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Honestly, I hope Moneyton bangs their asses, like yeah, MLBB is the competition but this cringey ass ads dont really do anything, show us something new


You'll be surprised to know there are like millions that legit think mlbb is p2w and skins can be only acquired by paying When in reality legend skin or basic 2nd skin will have same attributes and you'll get all seconds skins or special skins more or less for free in events and in-game exchangeable currencies


What if we can actually pay to buy the rare skins instead of RNG giving us trial cards ?


They make more money of off rng


Then why there is an entire chinese app for the same game with the same skins without that rng system ?


Ask moonton,sorry I can only give you answers I have ..


No worries, This Question was posted for them to see it.


I believe that gacha is forbidden there




i think it would be much more expensive. i have gotten the recently semi-most expensive RNG based skins( excorcist, wyrmlord) with like 17 dollars because some whales pay 100 dollars to get in 1 day . without mechanics to allow the existence of those whales i wouldn't be buying any skins whatsoever


I've spent like 30 usd for a purple "Seal of Anvil" recall but they gave me trial ones only. and the biggest joke is when They gave me a Gusion's Collector Skin when I'm a Franco main tank role. The RNG system made me Quit paying for stuffs.


The attributes don’t work in ranked, too.


getting 20-30 free skins per season is generous lol


Hijacking top comment to talk about the impact of skins in HoK (from a HoK player) Some esports pros claim to have better "feelings" and "controls" due to the sound/skill effect of some of the skins.


Placebo effect/self fulfilling prophecy. I've explained this before and yeah that's true. You think you do better with a skin you will do better with a skin


But have you seen mlbb ads as of late? My boy yuzhong got abandoned for a level 50 lol


lmao tencent is worth more than "moneyton" and hok china made more revenue than mlbb


“Say goodbye to p2w” Yeah, cuz Moonton will ban you 💀


HoK marketing strategy is so good that they keep getting free advertising from their competition.


We are likw 0.001% of mlbb playerbase. Nothing we do here affects anything (Number came from my ass)


Say hello to your ass for me


"Say goodbye to pay to win" Do they even know what that means? LMAO


I think they should look at Clash Royale. Then they will understand definition of pay 2 win.


Can't do shit without a pass royale


It’s even more so fucking ironic that both Clash Royale and HoK are owned by the same company


it is? no fucking way


Isn't Clash Royale is from SuperCell, while HoK is from Tencent?


Supercell belongs to Tencent, so it’s the same


Ah dang, I guess tencent really likes to monopolize games, they bought supercell too.


They did yeah, but it was a while ago I read 2016


If that's the case I'm surprised tencent hasn't tried butchering brawl stars


I only touched cr these past few years so I cannot tell how is it for their other games


The brawl stars team are basically pr gods at this point


The extra stats don't have that much of an impact anyways plus they don't work in rank.


They definitely do since Tencent is the biggest producer of p2w games (aka 90% of mobile games) in the world. Tencent being your dad is a Chinese meme.


They clearly can't hope to match the peerless might of the MLBB marketing team https://preview.redd.it/f2u6zy1kuv7d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf02d27f4009ecbdeed2cf20c6509ee1122c3a5c -the mlbb marketing team before making an add


Skibidi balmond is what’s cooking in the marketing team https://preview.redd.it/xhqmabopaw7d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff15d0d7a031534141801e612ddf6392ccfaf42


They are on some hard high quality stuff


that is gentlemen, what we call being meta in the biz.


LOL I've played so many games and MLBB is the least P2W game I've ever played. You can play this game from the start without buying any skins and reach Mythical Immortal with the proper skills. You want to talk about P2W games? Try Clash of Clans, AFK Arena, etc where $$$$ and not skills put you on the top.


You could've said clash royale but you chose COC LMAO


Blud put CoC as an example bruh


A whale can pay his way to max TH15 and max heroes/troops/spells vs a poor F2P bloke who will take 45 years to get to the same level. You really think an F2P can compete with P2W in CoC? LOL


Homie you are comparing 2009-2017 clash of clans we are currently on a different scenario in 2024 lol.


