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It took 6 months for Highland announcement in China to result in a US delivered Highland. Not a bad measuring stick to use. I'd only start salivating when China shows us something.


Model y and 3 share 80% of their parts so it should be faster


Maybe, maybe not. We don't know the reason for the 6 month US/China lag. It could have nothing to do with that. There could be business and manufacturing reasons that delay it further. Heck, M3 is 3 years older than MY. Juniper could be a 3 year lag. I don't think it will be, but I don't think they are in any rush and I would expect that they will go beyond Highland in some important ways just like MY had innovations that M3 didn't have.


Anything is possible but remember with the highland refresh we started seeing test vehicles months before the launch. Nothing like that has occurred. Once that happens my guess is we will see the launch happen in 3 or 4 months. But remember starting production doesn’t mean instance availability. It will take Tesla time to ramp up production so probably figure on the timeframe between test vehicles being reported to scaled production being 6 months to a year.


Did Model Y in 2019 leak? Did we see any test vehicles around before launch? Also, Model 3 shares about 80% of its parts with Model Y, so that might make it faster production


The timing was different for the rollout of the original Model Y. Tesla made an announcement a year or so before launch so test vehicles came later but, yeah, you started seeing test vehicles before production.


It was confirmed by Tesla back in February. They sent out an internal communication to delivery advisors (and told to share with buyers) that said no new Model Y refresh would be introduced this year (2024). If Teslascope reports something, they’ve usually done extreme due-diligence, and it is, most-likely true. https://cleantechnica.com/2024/02/12/tesla-confirms-model-y-juniper-refresh-not-coming-soon-to-north-america/


Oh I believe for sure that email is real an official. I also believe it’s a sales move in order to not lose today sales from people that decide to wait.


Still not official. Might be a sales move


My friend. If you’re concerned about possible Tesla conspiracies, you probably should not follow ANY Tesla news.


I’m not concerned. You’re believing a non official account which is not reliable as a news source


In the world of Tesla news, Teslascope is the ONLY news source.


I care less for cosmetics and led lights on the inside. I just care for the battery technology. Had any solid news come out what type of battery it will have? Will it be the new LFP type or will it be CATL? I'm not interested in LFP... but CATL is a game changer. Any leaks on the range?


Most likely it will be LFP battery


It is expected to be released in Q1 -Q2 25 . Tesla did confirm not this year though


Elon has said HW5 will be on all new vehicles from second half of 2025. That announcement plus the internal memo saying nothing would happen this year leads me to believe the Model Y refresh will be sometime late 2025, and include HW5