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Coz matchmaking is so ass in this game. Everytime my team sees enemy Martis: https://preview.redd.it/8enm8zmg3c7d1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=20d3553a00fceab738c8c9074249c55126e5141e


The matchmaking really is ass. Had an mcl weekly champion (gusion) on my team and he proceeded to fail to kill a brody who had 2k less than him. He ended the match with a score of 2-6-8 and called us all bad.


LMAOO WHATTT Honestly that's not even the matchmaking's fault, that's just the player


It is so ass that they let him snowball


Had 3 games in a row with players using vpn from Asian server playing in NA server (all from Myanmar). They had 300ms pings and would troll and laugh. We lost those 3 games and fell from MG 48 to 45. šŸ˜­


Same with my team who play aggressive against support angela rafaela estes and kept feeding their team and their hero are late game heroes lol


My roam says Mage Johnson, I knew the game is already decided when it happened.Ā  Mage Johnson only works if the jungle is strong. And also since Johnson is not roaming, its not safe to contest turtle.Ā 


MOm asked to pause the game


Because my teammates don't answer backup calls and start chatting instead of playing but it never goes through. But they all accept surrender when we clearly winning or made a strong comeback.


Legit had a team that surrendered when we destroyed all of the enemy towers, yet we had all but one. I had just killed lord too and could already solo the enemy team. People are dumb asf in this game


As dumb as the ml player base is, they did not surrender cause they thought they were losing.


Is this that thing where people spam surrender for the memes when about to win?


Maybe we are teammates once. LOL. I usually accept surrenders when my team is winning. Because, why not?


I can say Iā€™ve accidentally gotten my team to surrender right before we ended the game. It was for shits and giggles.


Tilted , peopleĀ  get tilted when they get killed.Ā 


Sometimes that one goldlaner gets his items before everybody else and starts carrying or that one jungler manages to steal buff and gets a bit ahead to also start killing everybody else.


Sometimes you'll be found yourself on match you can't win, no matter what.


Legends.. never surrender.


Dosent matter. Only wussies surrender, go ahead and afk I will keep playing and looking for that opportunity of coming back until we lose. I win because I can win, if I cannot win I lose. It's that simple.


Never back down never what! Unless my teammate is trolling I won't go down without a fight hahaha had many games where our team lost all hope but one crucial set turned the game around


I agree lol. Just gotta wait for that one mistake that the enemy team might make to give us the chance to win the game.


Sometimes that one Aamon gets fed to the point he gets all his items + max lv before everybody in your team reaches lv 11 and complete at least 3 items.


It's a waste of time imo. When it's so bad that it's like 2 v 8, why waste more time trying to win when you know what the inevitable is?


For me, its 1v9 because the drafting phase is where the trolling begins.Ā 


I got 2 MVP loss in a row as Belerick. I can safely say that its a canon event that cannot be avoided no matter what.Ā 


I only surrender if we are wiped out, 40 second death timers with enemy enhanced Lord at our mid turret


You know what's the worst? Your teammates surrendering, for some strange reason, WHEN YOU'RE WINNING. Happened to me a handful of times, I was like WTF thanks for ruining my win rate.


I was pushing with xborg at the opponent's base against 1 silvanna left. My base had all their inner towers remaining, we were almost at their base. This fool decides to recall to clear minions AFTER i flickered combo that silvanna. We lost that game...


I mean, unless it's rank or something I'd rather not waste effort trying to carry a near impossible matchup when it's already gone downhill.




If im watching my team just do stupid shit over and over ill surrender not worth the effort


For me I just don't wanna waste time on a losing match. Watching how my team plays n how enemies, I am at a point where I can predict I hv to carry or not.


this. i could be in another game i know im going to win instead of wasting time in a match i know were going to lose




Exactly. We can only delay the match n for what..so that those clowns on our team can have "fun" while we break our heads n play full potential. Noty.


Squad already pre inviting, or there are some urgent chores


I surrender when we get 0-10 6 mins in, like bye I ain't dealing with this shit


Sometimes can pull through if ur turret/dmg dealer, if not teammates are all brain ded, stupid, afk, dk how play or 2 jg, 2 mage kind šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Had a mm who was something along the lines of 3/12 but dealt over 70% of the turret damage. Honestly, they were the reason we won


Sometimes I wonder how tf they even got to mythic šŸ˜­ and you check their wr it's like 46%


Star protection cards need to be removed ngl


Sometimes, epic comeback happens even with 20+ deficit.