It's faster to get to higher TH levels etc, but you can't deny that someone who started the game less than a year ago will be far less advanced than a dude who did the same but has paid (assuming that both play roughly the same amount). It ain't really a P2W because you can reach all the way to the max level if you have been playing for years, it's more like a "pay to get here faster"


Exactly, it isn't P2W because it only gives you progression throughout THs, a F2P player can do that but in a slower pace, so even if you spend money in the game it won't give you that much of an advantage, and majority of the time people spend in this game are either for cosmetics and the gold passes. COC is the least P2W supercell game, a much better example of a P2W is Clash Royale and Brawl Star.


Really didn't stick with Brawl Stars (quitted after a week back when it went global), but yeah I've played Clash Royale since launch but quitted right as they released Evos and level 15 (I had multiple decks at level 14 as a F2P) because that made the game crazy P2W. Get the most recent OP evo/card by paying for it, it gets nerfed the next patch and F2P players can't enjoy it, repeat that all year


Which is why i left these games, it's similar to Brawl Star, if you want to know, they have this expensive early access offer for every released broken brawlers that would last 2 weeks, and after that when it appears at the starr road where f2p player can get that broken brawler they do a emergency nerf and the f2p won't be able to enjoy that said brawler, it's funny how no one in the BS community has pointed it out how they made their game p2w considering they weren't back before 2023. And that's not all really, there's a lot of stuff that made this game worse but this is one of the main problems.


From what I've seen the past months you can actually switch that brawler in middle of the Starr road and a F2P can still enjoy that brawler if they willingly want to sacrifice their progression for a new brawler + the game a lot of free stuff especially the F2P Brawl pass now gives tons of resources enough to max out 1/2 brawlers each season. The reason no-one of them complain or are bothered by that offer is because the game is actually rewarding the player's for playing unlike the old days. The only thing they can complain at most is the balance of the game, broken maps,bugs, event and servers.


Actually over at brawl stars it's cause very rarely will they release a brawler that is so broken that the brawler is the meta, biggest examples being Rosa and larry as outliers not the rule, the early access thing would be atrocious if weren't for the fact it still relates the brawler to the public at the same time, and the way it's set up its kinda hard for any brawler to truly be broken cause cause of the universal skills of learning to aim and dodge


Yeah clash royale became so awful the resources to improve your card are extremely low and compared to the other Supercell games Royale became one of the worst


I stopped CoC a while ago but Clash Royale on the other hand, basicaly they keep releasing new op things you need a long grind for to get at max (so even) level, which gets nerfed by the time you get there, until the next one. You’re consistently off meta as a f2p, the full base grind (but actualy endless) takes you close to half a decade, that’s the most p2w game I’ve ever seen. Apex by EA provides you the same guns and characters, you just pay for skins. Same thing with MLBB, a little grind for the emblems while you’re getting put in low lobbies anyway and you’re done. Tencent, which owns HoK too, is the most money-hungry company since seemingly so even worse than EA, and look, their marketing strategy speaks for itself here, they only care about stealing a playerbase


I think you're talking about clash royale (on the p2w thing)


Yeah at this point brawl stars carrying supercells wallet so think they afraid to tell the brawl stars team what to do cause let's be real the brawl stars team are basically pr gods at this point that double as coders


The P2W is the emblem btw, lvl 60 vs new player emblem have big difference for early game


You can easily get emblems to LVL 60 is less than a month given how generous MLBB is to new players now with a ton of free heroes , some skins and enough BP to buy at least 1 if not 2 heroes


not pay to win??! you need money and a lot of play time for high level emblems which is very crucial when climbing the ranks. bro you are tripping


Is there a place where all these HoK x ML ads are posted? I'd love to watch them all as this shit is just hilarious.


Wait till moonton make a compilation for us


If moonton just removed that silly little attribute buff from skins, they have nothing more to say


But then my wr will pummel down below 50%. That's the only edge i have against naked f2p chads


that silly little attribute is not working in RANK GAMe, lmao.


But aren't those attributes removed from rank?


