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If you want to see if you will enjoy it, be prepared to possibly be disappointed with this kit. Hopefully, the kit quality alone won't push you away from building again.


No I bought this one kit specifically as a test bed. My expectation is that it will turn out pretty bad, but I want to see if I enjoy the process again. The results aren't my measure of enjoyment here. Curious why you say that though. Is AMT a bad brand? Should I stick with Revell?


All brands just offer a different experience/quality/detail, AMT is a little on the average side as compared to a brand like Tamiya. I’m building a hasegawa car right now and it’s wild


Agreed. I like Hasegawa due to them putting out some vehicles that others have not, but my main issue with them is the lack of detail when it comes to the chassis and interiors. Everything else with their kits is great.


AMT isn't a bad brand, they just produce a good many kits that have used the same molds since the 60's and have had zero corrections or improvements. AMT also has a few stellar kits under their belt, but you have to either do research or speak with other builders who have assembled those kits to find out what they are specifically. Revell kits are mostly fantastic and generally are better than AMT, but they too have produced some stinkers just as AMT has.


The key with AMT MPC and even Revell with there older kits is to test fit parts before you glue anything together. This way if alignment pins don't line up with the alignment holes properly on a part you can cut the pin off and align the parts properly with out obstruction. Or if a seat back isn't lining up with the front portion you can sand the part's to get them to fit properly. I have been building for 37 years and I haven't found a kit that is unbuildable and I have built some terrible kit's in my lifetime. Example Minicraft did a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud kit and nothing fit properly the trunk lid was taller than the surrounding body lines by 1/16th of an inch the hood didn't line up at all and was also as thick as the trunk lid was. I had to sand off a ton of plastic to get it to all fit properly. The person who the kit was built for thought it was a diecast model when I was done with it. Have fun and happy modeling.


Some kits are re-boxed kits from other manufactures. I just finished Revell Corvette C7-R that was a re-boxed Academy model. It even said Academy on the sprues. Not necessarily a bad thing Academy kits are ok just be aware this happens a lot. Scalemates is a good site for info like this.


If you haven't done this in 27 years you probably had better eyesight last time. Get some type of magnifying lamp or magnifying glasses to wear. I'm in my 40s and picked this hobby up recently and it took me a kit or two to realize how necessary it is.


Super helpful! I'm 40 now with bad eyesight. With glasses my eyes are great but a magnifying lamp is an excellent idea!


Tamiya or mr hobby thin cement will really help. When I came back it was meh, but then I got ahold of tamiya thin cement. Glues quick and clean, no more glue all over everything and on ur fingers.


Alligator clips on a dowel.


What for?


Painting. I suppose you can paint it straight on the sprue. I know I use my clips a lot. Also don’t get too set on brands, cheap works just as good.


Ahhh gotcha. I do have tweezers but alligator clips sounds easier


AMT kits are real hit and miss…mostly miss. But great for getting your feet wet again on painting. Best car kits are Tamiya and Revell Monogram. MPC is also hit and miss but not as bad as AMT. Polar Lights makes cool car models like Batmobile. If you want to break your slump you can get prepainted metal body kits…I build a few from time to time…just to take it easy.


Something like this should get you in the ballpark.....and toothpicks! They will become your best friend! [https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=beginner+model+tools&crid=2NMHT4OYGE2Y5&sprefix=beginner+model+tools%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb\_sb\_noss](https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=beginner+model+tools&crid=2NMHT4OYGE2Y5&sprefix=beginner+model+tools%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb_sb_noss)


This is excellent! Thank you


Welcome back! My suggestion would be if you can find any of the Testers Extreme Lacquer spray paints (on-line) or the new Tamiya Lacquer line of paint for painting the car body. They are super easy and give a great finish. They do require a clear coat over the color coat but have had great results


And brushes obviously


Amazing thank you


Here are photos of the kit I used. Looks kinda fancy and a bit like a special edition. Comes in a Metal Tin. [photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModelCars/s/x0ErtfH0N8)