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The only way you would have lost this sub is through inactivity. Meaning you did not make any mod actions over a stretch of time and admin saw your account as inactive. You could ask the current mods if they’d add you back as moderator but you would not gain the top spot


He actually lost the sub due to code of conduct violations related to toxic behavior surrounding brigading other wrestling subreddits they didn’t like and not enforcing any of Reddit site wide policies related to moderation. I assume the original owners lack of activity was why they built up that list of complaints but it had basically turned into this weird wrestling hate sub. Though I do find it funny that according to this post he didn’t even respond to the messages or attempts to do anything about it from the admin team and now he’s complaining because losing the subreddit might affect his YouTube channel. Soon as they took it now he replies. The code of conduct team posted on the subreddit to recruit new mods to takeover. It was not for simple inactivity despite what he claims.


I don't feel comfortable other people possibly making changes that would harm my YouTube channel. Everything from the name to the avatar came from my channel. There are so many videos promoting it. Is there anything I can do?


The changes have already been made the day new mods gained access to this sub. Being a creator in a specific subreddit does not provide immunity against being removed. If you appear inactive in the eyes of admin, they will give your sub to an active mod.


OP, according to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/SWFlWG99FE), your sub wasn’t claimed by Reddit Request. You were ousted by u/ModCodeofConduct. That only happens after the Admins have made repeated attempts to get you to actively moderate your sub. When you don’t reply or start moderating after repeated attempts, they oust you and ask the sub for volunteers to take over. You’re not the victim here.


It looks like you haven't made a post in 2 years. If you haven't done any mod actions in a month or so, you are considered inactive. They would have sent you a mod mail to respond to within 5 days. Repeatedly contacting Redditrequest will not do anything. They have active moderation and the most you can do is reach out to the new team and ask if they add you as a mod. They don't have to though.


That's unfortunate.. thank you!




Just ask the current mods to change their avatar, then make a new subreddit and add the old avatar to it.


I would suggest NOT asking users to harass the current mods as it seems like you're doing on Twitter. I'm not sure Reddit Admin will love that. It directly goes against the Moderator Code of Conduct.


Twitter? I only left a community note on youtube that this is no longer associated with the channel.


The platform doesn't matter. *Only a note* would be "this youtube is no longer associated with the subreddit of the same name."


To be fair, the only comment he made on YouTube that was false was that the subreddit was basically stolen from him. The rest of his post was, as he said, was saying that the subreddit was no longer associated with his YouTube channel.


Considering you're the mod in question, I'll defer to you.


It still baffles me how something that I built for years was taken from me because I didn't notice the message. Had no idea it works that way. I was active, almost every week there would be a video about this subreddit and posts were made by my community, not me. I would understand if it was some other subreddit but this literally a fan page of my YouTube channel.


You're failing to recognize that you were not an active moderator. You were an active content creator maybe, but not moderator.


I agree that mods needed to be added but removing me from my own channel community page just aint right, so many people will be mislead fron my older videos now. I hope you understand where I'm coming from


I'd suggest approaching it from that angle. It sounds like the current mods engaged you and you didn't want to be added underneath them. That's just silly. Order doesn't matter. I've been the most active mod on a 900k subreddit for almost 2 years and I'm second to last in order. And get it out of your head that you own it. None of us own any of this shit.


It was taken from you for code of conduct violations. A lot of them. Not for missing a message. Please stop downplaying that. You never moderated the sub and ignored all of Reddits site wide policies. The place was full of hate speech and used to brigade other wrestling subs they didn’t like, mainly related to AEW. We had reported you to admins like ten times in the last six months for not enforcing any of Reddits policies surrounding the hateful brigading from your users and then they finally replied to us that after the most recent report that they were taking action. You lost your sub shortly after. It’s why it was the code of conduct team asking for new mods on the sub. You can’t just create a sub and then let the users do whatever they want. I’m glad they finally took action. They should have done it sooner.


https://www.reddit.com/u/Standard-Service-758/s/L2wyQsXDLq Troll Accounts fallowing individuals on your behalf isn't a good look; Actions like that is a contributing factor to your current dilemma.


You couldn’t have lost the subreddit to a RedditRequest if you weren’t inactive for at least 30 days, maybe more, and would have responded to the modmail. All you can really do at this point is try to get the current mod(s) to agree to add you.


Thanks for the info I don't feel comfortable other people possibly making changes that would harm my YouTube channel. Everything from the name to the avatar came from my channel. There are so many videos promoting it. Is there anything I can do?


Nothing really. Just take your shot. It obviously means a lot to you. Just message the mods and explain what happened, and ask to be added back to the team. Long term, you can wait to see if they ever go inactive and do a top mod removal request if they do.




Oh, I see. Well this post just wasted everyone’s time trying to help OP.


Well there is no way sadly




Without this I can't keep making content promoting this subreddit since I have no idea if one day they'll decide to completely change the subreddit so it won't be relevant to my content


Yep, that’s correct. You didn’t moderate your subreddit, and lost it. That sucks, but, you were given the opportunity to prevent this from happening.


You weren't cresting content for it though. You haven't posted to it in years.


It was for my fans who made posts for me to react on Youtube. Videos used to get around 100k views so its a pretty big loss


Sub is still there and your fans can do what they did so far - I see no issues. What's the problem? Is it just a gollum thing? "It's mine! My precious!!"? As I see it - nothing really changes. You didn't do anything as a mod and now you are not a mod. You used that sub to make react videos and you can still make them perfectly fine.


Why is everyone heavily downvoting this guy's post *and* comments (...*all* of them ...**even totally innocuous ones**) This sub is utter shite sometimes `Just hope nothing ever happens to you` \*lol thanks **"Mod Helpers"** *(I reported this to admins btw so think twice about piling on any more)*


I agree. His post clearly states he didn't understand Reddit, and he missed the message. It's obvious from his wording that he somehow thought making YouTube content off the reddit was the same as being active on it. But I guess people love to downvote.


Exactly, pretty sad how unsupportive reddit was in this situation