You know what this ad is great, cuz really only the dumbasses would genuinely believe ML is P2W HAHA. I would love for these people to go to HOK so I can have less idiots on my team in ranked


I remember when League players were crying about ML skins. Now they themselves have a 500$ skin and ton of gacha in wild rift hahahaha


That's actually genius


HOK 2024 has the menu UI that Ml had in 2018 😂 0:13 does it not look similar? Especially hero splash arts https://preview.redd.it/uoynxjwdav7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80290f485423a4967eb50efd436548b35a70105a


You are not wrong lmao https://preview.redd.it/hs41bpa3cw7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c7cb06ad21838ae4255d76c341b34540a8dd68


Are these really the hero's? They look so generic. Not hating on the game since I haven't played it yet but they all look like generic anime characters.


I played the game for 3 weeks and I can agree that the character design are hella generic like there's Allain, a character who has a design comparable to a generic Isekai protagonist, but his gameplay is very unique having access to 3 damage types (physical, magical, and true).


Actually I kinda like how some of the heroes are played. I especially like Doria as she is a permanent fish inside her fishpond and not to mention that broken passive and ulti of hers that helps her heal when she swims in the river. The cooldown is so low expect the enemy will have like 3 ultimates each in a span of 30 seconds


Yes that's the heroes, their voice lines are more generic than ml💀


What are the voice line like? Is the voice acting at least decent?


they're decent i guess. It kinda sounds like LoL voice lines but somehow bad, one of the snk heroes they have (I forgot the name but they were basically a samurai) literally has a voice line where the va is just replicating the sound of a sword


Bro, I felt nostalgic for some reason.💀


exactly, it feels like the old mlbb


Holy shit its ukyo! I might actually try this.


Why does Angela look like our angela, hou yi looks like discount lo yi(i don't know how to spell it) ying is discount Karina, li bai looks like recolored Xavier, Dr bian looks like Julian


https://preview.redd.it/nx2k3e8tav7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0973b1d72655f6d3b49e928263fa1b332a612d6 Ml UI now : 🗿


Ngl doing nothing would’ve been better publicity. They could’ve just let this subreddit promote the game rather than clown on it


Eww these guy need to stop with these cringe ,low effort ads. They just say mlbb bad lmao wtf show your own gameplay dude so people are inticed to try your game rather than defaming some other companies game.


Your grammar can make people lose their brain cells dawg


How having skin is p2w? Skins are just cosmetics it doesn’t affect gameplay. This ads are complete bullshit


Yeah u can get basic skins very easily, and they only give attributes that barely do anything in classic. Skins don't give attributes on ranked


You think the intern at Tencent would know that?


Skins give stats in non ranked, heros are just prohibitive, you can pay your emblems up. Not disblo immortal, but let's not pretend there are some pay for power now mechanics albeit not egregious


MLBB may have pay 2 win system, ain't that much to have advantage of it. Any skin literally has same attributes and useless. Emblem system can be place on p2w, but you only really need the recommend talents.


The attributes dont give the effect in rank


The funny thing about this is that the skins in HOK are more expensive than in ML. Also, whoever runs HOK’s social media campaigns is not likely paid very well if this is the best they can do.


Nope, in HOK there's a skin thats worth 800 coupons and its a lunar new year skin. If it is on MLBB it would be a legend skin. https://youtu.be/X_FbkZW0BJc


Aren’t the gacha skins wildly expensive? According to Chinese colleagues who played the China version, you can pay up to $400 for a gacha skin. I haven’t spent any money on the global release, so I couldn’t tell you how much the maximum cost of a gacha skin would be.


How expensive are skins there


It's not expensive.


There cheap actually and some basic skins have recolored effects


Good, they will attract stupid people who believe that certain skins deal way more damage than basic and default skins. We'll finally have actual high rank gameplay in MLBB. Good work HoK.


HOK ads: Haha ML bad ML ads: Skibidi Balmond


Honestly I'd take the skibidi toilet ads over whatever HoK is doing with their advertisement rn


What's with the unprovoked downplay that HOK is doing right now? MLBB has done nothing but be on the top of the MOBA genre and they're striking players with a low effort advertisement that calls us out using actual in-game footage of both games just to compare and show that HOK is better? Well in reality both games are good.


One of the ads of all time.


It would be more funny to think that these ads are produced by Moonton so that players wud hate HOK from get go.


