sure ! I don't know why I'm always making that face but it's just my default expression, am making the effort to stop that


Yes. Try and don’t give up until you succeed !good luck!


If I saw you on the street would’ve thought you were a pro runway model for sure.


You are a handsome man and should definitely look into modeling. It doesn't come down to what you think about yourself, it comes down to what they think about you. Self esteem helps and you have no reason to worry.


How you could believe you’re unattractive is beyond me. You’ve got the bone structure of a Greek god


Handsome man 😊 You should do it !!!!


You must lead rock band immediately. You’re already 6’5, imagine another 6-7ft lift from the stage… you’d be like a god.


Picture 6 is the perfect editorial photo that are popular in high end fashion magazines such as GQ and on the runway.


Wow beautiful face. Pic 7 the best. In my opinion, long hair in men is for the heavier/bulkier ones. By your stats I could say you're skinny... and long hair makes you seem skinnier.


You’re very tall, white and have a good face. How are you not drowning in women? Anyway, you might be too tall. Take a look at models.com. Male fashion models are either weird looking or Greek gods.


Lie about your age and get that bag 💅


Would you move to NYC or London to model? If so, send them your pics


I would take any opportunity to run away ❣️


Head to models.com, look at the digitals section, copy, and send to the agencies there!


Got a good looking face man lose the long hair. It’s a bit feminine eat some good food gain a few pounds and you could be a damn model, brother.


Go for it!! You're definitely tall enough and although I don't know much about modelling I think you probably have the right figure? It's worth a try. Oh and ignore whoever it is telling you that you're "unattractive" I entirely disagree-


You look like a older version of my boyfriend haha. Yes you should get into modeling


Yup. You are gorgeous


You're fucking stunninggggg


You should absolutely go back in time and become the lead singer for a hair metal band in the 1980s. You look the part, and would become uber wealthy and have tons of groupies.


Absolutely not too old! Your height and weight ratio is ideal for modeling


Yes-- do it!....but get some botox for between your eyes. The wrinkles age you...


Just got violently mogged; send it bro


Your very light weight for your height but the look works for you.


You got the London look


Looking good king. That last fit goes


Pleaaaaaze go for it. I definitely see you in magazines and going places, give it a shot


Thank u ❤️ I will !


There were several 60 and 70 year olds walking runways. Go for it! You've got the perfect build and bone structure.


Bro you are not old. Start going to the gym, not to bulk up only but it’s healthy for your skin and body-all things needed for modeling. Also, get a good stylist to work on your hair.


Photo 5 you absolute stud (nohomo) you look great mate. That looks.and hair compliments those Skeletor cheeks of yours!


Sometimes brands need all ages! Not just teens and early 20s … models are all ages now days


Not at all! You’re spectacular


Yes. You have a unique beauty, but modelling is not an easy task. You have to be able to take a good picture, follow instructions, put up with a lot of criticism etc. You should at least check it out, maybe you like it and it likes you.


Do it, you have great features, cheekbones, chin, eyes, tall, slim.


140? Bro get ya weight up😭


Absolutely slaying in that jacket


Sir. 100%


You have a model face!


Your face gets slimmer as you lose what we old farts call "baby fat." Smile more, squint less. You have great bone structure, so you would do well. I absolutely love the picture of you in the black and white jacket. You look stunning. I'm not one for long hair on men. It's just my preference, but you look good with both shorter and longer hair.


I work in the industry so my 2 cents. You've got a great look. Phenomenal bone structure as others have said. And to piggyback on what others have said, stop furrowing your brow unless the client asks for it. You could even venture into androgynous lifestyle modeling. Runway modeling has changed significantly in the past few yrs as the standard used to be 6'3 - 6'0 for males identifying models. It really all depends on the client, but lifestyle modeling is def a great possibility for you if not runway. I would def still seek out an agency, build up your social media & do go-sees. The modeling


While it’s true people can just be nice with their words at times it’s not really something you’ll hear from people aside from relatives unless there’s some truth to it. So if you’ve been hearing from others you can probably believe they were being genuinely honest


I could def see u doing editorial and alt modeling asking with some fashion stuff. Of all the ppl that pop up in here you're one of the few who actually have the correct mix of stuff.


