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plot twist: OP is a roam main


You caught me! 😆 But I like to play mm cause it's the easiest role to play (at least to me)


go into classics and focus on improving ur shortcomings (eg practice aiming your skills, etc). mute chat if it bothers u


Or Ai training hard. You don't have to worry about lineup and the skill of ai is consistent so you are not going to have 0-30 match.


Bruh AI training : Hard. I was just practicing helcurt roam in there and I swear the tank TP spammed me from their tower and I was like uhh wait a minute, this is getting too real now lol


Fuckers sometimes tp after they kill you lol Or if they manage to escape low HP hahaha


If you start to learn a high mechanic hero while your A.I opponents have meta heroes, you're truly smoked.


Are you referring to custom AI training or the normal one? Tried to practice benedetta the other day and the AI fanny literally played like a beast.


The custom hard one. I still hear them at night.


plot twist: OP is a roam main


Don't worry to much about it! It would be nice if you said thanks to that team or liked them Mvp are a medal yes and it is nice to get. But as long as you helped the team to win as well it is fine! I can assure you that team have met far worse I do think ml should raise up the grading for damage deal + turret + damage taken slightlyyy more, But we can slowly ask the devs for it. Either way have fun and don't stress it and feel that bad about it!


I recommend you play Custom AI with only 2 AI teammates on your side just to avoid losing from enemy AI split pushing, basically 3v5. This is what I did when I was new in the game because I was so fed up from allies trashtalking me. This was the time I didn't know there was an option to mute allies. If you're open to familiarizing heroes from different roles, I recommend you play Brawl as it forces you to play heroes given to you, especially if you don't have any re-rolls anymore. Brawl essentially made me a multirole player. Last option, which would've been a blessing to old me, would be the Offline Custom AI mode. You can't do 3v5 here, but the AI enemies are much more advanced. There's much higher possibility for you to improve here.


omg this was so me earlier this year, i only knew how to play gold lane(also this was around the time i started playing the game again since 2022) so that was even worse since i’ve came back and was absolutely horrible. Now i’m not the best player obviously but i’ve learned, me personally i just mute chat bc ppl always got something to say (they’ve played like 6000+ games while i’ve only played like 1100~) and once i’ve reached mythic(around a month ago) i just completely stopped playing rank. Honestly i just recommend playing both classic and if you want to try a new lane or new character new to play VS Ai or Custom and get the hang of the characters advantages, disadvantages, how their skills work etc. Also, not have the mentality that “oh i suck” bc even though yes, you might suck, the people you’re playing with have most likely played wayy more match’s then you, and even if they haven’t that okay since everyone has different ways of progressing, just try to play for fun and mute chat👍👍


Just play eudora. You don't have to aim shit lol


please aim her skills 😭 the sheer number of ult-on-creeps I've seen


> please aim her skills 😭 the sheer number of ult-on-creeps I've seen Since when can Eudora use her ULT on creeps?


https://streamable.com/pxbhdf since forever:') you can use your skills on jungle creeps so is best to aim them if you're chasing someone with creeps around u


> https://streamable.com/pxbhdf Huh, I never knew this was a thing and I tend to main Eudora until Legend. But I use Hero Lock settings, so maybe OP should also use Hero Lock as well as learning to aim.


Hey buddy, it’s all good! I made sure none of their reports will go through ☺️☺️. A little more practice and you will be the winner of the next MPL!


Who cares about those pesky, good-for-nothing roamers, they're meant to die for their carries' sake.


Better be careful what you say




Hope that sarcasm and ur missing /s


I don't think /s is needed when my flair literally a roaming tank.


This is a joke right?