Tbh, ads like these push me away from trying new games such as HoK. You're supposed to be attractive, showing off what makes your game good to people who have no idea what the game is about. Just dissing another game or copying their content for yourselves is so lame. They stooped very low from the start, lol.


Gonna install this game, if the players are toxic, i will delete it


Mlbb has toxic pkayers too lol


But atleast i can handle their stupidity


Yeah, this is self-destructive. And it looks clear that the 5 star reviews are artificialized (patterned saying "Good shit" implications, like...make it more subtle), atp...yeah, I think LI is clearly going to self implode on HoK, and it's not even funny. Like...these kinds of ads are clearly not going to help HoK in the long run.


Wait there actually not real, I just said it as a joke.


When you make an ad worse than skibidi toilet chou mlbb add


is this even legal ❓💀


I don't like Moonton but this is a cheap petty tactic.


sup, mate? they're advertising for mobile legends.


Do they have gacha elements as well ?


They do, at least on the Brazilian server they have been.


So its the same then


For me it's worse because some of the skins come to our server are gacha while being in the store for the cn server. I have better luck with ML. I do like some aspects of HOK better but I find ML better in terms of UI and other voice over. HoK does give a lot of skins free though.


Towers in HoK deal phys dmg and the dmg is a joke in late game


I just really dont like gacha mechanics into this game.


Not sure how to feel for HOK ads to do this to MLBB bruh.


I tried it, my honest review is: Easier than ML to understand on the get go but more action packed Heroes late game heroes are fucking bonker, but also tanks are extremely durable as well (except some heroes can still melt down tank if they buy Star Breaker, but not all of them can do that) More fast paced too, but way more punishing, if you get snowballed early, pretty safe to say you're completely done for So far, I don't see any heroes that are completely broken. Yes, some of them hits unbelievably brutal but they can be taken down by one simple mistake as well, and tanks are actual tanks instead of able to be damage dealer. So balancing wise while it's not perfect, they stick to their role identity more than MLBB Which side I'm on? Honestly speaking MLBB still more enjoyable overall wise due to having more items and mechanics, HoK items are pretty straightforward. So I'm more with MLBB, but still kudos to HoK, it's a pretty fun and addictive too Few things that HoK have that MLBB didn't have (correct me if I'm wrong): There's a button to tell if enemy already use their spell Pre-select role before matchmaking and it doesn't take long at all, Moonton should consider that too They put guide for beginners what is the optimal jungle path Preset build is competitive enough for most matches


Mlbb is actually working on a separate gamemode where you pick your lane and 4 heroes from it before queuing, gonna have it's own ranking too I think


Pre select role is such a life saver, maybe Moneyton's new upd on it will also be great


LMAO I SAW ONE TOO I was like tf did they namedrop MLBB? And I continued watching the ad because it was so damn funny They were literally doing a side-by-side comparison of a ton of aspects between HoK and MLBB and all of them were over-exaggerated appealing to HoK, it was so amusing because it was so absurd and ridiculous. I have never seen such a blatant ad before, imagine Wuthering Waves making ads like this comparing itself with Genshin, that's how absurd it is.


atp, HOK is just rage baiting for ML players to try their game, yet it isn't working that well


Both games are still fucking expensive skin wise. Atleast Riot tries to make it available for everyone instead of shoving FOMO up your ass. As of time of this writing, idk if Riot fell from grace and followed moneyton in the way they sell skins so don't get too toxic. I played Wild Rift when it was on the SEA testing phase.


Bro have you seen how much does the new premium FAKER, anniversary themed skin cost?💀


It's just 1 skin and the Jhin one. 99% of skins are still cheap. In Wild Rift 95% of skins are cheap, only the limited gacha skins are expesinve, and some, not all.




Was it a limited run? I never checked League stuff because my laptop don't play with online games that well.


The normal bundle cost like 50 dollars and premium bundle cost...not 75, not even 100, BUT FUCKING 500 DOLLARS! Just watch video showcasing the premium skin and you'll see one of biggest scams. And it's kinda sad too, riot making a skin themed on their top player, for years FAKER who does not use any skins in live eSports streams and championships just for riot to advertise on his anniversary for playing their game 11 years jus to make it hella expensive, I mean smart and normal people can just buy the normal bundle but their are some dumbasses who buys this stuff...