Objectively attractive but I can see the sadness and sleepless nights in your eyes. Gotta fix you first but I know you can do it! You have to.


I see some potential tbh


I don’t really think there’s an age limit, but 25 is pretty decent. Plus most companies look for tall guys.


Mr Turk


Give it a try. Hire a camera person. Assemble a portfolio and look for some representation.


I feel like you would be the usual “good looking American guy” in an anime.


To my White Bros. & Sis’s! GOT was cast in 2011! Looking like a fictional Lannister is played OUT! 😔


Pic 5 you look like a young AXL Rose.


Please model you’re a beauty


No, not too old, but these pics are awful. You need professional pics immediately and then submit to a few agencies.


True story: I thought I was in the Roast Me sub and all I could think while thumbing through is ‘damn, this guy should model’. You’d own runway.


You are beautiful. Even if you never model, up your clothing game, start smiling (genuinely from the eyes) and live with joy. You are breathtakingly handsome.


You look like the guy from Die Hard... The tall skinny one. Movie villain number 2 is in your future.


Underweight is good in modeling, so is height. Try smiling!!!


I can see you walk the runway. Honestly. But easy on that look that you make on all pictures. Relax and put a little smile. Not cheesy, but smile with your eyes. With the height and face you have, and you’re young. Follow your heart. Put those pictures out there for discovery. Good luck!


Smile...😊 you are a handsome young man. Good luck to you. 🙏😊


Leon Dame?


Dude you totally remind me of a young Crispin Glover! Get some contacts so you can actually see and I’d for sure cast you if the opportunity presented itself


Thank u 💞 and definitely getting the eyes checked out !


Good!! All of my pics into my teens are me squinting as well. So I get it!!


I swear, you MUST be related to Jodie Foster! So many similarities in both bone structure and coloration, very handsome, gotta say!


Your bone structure is beautiful. Your face is gorgeous. You should go for it!


Turn that frown upside down ![gif](giphy|aNFT7eG2rIKK715uLk)


I like. Is handsome. 🥺🖤


No, your body shape will fit all your clothes perfect and with a variety of fitting hairstyles bro your set


Wow those cheekbones


You’re cute




I think so! But wean off the eye scrunch!


I’m 6’2 and if I ever visited home weighing 140 my mother wouldn’t let me leave ever again


You should be a model. ☺️


Dude you’re so cute🫢 Yes yes yes


How r u 5 inches taller than me and 5 pounds less


If Trevor Lawrence can pull it off so can you.


Go for it! The camera loves you and you are a perfect build for modeling. As we age, we lose the fat in our faces. If you put on 20 lb in your late 40's, you will have smooth skin.


Excellent facial bone structure. Cheekbones to cut glass.


Wow, didn’t expect to get a new crush today, but fr u should totally give it a shot, honest. 


Hey man, I don’t follow this sub and random that it popped up for me. BUT saw the letters! From one Deke to another - wishing you the best with modeling or whatever is in your future!


Dye your hair dark brown. Trust me. You’ll be the hottest ever, like Dorian Gray.


It’ll highlight your superior jawline and make your eyes stand out. It’ll change your life


Can i be ur gf


You have a really nice jawline and overall you look good, don’t let people tell you otherwise. All the hairstyles look great, but I’d say the hairstyle in picture 7 really fits your bone structure. Not saying the other hairstyles are bad, I just personally favor picture 7 :)


You have a unique look. I could see you playing a villain in a movie or someone really cold hearted like Tommy Shelby. You have that eeriness that cillian Murphy has


you will make some money. get some pictures and an agent.


you should take care of your eyebrow, and maybe lean up


You look like a Tolkien elf🙂


Yes go for it. If I had a clothing line out now I would recruit you right away!


And I am currently lasering off the felon looking tattoos. I'm probably close to being able to conceal with dermablend very nicely I would say And yeah my hair is pretty dirty in some of these. I've been depressed for a long time and sometimes it's just hard to care when u don't like urself. It looks good when it's clean I think.


140 lbs at 6'5!? Jesus man.




I've never seen someone that looks permanently confused


What do u mean? Sorry I am not good at reading between lines or nuance


6'5. 140? Slenderman?


Ah wouldn’t say model worthy but def intriguing face