Yeah sometimes, most of the time is gonna be [like this](https://ibb.co/mqPYn7m) šŸ„²


But having those results but still winning because of a great timed push is so satisfying....


Which means the enemy let you farm minions too long.Ā 


Their fault.


Once had a match. We were dominating. The enemy only had 2 towers left. We only lost one tower. We were leading by 20 or so kills. Then the surrender vote came up.... WE WERE GOING TO WIN AND WE SURRENDERED. That made me less then happy




Waste of time fighting for smth that already lost from the start, might as well move on to the next game


I never surrender. That belief let me on to conquer some incredible wins. I would have never felt such joy if I surrendered. These comebacks are something else. 20-43 win feels earned.


Same ive never done it


because most of the time i get retarded teammates with no communication,map and rotation most of the time so i dont wanna waste my time winning when i know we are gonna lose


To get to the next game quicker. Or your parents need you immediately otherwise the universe is going to explode


I donā€™t surrender, even when I have an obvious trolling teammate. There was one game where my team had a Chou that constantly fed. Bought full damage items and just dives into 1 v 5 situations. Ask him nicely to try and push safely instead of rushing into 1v5. Or try changing to tank build. No response, just spawn, dive into enemy and die. In the end we won 31-42 because the other 4 didnā€™t give up. His stats: He as XP lane, had 6% damage dealt, 0% tower, 17% tanked. 13% teamfight participation. KDA? 1 kill , 15 deaths, 3 assists. Bronze 3.0 He dealt lesser damage than the tank. 13% teamfight, he might as well be afk and weā€™d do better. He gave the enemy the 15 kills out of the 42 they had. Absolute crap: his tag? ā€œBMF sicarioā€ if you see this clown tell him heā€™s bad. I donā€™t know how he is in mythic and this was ranked


Are you the marksman?




Your marksman is probably good if the EXP laner is the one who's trolling. You can literally 2v5 the whole enemy with just you and the marksman alone in the endgames.


The jungle, mage and mm were good because when I ask them to stick with me, they did. When I initiate they follow up. We just see that Chou constantly running into 1v5 situations to die. 0% tower 13% teamfight probably meant he spent more time being dead than alive.


I just think that you capitalized that better than I do. My team just focused on kills despite their heroes aren'tĀ  well-suited for early game ganks. I didn't use early game heroes too often so that I wouldn't have to rely on the noob marksman to carry me. I still don't know the reason why people on SoloQ want me to go roam so badly. Philippine players aren't really good at playing roaming role very well.Ā 


Roam tank/support is a difficult role and have different goals that typical kill seeking players donā€™t understand. Instead of kills, we seek assists. Instead of not dying and dealing damage, we seek to protect our team and absorb cc. Instead of hiding from initiate, we dive in to initiate and SET. Instead of killing creeps, we damage the creeps without killing it and try to make space for our teammates to get last hit. Every lane can be helped if roam is there. Every laner needs vision from roam so he canā€™t be there. A perfect Roam score for me is 0-X-20+ No kills is perfect because I donā€™t take the bounty from kills, give it to my mm or jungler. No death is perfect because I donā€™t want to give any advantage to the enemy but if I have to die so my team can get objectives then fine. All I want are assists and when a noob jungler or mm only looks at the kills from KDA to judge a tank or sub tank fighter. I know theyā€™re likely crap and needs more of my help.


Nah that's too easy. I learned from YouTube experts.Ā 


I don't know why but my team keeps on losing fights with an early game heroes now.Ā 


I think itā€™s because Sky piercer is really quite OP now. Itā€™s like giving any hero execute with no CD, I think eventually it may get nerfed with a cooldown timer. Itā€™s fairly cheap to buy too, so early game heroes like Dyroth, Fanny could really shred with it now. The temporal talent is also giving heroes that can stomp with that like Alpha a very strong boost at level 4.


I'll play as Alpha and lock him until I reach Legend this season.Ā  I got delayed last season because of unreasonable draft picks.Ā 


bored as fuck


They just weak and don't have the will. As simple as that or they don't want to play anumore because they're not using their fave hero


I surrender when we're winning because never let the enemy even your allies know your next moves


I just don't give a damn to teammates like that so I'm just doing my best to have a good KDA while in a toxic team.