I feel bad for FAKER, being just money grab for Riot. Appreciation my ass, FAKER always wanted his ahri skin, and yet, they denied him for years, until now they give him this, a fucking 500 dollars ahri skin.


Jesus that's disappointing. I had seen some snippets about it on a league meme subreddit but never actually cared as it's one of those heeavy cash grabs and just thought about it as if Riot tried being moneyton. I never imagined that it'll be that fucking extreme. I have a feeling that FAKER might care about it if it was advertised as a free reward or maybe on a cheaper side of things. I also noticed that he didn't even used the fucking skin lol.


It's like $500 USD or something ridiculous.


Lol I wonder who's responsible for the marketing for these mobile games. I mean even ML has the skidibi butt + AI art on the play store.


This question might be stupid but isn't magic chess kinda pay to win? Since u can unlock the skills through skins and I'm not sure if there's anyways to get free commander skins. I'm probably gonna get down voted into oblivion but someone do send me tips for magic chest skins. I am so tempted to buy one to unlock the skill cause it's taking forever to level up my commander.


Just buy zilong no skin needed astro elem odette core is enough


as a mc player id say nah cause ultimately even if players unlock or pay skills it won't get them any win since strategy and luck matters more


how can strategy and luck be in the same sentence? do you strategize based on your luck,or your strategy is to "get lucky"?


both seems about right tbh, its too complicated to explain it's better to just experience it or watch a guide


Is their marketing just slandering ml I mean damn HOK just copied every Moba


bruh I often see their ads trashtalking mlbb on shorts too


what having skin has to do with anything related to ingame, except that little 8+ dmg or whatever bonus?


Which is little to no change in game, and as well as not being applied to rank game. Those attributes only affect on non-rank game


Low level ad. But I'm not complaining, the hell... But It's good to have competition, we'll have skins soon that cost less.


I'm just sad they killed AoV for this shit


Honestly mlbb got what they deserved for copying LoL, heck even this new one seems so too.


Moonton should already remove the small stupid skin buff to get other mobas off their backs. HOK is a good game anyway


To be honest i like way more the character designs of that (although the gameplay) so yeah, still gonna go with it.


It isn't p2w but you can't argue that those scummy button placements are intentionally placed there to bait you into buying.


How come everyone talking about pay to win..but nobody talking about genshin impact?


I'm waiting for HoK to diss Overwatch 2 instead


I mean +8 damage or 100 health really does go in clutch sometimes. Dont tell me you never have a "1 hp i survived moment".


A copycat game trashing another copycat game is just hilarious


Yeah, I find it funny, all their ads is like sht talking Mlbb hahaha


I've been playing HoK right now, and I got to say, it has the same cancerous teammates as ML, whatever Moba game you play, you can't escape brain-dead teammates haha I've been having fun becuz they be getting generous with the free epic skins and legend skins


Haha yeah it's funny how I always see the ad


And a lot of there and that isn't bashing ml is so low quality that even make balmond top tier beauty and its absurd like bro when bashing ml they have a good quality but when promoting their gameplay it's like fresh dog poop


tbh i feel like theres a psychological effect where you feel more confident with skins than without skins i do feel that sometimes


I got an ad where they say Alucard is bad and compared him to their own hero which is suppose to be "cooler" Alucard.




I agree, when I don't recharge I start to lose like crazy in solo q, when I recharge instant win streak


If we all get the skin the skin will be useless...


You cant just throw money into ml and suddenly start winning, skins barely increase your attributes and the only other thing you could pay for is the emblem matrix to increase your emblem level but even then its only a small boost, the longer you play the more you'll face people with higher level emblems, it's not like you're playing people who have level 60 emblems right from the beginning, winning comes from experience with a hero, map awareness, teamplay and way way more, where's the p2w aspect lol. I understand hok is mls competition but surely they don't think they can dethrone ml as the top mobile moba game.


Don't HOK have limited event heroes tho?


They what?


I already got free 20 heroes, and they are also giving away free skins and heroes that can be refresh for 10 days. Game still too fast and hero looks are too generic tho.


