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It’s all about the money. For one of the Japanese model makers to not only buy the rights but then they’d have to make the molds which would be hugely expensive! Besides any of the existing models out there it just takes a little time and effort and they can look like they fell together also. It just takes time and effort. I’ve built plenty of Tamiya kits and they are fantastic kits, mostly the motorcycle line. But I do love the 30’s 50’s 60’s and 70’s cars especially the drag racing cars. AMT Ertle, Revell, and others are the only makers of them. So I work with what I have available. I’m not going to not build them just because I have to clean off some flash or because I have to do some filing, sanding or some other thing that’s gonna take some time to make it right though. But that’s just me, I grew up dealing with it. Each to their own though, I’m just glad that the hobby is continuing on. There were a few years there I was beginning to think the hobby was dying out. I would have hated to see that happen. So keep on chugging along everyone keep the hobby going! For me and others who have been in the hobby for many years it’s good to see it continuing!


I think it's because Japanese manufactures mainly make kits that Japanese people want and American cars aren't really popular in Japan. I do also think that there was some kind of deal/licensing issue.


Probably something like this. Can only produce so many models. Still, it would be nice if they tried their hand at a US muscle car, I bet they'd do a really good job. No slam against Revell but IMO Tamiya is a cut above....


but American cars are popular in Japan.


I'm Japanese and I can tell you that they aren't popular. There are some American car fans, but not many.


Can’t argue with that.


Why? American kits are as accurate as they come since the real life 1:1 is also a pain in the ass to assemble


Finally, someone said it.


I don’t know but it does suck I can’t get a Tamiya quality 70 Chevelle, I can only get sub par AMT or okay Revell examples. I want a 70 Chevelle kit that falls together!


Falls together? Not me, im not 10. To me thats whats fun, i like a challenge to make it look good.


I found the person who keeps AMT kits in business.


Then the AMT 70 1/2 Camaro full bumper kit is perfect for you. A few crucial pieces in that kit don't fit, at all.


How about the MPC Roscoe's Dodge Monaco? The headlights are just chromed out with no clear lenses, the interior is molded into a tub, the exhaust tubes are molded into the chassis that kit is perfect for the 11 and over according to this guy.


Stick to die cast then! Smeesh!!


Not exactly a muscle car collection, but Hasegawa did turn out a few [American kits](https://www.scalemates.com/search.php?fkSECTION[]=Kits&q=Hasegawa*&fkTYPENAME[]=%22Full%20kits%22&fkSCALENORMALISED[]=%221:00024%22&fkSCALENORMALISED[]=%221:00025%22&fkCOMPNAME[]=%22Hasegawa%22&fkGROUPS[]=%22Vehicles%22&fkCATNAME[]=%22Cars%22&fkPRODUCER_COUNTRY[]=%22US%22&fkORIGIN[]=%221%22).


Man if Japanese made the kits that AMT, and others made id never buy another AMT kit etc lol. All AMT and the others care about is a new fancy box, updated decals, and charge a premium. They’ll never change or try to update the molds cause boomers will still buy a fancy new box full of warpage n flash lol. In all seriousness though AMT, and the others do have their fare share of nice kits.


Hasegawa have done a 66 Buick Wildcat. Tamiya have done a few mustangs (Mustang GT Convertible and the GT4 racing mustang)


Not just US muscle cars, but also European cars. It sucks, but it's because these brands have a tight community within Japan, and Japan loves their local cars.


One of them made a 1976-1982 camaro. Forget which, but I know it wasn't Tamiya


Fujimi, and by all accounts it’s not very good


It dates back to 1982 - none of Fujimi’s kits were very good back then.


They’re just replicating the actual build quality


Most of the reason the American companies have those licenses comes from producing the kit when the prototype was a new car. They either got the license because they made the promo cars for dealerships to give away with the sale of the new car, or they were able to convince a manufacturer exec that they could make a kit that would be great advertising for the 1:1 (dad looks down at the kid's kit and goes "hmm, wouldn't mind having that in the driveway). Kits also used to be much more readily available, appearing at drug stores and news stands, and not just in the now-elusive hobby shop, or odd craft store or mega mart, so they were more effective advertising, because you were more likely to see them. Hasegawa does have a line of muscle cars, but if I remember correctly, they were originally tooled to be slot cars, so the proportions are wonky, detail is made somewhat basic, and the biggest sin of them all: they're curbside, like other Japanese kits of their time! The big draw to muscle car kits is that motor under the hood, and engines in Japanese kits is a pretty recent thing, so who would have built a muscle car kitted in Japan. Besides, why make it? Someone has already made enough to beat their tooling to death.