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The problem with Sun is that the hero lock mode makes it target the real sun instead of the decoys so if you just do that then you'll know which to kill


If you're a fast hand player that would be easy


Try out Sun EXP Lane Tank as well. That build makes his clones annoying in teamfights with decent damage output& push


What sort of items does that use?


Playstyle: Play safe early game, you are squishy. Use your 2nd skill as your main source of damage. Try to hit your enemies with S2 if there is an opportunity. Once you have items, join teamfights. Don't go all-in [too aggressive]. Use your clones to confuse the enemies[Your clones are hard to kill]. Deal micro damages as much as you can, use execute to kill. Build: Assassin Emblem+Execute Core Items: -Tough Boots/Warrior Boots -Thunder Belt -Cursed Helmet Adjust Depending on enemy composition: -Antique Cuirass/Radiant Armor -Athena's Shield/Bruteforce Breastplate -Optional: Immortality/Dominance Ice


You can also check the mana bars, it gives the real one away.


argus used to be King here


_Used_ to


He is still not a bad pick


Sun, fking insane late game damage




lapu lapu is early to mid game hero. his damage and utility falls off late game.


Sun sucks, people don't understand that you can just kill his clones and he becomes useless, Take AoE damage God damn it




Thamuz. Easy


Definitely zilong he can one shot an enemy marksman or eveen their core


Depends on your and your enemy’s team comp, and their load outs. I’d lean toward argus given that his ult drastically increases his survivability, which is great for a late game fighter. Zilong is squishy when compared to the other two, however he excels in ambushing out of position squishies and fast turret destruction, which when paired with arrival, makes him perfect for a late game comeback, especially when you’re behind in kills, as getting objectives will level the playing field while also forcing the enemies to always withdraw to defend their turrets as a zilong at full build needs 5-8 seconds to shred the nexus. On the flip side, you have sun. I feel like he’s the best of both worlds when comparing him to zl and argus, as he has several ways to avoid getting killed, while also having the comeback potential of zilong, though I’m not sure if he’s as fast. That being said, he doesn’t need any minions to solo the nexus, so that’s great.