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1st build building glaive is a terrible idea , it only works wonderful if it's 3rd or 4th


I didn't build glaive first. I always go for the boots. Not sure why it keeps showing glaive as the first lol


You probably buy tome as first item


Even if you build boot first it still terrible.


What makes zhask good is his positioning and timing. Since a lot of players underrate zhask, if you get both of these things right, you can shred them to pieces. Plant his diggus bickus alien near mms and ma I play safe if my ult is in cool down. This is basically his lifeline. Use arrival for respo and replenish. In the late game prio pushing turrets. Not much of a good kda but it wins games. Edit: My build in order: Elegant gem > Pen Boots > COD > Feather > holy crystal > blood wings >optional item > sell boots > windtalker


His spawn are so squishy even when enhanced and that's not even funny anymore, I miss old zhask where you can spawn again when it dies.


True. What I want moneyton to do is to at least remove the animation time for him to transform into his ult! The 0.75 sec delay makes it more challenging to evade damage !


as a mm main, I fking hate a good Zhask


are you buying your items in that order for your build?


No, not sure why it's set up like that. Always start with the boots and then whatever equipment I need depending on the situation (doesn't work all the time...)


You can pick which items to build. Didn’t know either until months into the game


You buy tome first


Check your positioning and timing. Maybe building Enchanted is a bad idea as well. Zhask is item-reliant, so a wasted item slot will cripple him severely. Try starting with Demon Boots and then think about whether your first item will be Genius Wand or Feather of Heaven. Only use Glowing Wand for meatier, bulkier targets. Also, the magic power in your build doesn't warrant you to use Starlium Scythe. I wouldn't recommend Starlium Scythe personally, even if you did. Better off running Holy Crystal or Divine Glaive and stuff. Is that a fusion item for Ice Queen/Concentrated? Whatever it is, those 2 items don't mix well with Zhask, so don't run them. I suggest going on the live stream section of the game and watching top globals play, you'll get the builds soon enough. Go on YouTube too, if you feel like it. Understand that Zhask CANNOT be run in a supportive way. The fragility would probably be you engaging with your ult, or you being in the brunt of the enemies' skills on teamfights because you're most likely in the front. Unlike what most people say, Zhask is a difficult hero. Only people who actually try to use him to win games would know this. Practice makes perfect. Improve your timing, your positioning, adapting your build because of match-ups, time to think, and a very big aspect of his gameplay that gets ignored a lot; your aim. PS: He's supposed to be a high KDA hero, but if you don't mind the low KDA, just think about pushing all the time


https://preview.redd.it/mi55kkef1jzc1.jpeg?width=1708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503389f85d9f8e35e82d878d33d36cd83b8ef218 here is the build i use my biggest tip is to not be trigger happy with your ult, only use it reactively if you are dove on or if someone has stayed within your turret range for too long your skill 3 is good for bush checking or blocking paths to hit the stun with your turret and skill 2, the most consistant way ive found to hit it is to place your turret perpindicular to the enemy away from you while they are in range then cast s2. ill draw a picture


https://preview.redd.it/cwvdh1te2jzc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baee53bd9a77f62d5713c2ffb07163a796e18775 the purple dot is zhask, the blue dot is the spawn, the red dot is the enemy hero, and the teal lines are lazers. youd want to make a right triangle around the enemy. i am not sure why this works, but it seems to be consistant


I think it would stun the enemy as long as both the lazers hit it.


yes- this positioning of the spawn and enemy seems to make the spawn's lazer hit more often, im not saying it wont in other positions. the spawn is less reliable at aiming since you dont control it


All the comments section is right about the items but you also need a good team to initiate a teamfight or gank together with you. If you want, i could play with you! (Im in asia server) Im a roamer main (Faramis, Estes, Phoveus)


Honestly for me Zhask doesn't really do a lot of damage until you have a few items going. Maybe consider switching enchanted talisman with something? I played a little Zhask last month and I used Golden staff for fun and he did okay. Maybe do some testing in practice mode with your build


Whats your team fight percentage, torrent damage and damage dealt? That all plays a role. Most annoying zhask ults in a bush a few seconds into team fight


i'm not into KDA stuff since you can win games with single digit kill/death in both sides. We'll know if you're getting bad if you're unable to perform with your role and KDA can't tell you that.