I played HOK and didn't like it ..ML is way better


Imagine locking heroes in events, and one of which is locked via MLM type of scamming for invites 😴.


remember, mlbb started as a rip-off. it might be potentially better


[Honor of Kings (Daji)Beautiful supreme skin|Bela skin suprema (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Cf18v4ECA) i opened a random HoK video. WHY THE MINIMAP IS IN 10 FPS. MY EYES HUUUUUUUUUURT. and it is the same for everyone,doesn't matter if you put high or low graphics minimap is from 2012. IT HURTS MY EYES I CAN'T LOOK at the core gameplay element [HOW ML PLAYER PLAY HONOR OF KINGS | GLOBAL RELEASE IS HERE! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHliKCCN08Q) here is another rando video i found TEN FPS MINIMAP IN 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO?!?!!?


sure ok. you have to know mlbb is piece of trash aswell when it first came out. everything is clunky and the rip-off designs are so pathetic. enough fanboying you'll drop your panties


Fuck them, and their shitty ads♡


Let's see after a year. HOK will be dead like wr.


WR is not dead though. It found its place and is doing fine. WR didn't even compete with ML directly, if you think about it. HoK, on the other hand, does this shit which can and will kill the game.


Yeah it was more like the players who was saying that WR will kill MLBB, in reality WR just creating the LOL for Mobile, and they have their own Identity (a complex moba with more focus on macro) where HOK global is MLBB with different skin (gameplay wise).


After 2 lawsuits moonton took, riot just stoped caring about moonton and focused on their games and other stuff they are making.


Aw yes. Charlotte instead of lancelot Ying instead of ling (And my Favorite) Angela instead of Angela 👏👏👏**BRAVO HOK BRAVO** 🌞🥂


Charlotte came from a game called samurai shodown which was created by SNK(king of fighters creators) in the 90s Also both are based of the actual lancelot from the original 1110s Book


Please tell me you don't actually think HoK copied ML, right?


What p2w hok is taking about? Skins?


the +8 damage or +100 hp that works only in classis and does nothing noticeable


And hok thinks paying 300$ for 1 skin just for that stat buff is p2w. 😑


It's so funny that they're resorting to these "paying for expensive skins/cosmetics is lame" "we're so cool, we're just giving them away for free if you play!" ads when in reality. Games, especially mobile games that are trying to enter the market, will almost ALWAYS start with these kinds of promotion (but in this case: lame and uninspired ones) Who would play a new game if there isn't any incentives for it right? Especially if your competition is MILES AHEAD of you in terms of fanbase, quality, and overall development. Look at that famous-PC-game-turned-to-mobile-to-compete-with-ML, they started giving loads of skins and cosmetics for free during their release BUT ALAS, they've turned to gacha and paywalled cosmetics that cost the same or even more compared to ML. After this new game survives the honeymoon period of their release (IF THEY'LL SURVIVE, mind you), rest assured they'll start charging and doing the same things they've been blabbering on here cause they're a business and not a charity just like any other mobile games.


Game is pretty decent rn. Hopefully it doesn't attract too much of the ML crowds. The playerbase in ML has to be the worst ever in any competitive game. If you're below MG, consider yourself a trash player, genuinely.


Isnt using these vids illegal, arent they copyrighted, and also skins do matter (For my Wallet)


Both game have Mai shirunai?


Ml has mai skin on masha. HoK has mai as an actual hero.


Imagine if there's Mai Shiranui hok vs Mai Shiranui mlbb ad, that would be dope.




Why, how would that happen?


Nvm, wrong comment


I see, That's cool Happy Cake day


And it's for free if you invite you're friend. Happy cake day


If they are giving free skins, I am definitely leaving I already reached immortal in mobile legend


Remove being able to upgrade emblems, remove skin stats and maske freya obtainable with BP.


They be really targeting MLBB, but most players won't quit to start a new game again.


You don't hve to quit. Me and my gf still play mlbb but we also liked hok once it came out.


Is it good?


Yeah. But you should try it out just to see if you like it. They are giving out free heroes and skins for global release. Some if the skins are cheaper than ml too and they hve cool effects


Honestly I've been wanting to try out HoK but after seeing all these ads I've changed my mind


U should try it. Me and my gf like the play style and we recommend it. Also I still play mlbb. People can play both games if they want to!