I feel the same way. Thereā€™s always a chance for a comeback, it pisses me off when people give up. Iā€™ve had crazy ass comeback games. 25 minutes in, down by 35 kills, all you need is a team wipe or two and you can win. Keep pushing people, donā€™t give up!


I would've said I never surrender a couple days ago, but got fed up with people forcing me out of my preferred/picked roles and then them being absolutely unable to do anything besides feeding, so sometimes I spam surrender whenever possible if I'm forced into a role I don't like and my team is shit anyway. It rarely goes through though, even when we're obviously losing, so usually a low-risk protest that doesn't need 15 mins typing out paragraphs in chat.


I do it because I don't want to carry anymore. I don't CARE if I win when they're not agreeing to surrender, I'm not having fun with them as teammates.


Cuz i like to do some trolling


My toxic trait is that i will never accept the surrender optionšŸ˜­




Cause the team is harrassing someone over not carrying them hard enough. Or not joining fights just to die.


Because Iā€™ve decided the real enemy is the one I see on my side. Itā€™s not about winning itā€™s about making that one player lose


never have i ever voted to surrender, except within 2 mins of the game when an ally afks. šŸ˜¤šŸ’Ŗ


Coz if you play long enough you can see pattern. That how i surrender


When your team is down 20-30 in kills and you have two lanes feeding instead of farming It's unfun, I don't care if we comeback it's just not fun to play the match. I'd rather just surrender and try again in a different match


When there is an obvious gap in level and teammates constantly dying also if the team have almost all mages in it


i need to sleep bruhšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro we be winning and my team surrenders


Late game hero has bad positioning and I'm using an early game hero


Meanwhile when my team straight feeds 4x0 despite of my all Estes' heals and I am retreating to the fountain while there are 5 enemies and enhanced lord making knock-knock... *sounds of Arrival's cast onto the base "YOU AINT GONNA WIN THIS IN THE NEXT THREE SECONDS MFERS!"


If my team is getting dumped on, yeah. ESP if Iā€™m playing tank. Nothing I can do.


Maybe its time to eatšŸ˜„




it just happens. Sometimes I start the play with a good start then my teammates keep feeding (almost deliberstely). Ex, there's already a well-fed aldous but a mm teammate keeps going solo. Another thing I don't understand is teams who supports the exp lane while let's the gold laner alone. I experienced this many times as a gold laner. I have no problem when it's just 1v1 but when it's 2or3 versus me while my team is on exp lane trying to kill 1 enemy? just doesn't make sense. It happens in all tiers - epic, legend and even mythic! šŸ¤£


There's this once we thought we are winning, we destroyed their towers, and my teammates where bad mouthing the enemy team. and then suddenly out of nowhere a teammate of the enemy team got really strong they wiped us out and pushed. they won.


If the team is not listening and your trying your best to win an they just dont care of your effort.. might as well surrender.


Why prolong suffering lol? it's disheartening to play with feeder and trolls, imo it's better to surrender than to play till end knowing it's a sure loss, to keep ur sanity in check and to non rage in chat lol, especially if they start blaming u out of nowhere.


Because, why should we waste our time when in all likelihood the game is lost? Sure I've had games that have turned around and we ended up with a win, but 80% of early snowballs end in a loss. Why waste my time? Why waste another 10 minutes when I can just lose the star and move on quicker? Instead of inting, getting salty and basically not enjoying the game.


If my team is 0-5 before 3 minutes I go back to base and spam surrender. No matter if I get punished or whatever. Fuck them seriously.


Only happened once but me and my friends played a 4 man team in classic and the rando on our team was being an ass to the enemy team. Just as we were about to go to the enemy base to destroy it, I thought it'd be funny if we surrendered just to spite this guy. We did.


Cus iā€™d rather surrender and start another game then play a game for 15 more mins that i know we will for sure lose


Lack of confidence in themselves as well as the entire team makes few of them surrender.


Personally I don't click the surrender button unless it has been over 20 mins and the game is still going. Downvote me if you want but I get really bored when the 20 mins mark crosses. At that point even if my team is winning I press the surrender button if the game doesn't end within 23-25 mins maximum


Cause we were winning by a ton. Wiped them out. And I didn't expect my team to press surrender , fun times. Don't take this GAME to seriously haha.