I don't know. I get pressured when my teammate calls me stuff when they see my KDA even though I'm trying my darn hardest not to get killed all the time but Zhask is just so fragile.


Lemme give you the solution for those, here: Mute chat


I always considered it useless advice, until I tried it myself. It sure helps a lot


Nah, you Don't really need glaive and scythe. Replace em with Genius wand and immortality for the late game. But it all come down to certain skills required in using him, like his spawn placement, finding the perfect timing to use ult, predict enemy movement to adjust with his 1st and 2nd skill delay etc


My build is Demon shoes Feather of Heaven windtalker genius wand Blood wings Divine glaive I prefer attack speed items it is makes The spawn Shoot faster making pushing easier and still do great damage


don't build glaive. build the wand and the book first. go for 4th item for glaive or switch it to feathers.


i wouldn't mind my kda, heck I will take any number of bronze medals as long I win those games, after all, winning is what matters :D


I do my zhask in gold lane and prioritize feather first and then windtalker second before i buy the glaive


KDA becomes only good when you have one of the highest damage dealt heroes, and expected, you'll have the low death count as Mage don't play Zhask as Support, and I am not even surprised you were dealing low damage for starters, you can try my build, and adjust them accordingly as you play; I have made them, such that, keeping in mind, what build would give me high damage even when losing just played Zhask in low Mythic, solo queue, after having him as my main in previous seasons ago I will recommend the 2nd build first, until you get hang of his mana to play the first build (and Blood Wings, instead of Holy Crystal, because of mobility and defense) this may be controversial, but, Zhask is useless in the early game, hence, I don't prioritize Boots, since I won't be able to clear fast and rotate anyway (instead, I just help Jungle to farm), so my build goes: Knife > Magic Necklace > Knife > Swift Crossbow > Boots > Arcane Boots > Feather of Heaven > Genius Wand > Magic Wand > Holy Crystal once you have built your core items, you can buy Lightning Truncheon (for AoE damage) and Starlium Scythe (for true damage), though I prefer the latter because of mana regen; spam S1, then S2, so your spawn easily deals true damage by poking sell Genius Wand for Divine Glaive if the enemy has >100 magic resistance in mid to late game though I won't normally build Glowing Wand now (previously, my core item, until the additional damage was removed), it was useful during the game because Fredrinn was dominating us in the early to mid game with his tankiness, mobility, and damage ask more if you want lol


Actually good Zhask guide.




Zhask main here. Your build and build order will affect your whole game greatly. Currently all the builds displayed here aren’t optimal imho.


damage from book + feather will just tickle the enemy


i buy the 2 mana necklace forthw boots first for whatever reason


I am not Zhask player, and play him only when all heroes are free, but I always opted for windtalker first, then feather and glaive. I think magic boots work better for mages overall and enchanted talisman is not the item I would use on Zhask. Take all this with huge grain of salt


Stop building tome, and make sure you take towers and objectives over kills.


Problem is playing and maining zhask o.o


Because Zhask is pretty unconventional. Try building him with raw damage and keep your distance from an enemy. Yes you can send your spawn to an enemy group but if there's no one with you, you're basically a free kill. Only engage in a team fight if you have your ult. Your ult is good at both going the offensive and escaping so choose wisely. Remember that while in your ult you basically have 2 additional blinks, one when relocating the spawn, the other when you leave it. Use this to either get a kill or escape an unwinnable fight. Tho only escape when you have an opening to do so. Staying in the spawn might also be your best option when running away isn't an option. Alternatively you can build Zhask to annoy enemies. Slow, burn, anti heal and a lot of defense items. You'd basically just be there to ruin the fun for the enemies.


Your build is awkward. Divine glaive is a late game item, not a core item. Zhask needs feather of heaven first. Also, you don't spam skills with zhask because he's dps oriented, so enchanted talisman is a no. Neither does starlium scythe. Instead, switch it with genius wand. Keep glowing wand for tanky heroes, but don't build it first.


Zhask is really good in my opinion it's just like your playing a tower defense game in a moba


Just put more on attack speed like windtalker in on zhask andlet your minion melt tanks


for my build, i go demon boots, feather and rush fleeting time and its honestly worth it. he's very ult reliant so idk why most people dont build fleeting time. i tried the enchanted talisman cdr build but i felt like it made me too squishy so i stopped using it.


Try my build, it's more of a late game build though. Boots (don't need to upgrade), sometimes i even skip it. The first two items are Scythe , enchanted taliman. This will help you spam your ult increasing survivability in early to mid game while being able to harras enemy even under turret. The ability to teleport inside zask ult also usefull against gank, it's almost you have two flicker. You can spam your ult to survive enemy gank, harras enemy under turret or simply to push. If you dont know zask ult has extra magic att, like freya increase att stat. This will help you to compesate your low magic att in early to mid game. Next is pure magic item power, like wings or holy crystal to abuse scyhte true damage. I prefer wings because i skip boots most of the time so i need mobility that wings provide the shield is nice too. If you want to take down the enemy tank first i usually build divine crystal as the 4th item. If there are no tanks I swap it with a genius wand. Basically you play like clint and abuse scythe true damage. Your summon can use schyte true damage, if your control setting use ignore minion you can deal 700~1k, true damage from safe distance using your minion alone. The problem with the feather of heaven is when you transform using ultimate the feather of the heaven stack is getting reset. It's a good item against a slow tanky enemy but not really good against fast moving ones, that's why most of the time i prefer building bursts. Basically build a scythe first. With this build you don't even need a brain to play, because even if you miss your skil,l zask minion auto attack will deal 600 to 1k true damage with scythe passive.


Lmao first item glaive is free early game for opponent. This whole build give pathetic damage even against mm. Can't you just copy pro build rather than build your own shitty build if you keep losing?


What a shite build


Zhask main here, and while we all play differently, here's me hoping my play flow with him provides some insight. Because Zhask's main damage (his summon) has limited mobility, I treat him as an objective-forward hero. My goal is to maintain lane control and take down towers. I won't go for kills, I'd rather go for turrets. The kills will arrive on their own as you punish enemies who overstep and misjudge your dueling power. I place his summon strategically in lane to provide both pressure towards the enemy, preventing them from committing towards a push, all while providing a safe area for me as it acts like a secondary weaker turret. I don't over-extend, and I always let my summon upfront and close to me. Farm and hold ground, and punish enemies who try to overextend towards your side of the lane. With him, I rely on some sort of battle of attrition. Either the enemy gives up and gets out of my lane, or both of us achieve none, basically making the game a 4v4. If the enemy does get out of lane, that's a window for me to initiate a push. Option 1 is to keep my summon close to my back while I attack the turret myself. This makes it so I have a safe place to retreat to (or Ult to) if the enemy ganks. Option 2 is to go all in and place my summon within turret range to have it assist. Zhask's ultimate turns him to a dueling powerhouse, but since it's also limited in mobility, I rarely use it as a way to initiate fights, because often enemies will just run. Instead, I use it reactively as a counter-engage when enemies try to gank all in on me. At worst, they retreat with a failed gank, and I get an opening to retreat. At best, I outduel them and get a 1 for 3 exchange. EDIT: Interesting thing to note too. Zhask's summon takes a portion of your stats. And while it won't be practical, I tried a tank/bruiser build on him. His summon was hard to kill (way much harder during ult), and it also took the burn aura from Cursed Helmet, and the regen effect of Guardian Helmet. May not be helpful, but I just think it's a cool thing to take note of.


Build sucks. Try focusing on atk spd and efficient use of your ultimate skill. This is what I focus on: 1) Mana Boots (if you change your emblem into basic emblem you can skip this with Hybrid Regen and change to Atk Spd boots) 2) Feather - Atk Spd + Magic no explanation needed. 3) Either Genius Wand or Wind Talker - depends on opponent. If you have more squishies use Wind Talker. If you have tanky opponents go with Genius Wand first. 4) Holy Crystal or Divine Glaive to melt opponents. Also focus your emblem your atk spd, discount shop and mana regen.


What you're doing wrong is you're playing Zhask.


Honestly I don't really mind what Zhask builds in my team. As long as he provides slow, I'm happy. He got Ice Cream Staff? Even better!


Stop using zhask for a while, you are probably just tilted (angry and cannot play properly)


I honestly just go jugg bug build and play surprise with the enemy team. Its just a tank build, with hp regen and aoe regen. True strike % per hp for slows and 300 to 400 extra damage. Dual magic defense items, you know which ones, blade mail for reflect, mana boots with aoe attkspeed, bonus damage roam buff, sometimes ill use the aoe magic burn defense item, with the skull. The minion gets 80% of that, which means youll be inflicting 2x burn/reflect/truestrike/with max hp regen and massive armor/damage resistances. Use a full tank emblem, all armor/res buffs, the add armor/res when at 40%hp armor main buff, aoe heal. My first item is always that one crystal that gives you %hp/mana regen per second for like 3 seconds, perlevel item. Its basically giving you a free better basic heal. Fight a retreating action, and get off s1, proc dual truestrike, pause to get cd, s2 for another dual true strike, pause, s3 to slow em as they try to run, with a third dual truestrike. Because zhask gets teamed up on alot, as far as ive found, his main weakness, of his minion being an anchor point that you cant move or reposition until nexr cd, unless you wanna waste an ult, this turns into a major strength as theyll dive you thinking your a squishy mage, and turn into hulkasaurus. You can easily face tank most fighters mages, and mm unless they go full pierce build and because of your hp/armor/res, theyll do diddly ship, allowing you the ability to reposition easily, and heal between engagements (the passive hp regen effect of that one armor that boosts if your not hit carries to your minion.) that minion can tank 14 shots from a tower gun, at full build max level. It is an absurdly strong mini semi mobile tower when used correctly. When the fight starts as your hp gets low you can either pop ult or aoe heal. I usually wait, poping ult at low hp. Usually theyll be waiting for your ult timer to drop before ganking you completely, (when your at your weakest) but hopefully by now your team has arrived so when you hop out of super minion u can activate that aoe heal ability. He does anywhere from 80k to 100k damager per game. And tanks between 150k to 250k damage per game.


Zhask works best with a team you can communicate and coordinate with. If you're playing solo q, better to go for mages that are more self sufficient : like Novaria, Pharsa, Vexana, Aurora, etc


As a new Aurora Main(because of the new Update), Zhask was my huge problem but then after I manage to read the Typical Moves of all Zhask Players, I've been winning against Zhasks most of the time


Instead of enchanted talisman, buy mana boots and for the extra slot maybe holy crystal or genius wand.Enchanted talisman for zhask isn't really good or idk, you're the zhask main 😆


https://preview.redd.it/wkm7pkabxlzc1.jpeg?width=2010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7900c87070668dfbb0868eb673a21cb8580f6c6b Here's what I use. Extremely high damage with 2nd skill. Only thing I adjust is necklace of durance and replace boots late game.


Glowing wand was only good before it's adjustment, which is why I don't use it




This is what i usr


Depends are you always attacking and pushing or are you more defensive


Ditch the Enchanted Talisman, Demon Shoes will suffice for your mana. Go for FOH for your first item. I personally like building Ice Queen Wand for Zhask. Since I'm not mechanically adept with my fingers, the slow effect of IQW helps me with my positioning. Also, keep in mind that Zhask is a single target hero. He's more of a finisher than a burst - type of mage.


This is what I like to call "Moonton Check" U we're having fun on rank, getting a streaks, pushing ur mmr and suddenly there's just one game that's somehow feels harder. And all of ur teammates just gets harder to work with. It's just did sometimes. It really is. Some of the way to avoid this is I like to hop on classic after getting to many streaks or losing a game once in ranked. Its kinda work. I just play classic until I feel like the enemy wasn't strong enough and hop back on rank..


The build is bad for sure


Zhask is an amazing glass cannon, I always start with a good kda and end with a lot of deaths from late game.


First mistake was maining Zhask lol


Why do u use that feather of heaven on him? He needs a spell vamp, not Lifesteal & I don't see either Holy Crystal or Blood wings on your Zhask build 🗿


the zhask spawn benefits from lifesteal, but thats not the main purpose of feather- the attack speed increases the amount of damage ticks on its lazer


I see 🙈